N.M part 31
Zoe's POV
Where is he! I looked around in search of a now red head in the crowd but found disappointment instead. Yish how hard is it to be on fucking time! The clock on the wall showed a quarter to three and it was fucking cold.
"Bonjour milady. " There stood a fiery red head with a rose in his hand reflecting the same color of his hair. He bended into a bow showing me the rose. I gently grabbed it as to not get pricked by any thorns.
"Are you ready for a swim?" He wiggled his eyebrows in a charming manner.
"Yep! " I patted my bag that held the swim suit that I decided ended up going back inside the house for not really feeling comfortable with the one that my unnie had given me.
"Well let's go! " Childish.
Let me summarize what happened here because its a long story.
Basically everything went wrong.
Not just wrong or wrong wrong. Things went WRONG. Yes it was that bad.
When we got inside and got ready to change I accidentally walked into the men's changing room instead of the girls.
I saw things man.
After a whole bunch of the crew members laughing at me for that mistake. I finally found the Womans changing rooms. Where I also found out that the swim suit I had gone back for was ripped.
Meaning I couldn't swim.
Also meaning that the point if our date was gone.
After that a camera fell in the water-karma- um a kid almost drowned, a kid almost got locked outside to freeze to death, there was a little kids party and some threw up in the pool. What I'm trying to say is that it was horrible.
As I got home I threw my bag on the floor and jumped on the couch settling my head on Namjoons thigh.
"You okay? " He asked as Storm, who he had been petting, walked over to his momma.
"No today was horrible. " I sighed as I dug my face into his tummy.
"Don't worry because you know what's so great about bad days is that one little thing can happen the next day and make it much better then the day you've had before. " A smile was put on my face by his words of wisdom.
"Gee thanks oppa. " I hugged him and kissed his cheek.
"Aww you called me oppa."
"What!" Three heads bobbed out the kitchens wooden frame.
"Yah call me oppa too! " J-hope tried to persuade me with his cuteness.
"I have another date tomorrow I have to pick an outfit out for so bye bye! " I yelled while running up the stairs with a smile on my face.
'One little thing can make it better.'
Third POV
A knock was heard on the door as a tired Namjoon walked over to get it. Once opened he was faced with cameras and in the middle of them a shy looking chick.
Namjoon quickly bowed before yelling in direction of the stairs for who he knew they were there for. After a few second you could hear the fast pace of foot steps coming down the stairs and finally into view came a girl with curly hair and a plaid shirt.
"Um, you ready? " The shy boy asked as he looked away from her. She gave a nod before giving Namjoon a hug and kiss on the cheek good bye.
"So where are we going? " After a while of being the the car Zoe finally couldn't stand the awkward silence and choose to speak up.
"It's a secret. " He smiled before looking back out of the window as the unsatisfied girl pouted in her seat.
No matter how much she whined the boy wouldn't give in one bit when she was finally about to give up she looked out the window and saw a huge ferris wheel.
The car hadn't even stopped when she was already out the car hopping back in forth between her feet. Jisung at the sight of her being so hyper could only smile and cope more with the rapid beating of his heart.
"Can we go now please!? " Zoe whined cutely something no one had ever seen before.
"Sure." Jisung smiled at her but soon changed it to slam shock expression.
"Come on let's go! " She intertwined their hands together with a huge smile on her face. Her dimple showing along with a faint blush and sparkle in her green eyes that you could get lost in.
His heart beat faster. A feeling he had been getting everytime he was near her. A feeling that was so foreign yet exciting.
A feeling he likes.
As both of them ran the could hear the camera crew falling at them to wait up considering how the vans with the equipment hadn't even arrived yet, but both kids didn't care as the made their way to the first ride.
"You ready!? " The excited girl asked at she looked from the highest point of the roller coaster to the males face next to her. He didn't say anything but nod nervously.
"Oh come on you've been on one of these before you gotta be the brave one." He just gave her a look.
"Come on. For me! " She puppy eyed him making him give up and stand straight at the line moved forward and soon they were next. Sitting right next to each other.
Zoe grabbed the steel bar with all her strength as her knuckles went white. Something Jisung noticed.
She was scared and he knew it. As a way to calm her down he place his hand over hers. Just as the roller coaster started up.
Once at the top ready for the huge drop she felt him lean in.
"Don't be afraid." With that he tightened his hold on her hand. The wind flew pass their ear making a whooshing noise accompanied by the loud screams from everyone there except Zoe.
She was still on what Jisung had said and for some reason she liked it.
She liked it a lot.
"Where do we go now? " Jisung asked while walking beside Zoe still no camera men in sight. Zoe was about to answer when her eyes caught a familiar White and Black creature inside a booth. Without know her feet made why towards it.
"Hello.young lady see something you like? " An elder man asked with a cheeky smile. The girl absent mindly nodded her head, eyes not departing from the huge Panda Bear.
"Here give it a try sir." The old man gave three balls to Jisung,who had catched up, and made Zoe frown slightly at the action.
"Oh um okay. " The kid threw the first ball and missed.
"Come on get it for the lovely girl. If you don't get it who else will. I don't see any other males around here." With that comment the 'lovely girls' eyebrows creased more.
Jisung measured and gave it another shot but of course missed again.
"Gotta be better than that! " The men whistled. Right before Jisung was about to throw the ball again Zoe stopped him.
"Huh? "
"Give me the ball." With one look at Zoe's face Jisung knew he had to follow orders.
"Are you sure that we are going the right way? " Jisung asked Zoe as the walked on the streets.
Jisung was giving a piggy back ride to a panda as Zoe held a phone and cotton candy that she sometimes shared with the older one beside her.
"I still can't believe it bounced off the bottles to a wall and directly the the man's eye ball now that is talent. " Jisung retold as Zoe only smiled and looked at her phone.
"We should be arriving to the restaurant soon since the managers gave up on finding us and instead went to go eat." Zoe laughed along with Jisung.
Soon a silence came in between them. There was no one on the streets. The rain that had been fallen the past week only a threat symbolized by the clouds above.
The puddles they stepped on every now and then repelling and syncing with the heart beat of each. Jisung had something to say it was at the tip of his lips ready to seep out.
He had thought about it all day. How everything about her was just what he wanted and he didn't want to wait any longer.
"Zoe will you be my Girl friend? " The confidence surprised him along with the fact that he didn't stutter a bit. The sound of footsteps next to him stopped making him stop along with them and turn around to face her.
She had he pretty eyes widened making them look weirdly big. Her pink lips laid open. And cheeks burned with passion.
"R-really? " The over all confident girl that always kept her cool was gone and he saw her just her being her. A normal teenage girl with nothing to prove until the time was right.
"Don't you wanna like date first and then like afterwards move to the next base cause you know I barely just had my first date yesterday with Oci and I'm kinda new at thi-" She stopped when she saw the look on his face.
His small eyes had been narrowed and lips were firmly in a unsatisfied gesture. He wasn't so happy about hearing about another boy but he had no reason to be she wasn't his yet.
"W-well I mean if that wh-"
"Don't interfere Jungkook!" Zoe snapped her head to where the sound came from and started her way running over the street ready to approach the next one Jisung close behind her.
As soon as Zoe saw the scene unfolding she couldn't take it she was about to run to the other side of the street but something stopped her.
Bria's POV
"Looks like this is the place. " I whispered to myself as the crowd of cameras followed behind me recording my every move just for a simple show.
It was decorated with small adorable Italian flags and overall just soaked up that kind of theme. I didn't know that an Italian Pizzeria existed here in this area. Trust me if I would have known let's just say I would be needing some strict diets.
I went to sit down at a table that one of the female, well polished, waiterist lead me-well technically us-to a private room in the back. After a few twist and turns we arrived to the Speacial ordered room.
Knowing Junhoe would probably be in there already I secretly fixed myself and pushed the door open with as little strength as possible, because just incase you didn't know I'm to an extent way stronger than an average teenager.
The joyful and well noticed smile that I had on my face widened noticeably when I spotted June sitting in a chair with a rose next to his hand. Good thing concealer conceals blushes or else we would be the next scandal to rise.
"Oh! Um please sit down. " He motioned with his hand. I have to admit my daydream of him pulling out my chair like a gentlemen slightly paled at the sight of his hand gesture.
Awkward and penguiny I waddled over to the chair across from him. I smiled shyly hoping he would get the signal of what I wanted to say. Which of course was 'Hello My Love!'
Wait a minute... Damn, I forgot. He's a boy of course he won't get what I meant.
"So... " He started as my eyes shifted to his hand that quietly turned his phone face down on the table.
My eye twitched at the scene. I had noticed that he had been texting someone while we walked in and settled down but choose to ignore it.
"Yeah soo? " I forced my voice through my teeth eyes still burning onto the phone that seemed to vibrate and turn on every few seconds over the wooden table.
I'm not a crazy bitch... Not fully at least.
"What would you like to eat?" A waiter came at the right time and stopped an awkward conversation before it even started which I'm thankful for.
Really thankful for cause it might of been more then just an awkward convo.
After eating, which I think was the best part of going to eat with my boy friend we went out to the ocean. There they had a few cameras neatly organized around a bonfire. The smell of the crackling wood and the heat radiating off of it calmed down my senses to an extreme.
The stress of work, practice, and lack of sleep seeming to vanish completly along with everyone except me and him.
Me and June.
My suspicion faded as well. If he had time to plan all this it means he cares. A silly and wide smile ran across my lips just at the thought of a bigger future together.
"What you smiling for?" I turned over to see his smirk placed triumphingly on his face.
"Nothing." I blushed as the sound of waves crashing in the distance mixed with my voice as I slid on to a log that had been placed in front of the firey redness.
"Here I'll go get the marshmallows. " He told me as he walked over to an unnie who was searching for something in a bag. I layed my hands in between my thighs to warm them as I looked around at the scenery.
"I knew that I could trust him. He cares after all. He would nev-" I stopped talking under my breath as I saw a phone, his phone to be precise, shining bright from an incoming call from a Jennifer.
"Cheat.." A hand quickly swooped up the phone and put it in its pocket. I stood up quickly and started in a fast pace to any where but near him.
"Briaa!" Managers and stylist called after me. I choose to ignore them as I ran instead.
My heart wanted to burst out of my chest. Pain, hurt, and tiredness filled it as I took a stop far far away from him.
How could he..?
It was true that we just started going out a few months ago but that doesn't mean that our feelings didn't develop quickly.. Well now I can say my feelings.
He was my first love. They say those are the hardest to get over. I really hope they are lying.
The feeling of despair seeped into my chest as I felt it tighten. My breath shortened. There was no where I could look. The tears that had outlined my eyes flowed.
Just like a waterfall, following the river created by the water, they traced my face leaving the darker and wet strip to expose me in front of everyone.
My knees made impact with the concrete stinging right away copying the feeling on the right side of my chest as more tears came down. The question of why keeping me in a unstable mood.
She's probably prettier.
Probably has a better body.
I bit my lips as sobs started to come out.
"Bria?! " I heard someone yell before the hugged me.
"Unnie! " I sobbed into her neck as she repeatedly asked me what was wrong.
"He! He cheated on me!" I sobbed louder after hearing the words come out my mouth. It really did happen then, was what I thought right after telling her.
"Bria it's not what you think! " Someone screamed from a distance. They seemed to be running this way making me stand up quickly to see the real world again.
He finally came to a stop a few feet away from me and walked with open arms. I backed up not wanting to have to do anything with him.
"Come on don't be like that! "
"Don't don't touch me! " Broad shoulders came in front of me as I looked up at the brown coconut hair. Nishi unnie pulled me into a hug making me face away from what was happening.
The tears running faster then ever down my face.
"Let me talk to her!" Junhoe screamed making me flinch.
"She said she doesn't want to talk to you. " Jungkooks voice came out calmly but held a warning sign. I could Nishi unnies heart beating in her chest probably hoping that the love of her life wouldn't get into trouble.
Trouble that he would be in because of me.
"Don't interfere Jungkook!"
"I'm being a gentlemen unlike yo-" I heard skin come in contact with skin.
Junhoe hit him.
"Jungkook!" I detached myself from Nishi and looked at the fight in front of me and some of the crew members running from a distance to help separate them.
"Z-zoe! Someone help!"
I flipped around and saw Zoe with on the floor with Jisung beside her.
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