Chapter 7

It was the weekend, and Harry was feeling quite apprehensive. On Friday, Harry had stared at his resignation paperwork all day. On Monday he would officially be submitting it. He wanted to take the weekend to try to get his head on straight. 

"Not very straight," his mind supplied as Draco showed up for lunch, clad in skinny jeans and a crop top.

"Hey you," Draco greeted with a grin, hugging Harry quickly.

"You look great Draco."

"Soon you will too. I can work miracles. Did you do what I asked?"

"Yes. My very meager collection of clothing is spread out in my room so you can tell me I have no fashion sense."

"It can't be that bad."

Harry just shook his head, following Draco upstairs.


"I told you."

"I thought you were being dramatic."

"I'm not the dramatic one in this relationship."

"What do you bring to our relationship?," Draco teased, sitting on the corner of Harry's bed.

"Domesticity, obviously."

"Do you have the rubbish bags I requested?"

"I do, here."

"Perfect. Any disgusting hand-me-downs are to go into this bag, then we're going to burn them. Why do you have them still?"

"I dunno. In a twisted way they're still a part of me. It's like despite everything that's happened to me, they still hold some sort of power over me. I feared my uncle more some days than I ever did Voldemort."

"Would you like to talk about it?," Draco asked, beginning to sort through the clothes.

"Where to start? The beginning explains why I reacted so harshly towards you, when you offered your hand. You reminded me of him the way you spoke to Ron and I couldn't subject myself to that again. My cousin had two bedrooms, my room was the cupboard under the stairs. He had a second room just for all of his toys and gifts, and I had a spider infested cubby with a mattress on the floor.

I was told my parents died in a car accident, I wasn't allowed to ask about them. If I did I'd get yelled at and thrown into my cupboard. I have no pictures of the first 11 years of my life. I have a book Hagrid gave me from when I was a baby, but there's so many photos that must exist and I just... don't know where they'd be. I'm sure those were the happiest 15 months of my life, and anyone who'd know about the location of those photos is gone.

I don't even have any grandparents. I don't think I even had a godmother, I think it was just Sirius. He told me, if I wanted, that I could come and live with him. He said he would take me in and I hoped. I fucking hoped that he would take me away from that place where I had bars on my windows and no access to magic and I felt one meter tall. But I had to watch him die, right in front of me, at 15 fucking years old and it's just so unfair. I thought I would be free of that place, I could be with someone who loved me, someone who wanted me, but I couldn't have that. I don't think I'll ever have that. Everyone who's ever loved me has either died or decided to leave me. You'll just...," Harry cut himself off as he harshly wiped the tears from his eyes.

"I think the worst part is having my Hogwarts letter addressed to 'the cupboard under the stairs.' They knew, and they did nothing. Dumbledore, he wanted me to feel like nothing so that he could manipulate me into doing what he wanted. He hid that prophecy from me for years. Snape overheard it and told Voldemort and that is why my parents and everyone I love are dead. I know you liked him, but I don't care if he was somehow saving me in his own convoluted way. He was Neville's boggart and he treated me like shit when he was trying to teach me occlumency. Sure he tried to save my mom at the end, but fuck me right? I was just a reminder of all of his past mistakes. And what he did to Professor Lupin, Remus...

At the end, I thought I could at least have him you know? And then I come back to fucking life because of fucking Dumbledore just to find out that more people I loved were dead. Fred who was like my own brother was dead. Remus and Tonks both died leaving Teddy an orphan. It ended just like it began, but at least Teddy will never go a day without knowing he's loved, not like I did. He will never regret being born, I'll make sure of that."

Harry hadn't realized that he was digging his nails into his palms until he felt Draco pry his fists loose. He couldn't look at him, or he would never finish his story.

"Saved by a mother's love twice you know. Your mum asked if you were alive. I saved you, which in turn saved myself. She lied to Voldemort so that she could find you, so that we could finally end this. We've always been connected. I think it's quite beautiful in some ways," Harry finished, holding Draco's left hand with his right, looking at both of their scars.

"That's probably not the adjective I would've used initially," Draco replied with a sigh, leaning his head on Harry's shoulder. "By all accounts we shouldn't work. The savior and the death eater. A piss poor one at that. You make me forget Harry. You make me feel like I was worthy of being saved when I spent so long wishing you never would've come back for me."

"I have many regrets in my life Draco, but saving you will never be one of them. I regret not having this sooner though."

"You have me now," Draco promised, seating himself in Harry's lap and wrapping his arms around him.

As Harry's arms made their way around Draco, he sighed as Harry's hands brushed the exposed skin on his back.

"Thank you, for telling me all of that."

"Thank you for not viewing me any differently."

"You'll always be my insufferable git," Draco teased fondly, gently caressing Harry's face. "Let's get rid of all of the bad memories associated with your clothes. We'll start fresh. Pick out what you want to keep, I'll bag the rest and you can start lunch?"

"That works for me, thank you."

It took Harry less than 5 minutes to sort through all of his clothing.

"I like this jacket a lot."

"It belonged to Sirius."

"I think you should wear it out. We'll get you an outfit to go with it."

"Can you... can you put some protection charms on it? I'm scared to ruin one of the last things I have of him."

"Of course darling," the pet name slipped so easily, Draco blinked in confusion.

"Thanks love," Harry replied just as easily, pressing a quick kiss to Draco's cheek before heading down to the kitchen.

Maybe, this was an actual date. Draco would be treating it as such. Oh yes, this would do quite nicely. He could take Harry out, treat him the way Harry should be treated, and then they could go from there. Soon enough, Draco would have a boyfriend. He knew the crop top was a good idea.

By the time Harry called him down for lunch, Draco had cleaned out Harry's whole wardrobe, separated close into a donation pile and a burn pile, and started a list of what they needed to buy.

"I've been in dire need of a good shopping spree. We are quite literally going to shop until we drop, or whatever the muggles say."

"Should I be worried?," Harry asked, hiding a teasing smile behind his sandwich.

"Terribly so. I'm going to run you ragged," Draco promised with a wink.

Harry as it turned out, was actually the perfect shopping partner. He held and carried all of the bags, he didn't complain that Draco took too long in a dressing room, and he provided his honest opinion on clothing.

"What do you think about these trousers?," Draco asked Harry, looking at him over his shoulder.

"They completely hide your arse. Where did it go?"

"They do not!"

"Draco, at risk of further embarrassing myself to add onto the ah, counter incident, these trousers do not do you any justice. Look I'll show you."

Harry came up behind Draco and cinched the waistline of the trousers with his hands. Oh, Draco's waist fit perfectly in Harry's hands.

"See? If you like them, you should size down."

"Thanks," Draco replied shyly.

"I'll go get them in a smaller size. What needs to go back on the racks?"

"This pile, thank you."

"I'll be right back."

"Once I'm done, we'll shop for you."

"Take your time Draco, I don't mind."

"Just you wait," Draco replied with a soft smile. "Then I'll treat you to dinner after."

"Are we going to be here that long?"

"Shop until you drop darling."

Harry had found a few things for himself here and there, but he preferred watching Draco try on numerous outfits for him instead. Shopping typically brought back bad memories for him, but Draco was making it fun.

Putting back the clothes, he grabbed the trousers in a size smaller for Draco and made his way back.

"Whenever you're ready, I have them."

Draco's arm appeared over the dressing room door, hand extended for the last clothing item he'd be trying on. In this store anyway. He had almost forgotten he was here to dress up Harry.

"What do you think now?," Draco asked, opening the door and doing a slow turn for Harry.

"So much better."

"I'll take them then. Now, it's time to shop for you," Draco reminded him, clapping his hands before he changed back into his own clothes.

"Are you sure? I think you quite like being showered in compliments."

"Who doesn't? We just need to figure out your style. What do you like?"

"Being comfortable?"

Draco clicked his tongue before stepping closer to Harry and giving him a once over.

"We'll start with trousers and work our way up from there. Come along."

After 40 minutes of trying on various pairs of trousers, Harry was ready to remove his legs from his body. In and out, in and out, turn for Draco, repeat. He saved the best for last though; a pair of grey sweatpants.

"Last one," he announced triumphantly with a lazy smirk.

"Merlin and Morgana," Draco sputtered.

"Not good?"

"You know what you're doing Potter."

"Shall I leave these behind-"

"No! Ahem. No. If they're comfortable, you should get them."

"I'm quite comfortable."

"I'm going to go get some more shirts," Draco rushed off, face turning pink as he stole one last glance over at Harry.

Maybe there was some fun to shopping after all...

"Truly Potter, I have no idea what kind of shirts you like."

"Ones that aren't cropped and tight?"

"I'm going to watch you walk around and see what you like."

As Harry made his way through the store, Draco took note as to what caught his attention. Flannels, soft jumpers, music related t-shirts. He could work with this.

"Okay, I promise this is the last store Harry."

"I'm scared to even ask what time it is."

"Almost dinner time I reckon. I think I finally know what you like. Give me 5 minutes."

While Draco was shopping around the new store, Harry decided to sit and catch his breathe. He didn't mind carrying all of the bags but Merlin there were a lot of them. Harry had a feeling he was nearing the verge of "until you drop."

"Hi there, are you fine everything alright?"

"Yes, thank you," Harry replied, looking up to try to find Draco.

"There's nothing I can help you with?"

"No thanks. Just waiting for someone."

"Would you like some company?"

Sighing, Harry finally looked up at the girl. She was pretty, but he was pretty sure he was on a date.

"I'm on a date, thanks though."

"Oh, I'm sorry!," she squeaked.

"'S'alright. Hey love, did you find me some new shirts?"

"I did indeed darling. Here you are," Draco said pointedly, challenging the girl.

"Sorry again."

"What did she want?," Draco asked, trying and failing to sound casual.

"Me, apparently," Harry replied with a snort.

"Did I interrupt something?"

"Nope. Told her we were on a date. Then you scared her off," Harry said cheekily, winking at Draco.

"I did no such thing!"

"Oh love, you have no idea what your face does when you're annoyed. I think it's sweet though."

"Go try on your shirts."

"Yes sir."

Draco rolled his eyes, and Harry wrapped his arms around the back of Draco's neck, pulling him close.

"You have nothing to worry about, just so you know," Harry reassured. "And I hope the same goes for me?"

"Of course it does," Draco replied softly, leaning back into Harry.

"Good, then I'm not misreading anything. I wanted to make sure we were on the same page."

"Thank you, for that."

"I figured if I said we were going on dates enough times you'd eventually pick up on it."

"Normal people would just ask out someone they fancy."

"We're not normal people. If you weren't interested you'd eventually correct me when I called them dates. Let me finish trying these on before I do actually drop."

Draco was right, Harry looked absolutely edible in a button up, especially when he rolled the sleeves up.

"What do you think?"

"Good for future date nights I think," Draco ventured, smiling shyly.

"What do you think about these? The pattern shirts?"

"As long as you don't look like a tablecloth Harry."

"You'd never allow that."

"I'm glad you put your trust in me."

"Always," Harry replied honestly, nuzzling his face into Draco's neck. "Let's go checkout now, I think I'm done."

"I can carry the bags you know."

"I recognize that you can, but you don't have to. Just like you can open your own doors, you can pull out your own chairs, and you can buy your own things. You don't have to while I'm around."

"My boyfriend closes doors in my face and laughs at me what the fuck?," the two men heard from behind them.

"Dump him. Holding a door is the bare minimum."

"You deserve better," Draco agreed. "Dump him."

"You know what? I will."

"I've only been saying that for 2 months," her friend muttered.

"It happens to other people! But if two men don't even do that to each other, no offense, then why do I have a man doing that to me?"

Harry and Draco walked away to the sound of friendly bickering.

"I hope she finds a better boyfriend."

"Not everyone is lucky to know someone like you," Draco commented, linking his arm through Harry's.

"I feel the same way about you. I'm tired, but I'm actually feeling good you know? This feels like I'm getting a fresh start."

"Because you are, and it's what you deserve."

"A fresh start with you," Harry continued, a goofy smile on his face.

"Once we work through our shared history."

"Do we need to? Is saying I forgive you not enough?"

"I just don't want it to become something we resent each other for down the line. I don't think it's healthy to leave things unresolved."

"Okay, but not today?"

"Not today, we've got a dinner date to get to."

"I'm sure Delilah misses us."

"I want to take you out somewhere different next time, but it almost feels like I'm cheating on her."

"Oh thank Merlin, I thought there was something wrong with me. Every time I get a Chinese takeaway or a pizza I feel like I can't look her in the eye."

"How about we go out for dinner and then stop there to share a milkshake?"

"I'd like that a lot."

"Perfect. I'm going to bring my stuff home, I'll come pick you up in 10 minutes?"

"Brilliant. I'll see you soon."

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