N.M part 32
Zoe's P.OV
I opened my eyes and rubbed my head that still hurt from the fall I took. As my hand traveled on my curls to soothe the pain it bumped into a piece of cloth making me confused. My other hand reached up to feel the rest of the cloth it being a bow in my hair.
"What the-" my clothes were different from the outfit I was wearing. WHO THE HELL CHANGED ME WITHOUT MY CONSENT!
Wait a minute.
"T-the hell where am I?" I turned around in circles trying to find a path but found nothing. I walked towards one of the oversized fungi that had been blocking the sun rays from my eyes. I have to admit this is damn pretty.
The grass is the perfect shade of green and-and why the fuck am I admiring the scenery when I have to find a way back to Earth or Heaven or Hell, which ever comes first.
The grass crunched slightly under my black shoes that you could barely see because of the puffy skirt like dress. I came to a stop when I saw a fork in the road and when I say fork I really mean fork. They're like beautiful arches that glitter because of the sun.
"Which way?" I hummed but when I saw signs I instantly ran over to them.
"This way, That way, Under that way, Over that way, and George. Well that was really helpfu-"
"Oh God I'm late!" I immediately turned towards the voice in hope that someone could tell me where I was and how I could get home.
I checked the well built body out. Damn, was he nice. I checked his back up and down. Broad shoulder blonde almost white hair with glasses and....rabbit ears?
"Oh god! I'm five minutes late for my late appointment in late afternoon on the late days of the month and the late month of the year!" Aren't we in the beinging of March? As I was thinking how long had I been knocked out for I didn't noticed the man started walking a grandma walk my way.
I looked up just as he passed by me and right away felt like puking for everything I had said about him before but I had to ask where he was going cause he must know where we are.
"Jin!" I ran after him. He sure has a mad speed walk. Jin turned around with a confused face.
"I'm dearly sorry but who are you to know my name!" Now it was my turn to be confused again.
"Jin it's me Zo-"
"Oh god I'm late!!" He started walking again and passed a stream that was going up to the clouds. He stopped all of sudden and back tracked.
"I guess you can call that swimming up stream!" Oh god. He started laughing but then looked at his pocket clock again and scream 'I'm late!' I followed him.
...And I lost him.
I let me out a deep sigh. I looked around and not looking down bumped into a table. There was a piece of cake and what looked to be water. My stomach grumbled. Might as well.
I grabbed the small little cake and ate it whole which made me start choking. My hand automatically reached for the water and swallowed to stop me from returning to death.
I closed my eyes and collected my posture. When I opened my eyes back up I was next to a door. Not caring what happens anymore. Through the door was a room with the lights dimmed really low, yet I could still tell that there was smoke all around.
I coughed as the blurrieness entered my lungs.
"If it's not your story to tell, you don't tell it." A familiar voice that seemed to come from deep underwater echoed around the foggy scene.
"But it is and sometimes tears don't measure the pain it's the smile we fake."
"Excuse me?" I walked towards the spotlight that seemed to appear out of no where and have someone under it. The room had huge drapes and fancy decor everywhere you looked. I finally stopped when seeing the man sitting in the long elegant sofa with golden borders.
"Rap monster?" I questioned the male.
"Not Rap monster. RW.." He puffed out some smoke.
"R-W? You know what that doesn't matter what matters is where the fuck are we! I found Jin but he seemed completly crazy he didn't even know who I wa-" I exclaimed but got interrupted.
"You, that has fallen should open your ears becuase we all have chapters we rather keep unpublished, yet you should remember lies and secrets are like Cancer. Eat away the soul and only leave destruction behind. They kill relationship, Physically and Mentally." He spoke lowly before turing his head fully at me with what seemed to be a warning glare.
"W-what do you mea-"
"Like hiding your stained hands while giving a handshake the truth will be told because There are no secrets life doesn't unfold...if you wanna go..through the left door you should find a world to explore." He finished and closed his eyes.
My heart was beating, knocking on my chest with full power trying to knock the door down. I felt like my brain knew what he was talking about but at this very moment I couldn't and wouldn't be able to recall. I was in a dream and I had to finish it to be able to wake up.
I ran to the door he suggested, opened it, and stepped out. I was outside once again. Weird it has been like five minutes and the moon is already out at its top peak.
Walking and my mind going around in circles was a sport for me since I do it every day basically. A cheeky giggle echoed through the ear making me swirl towards it.
"Over here. " Again I turned towards the voice.
"Hehe. A little higher. " Knowing what was going to happen I backed up slowly until I hit a tree there I turned swiftly where I caught my target.
"J-hope? " My eyes widened at the figure before me. He was sporting a wide smirk and rocking the hell out of two cat ears and a tail. My son can pull anything fucking off y'all.
He seemed to glide and slither his way down the tree so elegantly that I didn't even know something like that was possible. It's J-hope everything is possible. I saw the same cheeky smile form itself back on his face.
"Why don't you follow me? " He smile seemed to glow blocking out my vision from the rest of his body. I closed my eyes and opened them back up hope that they had adjusted to the bright light that seemed to vanish.
"Over here. " I walked over to another tree looking up at the smiling J-hope before him Dissapearing again.
"Baby won't you come my way~" He 'sang'. After a few 'follow me's' I was running trying to keep up. The blurryness of the trees past me making me feel like fucking flash.
I came into an opening where I last heard J-hopes voice and realized it was day once again.
"Oh god I'm not gonna make it!" I got whiplash from how fast my head turned to the voice I knew by heart.
"Jin." I mummered under my breath before sprinting behind his tracks.
My eyes scanned Jin as I watched a weird and total Jin scene unfold.
"Time sure does fly!" He laughed while stopping to point at a flying clock before running again.
And I lost him...Again.
"A little bit of water and a little bit of melon you get water melon. Goes prefect with the mad rad tea! " I followed the voice and came across a whole dinner table in the middle of a forest. A total of five people sitting around it.
When I got a closer look I figured out who they were from the real world.
Taehyung with a hug top hat Jimin and Jungkook with weird hats with fidget spinners on top and last but not least Nishi and Bria unnie both dressed in white.
"Oh lookie a new guest has come to join us for morning tea! Yippee! " Tae announced making them all look at me.
"Sit down young bird and have some tea. " Nishi unnie pointed to a seat I followed cautiously don't want this turning into some Caroline shit.
"Would you want half a cup of tea or a Full cup? " Questioned Tae almost standing on the table by kneeling on it only to show me a normal tea cup and a cup slashed in half.
"Um... A full cup please? " He sat back down while rubbing his chin.
"Good choice. Good choice. Now how much an A cup or Double D cup? " Did this dude really just ask me wh- you now what nevermind.
"A C cup please? " I didn't want too much. He nodded and reached under his shirt, like when you are un clipping your bra which by the way is the best feeling ever, his hand untwisted and pulled out a bra.
A real bra!
" Are you mad don't show those things in the table it's bad manners! " Bria unnie scolded.
"Can you pass me a cookie please?" Both Jimin and Jungkook spoke at the same time earning glares for one another.
"Can you pass me the jam please? " The glared at each other once again but this time looked back at me each with a hand out.
"... Um what flavor? " I questioned my eyes scanning all the different kinds of jams infront of me that made me mouth water. Guess chocking on a piece of cake didn't hit the spot at all.
"Blueberry." Again the spoke in a chorus before repeating the same action from before, glaring.
"Will you stop copying me!? " Jimin yelled.
"I'm not copying you! You are the one copying me! I mean look at yourself same outfit, same face. The only thing that is different is our height! " I couldn't help but 'ohh' at the last comment Jungkook gave.
"I was born first! "
"By a minute! "
"Boys for the last time you are twins. " Nishi unnie spoke calmly as Bria unnie drank her tea. But that didn't stop the duo they started throwing stuff at each other.
"Oh I wanna join! " Taehyung yelled hopping in glee before dipping his finger in chocolate and smearing it over my cheek. I looked at him wide eyed as he gave me a cheeky smile.
This kid!
"Oh you wanna play that game!on guard!!" I yelled as I launched forward. Carrot in hand.
"Please stop it guys. " A soft voice could be barely heard between the yelling and cake throwing. Nishi sighed at the sight of no one listening to her.
"Yo shut the fuck up! Bitches! " Bria yelled for her sister grasping all of our attention.
"Thank you Bria. Now fallen one why exactly are you here." She asked me wise and soft voice as Bria unnie looked narrowed eyed at me. Talk about Yin and Yang.
"Like here here.. Well I don't exactly know. All I know is that I have to go back home. " Bria and her shared a look before switching back to me.
"You'll have to go to the palace and win against the Queen of Hearts to go back home." This time it was Bria who explained.
"How do I get there? "
"Close your eyes. " I was scared but did as they said anyway and closed my eyes. My eyelashes tickled my cheeks as my eye lids fluttered out of habit.
"Bye." Was all I heard but not just from one voice it was the voice of everyone I had met here at once. I've met everyone, well expect yoongi. I wonder where he is.
"Who are you! " I jumped and open my eyes at the screaming. I was in a huge room looking like... A castle. I awed as I looked up while turning in the same spot totally forgetting that someone had scolded me not so long ago.
Well that's until I came face to face with them.
"Yoongi you're the Queen of Hearts!? " I gasped in realization.
"And who are you to be talking like that to me with them fake ass Gucci flip flops! " I gave him a look.
"You trying to sneak diss or something? "
"Why sneak diss when I can diss you straight forward. " I scoffed and decided it was better not to anger my one way ticket home.
"Sorry. Well um I kinda need to get home. " I muttered trying to swallow my pride.
"Oh, well theres only one way to settle this! Guards! " In the blink of an eye we were in the middle of a wrestling ring and there was a huge crowd all around.
"Hello and welcome to The Match we have The Queen of Hearts and This Kid. " The fuck is going on in this place.
"The crowd will decide who will win let's start! "
"Wait! What are we starting!? " I yelled in confusion and looked around desperately.
"Yo Momma Round one out of one! "
"Yo momma so dumb she put a quarter in each year and said she was listening to fifty cent." Yoongi came after me as the crowd cheered.
"Uh, Yo momma so stupid she stared at a Ford because it said Focus." The crowd booed making new turn to them.
"That's what your mom calls me! "
"Yo momma so far she is Mylie Cryus wrecking ball! " These bitches cheering again.
"Yo mama so fat ever Dora couldn't explore her! " Oof. This is getting intense.
"Yo mama so fat I took a picture of her last Christmas and its still printing. " Yoongi continued.
"Yo mama so fat and stupid that she climbed over a glass wall to see what was on the other side and broke it! " 'Ohs' went all around and I gotta admit I was proud of that.
"Double Kill! " Yelled the guy from before.
"Well your momma so stupid when I told her to go away she asked which way! "
"Your momma so fat that she a whole planet there lived Billie and Joe they loved each other very much until your mom rolled over and killed them both off."
The crowd went wild. I looked at Yoongi and he looked mad.
"You shall be banished. " All of a sudden I was falling into a black whole the feeling in my stomach making me scream as I feel.
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