N.M part 18
Sugas POV
I groaned as my body turned in bed trying to find a better position to sleep in. Once it didn't find one I let out a deep sigh while reaching for my phone that had been charging under my pillow.
I typed in my password and clicked on Twitter to see what's trending.
'#outcast' I skipped it due to it being long and I was feeling lazy.
'#Dura' thats in Spanish so skip.
'#Kylie' Skip.
'#Blue' Stops her parents from clapping while Cam-skip.
'#IceforZoe' Skip.
...Wait a minute.
I scrolled back up to read the story behind the trend. When I clicked I was sent to a page titled 'K.News Now'. On the top it had a picture of Zoe and a Korean girl.
Instagram rapping sensation, Choi Jalin has recently criticized the newest member of the Korean boy group BTS saying "...I do not understand how someone so low could get into a group that's worked so hard..." She went on saying that Zoe is not capable of being in front of the spotlight and will crumble down soon.
"...She is just a h*e that wants to be surrounded by boys. That's all her kind lives for, getting pregnant and bam husband! Honestly she can't even come up to my knees.." Army's are going crazy at her words some agreeing with her words and others defending Zoe.
Tell us who's side are you on-..
I turned off my phone before getting out of bed and walking down the stairs to see everyone getting ready for practice. I noticed they all looked tensed. "Good morning guys!" Zoe's voice came from behind me making all of us stop what we were doing and look at her.
"Y'all good" she spoke infromaly like usual. "Yeah we are alright now hurry up and eat before manager-nim comes and we have to go." Jin ordered while placing a plate on the table for her. Zoe just shrugged and went to sit down as I walked in the kitchen to get some coffee.
"Have you heard hyung?" Jhope asked quietly next in a low whisper.
"The scandle Zoe has been put in its all over-" He cut his words with eyes wide looking behind me. I turned and saw Zoe her eyes were narrowed and in all honesty she looked pretty scary.
"What scandle?" She asked walking slowly over to us in a creepy way.
"Ha..ha well~" Jhope awkwardly chuckled out.
Zoe's POV
"Fucking hoe I'll slam her skinny ass into a wall if I ever see her in front of my face trying to start something. Oh how much blo-"
"Um..Zoe?" I turned my head with a bright innoccent smile playing on it. "Yes Jimin?" He looked terrified while leaning into Jungkook more than Jungkook was comfortable with.
"Y-you okay there it's seems like those words you muttering aren't supposed to be used my a twelve year old" I rolled my eyes before looking out the window again.
"I'm fine" I answered while gazing at the cars next to us. Something or more like someone caught my attention. I quickly took my phone and snapped a quick picture as we turned a corner leaving the yellow car behind and out of view.
The guys kept on talking rather loudly about negative things making Jin speak up. "Okay! Okay childern! Hear this one!" We all groaned at the thought of one of his lame dad jokes.
"Why don't skeletons get into fights?" I shrugged while looking at him. "Because they don't have the guts!" And there goes the rest of my life..down the drain. No one made a sound making him roll his eyes and sit on the edge of his seat.
"This one will make you laugh! How do you organize a space party!" He yelled so that everyone could hear him.
"You planet!" He started laughing his windshield laugh and the only one that was actually laughing beside him was Jimin so me being me I started laughing like Jin making everyone burst out laughing.
We all got quiet when the van stopped all of a sudden. I looked out the window and saw a bunch of news man, fans, and paparazzi crowding in front of Big Hit. "Looks like we'll have to go.in through the back guys." Manager-nim spoke while turning the van around to go into another street.
Once we were inside we all let out a breath of relief. "Oh you guys made it!" A cheerful voice spoke. I was about to say something rude back but I noticed it was PD-nim and quickly put a smile on my face.
"I need to talk to you guys about the current unfolding of events" he got serious before walking off making us follow him like baby ducks following their momma.
We made it into a conference room where we all sat down. "Okay Zoe you know its not good for an idol to be in a scandal, and it's even worse when you have just recently entered this Enteratment business." He started off.
"I understand that sir but she is the one that started all of this I haven't even set a foot into her words" I slightly defended myself earning a chuckle from him making me confused. "Zoe in all honesty I'm surprised you haven't making this a whole lot easier for me, I have organized an interview for next week she will be there too this will help you guys order everything out okay?" He finished.
I nodded my head while the guys just listened. "Okay."
A week later
Zoe's POV
Its finally the day I thought as I got out the van flashing lights hitting me from every direction possible. I felt PD-nim grab my arm probably leading my inside the huge building that was filled with even more paparazzi. I stopped making him look at me. "I'm gonna go to the restroom please wait for me here" before he could answer I was already half way through the building.
I entered the restroom and made sure no one was in there before locking the door and walking over to one of the sinks. I looked at my reflection. The stylist unnie put my hair in a tight bun making me look more mature. I looked at my clothes still thinking they weren't for the occasion but again she said blah blah blah and I had just went with it.
"Remember Zoe don't let her words trigger you we don't want this to escalate even more" PD-nims voice rang in my head.
"Don't let her put your pride down" Sugas voice came to me this time. "No matter what PD-nim says, got it?"
"Got it" and with that I was out the restroom and in a chair in front of a bunch or cameras flashing leaving me semi blind. I drank a bit of the water that had been placed in front of me trying to calm my nerves.
The talking got louder and the cameras moved to my left indicating the witch had walked in. I turned my head there she was along with two other girls and let me tell you their outfits made mine look like I was about to walk down the red carpet because of how inappropriate they were.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes while looking the other way and soon they all started talking well except me of course PD-nim told me to not say anything only if spoken too.
"I was just saying my opinion that is pretty much the truth" her annoying voice hit my ears making them almost bleed. My blood was boiling with each insult she kept on saying.
"She just wants to get pregnant like the little hoe she is I bet her mom would be so proud since she herself is one!" She laughed along with her two minions.
I heard something break inside me. I pretty sure it was my patience cause I know damn well this bitch ass hole did not just talk about my mom like that. I turned my head looking at her with fire in my eyes. "Excuse me sweety I don't think your mom waited nine months for you to come out to be this stupid" I said clamly to her bitchy self.
She turned her head seeming offended. "If I'm stupid then why all these hoes throwing themselves at me, huh?" She tried to sass back with a smirk.
"You know what they say low prices attract customers" I responded with a small 'innocent' giggle at the end. She stood up making the chair she was seating on fall. "What did you say hoe?" She leaned into my face.
"I don't know, your mom isn't here so" I shrugged at her making her glare at me. "Go fuck yourself like most of the boys at your school have" she stood up with a proud smile playing on her face.
This time it was my turn to stand up. "I'm home schooled if you didn't know" a few laughs erupted through the crowd making her glare at it than look back at me. "Let's settle this in a week! In rap battle everyone knows I'm going to win already but I'll give you a chance kid!"
She spit in my face making me wipe it away with a digusted face. "Okay and I'll bring a toothbrush and some toothpaste for you okay" I smiled at her before walking off the small stage PD-nim following close behind.
Time skip
After PD-nim finished nagging at me he left to start arranging everything related to the rap battle leaving me in a room of non talking boys.
"Zoe I'm so proud/disappointed" Jin and Suga starred at each other before Suga gave up and Jin continued his nagging. My phone was blowing up with notifications making me just stare at it.
'You did good girl!!! Remember fighting!!!! - Bria unnie ❤'
'Zoe you better slap that hoe or I will fill to SK and do it - Jay 😧😧'
And the list goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and I think you get my point.
"ZOE PAY ATTENTION WHEN I SCOLDING YOU?" I rolled my eyes and continued to pretend I was listening to Jin.
Another week later
"Welcome all to the biggest event this year! I'm your host Jay park!" He bowed before talking some more. Right now I was getting my hair and make up done since I had already changed.
"Today going against Choi Jaline, Park Lala, and Park Ajin, who are famous and rich Instagramers may I add, Zoe Figueroa the newest member of BTS-" yup you heard right I'm going against that bitch and her two minions I found that out three days ago.
"Let's go! Its time!" A random dude appeared through the door crack making me nod and get out of the chair before following him out.
As we walked out I saw the DJ making me stop and give him my phone along with a whisper of what I needed him to do with it. "Let's go!" Damn dude chill.
Before I knew it I was already on stage in front of the crowd and cameras. My heart was beating fast so fast it could go around a field faster than flash.
"Okay heads or tails?" Jay park asked
"Heads!" She answered quickly as he flipped the coin. "Heads it is! Who's going first?!"
"I will!" She answered once again with a smirk playing on her face making her look like a clown.
" Introducing Park Ajin against Zin round one!"
"This girl's a choke artist, ya catch a bad one
You're better off shooting yourself with Papa Doc's handgun
Climbing up this mountain, you're weak
I'll leave you lost without a paddle, floating shit's creek
You ain't Detroit, I'm the D, you're the new kid on the block
'Bout to get smacked back to the boondocks
Fucking Nazi, your squad ain't your type
Take some real advice and form a group with Vanilla Ice
And what I tell you, you better use it
This guy's a hillbilly, this ain't Willie Nelson music
Trailer trash, I'll choke you to your last breath
And have you looking foolish
Like Cheddar Bob when he shot himself
Silly Rabbit, I know why they call you that
'Cause you follow Future like you got carrots up his ass crack
And when you acting up that's when you got jacked up
And left stupid like Tina Turner when she got smacked up
I'll crack your shoulder blade
You'll get dropped so hard that Elvis will start turning in his grave
I don't know why they let you out in the dark
You need to take your Hispanic ass back across 8 Mile to the trailer park" she rapped her part making part of the crowd go while.
Right now all the pressure was on me..well at least it felt like it. I had to defend my momma, and the Idols who get bashed for saying they aren't real MCs, I had to defend today and that's what I'm about to do.
This girl raps like her parents jerked her
SHe sounds like Erick Sermon, the generic version
This whole crowd looks suspicious
It's all dudes in here, except for these bitches
So I'm a German, eh?
That's okay, you look like a fuckin' worm with braids
These Leaders of the Free World rookies
Lookie, how can 3 dicks be pussies
Talkin' 'bout shits creek
Bitch, you could be up piss creek with paddles this deep
You're still gonna sink, you're a disgrace
Yeah, they call me Rabbit, this is a turtle race
SHe can't get with me, spitting this shit wickedly
Lickety shot suspicious spickety split lickety
So I'ma turn around with a great smile
And walk my Hispanic ass back across 8 Mile" The crowd went wild as she just rolled her eyes and got off the stage after doing a handshake with Park Lala or 'Lotto'.
"Lotto against Zin round two!" The beat changed as she started bouncing around.
"Yo, it's time to get rid of this coward once and for all.
I'm sick of the motherfucker! Check this shit out!
I'll spit a racial slur, honky, sue me!
This shit is a horror flick,
But the pretty girl doesn't die in this movie!
Fuckin' wit Lotto, dawg, you gotta be kidding!
That makes me believe you really don't have a interest in living!
You think these niggas gonna feel the shit you say?
I got a better chance joining the KKK.
Or some real shit, though, I like you
That's why I didn't wanna have to be the one you commit suicide to
Fuck 'Lotto,' call me your leader
I feel bad I gotta murder that dude from "Leave It To Beaver"
I used to like that show, now you got me to "fight back" mode
But oh well, if you gotta go, then you gotta go!
I hate to do this, I would love for this shit to last
So I'll take pictures of my rear end so you won't forget my ass
And all's well that ends OK.
So I'll end this shit wit a "Fuck you, but have a nice day!" She patted my shoulder making me instantly shrug it off. What I don't wanna get her stupidity.
"Ward, I think you were a little hard on the Beaver
So was Eddie Haskal, Wally, and Ms. Cleaver
This girl keeps screamin', she's paranoid!
Quick, someone get her ass another surgery!
"Blahbity bloo blah blah blahbity bloo blah!"
I ain't hear a word you said, "hipidy hooblah!"
Is that a tank top, or a new bra?
Look, Snoop Dogg just got a fuckin' boob job!
Didn't you listen to the last round, meat head?
Pay attention, you're sayin' the same shit that she said!
Matter fact, dog, here's a pencil
Go home, write some shit, make it suspenseful,
And don't come back until something dope hits you
Fuck it! You can take the mic home with you!
Lookin' like a cyclone hit you,
Tank top screamin', "Lotto, I don't fit you!"
You see how far those white jokes get you
Girl's like "How Vanilla Ice gonna diss you?"
My motto: Fuck Lotto!
I get the 7 digits from your mother for a dollar tomorrow" Bam! Second round totally crushed. She was quickly replaced my the biggest bitch Choi Jaline
"Jaline against Zin!" Before she started the beat changed once again and I looked at the DJ and nodded he replied with a nod back.
Here we go again, prepare to meet your end
Just looked you up on Facebook,
you had zero friends
This kid's a loser yo; she ain't even kissed a boy
You write them love letters; they buy me ice and pearls
So how you like me now? All the boys in the background saying, "Wow jalin got style!' I'm off the gold chain[?]. If you a rapper why is jin the groups backup dancer like an extra on Soul Train? I dont see your mommy and your daddy on the front row, they must be embarrassed for you hoe. You not a real MC, you should quit hip hop, now be a good bus girl and go get your mop!" Oh she did not just put more people I care for in this..someone hold my hoops!
"Jalin you don't want to battle you the snake with out the rattle
You the boat with out the paddle you duck with out the waddle you the horse with out the saddle. The ranch with out the cattle. The day with out the shadow. Son I think you should skidaddle quit gravel sayonara punk, arrivederci. What language do I have to say it in for you to hear me clearly? Adios amigo you're over with finito. This clown couldn't rap anything but my burrito!" I said as close as I could to her face.
"Kid, you have to hold your mommy's hand before you cross the street
You have to sneak out the house just to clean and sweep
And now you look queasy, I made her go mute
Put your camera phones up so you can post me on YouTube
Zinny got a screw loose she's terrified to bust
So lightweight that I can blow her over with a gust
You're weak like Seven Days, you deserve boos
You should walk around in some high-heeled shoes
You should rock pigtails and a skirt
You're shaking in your boots
Are your feelings getting hurt?
Well, maybe I should hurt more than your feelings
Maybe I should rip the roof off the theatre ceiling
Maybe you should start kneeling her eyes are getting misty
You're so wack, if you were me you couldn't diss me
Kissy kissy Zinny, did you miss me?
I'll take you out and eat you as dinner pipsqueak
And when I'm on vacation I'll let you house sit
Here's a couple of bucks, buy yourself a better outfit!" That's it I looked up once more and smiled when I saw the picture of her driving a taxi up on the TV's she didn't notice though.
"You know what? You don't have a stack of cash or a flashy pad
I saw you last week driving a taxi cab
Your secret's out and now they know sport
We'll call you if we need a ride to an airport
In fact you can drop me off at home after this
Then you can take your couple bucks back but as a tip
You're playing yourself like Solitaire
Telling everyone that's here that you're a millionaire
You're not a baller, you're a phony
I bet your whole crew is a bunch of rent-a-homies
And now you lie in bed lonely, your persona's a façade
The only boys you get are in the pages of a catalog
Here stands Lord of DaBluff
His lies were legendary till the truth made him hush
And what's funny is your truth is enough
Why'd you have to make up all the money and the stuff?
I guess it's easier to play the role and act hard
Cause you don't have the guts to tell us who you really are
So you can keep a trophy that you don't deserve
I might act like a bus boy, but you just got served" she was on her knees now while the crowd was going wild.
I streched out my hand to help her up making her look up. Her hand slowly moved towards mine and when she was about to grab it I took me hand back and ran it through my hair before walking away.
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