New Fanfic Snippet
It's that time again. The time to give blood for the sake of the village. I watched as my father helped with preparations for the ceremony tonight. I heard a soft knock on the wall and I turned to see my maid, Dina.
"Ms. Jin, your father has ask me to let you know that he won't he in tonight.", she said.
"Yeah for the ceremony. I'm aware.", I replied.
She her eyes scanned my room and I gave a small smile.
"Its on the dresser by the lockbox.", I said and she sighed.
"You're gifted you are. Otherwise how else would you have known what I was looking for?", she smiled and I laughed softly.
"Its because I am. Dina you know this.", I stated and she nodded her head.
"Of course I do. Dinner is almost ready so some on downstairs. Your mother will be here in about 5 minutes.", she told me before walking out.
"Okay.", I replied before clutching the crystal jewel around my neck.
I made my way downstairs just in time to see my mother appear through the door with a big smile.
"Hello sweetie.", she greeted and I hugged her.
"Will father be joining us?", I asked and she sighed.
"You know what today is Soo Jin. Your father won't be in till tomorrow morning.", she explained and I nodded.
"What that we sacrifice two of our own to the blood gods in the forest? That's a bunch of crazy talk mother.", I stated and she sighed.
"Its not crazy talk honey.", she replied.
"You expect me to believe that we kill two people every month?", I argued.
"We don't kill them. We offer them to the blood gods to keep this town protected and everyone in it.", she retorted.
"Its just for kicks. In the middle of the night the two people are set free and paid to disappear.", I said quoting disappear.
"Then the farmer down the road kills two of his pigs to splash their blood and guts everywhere.", I finished.
"Soo Jin that's enough!", she spat and I sighed.
"This is for your protection remember that.", she smiled.
"Yes of course.", I said before Dina began setting the table.
We said our prayers before beginning indulging in our meal.
"So how are your studies?", My mom asked me.
"They're going okay. I'm passing in all my advanced classes.", I told her.
"Yeah she's gonna end up being the smartest in the town.", Dina praised.
"Don't say that.", I pouted embarrassed.
"Aww its true dear.", Mother added.
After awhile of chatting and talking about little things the town's bells began to ring through the entire town.
"Time to put everything away now. Off to bed the both of you.", Mother instructed and we both got up from the table.
"Goodnight loves.", she added with a smile as two people were dragged by some townspeople. Including my father.
"Go on upstairs Soo Jin.", My mother snapped and I went up the stairs.
Dina disappeared into her room while I went into my own and closing the door behind me. I turned the lock and went to my window to watch the last minute preparations. The two so called sacrifices were lowered in the well and closed in as the top closed shut.
"Bunch of bullshit.", I mumbled.
I saw my mother walk towards the well and kneel to pray before she kissed my father's cheek and walking away. I changed clothes and got into bed before closing my eyes to sleep. After a few hours my ears perked upon hearing a scream. I shot up out of bed and ran towards my window.
"This time I'm gonna catch you.", I mumbled.
"Please spare me!", the black haired woman shouted before a man wrapped his hand around her throat.
He smirked before sinking his teeth into her neck while she struggled it get free. My eyes widened at the scene before four more showed up. They laughed at her agony before a brown haired boy snapped her neck. They tossed her body aside before advancing onto the other woman. Her eyes bulged before she took off running into the forest.
"Yah finish this one. Leave that one for Hoseok and Jimin.", a blonde stated.
They all turned to leave while dragging the dark haired woman's body and I felt my blood run cold. One of the men stopped in their tracks before turning his head towards my bedroom window. We locked eyes and a smirk played on his lips before I fell onto my bed fainting. The sound of the birds chirping caused me to open my eyes only to be blinded by the sun. I scurried off of the floor to close the curtains before a soft knock was heard at my door. I turned in time to see Dina poke her head into my room with a smile plastered on her face.
"What are you so happy about?", I asked.
"Your parents said we can leave the house now. Last night was successful.", she said and I nodded. I don't understand how anyone could be in a good mood today. Especially not after what I had witnessed the night before.
"Okay. I think I'm just gonna venture around town for a few hours.", I said with a small smile. I had too much on my mind to stay in a single place. Dina smiled at me before walking towards the kitchen and I ran a hand through my hair letting my thoughts wonder. Is the other woman alright? Surely this isn't real. Hopefully this walk will let me get my thoughts together. I refuse to believe any of this is even slightly real.
There won't be another offering till next month so I decided to do the unthinkable. I have to see if she's alright. Watching her run for her life made me worry. I didn't know her, but what this town was doing, what this town was giving into, it's not human. It's not something to praise or offer these living, breathing, people to. Shove them in a well to die? How did my parents sleep at night knowing that every night they sacrificed some innocent soul to what they think are gods? I was wrapped up in my own thoughts before my mother wrapped her arms around me.
"Is something wrong dear?", She asked with a smile.
"No nothing is wrong mother. I'm just going to head into town for a bit.", I told her and she nodded. I hated lying to her but after seeing what her and my father agree to do every month sends chills down my spine.
"Now Soo Jin, you be back before 7. You've been asleep for quite awhile and I don't want you out late.", she stated.
"I understand mother.", I sighed.
"Well then run along. I'm sure that lovely young man Yugyeom will be at the market today. Why don't you have a chat.", She suggested and I sighed.
"Maybe if I have time mother.", I said and she nodded before making her way to the door.
"I can't wait to hear all about it dear.", She laughed as she walked down the hall. How can she laugh after killing those women. Makes me sick to my stomach.
I quickly changed into my pants and boots before walking to the door. I scanned the streets and noticed my parents talking to the mayor. Unfortunately, I couldn't go out that way so I scurried to the back door and quickly jumped over the fence before stalking into the forest.
A/N: This is the first chapter to my new Jungkook/BTS Fan fiction that I am working on. I do have a co writer so this book is getting somewhere. I won't publish the book to make it official until we get to a certain point. With that being said I hope your excited for this book and until its published take a look at my other works.
EchelonHope is my co writer for this work. You guys should go check out her books. They're really good! Till next update I'll talk to you guys soon lol.
-Jinn Jinn
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