
"Oh my gosh..Jimin, is this you? Aw you look so cute", Mina laughed at the baby picture of Jimin.

"Are you looking through my phone? Give it back", he said.

"No", she said as she stuck her tongue out at him.

He tried to take the phone away from but she ran until Jimin caught her. I rolled my eyes as I saw them laughing. I know they aren't a couple but the way they act with each other sickens me.

I was laying down on the couch while Mina and Jimin were in the kitchen talking about who knows what. They've been hanging out with each other more often, he hardly has any time for me.

"(Y/n)? You're spacing out again", Jin said as he waved his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry", I said as I hugged my knees.

I looked towards the kitchen to find both of them smiling at each other.

"You know, sitting here and watching them won't make you feel any better. If you really like Jimin, you should go steal him away from Mina", Jin said.

"I don't like him. He can do whatever he wants. I don't care", I said as I made a very unpleasant face.

"A few weeks ago you were laughing and smiling while running around the house and now you're sitting and sulking since Mina has been coming over. You don't think that's making it obvious?", Jin asked.

I groaned and rested my head on his lap. He chuckled and played with my hair to calm me down.


Later that day, I was in the kitchen drinking some iced coffee as I was on my phone. I was on my social media, going through Jimin's profile. I noticed he hasn't posted a picture of us in over four weeks. Anything after that has been all about Mina. How they were wearing the same outfit, going out to eat, going to the movies, supporting each other for their career. Whenever Jimin talks to me, it's about Mina. Doesn't he have anything else to say?? Like how've you been?? Do you wanna hang out?? Are we still friends??

I stopped on one picture, a very recent picture, of Jimin and Mina standing next to each other but Mina is kissing his cheek. What does this mean? Do they like each other? Are they together?

I started hyperventilating and I felt like someone was crushing my body. I was sweating and shaking. What the hell is going on?? This is the fifth time that's happened to me.


A couple of weeks have passed and Jimin still hangs out with Mina. The panic attacks I've been getting have gotten worse. To the point where I left and wanted to be alone.


"Hyung have you seen (y/n)? I need to ask her something", Jimin asked Jin.

"No. What do you need her for?", Jin asked.

"Well I wanna take Mina somewhere for her birthday and I wanted to ask (y/n) for ideas", he said.

"I don't think you should be asking her anything that involves Mina", Jin said.

"Why not?", Jimin asked.

"Are you serious? She's like madly in love with you. She makes it obvious. And she hasn't been herself lately because you always spend time with Mina. Do you like Mina?", Jin asked.

Jimin thought about it and was about to say something until Taehyung walked in the room out of breath.

"I think (y/n) is in trouble! Not like someone kidnapped her or she's gonna get stabbed. Well actually not anything that is too horrendous but-"

"Spill it already kid!", Jin raised his voice.

"She called me and she was crying. I couldn't really understand her but then she hung up. I called her a couple of times and it went straight to voicemail. I'm sorta worried", Taehyung said.

"She must've had a panic attack again. It's weird, she's usually always in the house",Jin said.

"I think I know where she might be", Jimin said.


I was sitting on the grass while staring at the city in front of me. The cold wind hitting my face, wiping the tears that were sliding down my cheeks. I tried to clear my head but thoughts of Mina and Jimin being together kept bothering me.


I froze as the voice behind me startled me. I couldn't look at him as he sat down next to me. I kept my eyes focused on the view in front of me.

"Can you please look at me?", Jimin asked.

I bit my lip nervously, afraid of what he's gonna tell me.

"Jin told me something that kind of shocked me. Do you have feelings for me? Like really deep deep feelings?", Jimin asked.

My heart started beating really fast and I couldn't breathe properly.

"I'm flattered that you have feelings for me and I'm sorry that I haven't been paying attention to you. I know it's hard for you to see me with someone else. If I knew you had feelings for me, I wouldn't have been around Mina. And I do love you..", he said.

I softly smiled to myself.

"Just not the way you love me."

My smile went away and my eyes started tearing up.

"I'm gonna be 100% truly honest with you because you're my best friend and I don't want to hide anything from you. I really like Mina and these last couple of days, my feelings towards her have grown. As for you, I only see you as a best friend. And I'm not trying to purposely hurt your feelings, I just don't want to hurt you by lying to you. I don't wanna say I love you when I don't mean it. I feel like that would hurt you more. I'm really sorry (y/n)", Jimin said.

I didn't say anything. I was still trying to process whether what he said is a good thing or a bad thing.

"Can you leave please? I wanna be alone", I said, hoping not to choke on my tears.

"Sure", he said before walking away.

I didn't hesitate to let all of my pain out. My tears blurred my vision and my breathing was uneven.


I arrived home around 10pm since I know the guys go to sleep early. Little did I know all of the guys were awake, waiting for me to get home.

It was hard for me to support Jimin's feelings towards Mina but I didn't want anything to come between us so I just have to live with it and hope I get to meet someone new.

First off, can we all appreciate how good looking Jimin looks in the picture. When I saw that picture, I fan girled so hard my mom called me crazy.

Second, on the last imagine I asked how old you guys were. Some of you were the same age as me and the rest were youngsters. What the hell are you guys doing reading my smuts? Your minds need to stay pure and innocent😅
But then again thank you for reading my work.

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