
"Come on. Just throw it. It'll be hilarious", Yoongi said as he held the egg in front of me.

"No, I'm not gonna be a part of this. You do whatever you want but leave me out of this", I said.

"But you're already a part of this. When you agreed to go out with me, remember?", he smirked.

"I was bored at my house", I shrugged my shoulders and looked down at my shoes to cover my tinted red cheeks.

"Just try it", he chuckled and lightly grabbed my hand to place the egg on my palm.

He kept his hand there for a while until I shrugged my hand away. I was about to hand him the egg when we saw flashlights and heard voices coming towards us.

"Hey you! Stop it right there!"

Yoongi put on his hoodie and told me to run. I just froze there like a deer at the headlights. I ran far behind him but my leg was cramping up.

"Yoongi wait!", I tried to yell out to him but he kept running.

A hand grabbed my wrist to prevent me from escaping. I looked back to find the security guard scowling at me. From afar, Yoongi looked back at me and I thought he was gonna come back for me but he turned around and escaped the school.


So now here I am the next morning, sitting in the principal's office, waiting for my punishment. The security guard beside me kept shaking his head at me. I really wanted to say something but I don't wanna make things worse.

"So who else was with you?", the principal asked.

"I'm not a rat", I said, crossing my arms across my chest.

"No one said you were a rat, miss (y/n). All we want to know is who was with you", he said.

I stayed quiet. The principal sighed and grabbed a file from his desk. He scanned through the papers and looked at me.

"It says here you haven't had one single bad thing happen to you since preschool. Do you know how your file will look like now if you don't tell us? We would have to put 'trespassed on her own will' which will lead you to be let go of school. You're a smart girl who made one mistake. If you tell us who was with you, then I will let you go free with no punishment. So?", the principal raised an eyebrow and waited for my response.

"I already told you. I'm not a rat", I said.

"So be it. By the end of this week, you will no longer be a student at this high school. You will have until then to decide to tell me who the suspect is. If you refuse to do so, you will get your things and leave immediately. We're done here", he waved me off.

I rolled my eyes while I grabbed my bag and walked out of his office. I walked to my next class but was pulled into a little hallway where the plants grow out too much.

"What do you want??", I spat.

"How many times do I have to apologize? I'm sorry I left you behind", Yoongi said.

"You didn't just do that. You let me take the blame for it. If you want me to forgive you, then turn yourself in", I said.

"I can't do that", he said.

I chuckled coldly and walked passed him. His hand grabbed my wrist and roughly pulled me back against the wall. I was a little shocked he did that.

"Do you know what would happen if I turn myself in?? You wouldn't know of all the things I did to keep myself occupied. I brought you along this time because I thought you'd like what I did.."


"I can't do this. I can't pretend that I like going to this school when I don't. I absolutely hate it. And all the people in it. You don't understand how much hatred I have towards everyone.."

"You're hurting me", I whimpered as his grip tightened around my wrist.

"I have to come here because of my rich parents. And you, is it fun playing with my feelings?? You act like you like me when you don't even wanna have fun with me.."

"Let go", tears started forming in my eyes as I looked away.

"You're just like the rest of them. You're using me right?? You found out my parents have money so out of the blue you decide to hang out with me and thought maybe you can get some money?? What kind of a friend is that??", he practically yelled.

By that time, someone would've came out of the class or office and tell us to go to class but where we were, it was pretty much lonely.

I started sobbing quietly as I felt my hand become numb. He got lost on letting out his anger, he didn't notice he was holding my wrist so tight. His grip softened and let go. I brought my wrist up to my chest and held on to where the redness was.

"(Y/n), I'm so-"

I cut him off as I ran away from him. I didn't look back. I didn't even go to my next class. I went back to my house and thankfully my parents weren't home. I looked at my wrist and noticed it was bruising quickly. I grabbed an ice pack and placed it on my wrist.

"How much anger is Yoongi holding back?", I asked myself.

I was interrupted by a knock. I slowly went up to the door but pulled my hand back when I heard Yoongi's voice. I leaned against the wall and let myself drop onto the floor.

"(Y/n), I know you're in there. Open up."

Staring at my wrist, I bit my lip and thought about the things he said to me. I froze as I heard the door open. Damn, i forgot to lock it. My eyes were stuck on his shoes. He made his way towards the bathroom and I can hear a bunch of ruckus. He came back and kneeled down in front of me. He softly grabbed my bruised wrist but I quickly pulled away.

"Let me put this on you or the bruise will get worse", he said.

I stayed quiet as his hands softly rubbed the cream on my wrist. When he was done, he sat down next to me and kept his eyes on the bruise.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just angry. I'm not really good at expressing how I feel", he said.

"Why would you think I'm using you? We've been friends for a year already. I didn't even know your parents were rich", I said.

"A bunch of people have used me for the money my parents have. That's why I have trouble trusting people. I just didn't want to believe you were like them. The reason why I'm at that school is because it's the only way I'll be able to go to a music program and my parents are paying for it. I go around and cause a ruckus because it's better than being in class. I'm sorry I brought you along with me yesterday. But don't worry, I already talked to the principal. I'm the one who's getting expelled", he said.

"What?? But-"

"It's okay. I'll find some other way to get into the music program. I just don't wanna lose you as a friend", he smiled. I smiled back at him.

"So..are we okay?", he asked.

"Just as long as you stop going around and causing problems. And yeah..we're okay", I smiled.

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