N.M part 43
I can't believe the day to depart from Korea came so quickly. We are all freaking out making sure we have everything in our suite cases and bags for tomorrow. I grabbed my phone and unlocked it, going to memos checking if I had everything.
Clothes. Check.
Electronics. Check.
Snacks. Check.
Storms Collar. Check.
Shoes. Check.
Okay only 27 hours and 34 minutes untill we leave.
I looked out the window only to see the Sun finally completely out. It was 8:35 A.M but we had a busy schedule which I kinda expected.
"Zoe you ready to go to the hair salon?" Jin asked peeping his head through the door without even knocking, but I choose to ignore it.
"Yea~ just let me get my bookbag and my..shoes!" I said forgetting it is frowned upon when you leave your house without proper shoes.
"Hurry your ass up we WILL leave you" and with that he left.
I rolled my eyes and put on my shoes before grabbing the last of my needed objects. I walked and looked at my clothing once more. I like it..now this is my style. I look like a whole little boy~
The cold air came in through the open door sending chills down my spine as I took the what I thought was the last step almost making me fall and die... But no one seems to have seen it so I'll just pretend it didn't happen.
"Storm!" I called out before hearing his nails scratching on the floor as he came out of the kitchen running over to me with something in his mouth. I knelt frowning slightly trying my best to open his mouth only to find bread all chewed up.
My eyes narrowed as I looked around for the culprit.
"Yahh get over here!" I yelled. Soon Hoseok and Taehyung came walking out the kitchen with their heads down before stopping right infront of me as I put my hands on my hips shaking my head disappointed.
"How many..times do I have to tell you not to give him anything beside his dog treats or food!" I tried to control my temper but it clearly didn't work. I slapped both their heads them trying to soothe the pain afterwards as I huffed.
They started apologizing but all I could hear were Jungkook's and Jimin's snickers so I turned and glared at them too my patience running thin.
"You're guys are giving me white hairs For gods sake!" I said in spanish while holding the bridge of my nose under my glasses with two fingers.
"What does that mean?" Jimin asked. I looked at him not in the mood. "Why don't you google it along with why your mother doesn't fucking lov-" I sassed but got innterupted.
I rolled my eyes when as I felt more weight shift onto my shoulders. Suga's husky cologne hitting my nose. Who else did I expect he is the only one beside Jimin who can lean on me like this.
"Yahh all of you are ugly so quiet down your hot breaths are making me tear up" He spoke lazily.
"I don't remember dressing up like you today to look so ugly" I said and he glared which I did the same right back.
"If you don't fucking stop all of this and get in that van! Oh so help me I will bury each and everyone one of you alive!" Jin's voice shook the house as we all looked at each other fear clear in our faces. One by one we were out the door walking like soldiers.
"Hello Zoe sorry Max isn't here today but don't worry I will take good care of you~" The unnie said while pinching my cheeks which hurt so bad. Why does it feel so good but hurt so bad~
"Okay" I responded as best as I could with my face being stretched just like a pussy when giving birth.
"So what would you like?" She asked looking at me through the mirror with a soft smile on her face making me smile too. I looked over at Taehyung remembering the promise I made a long time ago about dying my hair blue and chuckled.
"Ash blue would be nice if that's alright with you~" I said softly making sure no one else heard. The unnie, whose name I learned was Miseo, gave me a silly look before leaving to prepare whatever she needed probably.
I looked at Storm beside me and gave him a smile as he licked my hand before laying back down.
"Zoe come over here!" Unnie Miseo yelled from across the room with a smile. I got up quickly and walked over to the water thing. "Okay the water might me a bit cold so be prepared~"
"Ohhh come on~ all of y'all have natrual hair colors except me" I whined while waiting for the color to set which would be about five more mintues according to the timer.
"Calm down Zoe you'll look fine" Jin reassured I nodded. Faint yelling could be heard from the direction Miseo went, and me being Hispanic and Zoe, I got up and followed it.
"Where are you going?" One of the guys asked, RM probably, but I ignored it and walked over getting closer to what seemed to be the girls bathroom. More yells and cries could be heard making me look around and think if I was the only one hearing this. I swung open the door slightly and saw Miseo unnie on the floor holding her cheek.
She clearly didn't hear the door open as it seemed she was concentrated on something or someone. I sneaked in and finally saw a man in his late 20s looking at her clearly angry. I suspect he's the one that started all of this.
"What kind of bitch are you huh!? You are fucking worthless I should throw you out the house you fucking whore!" He was about to hit her again, but my instincts kicked in and I ran and pushed him before he did. His body slammed into the wall as he turned his head to look at me as I protected Miseo.
"And Who the fuck are you?!" He yelled holding his slightly bleeding forehead. Hope it leaves a mark bitch!
"Why don't you ask your mom!" I yelled back still infront of the crying woman. I know I know I probably shouldn't be instigating and getting myslef in more trouble but I have my dad's attitude and my mom's mouth what do you expect.
"Get out of my fucking way!" He yelled at me but I didn't listen becuase no bitch bout to order me around.
"Oh look another hoe that doesn't know how to listen!" He screamed getting all up on my face. My face went emotionless before I spoke up in a monotone.
"Get out of my face." He looked at me and smirked before coming closer inches away but he didn't gain a reaction from me.
"Or what?" he teased.
"I'll repeat it once more back the fuck up before you get smacked the fuck up. Simple." I growled looking straight ahead. Even though I didn't see it clearly I felt when his hot nasty ass breath hit my nostrils killing them in seconds.
"What are you going to do little girl, my makeup?" he patted my face. First of all you need surgery not makeup boo and second of all is that supposed to be offensive? I warned his ass oh well~.
I grab him by his pale yellow bottom up shirts collar pulled him back as long as my arms length could go and swung with all of my 'little girl' might. The impact threw him backwards the wall making him slam into the wall again. It also made a great sound that was music to my ears along with his groans of pain.
I turned around taking advantage of the time and looked at my unnie.
"Go get someone hurry!" She nodded before I helped her up and she started running out.
"You fucking whore!" I heard behind me a little too late as a sharp pain ran through the lower right side of my back. The kick louching my body forward in direction of a wall where I hit one side of my forehead against the sinks making it bleed.
Damn when did this turn into some Ven Disile shit? Before I could get up the door slammed open not helping my growing headache. "Zoe!" That was Jins worried voice but it sounded foggy and slightly far away as my ears started to ring a bit later then I thought they would.
I forced my body to turn around even with the pain dragging on my body. I saw the guy getting held back by security and the guys rushing in looking around francticly speaking words I couldn't understand. The unnie was standing near the Door backing up when the guys was being pulled through but afterwards looking at me and bowing her head slightly.
"Zoe are you okay where does it hurt!" Jin screamed finally my ears clearing up. I looked around as the others were behind him looking worried too.
"I'm fine its just that..I'm scared" I answered.
"After what happened its normal to be scared sweetheart" Jin said calmly rubbing my hand softlg.
"No. Not that I'm scared about what happened I'm scared about how my hair well turn out if the timer probably went off a long time ago~" I whined out the truth.
20 mintues later
"Zoe it doesn't look bad chill!" I nodded to Hoseok as I texted Jisung which made made Jin scold me.
"Zoe stop moving I'm still stitching it up! You are lucky that we found numb cream or else this would hurt." Jin explained as I stayed still as best as I could. Can you believe that I was scared of getting stiched up by anyone that I didn't know, crazy huh, cause it's what happened.
He started putting everything in its place which made me come to the conclusion that he was done.I jumped off the table and grabbed the ice pack on my side before it could fall letting out a groan at my stupidity.
"Are you sure my hair doesn't look bad?" Jungkook sighed and nodded no which gave me courage to look in the mirror. When I did I didn't regret a thing.. Well kinda.. It lookes like I have cotton candy on my head.
"Woahhh!" I said in excitement letting my curls bounce.
"Zoe! You kept your promise I thought you had forgotten!" Tae said while hugging me from behind. He gave me a box smile through the mirror and I returned it with one of my own humming lightly.
"I made a promise.. A promise should never be broken" My smile faded a bit as I touched the necklace around my neck. Taehyung seemed like he was about to say something but was Intterupted.
"Guys lets go! yall take too much time!" Rapmonster groaned. Taehyung kneeled with his back towards me which made me confused at his actions.
"Come on Zoe I'll carry you to the van. You are hurt so hop on" Taehyung cleared amy confusion and replaced it with a smile as I slowly got on his back to not hurt him or me.
"Wow~", He gasped, "you don't look so light~" he chimed while walking infront of J-hope. I slapped his shoulder earning a chuckle.
As we walked Jungkook kept turning around to make funny faces at me to get me to laugh but I only gave out small snickers.
Right after my phone buzzed. I secured myself with my left hand before reaching out to pull put my phone with my right hand I looked at it smiling small as I read it before turning my phone off and placing it in my pocket again. I leaned my head on Taehyungs shoulder looking at everyone walking in front of me letting out a soft sigh.
'I'm promise you will never get hurt again- Pwark Jisung 🐣❤'
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