Jin (Pt. 3)

"Jagiya!! Wake up!!", Jin yelled as he jumped on the bed.

My eyes widened as I held on to my chest.

"You pabo! Why would you scare me like that?? Especially since I'm pregnant!", I yelled angrily.

"Sorry, but it's time for you to wake up. You have to go to your doctor's appointment", he smiled.

"I don't wanna go", I said as I covered my face with a pillow.

"You have to. Do it for Nari", he said.

"Who?", I asked.

"Nari. Our baby", he smiled.

I removed the pillow from my face and stared at him.

"You already have a name for her? But I still have two months left. I haven't even thought of a name yet", I said as I sat up.

I held on to my stomach as I felt a sharp pain on my side.

"Are you okay??", he asked, checking on me.

"Uh...yea...she just kicked that's all", I laughed nervously.

"She must have kicked you hard then. Are you sure you're okay?", he asked once again.

"Yea I'm fine. I'm just tired", I said, rubbing my eyes.

"You slept all day yesterday though. How can you still be tired? Anyways, get up. I promised you wouldn't miss any doctor's appointments so let's go", he said.


While we were in the waiting room, I nervously played with my fingers. A bunch of women with kids. I wonder if that will be me in the future.

"Ms. (Y/n)?"

I turned my gaze towards the doctor's office to find her waiting for me.

"(Y/n), come on it's your turn", Jin said as he lightly pulled me up.

He was about to walk but I pulled him back.

"Um...do you think you can wait here?", I asked him.

"Why? Should I be worried?", he asked.

"No..uh..I just wanna go by myself", I said.

He nodded and kissed my cheek.
Once I was at a distance from him, I sighed in relief and entered the office.


"So?..are you gonna tell me what the doctor told you?", Jin asked.

I adjusted my seat and fixed the seatbelt.

"She said the baby is fine. She's healthy and big. I asked her if there was gonna be any complications with the baby and she said as long as she's healthy, she will be fine", I said.

"That's good news. I can't wait to hold our little Nari", he smiled.


A couple of weeks later, the guys ended up leaving. They said they were gonna be gone for no more than a week so I'm stuck at home all by myself.

I was laying on the couch while eating ice cream. The carton of ice cream was resting on my stomach as I enjoyed the spoonful of ice cream I had in my mouth. Then I felt a sharp pain on my side but this time it was unbearable. I dropped the ice cream that was on my stomach and ended up rolling off the couch.


"Jungkookie!! You took my pants!!", Taehyung yelled.

"No I didn't! These are mine!", Jungkook yelled.

"You are two grown men fighting over a pair of pants. Are you serious??", Jin asked as he watched the two play tug of war with some pants.

"Hyung! (Y/n) is in the hospital!", J-Hope yelled after running into the room.

"What?? She still has a month left. She's in labor already??", he asked.

"Not exactly", J-Hope said.


As I opened my eyes, I had an oxygen mask over my mouth and needles in my arm.

"(Y/n)? Can you hear me?", Jin asked.

"Jin? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be a-"

"At a meet and greet? Yes but when I heard the news that you were in the hospital I came as fast as I could", he said.

The other guys were sleeping on the other side of the room. That's when I realized something.

"My baby...where is she??", I asked nervously.

"She's fine. They put her in another room", he said.

I sighed in relief.

"Why didn't you tell me?", he asked.

"What?", I asked, clueless of what he was talking about.

"Don't play dumb with me. Your doctor told me what was gonna happen to you when you give birth to Nari. You lied to me", he said.

"I didn't lie to you. I told you our baby was gonna be fine when she was born", I said.

"But you didn't tell me you had a very low chance of surviving. How was I supposed to do my job when you're hiding stuff from me?? I told you if you got pregnant, I was gonna take care of you so you and our baby would be fine. But you decided to be selfish and not think about how I would feel!", Jin yelled.

"Hyung, now is not the time", Jimin said.

Jin's loud voice woke everyone up. Jin stood up and walked away.

"Don't listen to him. It's not like it was gonna make a difference", Taehyung said.

"No he's right. I am selfish. I was so focused on keeping it a secret that I didn't think about how Jin would feel. Maybe if he knew before, I wouldn't be here", I frowned.


The guys decided to leave so I could rest. I ended up falling asleep as I waited for Jin to come back.

About an hour later, I woke up to find Jin sitting on the chair beside me. But he wasn't alone.

"Look Nari, mommy's awake", Jin said as he faced her to me.

I smiled as her little sleeping body was wrapped in a pink blanket. Jin carefully handed her to me and smiled as he saw me  play with her little hand.

"She looks like you", he said. I smiled at her when he said that.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier. You almost died and instead of taking care of you, I did the opposite", he said.

"No I'm sorry for not telling you when I found out. I just didn't want you to be worried", I said.

"I worry all the time. Even when things are fine, I worry. But I'm gonna do things right this time, I promise", he smiled.

I looked back at Nari and chuckled when she yawned. I put her on my chest and patted her back so she could be more comfortable.

"I have something to ask you", Jin said.

"Hm?", I said as I closed my eyes and lightly leaned my head on Nari.

"Will you marry me?"

There are a bunch of people asking if I could make a part 2 on one of the Suga imagines in the first book so I'll make a part 2 in this book. I'll try not to disappoint anyone😅

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