N.M part 15

Her first time:

Jungkooks POV

'DNA-' the song traveled through the large space as we practiced our hearts out to make prefection well that was untill Rapmonster stopped us again. "Zoe! You are doing it wrong come on concentrate!" His loud voice filled the quiet room that was containing seven tired people staring at one tired girl.

"You shouldn't be talking about me dancing wrong oppa" She sassed at the elder. He raised his hands up into the air. "God I'm sorry but I give up!" With that we all looked back at Zoe who was holding her stomach.

Jin walked up to her and hugged her while J-hope and the rest walked closer me included. "Are you okay sweetheart?" Jin asked after removing her head from his chest. "Not really my stomach was hurting all day" she answered her voice sounding desperate.

Jin, J-hope, and Suga hyungs shared a look before looking back at her I looked towards the other two but they also gave me a confuse look. "Why don't you go to the restroom and clam down a bit and come back when you are feeling better" J-hope suggested.

She nodded and grabbed her head as she started walking out but got stopped. "Oh and take your phone" Suga said while handing it to her and with that she was off. "What do you think is wrong with Zoe" Jimin asked for me and Tae.

"We won't tell you untill we know for sure and if she lets us" Rapmonster appeared out of no where. We looked at each other before going to sit down or do something. I went over to my phone and started scrolling through twitter something about an 'outcast' casting my attention.

I looked at it and realized it was in English so I ignored it and kept going through everything. I looked up and saw J-hope practing dance, Jin eating a few snacks while sitting next to Rapmonster both looking at his phone.

I turned to my right and saw Taehyung messing with Jimin and Suga sleeping in the corner Storm next to him. I looked over to Jin when his phone started ringing. He took it out of his pocket and looked at the number before his eyes widened and he answered.

"Is everything okay?" He asked who ever was on the other side before giving the rap line a look.

"Its okay calm down it natural" his was smooth as he talked. I guess you could say he is a smooth talker. I think I've been around him too much.

"Okay I'll call someone okay don't freak out its normal, okay...yes..bye bye" he ended the call but didn't turn off his phone and instead he went trough his contacts before a look of realization hit his face.

"Do any of you have Zoes stylists number?" He asked.

"I do but all the noonas are out today" Jimin said looking concered. "Why? Was that Zoe who just called?" He questioned. Jin ignored it while muttering something to himself. "Is it what we thought?" Rapmonster asked. Jin nodded.

"And I don't want to send just anyone she'll probably feel uncomfortable."   Jin added after his nod. The three youngest - Jimin, Tae, me- were still confused. "Maybe one of her Twice unnies can come?" Rapmonster suggested.

"Do you have their number?" Suga asked "Yeah" Rapmonster said, taking his phone out and clicking a few times untill putting it up to its ear.

'Tell them to meet us at home' Jin mouthed before grabbing one of his hoddies and walking out the room with J-hope right behind.

"Hello...I was wondering if you do me a favor?"  Rapmonster started and walked towards the far corner where his voice grew quieter.

"Its with Zoe you see, um something came up that we don't know how to deal with if you know what I mean." It took the best of my hearing to catch that.

"Yes I think it is? Oh thank you so much I'll send the address. 15 minutes okay thank you again. Okay bye bye" with that he hung up before turning to look at us again. "Okay lets clean up we are going home early today!"

Zoes POV

My underwear feels soggy and I can BARLEY move with the cramps that are killing me inside. My hands are shaking as I run the cold water on my face. I heard to knocks on the door followed by Jins voice. "Zoe are you okay? Can we come in? No one else is there right?"

"You can come in" my voice was tiny. Jin came in followed by J-hope. "You told him!" My anger rose. They both looked startled by my out burst. "N-no we knew when we saw you like this in the practice room along with Rapmonster and Suga" Jin answered making me calm down and smile at him.

"Okay!" I said cheerfully. They looked at each other than at me. "Here it might not help that much but its comfy" Jin said handing me the huge red Hoodie. I grabbed it and put it on. When I looked in yhe mirror it looked like a dress but than my vision blurred.

"A-are you okay Zoe!" J-hope asked worried. "Y-yes its..its just that red was my moms favorite color! I miss her so much!" I sobbed into the long sleeves of the hoodie. "Your mom was the woman in the video right?" J-hope asked.

I looked up and nodded. "Yeah she called me her baby" I sighed "good times" I said with a smile back on my face. There was another knock on the door. "All you guys in there Manager-nim said he is outside waiting for us!" Rapmonsters voice came from the other side.

"Yep!" I said happily untill another cramp hit. I whined. "Come on I'll carry you" J-hope said scooping me up the princess I am.

At home

I was lying on the floor maybe this will help the cramps. I can legit not be in any postion I tried. The boys have also been quiet since we got back. I looked at Storms face that was right infront on me. I smiled.

"Knock knock! Can we come in?" A girls voice came from the other side of the door. "Its opened!" I yelled not caring if its  a killer right now I feel like my own body is killing me. "Oh my!" The voice said after I heard and saw two pairs of foot steps stop infront of me.

I looked up only to see Mina and Momo unnies. I smiled before looking back down my head pounding. "Oh come on" Mina unnie said her and Momo helping me up. "Thank you" the giggled.

"I remembered I was scared when I first got mine" Momo said looking at Mina. "I thought I was dying because of the pain." They both looked at me again. "Oh come on Zoe cheer up a bit, do you have everything you need like pads?" I nodded no while sinking again but this time into Storms soft fur.

"Ugh guys can never trust them. We'll be right back okay sweety" I nodded. After that all I heard was scolding and a bunch of foot steps going out the house and a slam on the door. I chuckled once I saw them come back in while fixing themselves." Do you want to know the secrets" I nodded being bored.

"Okay lets start." Me and Storm looked at each other and than back at the two girls. This is going to be a long day.

Time skip

"And thats all you have to do okay?" I nodded still feeling awful and my pants were starting to get slightly damped. "We're back!" Jins voice echoed through the house than the sound of foot steps hitting the stairs did along with a phone ringing.

"Oh we have to go sorry Zoe but remember everything okay I hope you feel better" I nodded saying a quick thanks. The boys came into the room as the girl were about to go out the room. "You are leaving already?" Jin asked the girls nodded before the talked and blah blah blah.

"Zoe look we brought a lot of chocolate and other sweets and snacks" Jimin said with a smile. I looked and saw a whole bunch of bags damn. "Oh and your other stuff" he added while rubbing his neck and looking away.

"You know what!" I yelled. They all flinched they probably think I'm mad.  They think...only cause I y-yell.. I'm ma-d, I thought they knew me. Ugh! Stupid emotional shit! Gets on my fucking nerves!

"We don't we order Italian food and watch a movie while eating these goods" I said with a smile. The all gave a smile and a nod. "Why not? Here I lost rock paper siccors and had to get them" Rapmonster said handing me what I think are pads. I giggle and saw them still standing there.

"What the fuck are you doing! Get the fuck out and go do something productive instead of being in my room spreading fucking germs with yall nasty hot breath, bowl cuts, meat beating selves! Bitches bye!" I screamed and they were out like a flash.

But Taehyungs head popped in the door way. I raised an eye brow and her chuckled nervously. "Hehe..um what would you want from the menu?" He asked.

"Pasta" I said with a sweet smile. He gave me one of his famous rectangle smiles back. "Awww my little alien is so adorable" I said with a baby accent before he left with the smile Still on his face. I went and looked the door before heading towards the shower. I feel nasty and smell nasty too. I hate this fucking shit!

20 minutes later

I got out the shower and put everything I need to put on, on. (Outfit as top)

I felt so much better now. Thank god I'm clean. I tied my hair in a messy bun before walking with Storm behind me, phone in hand. As I got down stairs I saw a fort.

"Awww you guys" I said feeling like crying a little bit but i dried the tears. "Come on Zoe the food is here" Suga called. "Okay y'all can ignore what i said like that" I sassed before following him inside to see everyone.

The snacks were every where the TV was on the food was here tooo. I'm soooo happy. "Here you go sweety" Jin said handing me a cup of juice and what I think are pain killers. I thanked him and gluped them down only to see the already started a movie and eating. I joined in between Jungkook and Tae.

"Zoe?" I looked to my side.

"Yes Jungkook?"

"Here I heard these were good to put on your lower belly. Its suposse to feel good" he said shyly while handing me a ball like thing that was hot I rested it where Jungkook said and he was right the heat felt good. "Thank you" I said with a smile and kissed his cheek. He blushed. (Not like that people)

"Aww I want a kiss too!" Tae whined beside me. I rolled my eyes with a smile and kissed his cheek too. "Yahhh! Thats not fair!" Suga whined? And thats how I ended kiss all their cheeks.

"Yah shush the movie is starting" jimin hushed. We all ate. "What movie is it?" I asked. "We don't know" Jungkook and Tae said at the same time. I nodded.

"Zoe why are you crying"

"She ran away from home why wouldn't I cry?"

"She's just watering the plants, in her backyard Zoe!"
"Zoe stop laughing!"

"Yeah how is Jack dying funny?"

"Don't judge my sense of amusement!"
"Yah! Stop cussing the actors out Zoe!"

"But she choose the the pink shirt instead of the the salmon shirt!"

"Zoe its just a parrot"

"No its a talking bird!"
"No one has gotten killed yet I'm so disappointed in this movie"

"What the fuck Zoe!?"
"Ohh look so much cherry juice"

"Zoe..thats blood"
"Jeon Jungkook imma kill you!"

"Zoe! Wait! Not the face!"
"Oh look a ghost popped out of no where"

"How? I think I got a mini heart attack"

I hope you enjoyed it. Love yall

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