Chapter 8

Draco was comforted by the fact that nothing had changed between him and Harry during their dinner date. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't worried that things would suddenly become awkward, but Harry made sure they weren't. The conversation flowed the same, the teasing a little bit more fond, and the touches more frequent and lingering.

"Nice to see you both again, together. I was worried you'd forgotten about me."

"We'd never forget about you Delilah. I'm afraid this one keeps me in with his home-cooked meals now," Draco replied with a soft smile, squeezing Harry's hand.

"I should've meddled with you two long ago. I'm happy for you both."

"I'm happy too," Harry admitted, eyes shining brightly.

"Your usuals then?"

"Please. And a milkshake, if you don't mind."

"Of course. I'll be back."

After dinner, the two men had walked aimlessly, intertwined hands swinging as they did so.

"I've decided, I'm giving my notice on Monday, officially."

"I'm so proud of you Harry."

"Let's save that for when I actually do it, yeah?"

"You will, I know you will. Just to make sure, I'll stop by after work on Monday. I will be bringing a celebratory dinner with me. Chinese takeaway," Draco finished, leaning forward and whispering conspiratorially.

"You know the way to my heart."

"I do my best," Draco replied with a soft smile.

Harry could get used to this.

It was with Draco's fond smile replaying in his head, that Harry was finally able to gather the courage to meet with Head Auror Robards.

"Auror Potter, I wasn't expecting you today."

Taking a deep breath, Harry closed the door behind him.

"Do you have a few minutes?"

After hearing him sigh, Harry watched as Robards activated all of the privacy charms in his office.

"You're resigning," he said simply.

"I am," Harry replied, a tone of finality in his voice.

"I can't say I'm surprised. You have the paperwork then?"

"Right here."

"You even got Healer Malfoy to sign off on this," Robards mused.

"I've had some free time."

"This is truly what you want?"

"I don't know what I want, but it's not this anymore sir. I loved training, I loved assisting on cases, but I don't feel safe going out into the field anymore. My team is too reliant on me, and that is to my own detriment."

"Yes, Smith did have something to say about that, but I can assure you I shut that down promptly."

"My job is to save civilians, I shouldn't be worried about the competency of my own team. I shouldn't have to throw myself into harms way anymore. I have people that care about me. I can't do that to them, and I'm quite frankly tired of doing that to myself. I'm burnt out, and I've felt like I'm drowning for over a year now. I just didn't think I could do anything about it."

"I wish you would've come to me with your concerns sooner, Harry."

"It's how life goes when you're Harry Potter," he replied with a shrug. "People think they know you, but they don't, not really. Everyone meets me with some preconceived notion of who I am and what I'm like and if I don't fit their mold, they don't like that. I'm not risking my life and running into danger anymore. I need a new purpose. A better purpose."

"I hope you find that Harry. You're young, and you've fought more than enough battles in your young life. If you ever want to come back, there's a place here for you. How would you like to proceed?"

"If you need me on any missions you can pull me, but I would prefer to just... stop. I'll spend today cleaning out my office, sorting my case files and begin assigning them to other capable aurors. I just need to take today, I'll tell my team tomorrow."

"Okay, I can do that. You'll have a hefty severance package, I'm sure you know."

"That's paying for my pool," Harry replied with a laugh. "It's being put in on Thursday so I need to be home for that."

"Do you think you can have everything wrapped up by Wednesday then?"

"I believe so."

"I'm going to sign off on your leave now and expedite the process on my end. Everyone still thinks you're on leave, so I recommend going directly to your office and remaining there until the end of the day. If you have any questions, page me and I'll make my way over."

"Thank you sir."

The first thing Harry started with was the shuffling and sorting of all of his case files. Anything high priority that required finesse went to Ron automatically. While their relationship may be rocky, Ron's leadership was never questionable. Those case files were ready to send off, and then Harry began sorting the rest with who he thought could take on the cases, but at the end of the day it was Robards's decision.

The day was spent with Harry going through his drawers, sneaking down to the archives to properly file all of his completed cases, and emptying his file cabinets. Thank Merlin for enchanted paper bins allowing him to send his files both in and out of the ministry. When it came time to leave, he popped in to update Robards on his progress.

"These are the cases I've provided my input on reassignment for. I think Ron is well-suited for this stack, let me know what you think."

"I trust your judgement," he replied with a nod, flipping through the stack. "I'll have these sent over. First thing tomorrow morning, you can meet with your team. I'll need your input on their reassignments as well."

"Of course sir. I'll see you tomorrow."

When Harry got back home, the first thing he did was faceplant on the couch. He laid there for an unbeknownst amount of time before remembering that Draco would be coming over for another date. Cursing to himself, he quickly apparated to the shops to get Draco his favorite wine, some flowers, and some candles. After setting up the dining room, Harry took a shower and changed into one of the new outfits Draco had helped him choose.

All he had to do now was wait for his... Draco to show up. Really, they should figure out what they are at this point. They had been unofficially dating for some time and they had just established official dates. Now Harry wanted an official title.

A knock on his door brought Harry from his thoughts. With an eyebrow raised in confusion, Harry answered the door, and when it was open his face broke out into a smile.

"Well, don't you clean up nice Potter," Draco teased.

"Looking as lovely as always Malfoy. Come on in."

"These, are for you," Draco offered, a slight blush covering his cheeks as he handed Harry a bouquet of sunflowers.

"My favorite. Thank you," Harry replied sincerely, kissing Draco on the cheek as he led him inside.

"Where are we eating tonight? Kitchen or couch?," Draco questioned, kicking off his shoes.

"I thought the dining room could be nice?"

"I don't think I've ever even seen the dining room."

"Well, it's a special occasion I reckon," Harry retorted with a fond smile, guiding Draco to the dining room.

"Oh Harry... This is beautiful."

"It's all for you."

"No, it's for us," Draco corrected Harry sweetly, putting down the takeout and wrapping his arms around Harry. "I'm so proud of you Harry, I knew you could do it."

"I feel physically lighter already. I reassigned the majority of my case files today, I'm talking to my team tomorrow. I can't imagine that'll go well, but I've realized that's not my problem. The only thing I can control is the way I deliver the news, and what teams they get reassigned to. I can't do anything about their reactions, so I'm trying not to think about it."

"So wise," Draco replied, caressing Harry's face softly with his thumb as he cupped his cheek. "Let's eat, I want you to tell me all about your day."

Harry had just finished telling Draco all about his conversation with Robards when he felt the wards ripple. He frowned, stopping mid-sentence as he reached out with his magic to place who was coming in.

"I'll be right back Draco."

"What's wrong?"


Face steeled, Draco watched Harry's facial features contort into a very good impression of the Malfoy mask. If the weasel ruined Harry's progress, he would kill him. Naturally, Draco snuck out of the dining room to eavesdrop.

"You did it," Ron spoke plainly in place of a greeting.

"I did."

"I can't believe it."

"It was hurting me Ron, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I don't have the support that you have, I couldn't do it anymore."

"I found out when Robards sent a stack of case files my way. I recognized them as yours."

"You weren't supposed to find out this way. I gave you my top cases because despite whatever this is, I trust your leadership and I know you and your team will keep each other safe. Is there anyone from my team you want? I'm working on reassignments."

"Not Smith. I can't believe you didn't tell me!," Ron said, tugging his hair in frustration as he began to pace.

"When did you ever make yourself available for me to? When I even mentioned the idea to you you blew up on me. Merlin Ron you haven't even apologized for anything that you've said, you just showed up here, for what? To yell at me? Officially end our friendship? What do you want from me?"

"I needed to confirm that it was true."

"It is."

"What happened to us Harry?"

"I don't know Ron, but I can't handle the bitterness. It's like fourth year all over again-"

"That's not fair!," Ron cut in, raising his voice.

Draco tensed, taking a step forward, inadvertently drawing attention to himself as part of him was standing outside of the shadows.


"Weasley," he greeted, voice void of all emotion.

"You can get back to dinner Draco, we're almost done here."

"What in the bloody hell has been going on over here?!"

Both men watched as Ron put the pieces together, eyes traveling over both of their outfits, the flowers on the table, and lastly the photos of Harry and Draco on the living room wall.

"Malfoy. Of course it's Draco sodding Malfoy! You've been acting differently since the last time you were in Mungo's, it all makes sense. You went and got yourself a boyfriend, and now he's changed you."

"Sure Weasley, blame your already deteriorating friendship on me instead of taking responsibility yet again. Has it ever occurred to you that Harry has only stayed in the job he hates this long because of you? You don't even go on missions together! What difference does it make if he does something that he finds to be fulfilling?"

"Stay out of this Malfoy. This is between Harry and I."

"As his healer, it's my job to take care of his mental, physical, and emotional health. You're a threat to that, so I do believe you should take your leave. It wouldn't be the first time I've had to repair the broken pieces after seeing you. Goodbye Weasley."


"Draco is right, I think it's best you go. We were in the middle of our dinner date. I'm creating a new family since you don't recognize me as part of yours," Harry finished, quoting one of the last things Ron said to him.

"Harry, you know you're like a brother to me," Ron pleaded.

"No, I don't know that actually. Not anymore. I look at you now and I can't fathom that you're the same person who stayed behind at Christmas so I wouldn't have to spend the holidays alone. The same person who stole a car to get me out of my abusive home and removed the bloody bars from my windows. Maybe I have changed, but I like to think it's for the better. You need to figure out whether you have too," Harry replied, walking back to the dining room.

Ron gave Draco a long, searching look, before dropping his head in defeat. He moved to leave, but Draco stopped him. Now it was his turn to talk, and Weasley was going to listen if he knew what was good for him.

Harry was pacing anxiously about the dining room, not even realizing how long Draco was gone. He was so caught up in his own head that he didn't realize Draco was watching until hands were placed gently on his shoulders.

"That's enough of that. Don't let him ruin our date."

"I'm afraid I'm not very good company right now."

"I'm delightful enough for the both of us. Sit."

Opening his mouth to protest, Harry quickly closed it as Draco glared at him.

"We didn't even get to talk about my day. A child came in who turned himself green..."

"What was your accidental magic like when you were a kid?," Harry asked when they were laying on the couch, limbs entangled.

"Oh, I didn't have much of it. I had a training wand to help channel any outbursts. I vaguely remember somehow sticking myself to the ceiling... Opening cabinets and sneaking out treats. Silly things of that nature."

"I blew up my aunt."

"You what?!," Draco asked, sitting up quickly and failing to hide the horror in his voice.

"Like a balloon, not like an actual firework. It happened when I ran away from that place. I can take her making comments towards me, but I draw the line at my parents. Called my mother a bad egg and my father a wastrel. My uncle told her I was attending St. Brutus's Secure Center for Incurably Criminal Boys. She ended up on the proper end of a non-verbal Inflating Charm. Should've used it on her dreadful dog too. I have scars from that thing nipping at my heels."

"How old were you?," Draco asked, surreptitiously poking his wand out of his pocket and directing a healing spell at Harry's feet.

"It was right before third year started, so 13. I got away with it, but probably because Fudge was happy I was alive. I almost wasn't after the Knight Bus incident. And everyone thought my godfather was going to murder me."

"My respect for you grows everyday Harry, I hope you know that," Draco replied sincerely, pulling Harry against him. "Another healing session on Wednesday? Or are you going to be too knackered after work?"

"We can do Wednesday. When do I get to re-meet Zabini and Parkinson?"

"Can you do lunch on Wednesday do you think? We'll start smaller than a movie night. I'll admit I've been selfish, I like having you to myself."

"Let me know what time and where, I'll be there. Will you stay the night tonight?"

"Only if you let me be the big spoon."


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