N.M part 13
Johnnys POV
We had just finished eating and were fooling around by hitting each other. Fun right! I looked down and realized I was about to step on someones phones. I guess luck was on their side cause it would of been broke if I didn't notice.
The phone's case was Mickey mouse's middle finger and than it said 'have a nice day'. Wow! okay! Thank you cause I will. "Yahh whose phone is this" I shouted holding the phone up so everyone could see it. All the staff shook their heads no while the some of the members, who hadn't checked their pockets, came over to look at it closer and make sure it wasn't theirs.
"It doesn't belong to any of us thats for sure" Ten stated. "Hey guys! Look who we have here," we all looked in the way where Manager-nims voice came from and saw Got7 sunbaes behind him. We all bowed to each other.
"What's up guys" Bambam sunbae yelled. We all immediately smiled, but than I remembered the phone. "Does this belong to one of you" I asked showing them the phone in my hand. "That's Zoes phone!" Jackson sunbae screeched making me jump a little.
"Zoe?" I asked clearly confused.
"Who's that?" Renjun asked. "Didn't you see her, she kinda made a big commotion in here." Bambam sunbae said earning a smack on the head by Jinyoung sunbae. "It was your fault in the first place." He said after smacking the younger one.
Jinyoung sunbae than looked at us. "She was a girl about this height-" he showed the height with his hand "-pink curly hair, glasses, a small dog beside her" he continued. "Ohhhhhh" we all said at the same time.
"Well could you give it to her?" I asked stretching out my hand to give the phone to them. They looked at each other, I noticed a small smirk appear on their faces.
Zoes POV
"Yes sir I will never do it again!" I bowed one more time before entering the room from before. "Oh your finally here sweetheart I was worried." The auntie said to me and I bowed again as a sorry.
"Okay lets start the cute shots! And I think we are going to need that doggy of yours." She said with a finger to her chin. I looked at Storm and he looked at me. This...is going to be interesting.
"Okay I need you to put this on!" I took my hat off and put the black wolf ears on. Kinky much.
"Omo so cute, okay now go in the play pen -"
Time skip
"These shots are fantastic! 10 minute break everyone!" The auntie said or screamed I guess you could saw. I put Storm down and than felt arms around me. My waist to be exact.
"Zozo I'm sorry!" The voice screamed in my ear while sobbing. "Huh?" I looked on my shoulder and saw raven black short hair. Still confused I turned around with the body still attached to me.
"Hi Zoe there are some people that have something to say" Jin pushed Rapmonster and Jimin forward as Suga did also. They got on their knees and bowed. "We are sorry Zoe" the three, all said in sinc.
I was still confused. "Huh!?"
They looked up still on their knees. "We are sorry for how we acted because of some girls. We weren't in our right minds for saying stuff to you." Rapmonster said looking like he was about to cry.
"Talk for yourself! She was mostly mad at you and Jimin, technically Jungkook and I just ignored her!" Suga said looking at the kneeling guys beside him.
Oh sooooo Jungkook is the one hugging me. Still. While. Sobbing. Oh my stress.
"Wait what did I do!" Jimim exclaimed looking at Suga than me. "Well while your happy as-" Jin gave me a look.
"Well while your happy tail was enjoying the night with that gardening tool, I lost sleep, dinner, and what was it um...oh yeah! My innocence!" I said clearly mad. He bowed again. "I'm so so sorry."
I sighed. "Fine-" they all looked up even Jungkook who was still hugging my waist. "-but don't think you are off the hook. I will get you back" I said with a glare making them glup.
"ZOE! I have an idea for Jimin and Namjoon! Kick them and than get back at them when ever you would want to!" the Eldest suggested. Rapmonster and Jimin nodded and stood up.
"Are you sure you want me to kick you?" I asked unsure, while they got into postions.
They nodded.
"How hard can you even kick?" Jimin said and than his eyes widened. My face turned cold I got Jungkooks hands off me and walked over to them.
"Rest in peices guys" the rest of the members said at the same time. "Y-yah Jimin is the one that said that n-ot me-ahhhh shi-" I kicked Rapmonster first and he fell on his knees while holding his behind.
I looked at Jimin. His eyes widened more, if that were possible. " Jimin-ah" I spoke informally. "I'll try to go easy on you just like I did with Rapmonster kk" I said with a smile that turned into a smirk and than kicked him.
A bunch of muffled swear words could be heard coming not from only one body but two now. I just shrugged. "You said you were sure. Should of known that I used to play soccer, and ran track. Oh well." I said before turning back to look at the guys with a shocked expression.
"I'm slightly scared" J-hope said with big eyes. The rest nodded while I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Umm excuse me?" A voice said behind me making me turn around almost face to chest with a male. I looked up to see someone I never expected.
No really I don't even know who they are.
"Um..are you Zoe?" The man asked. I nodded suspicious of him. "Oh okay well one of the NCT members found your phone" he stretched out his hand and gave me my phone before saying good bye and turning around.
I looked down at my phone that seemed to still be in good shape. When did I even drop it? Oh well atleast I have it back. I turned and looked at the boys again. "Anyway where the fake wanna be barbies at?" I asked wanting to know what actually happen.
"They're real fake thats all imma say" Rapmonster said while the other three nodded. "Oh well I already knew that" I said while shrugging. "Okay lets wrap it up with a few more picture!" Someone screamed and that was my cue to start working again.
Next day
I wanted to sleep more but my alarm didn't let me and here I was letting the hot water run down my body acting as a blanket in my still sleepy state. We have a meet and greet or fan sign -one of those- today. Where not only the rest of BTS will introduce me to the fans, but my photos are also going to be realised so everyone that knows what kpop is will know. The thing is right now I'm to tired to be nervous, but I know for sure I will be.
I heard Storm whimper signalling he was hungry, which made my shower run shorter than I wanted it too. I got out and put the outfit I had laid out the night before on. I than proceeded and grabbed my stuff and went down stairs, where I gave Storm and myself food while waiting for the others.
Time skip
We had just arrived at the venue and were walking through what seemed to be an endless amount of halls. We had FINALLY reached a room where Manager-nim ushered us to go in. We did as directed and went in. When we entered it was a waiting room, where hair stylist and other workers were waiting for us to sit down.
I went over to the last unnie and sat down. "Good morning" my quite voice sank out. "Good morning sweety" she replied with a kind voice. I smiled. "Wow how pretty" she gasped as she took my hair out of its bun.
I muttered a quick 'thank you' feeling kinda embarrassed. "I'll just touch it up a bit okay?" I nodded. She started messing with my hair -which by the way felt so nice- I went through my phone looking for a few games to play but ended up falling asleep slightly.
"Sweety" I woke up and looked around realizing where I was so I calmed down. "So what do you think?" She asked. Both of us looking at each other through the mirror. "Woah.. I love it thank you unnie." I was mind blown.
"Chera its my turn to enjoy time with her." Another unnie whined to Chera? Unnie. Chera unnie giggled before saying a quick 'bye' and taking her things with her. "Lets go natural with your make up. got it." I nodded again feeling bewildered.
The unnie put lip tint in the inside of my lips and than she just curled my eyelashes while say I have naturally long eyelashes. I just nodded cause she's the expert here not me. "Okay! I'm done so go get changed."
I got out the seat and stretched having my ass asleep for seating too long. I went over across the room only to be told I had to go to a different room to get my outfit. An unnie accompanied me showing me the way. I was thankful cause I knew damn well I would be lost right now if she hadn't come.
As we turned a corner I saw a man that gave me chills.
"Who's that unnie?"
"Don't worry he's just a new employee of the company you are under" I nodded trying to shake the chills off that he gave me. I don't like that guy. "Well here you go, the rest of the members should be in there." with that she left and I entered only to see the guys changing while playing around.
They all looked at me shocked. I have three brothers and what seems to be a millon of cousins that are male. This, doesn't fase me to be honest.
"Yahh! We're changing do you know how hard it is to hide my pepper" Jimim asked covering his crotch area with his pants.
"Boi my dick bigger than yours!" I responded getting a few chuckled out of 5 members, a 'stop cursing' from 1, and a glare from the last one.
"Wheres my clothes?" I asked looking around.
"Over there" Jin pointed. I followed the direction his finger was going and saw the clothes that looked nice. "Nice" I said out loud before turning to them. "Turn around" I demanded they did as told as I changed my bottoms first. I didn't really care about my shirt since I had an undershirt along with it. (Picture at the top)
"Okay you can turn back around now" I informed them while taking a seat on the couch and putting my socks and shoes on. They finished chaning some not caring I was there while others did. Well like I care.
"Zoe" I looked up. Still tying my shoes I hummed. "Remember fighting!" I smiled at Rapmonsters words. "Thank you" I said with a genuinely smile. "Are you guys ready?"
A man came in and asked. We all nodded in approval. "Okay lets go! Fans have already started to fill up the place!" He led us to what is like the back stage of the stage...so yes he led us back stage where I started to get nervous and fidgety.
A train of thoughts was running round and round in my head.
'Remember fighting!'
I smiled and clamed down. Thankfully. You could hear the fans outside. Well here goes nothing I thought as the rest of BTS started walking on stage which made the screaming louder, but when I appeared it got quiet real quick. I glupped but still managed to smile.
"Hello army! How have you been! Well we are doing this for a strong reason! I don't know if you heard the rumors of BTS getting a new member." It was still the same silence. "Well we are here to confirm it." The leader spoke again before gesturing me to go up closer to them.
"Hello army! I'm Zoe the new Maknae of BTS. Please take care of me!" I bowed and than stood up straight. It was quite before all I heard was screaming. I let out the breath I was holding in before smilling at them again.
"Okay lets start the fansign!" J-hope screamed into Rapmonsters mic. We all sat down I was the second to last, Jungkook to my right and Taehyung to my left. Some of the fans started getting up and in a line.
From where I was I could see the first girl and she looked so nervous plus she was blushing. "Pikachuuu!" J-hope screamed into the mic. Jimin did the same and Jungkook copied it. Tae looked at me and mouthed 3, 2, 1....
"PIKKKKKAACHUUU!" We both screamed not even needing the mic that had been placed right infront of our faces. This made a lot of the fans start fangirling. I grabbed the mic and put it infront of my mouth. "Pika pika" I said mimicking Pikachus voice. Another wave of awws started.
"Sorry Unnie I couldn't bring you anything, I didn't know." The girl that was in line first said while looking down. "Its okay sugar cube. You're here thats all that matters!" I had to give fan service you know. She looked up blushing and gave me the album and took my hand. "Don't worry about it okay" I said looking at her, yet still writing I even managed to draw a little something.
'Whats with the unnie you're older than me -Zoe' I had written down and than a quick doddle. She scotted over and than it was the next girl. "Omo I knew it was a good thing to bring an extra one!" She screamed making me confused.
After she put the album down for me to sign she started digging in her purse. I looked at her confused. "Ah ha!" She took out a beautiful golden flower crown, looked at it smiling than put it on my head. "Unnie no its okay" I said while looking at her as she sat back down.
"Shhh. Keep it I have plenty more. And-" she leaned closer and whispered. "Its real gold." My eyes widened. "B-b-but-"
"No buts" she said with a smile.
'Thank you for coming and the beautiful flower crown. You are the very first army to give me somthing. I hope you stay kind and beautiful forever so that means don't change, and if you do make it for the good- Zoe ♡' I wrote down before giving it back to her. "Hello Noona" I looked infront of me and saw a fanboy.
I giggle. "I'm not your noona" I said pouting not trying to be cute. He moved closer that action made his knees touch my feet under the table which made Storm growl since he was sleeping at my feet.
'Thank you for coming and keep shinning sweetheart. Remember Noona always has your back-Zoe◇◇" I wrote down before he left and the girl after him grabbed my hand and started fangirling. I just smiled.
Time skip
"Finally home" I said walking towards the couch and sitting on it with Storm following me. I felt the huge couch sink again and than felt a head on my thighs.
I didn't open my eyes but instead let my hand go to the persons face and examine it.
I plugged the persons nose with two fingers and got my hand slapped away. "Yah Im sleepy. Your thighs are comfortable don't lose weight cause right now they are perfect pillows" Suga said sounding drunk but in reality he was just half asleep. I ran my hand through his hair going slowly to sleep. I even heard the other members join us on the couches.
"Come on Storm" J-hopes tired voice called out than all I heard was the jingle of the tags on Storms collar indicating he was on the couch. All I heard were snores after a while and mine starting to bulid up untill......
"Yahhhhh open up!" A voice of a girl screamed. We all shot up and looked at the door than at each other. "Not it!" They all yelled except me. I groaned getting up and walking towards the door opening without even looking at who it was.
"Yo slut are your oppas here" Autumn said clearly angry I was the one to open the door. I looked and saw the rest of the girls behind her. What are these hoes even doing here yo I want to sleep I need to sleep.
"Yes they are here. But I'm afraid you wont be able to see them. I'm sorry. Its just that they don't talk to one night stands, like you fir example." I said boldly while leaning against the door frame. In the corner of my eye I saw them all looking shocked.
"You bitch! Open the fucking door I wanna see inside!" Ara yelled at me I rolled my eyes. "Okay" the guys looked surprised at what I said. I opened the door all the way and stood behind it.
"Now you see it!"
I slammed the door in their faces.
"And now you don't" I said clamly before going back to my orginal spot and getting comfortable again. I felt the guys stares' but soon only heard snores one of them being mine.
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