N.M part 29

Jisungs POV

I let out a sign as I wait for Ginger in the slightly cold weather that everyone is happy that it's warming up. I touched the necklace Zoe gave me through my shirt. I still don't know or understand why she gave it to me.

Not that I don't like it!

"Jisung!" I flinched at the squeaky voice. I noticed it was Ginger and smiled akwardly knowing the cameras are rolling.  In the corner of my eye I saw Jungkook hyung leaving with Nishi.

Lucky him.

At least he's with someone he likes.

"Ready to go!?" Ginger asked with excitement in her eyes.  I nodded and started walking with her beside me as she started chatting away. Every now and then I would shake my head up and down as too show her I was listening.

We arrived at the movies and went to get popcorn since I had already bought the tickets to see Train to Busan. Lucas hyung  said that it will make her scared and hold onto me. 

Why did I need her to hold onto me, the world may never know.

"Hello I'm Eunwoo what may I get you?" The boy that looked older than me asked.

"What would you want Ginger?" I asked her first out of politeness.

"I'm fine oppa! I don't want anything!" I nodded and turned back to Eunwoo hyung.

"Can I get some popcorn and a soda, hyung?"

"Sure what size for your popcorn?"


"And for your soda?"

"Medium." He handed me the cup so I could fill it myself which I excepted gladly.

"And here's your popcorn." I paid and said a quick thank you.

Before I knew it I was already watching the preview of the movie. The camera men sitting around us making the people a bit uncomfortable.

"Oh it's starting!" I heard Ginger yell followed with a bunch of shushs.

I was looking at the screen eating away at my popcorn when I felt a hand in it making me jump slightly. I noticed it was Gingers hand due to the witch sharp nails.

I thought she said she didn't want anything to eat.

I was so busy thinking why are girls like that I didn't notice the scary part only felt Ginger digging her nails into my arms.

This is going to be long...and hurtful.

Jungkooks POV

"S-so where are we going?" I heard Nishi ask. I widened my eyes at her question and fixed the collar of my shirt feeling like it was choking me.

"Well I thought we could get to know each other a little more while having a picnic." I scratched my neck. Hopefully she will like the it.

"That sounds great!" Thanks for the idea Zoe.

We soon arrived at  the park right  in front of a lake.

I guided her towards where I had laid down the blankets and food that Jin guided me to make. I sat down and patted the space beside me gesturing Nishi to sit next to me with a beaming smile on my face.

I saw her blush a little before fixing her dress and sitting properly. I took out the food and served it along with the Apple cider that Zoe told me tasted really nice so I thought I would give it a chance. 

" So, what do you like to do in you spare time?" I questioned as my hand popped a strawberry in my mouth and she took a sip of the juice in a fancy glass.

I admired her. The sun kissed her skin making it glow from the inside like as if it were showing how kind she is in a warm and soft hue. Her brown eyes looked like an eclipse when the sun coated them. They were filled with love something I was happy to see.

Her lips tinted with a light raspberry color made me want to kiss them and taste the flavor that was bound to explode in my mouth. The way the wind carried her from off her shoulders and onto her face making her scrunch her nose and cutely start trying to it out her way made me want to protect her.

I loved this woman and I didn't need to know her for three years to know it. Three seconds was just enough for me.

Zoe's POV

I adjusted my hoodie as I waited for my unnie on the stairs of  her room the cameras already rolling. The white hoodie was the only thing that helped me remain comfortable in front of the cameras.

My ripped black jeans and red
Tim's not really good for hiding in since I can block my faxe with them. Well, I mean I could but that would be a really hurtful and uncomfortable posture to be in if you know what I mean.

The door I had been leaning on opened and I almost fell due to it.

"Unnie!" I exclaimed.

"Zoe!" She repeated in the same melody. I rolled my eyes before walking ahead.

When we reached outside she linked her arm with mine and we started skipping over the rainbow, okay maybe not over the rainbow.

"It's good to have a best friend date." I told unnie as we walked merrily down the street.

"Best friend?" I paused as she spoke while looking at her with a blank stare before gasping dramatically.

"Am I not your best friend!?" I gasped again with a hand on my chest.

"No.." She let out softly.

"You aren't mine either so.."  I confessed and this time it was her turn to gasp. We stared at each other before skipping in sync once again.

"So where are we going not best friend." Petty. I see.

"To get coffee not best friend since you along  take your best friend and not your not best friend, not best friend. Why do you ask?" I can be petty too.

"Because last time I check you took your best friend to get ice cream and not your not best friend. "

And so it began.

Two days later

"Well that was a turn of events for Minho and his date but of course it can't pass Biras and Zoe's date. They really did argue. " Heelchul laughed and I turned my head to him.

" How would you know how it feels to go out with a girl if you barely do so. I've heard the rumors!" I sassed and he did that thing where  his eyes get bigger and his mouth is left agape like a fish.

" I feel attacked." He gasped while everyone else laughed.

"It's true!" Minho helped me out.

" okay well should we get started with the next round." Dara unnie announced and we cheered.

" The producers said to not make thing complicated, we will just tell you who you have to ask out and you have to do it right here right now in front of everybody. " I nodded to no one in general.

" Okay let's split you up, Zoe, Momo, Nishi, Junhoe, Jungkook, Chanyeol, Minho, and Jisung please come to this side the rest of you please proceed to the opposite side." Dara instructed.

" Now I'll start with those that need to ask out a fan. Zoe-" I nodded. " Chaneyol and Nishi." Heechul finished.

"Now as I call your name please come up and red your red envelope. Ask out whom ever it may be right after. Momo." I looked at my unnie as she walked and got her envelope she opened it and I saw her blush faintly.


She walked over to Vernon who had been on the other side looking at her just like everyone else.

"Vernon Sunibae would you go on a date with me." She did a little shy shy shy at the end. Vernon covered his face and nodded while chuckling.

"Now Junhoe~" He repeated the same actions as Momo unnie and he smiled charmingling, is that a word?

"Bria...would you go on a date with me." I smiled a smile that could rip my cheeks off. Bria unnie looked down but we still could hear a faint yes come from her lips.

People kept on going Jungkook had to ask Finger out and Minho had to ask Robertoe it left only Jisung and a confused room.

"Do you recall last time we told you some one had to chose which out of their three dates was the best well Jisung will be one of those three dates. Please come get your card." He walked up shyly and bowed before grabbing the folded piece of information.

"Z-zoe?!" He exclaimed by accident before looking at me eyes wide. I felt kinda hurt I gotta admit. He sounded...


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