N.M part 11

Zoe's POV

I woke up but not because of my alarm but the moaning sounds coming from the room next to me. We had gotten home at around 2 in the morning last night, well morning.

We weren't alone ethier. Sigh.

I looked at my clock it read 3:59 A.M. Oh well might as well go back to sleep. I closed my eyes already feeling weightless over come my body, "AHH FAST-!" My eyes opened faster than flash as I felt dinner come back up the way it came down.

I kicked the blankets off and ran to my bathroom where I proceeded to throw my guts out. The floor was cold to touch which made me slightly shiver, but most of the noise was now muffeled making me feel relieved.

Storm walked in, my blanket between his teeth and on top of it was my phone taking a ride on it. Guys I think this pup is smarter than me. No lie!

Now you see my bathroom is big, and only mine not mention hehe, it has an old style tub and than a normal shower. I don't really take baths so I made the tub a reading place with a few pillows I found in my closet; so I guess I'll be sleeping there tonight.

I grabbed the blanket and my phone petting Storm as a quick thank you before standing up and slouching my way towards the tub.

I got in the tub, on top of the pillows, than grabbed Storm and got comfortable not worrying about the lights since the one I had turned on in my running was the night light meaning it was just slightly lit.

My overloaded body than started to shut down.

1 hour and 54 minutes later

'Someone call the doctor- Never ever gonna make you cry- I'm stuck in traum-' 

I grabbed my phone and turned my alarm off and felt Storm sitting up on my stomach raising and falling with every breath I took. I yawned wanting more sleep but we have to get our hair done and I have a photo shoot afterwards.

The life of a kpop idol. My lord.

I got out the tub and went to get my towel to take a shower, as I was doing so I heard some one whisper yelling in the hall way it kinda sounded like Jin and Rapmonster to be honest.

I ignored it and walked back in the bathroom hope in me that the hot water will help my crooked neck and hurting back as the after affects of sleeping in a tub.

Time skip after shower

I turned the water off and got out, wrapping the towel around my body and proceding to walk over to the sink to wash my face and brush my teeth.

The cool air hit my skin after I got out the bathroom. I ran towards the door making sure it was locked than looked at Storm laying down on my bed following my every move as I changed into casual clothing and grabbed a different pair of glasses.

I did my hair and let it out to dry in its normal curly mess.

I grabbed my red wine, colored bookbag that was like my leather one, filled with candy. I grabbed my charger from beside my bed and threw it in along with my wallet and a few other necessary things. I grabbed my phone and Beats and went walking out the room with Storm tailing closely behind.

The situation with Storm, well I talked with Manager-nim about where I would be able to take Storm as in gigs and things like that he answered with 'since Storm is a trained dog he will follow you every where'. That had made my day.

I got down stairs and put my book bag on the sofa along with my hat, before walking towards the kitchen where some of the members were.

On the way down I had connected my two electronics I had on me, the Beats around my neck were blaring out music (video at the top) and my phone was in my back pocket. I sang softly with the song as I greeted good morning to Jin and Rapmonster who were eating breakfast on the table, completely ignoring the girl to the right of Rapmonster.

I walked in the kitchen and took a peak again to the table, and saw Jin giving Rapmonster glares, honestly how is he alive like people say, if looks could kill he would be six feet under ground right about now.

"Good morning" I looked at the person who talked and saw J-hope eating cereal. "Good morning" I said quickly getting a bowl and milk so that I to could make cereal.

"What you listening to it sounds pretty cool" I looked and saw V in the door way of the kitchen with his box smile. I smiled right back and gave him a quick response. Ughh, I'm feeling really light headed thanks alot Park Jimin for not letting me have a good sleep.

"Good morning" said Jungkook I nodded my head in acknowledgment as I took a spoon full of cheerios with bits of poptart that I had mixed in,  in my mouth.

" Goooood morning to all" Park said I ignored him as the others said their grettings. I walked to the table and sat down next to Jin, Rapmonster was in front of me and Ara beside him.

I rolled my eyes as I felt the cringy smell of over used perfume hit my nose indicating Kairia sat next to me.

The two girls started talking about boring shit, so me being me, I pulled my head phones over my ears and finished eatting while on my phone.

" Zoe.. Zoe.. ZOE!"  I rolled my eyes and took my head phones off looking at him. "Yes" I was not in the mood, with these hoes here and not getting enough sleep, those two things didn't work together for me.

"No phones on the table" he said. I looked beside him and saw Ara on her phone so I scoffed and ignored him going back to playing on my phone.

" Zoe I said NO PHON-" I cut him off " tell your little hoe that too than" I mumbled.
"What did you say!" He asked clearly angry. Wow he changed just because of a girl he just met less than 24 hours ago the fuck.

The others were looking at us, I stood up and leaned across the table untill we were face to face. " TELL YOUR LITTLE HOE THAT TOO THAN" I said emphasizing each word as it was being said. He looked angry, yet speechless as I sat back down and went back to doing what I was doing before.

The others were eyes were wide open and Jin, well he looked kinda proud. Love you too eomma. " EXCUSE ME! DON'T  YOU CALL ME THAT!!" Ara yelled at me. I looked up again and calmly stated. "Who said I was talking about you." 

I stood up about to go wash my dish when Kairia blocked my way. "Who do you think you are talking to like that huh!?" She said with her hand on her hips and Jimin behind her not knowing what to do.

"Well I'm going to use my common sense and say I was talking to what I think is another person" I said fakenly sweet, she rolled her eyes. "Roll your eyes again maybe you'll find a brain back there" and with that I pushed her to the side and made my way to the kitchen.

"Zoe come back here young lady" It was Rapmonster again.  I wasn't going to go right away so I proceded to wash my bowl painfully slow.

I walked back in the dining room where Rapmonster was looking pissed. "Zoe you have to show respect to people " He said looking at me dead in the eye. I wasn't backing down so I did the same.

"Show respect to get respect." I answered before a buzzing sound filled the room.
"Manager-nim he's waiting outside " Jin said standing up putting his plate in the sink, the others followed. Rapmonster sighed.

I grabbed my things from the sofa about to walk out with Storm but I heard something that made me stop and turn around.

"Oppa can we go with you"

"Yeah I don't see why not"

I scoffed. I think Storm felt my bad vibes since he started rubbing his head against my leg. I turned around again and walked towards the door and put on my shoes.

I felt a pair of warm hands on my shoulders. I turned around and saw Jimin and behind him a mad Kairia I rolled my eyes, for the millionth time today, and harshly got them off me.

V and J-hope gave me small smiles and we walked out towards the black van outside.

Me and the three boys I'm not annoyed or mad at sat in the back we started talking and playing around untill the door opened again signalling that the rest were about to get in the car.

It got quite.

"Who are they?" Manager nim asked.

I faked coughed, "hoes" and coughed again. The boys near me started snickering while the boys infront of us looked annoyed. "They are some very close friends." Jungkook said empazing the word very.

Manage-nim shrugged and got out the drive way and sped off. Storm jumped on my lap than walked over too jin. I smiled.

"Oh look Zoe has dimples, well one, I didn't know that" Taetae said awed.

" Zoe dimples are illegal, so I'll call you illgirl" Jin started laughing at his own joke. Yes that cleaning windows laugh. But I wasn't laughing.

"Are you being racist" I acted affended.


"I'm hispanic" I said trying not to laugh cause his face was priceless.

"DAMN I'M JUST KIDDING!" I said laughing my ass off with Jhope and V.

"Damn can't you shut up!" Langia asked looking back at us. I jumped and was now sitting on V's lap (not like that dirty people) right infront of her face.

"I don't shut up,  I grow up and when I look at you I throw up" I said to her face she looked like she was going to say something back but Suga stopped her so she just turned around.

"OMO ZOE IS A SAVAGGEEEEEEE!!" J-hope and V kept screaming as we got closer to the hair salon and parked.

We got off Storm was sitting down right next to me standing without a collar minding his own busniess and than this girl starts talking.

"Why aren't you putting a leash on that pest" Autumn asked looking disgusted by Storm. "They don't sell leashes for humans, I was even looking for the color pink, that is your favorite right? But sadly  they didn't have it. I'm sorry" I said innocently.

Jin, V, and J-hope, started laughing quietly along with Manager-nim. The girl scoffed and spoke again. "I WAS- talking about the dog" she said trying to calm down.

"Oh, well you see he doesn't really like people in general so he won't get to close to anyone" I said the truth.

"Than why is he so close to me" Ara's obnoxious voice said.

"Well his is a male, that is straight, meaning he likes female dogs. To be honest, I am highly disappointed in his taste in them" I answered her question she looked shocked.

I walked over in between V and jhope for any just in case protection was needed.
"Manager-nim can we go buy some ice" I asked. "Some ice?" He questioned. "Yeah some ice for that burn!" V, Jhope, and I   high fived while Jin was shaking his head chuckling.

After the comotion we walked in our little small group of 5, incuding Storm, inside the hair salon behind Manager-nim talking loudly.

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