Chapter 6
It was Thursday morning, and Harry refused to get out of bed. He fell in and out of fits of sleep until the early evening. The last time he woke was to a cool hand pressed against his forehead.
"Harry, are you well?"
"Not in the slightest."
"Sit up for me."
Harry groaned and buried his face in the pillow. Draco gently ran his hand through Harry's hair, working to untangle all of the knots.
Muttering to himself, Harry rolled over, his head now in Draco's lap.
"Why didn't you call me?"
"I wanted to be alone."
"It's Thursday," Draco reminded him.
"I don't know if I'm in the mood for any more healing today."
"We can just sit here like this then."
Harry was good at this game, but Draco was better. They sat in silence, one of Draco's hands in Harry's hair and the other rubbing his back.
"We fought, again," Harry said simply.
Draco remained quiet, letting Harry take his time to collect himself.
"He and Hermione are on a break now, I think. It's hard not to feel like it's my fault."
"When has Granger ever let someone talk her into doing something she didn't think was right?"
"I suppose you're right."
"I'm always right Potter."
"I really thought I could get through to him. I told him how exhausted and burnt out I am but he keeps saying we all feel like that and that I should just keep working through it. I told him it wasn't normal to keep fighting like this with no breaks.
One thing led to another and I brought up Fred and that was that. I told him that his brother wouldn't have wanted this for him, and he told me I didn't have a family and that I'd never understand. You spend half your life with your best friend, who you thought was your brother, and to hear him disregard your relationship like that...
He tried to apologize but I left. We didn't even make it to dinner. I came home and immediately came to bed. I just don't understand Draco, what's wrong with me?"
"It's not you Harry, it's him. I used to feel like that towards you. I envied you. I didn't know if I wanted to be you or be with-," Draco cut himself off as he cleared his throat. "The more I've gotten to know you, the more I've seen, everything I once envied you for doesn't hold up. I still envy the way you make other people feel, the easy going smile you have, your bravery. I don't envy everything that led to that though," Draco finished quietly, tracing some scars on Harry's shoulder.
"I know exactly which scars you're looking at," Harry continued with a snort. "All of the tiny tears? Glass wounds on my back and shoulders. I was able to protect my team from the blast but I got thrown clean out a set of glass windows. Passed out at one point too. I don't even know who attempted to remove all of the glass.
This is why I don't know if I can do it anymore. Ever since my parents died I've lived my life bruised and scarred. When my mother died for me, this couldn't have been what she wanted. Raised for slaughter, manipulated, killing others with my bare hands. I'm older than they were when they died, and no one tells me I look like my father anymore. I don't know if that's because I've outlived him or because almost everyone who knew him is dead. I just keep waiting for the next mission where something happens, I close my eyes, and they stay closed. Maybe then I'll finally know peace."
"Oh darling. We need to get your resignation sorted immediately. I won't let you do this to yourself any longer."
Draco gently wiped away his own tears. He couldn't imagine a world without Harry Potter in it.
"You'll help me with it?," Harry asked quietly, turning to look up at Draco through wet eyelashes.
"Of course I will. The scars from the window are gone now. You're going to take a bath, then we're going to visit Delilah. After that, you're coming home with me. We're going to look into this paperwork, fill it out, then say fuck you to the Ministry when you hand it in."
"Thank you."
"I'm here for you Harry, always."
"I believe you."
"I'm going to run your bath."
Once Harry was in the bath, Draco popped out quickly. He was taking matters into his own hands. Knocking on the door, Draco straightened his shirt and steeled his expression before it was opened.
"Granger. May I come in?"
She studied him, but he didn't wilt under her gaze.
"You may."
"I'll cut to the chase, I need a favor," he began, sitting down on the offered chair.
"For Harry."
"Yes. Resignation forms for the Aurors. He can't keep doing this Granger, it's killing him."
"You've seen the scars then, more than me I'm sure."
"I can't discuss my patients in that manner, I'm sure you understand," he said pointedly.
She nodded, taking that as confirmation.
"Let me get you the forms."
"Thank you."
When she returned with the forms, Draco stood to collect them.
"Please continue to take care of him. He needs someone. What Ron said, it was absolutely ghastly."
"I can assure you he will not be allowed into my healing room and will be handled by someone else should he need. I don't understand what his problem is, but his loss is my gain. I'll fight like hell for Harry."
"I'll try talking to him again, but I'm staying with Luna and Neville temporarily. I think we all need some time away from each other before anything else is said."
"Have a good night Granger."
"You too Malfoy."
Draco got back just in time to have a few minutes to read through the paperwork before Harry called him.
"Yes Harry?"
"Can we do takeout at yours please? I just don't think I can go out right now. I don't want to see anyone."
"I can bring you dinner and leave-"
"What are you talking about? I don't mean you. You are the only exception."
"Oh. I can get takeout. You finish up in the bath and I'll come back to pick you up."
While Harry finished, Draco placed the food order, popped over to the shops to buy an exuberant amount of ice cream and toppings as well as food shop, picked up dinner and dropped everything at his home before going back for Harry.
"Where did you get my sweater from Potter?"
"You must've left it here," Harry replied with a shrug.
Harry Potter in his clothes... Merlin help him.
"Insufferable git. Let's go to mine."
"Good, I like your sweaters better."
Laughing quietly, Draco apparated them into his living room.
"Thank you for coming for me."
"I told you I would. Come on, I've got a long night ahead of me since you decided to sleep all day."
"You don't have to-"
"Have you not learned after all of these years to simply not argue with me? Dinner time, chop chop."
"Did you really order me half the menu?"
"No, that would be absurd. I ordered one quarter of the menu," Draco replied haughtily.
With a soft smile, Harry used his magic to pull Draco's chair out for him after he unpacked the food.
"Thank you."
"No, thank you. You always were able to get me out of my own head. And you got me nachos."
"It is quite a big head, lots of space to get lost in," Draco teased with a snicker.
"Says you."
"Whatever do you mean by that?"
"You and your pretty privilege."
"You're the one who should be privileged to be around my beauty so often."
"I'm even more privileged to be wearing this sweater."
"Which I do expect back."
"Don't worry, I'll trade them out," Harry teased, swiping a fry off of Draco's plate.
"Potter the container was right there."
"Things are better when they come from you," Harry replied with a shrug.
Draco supposed he couldn't argue with that.
"After we eat we can watch a film?"
"That works for me."
"I'll even let you choose."
"How kind of you."
"I have my moments."
"More frequently than you like to admit."
"It's a Slytherin trait," Draco replied with a shrug.
They continued to eat, trading quips back and forth, their ankles hooked around each other.
"When are we filling out the paperwork?"
"We can do it once I clean up?," Draco offered, collecting the dishes and bringing them to the sink.
"I don't want to pick it up right now-"
"It's taken care of."
"I went to see Granger and got the paperwork."
"You... you went to see Hermione?"
"When you were in the bath. I figured you weren't going to want to go anywhere, so I just... stopped by. Was that... was that okay?"
Harry threw himself at Draco, hugging him so tightly Draco swore he was losing feeling in his arms. He couldn't even wrap his arms around Harry, they were pinned to his sides.
"You're amazing Draco. I can't believe you would do that for me."
"What was it you said to me? 'I'm quite fond of you, you're stuck with me.' I told you, you're not doing this alone anymore, I'm with you."
Harry loosened his hold on Draco so he could wrap his arms around him as well.
"I finally believe you. You went to talk to her for me, despite your discomfort. You got me the papers so that I didn't have to go back there. You make me feel so... safe."
"It's about time someone makes you feel that way for a change."
Draco decided to let Harry be the one to let go from the embrace first.
"Can we do the paperwork before we watch the film?"
"Let's get it over with."
"Reason for leaving the Aurors. Does it matter?," Draco asked with a snort.
He had decided that as Harry talked, his head nestled on Draco's shoulder, Draco would fill out the paperwork for him.
"Is it a fill-in the blank or a multiple choice question?"
"Multiple choice but there's an option for other where you can write in your own. Medical, family, injury, illness, recommended by Healer, other."
"What say you Healer Malfoy?"
"I highly recommend that you leave. I'll circle that one, medical, and other. For other, I'll write mental wellness, and I'll sign off on the healer line for you right now."
"Thank you for doing this for me."
"They're going to want to talk to you in person about this."
"They... they have to let me leave right? They can't deny it?"
"They can make you work for a few weeks or make you finish your caseload but legally they can't keep you. They can't just not let you quit. Granted they might fight like hell to keep you here because objectively you are a good Auror, but for once you need to put yourself first."
"By making sure you don't talk me out of it."
"I do quite like arguing with you. It's my favorite hobby, you know."
"I know," Harry replied with a laugh, pressing a kiss to the top of Draco's shoulder before laying his head back down.
"I'll make sure you go through with it. You'll also be entitled to a very hefty severance package due to all of your owed vacation time and sick leave."
"Do you have vacation time saved up?"
"I do," Draco replied, one eyebrow raised in contemplation.
"Well, when I get said package, we should go on vacation."
"Anywhere. Maybe we can start by you showing me the sights in France?," Harry asked hopefully.
"I'd like that," Draco replied softly, leaning his head against Harry's. "Okay, your paperwork is complete. Sign here."
Taking a deep breath, Harry signed on the dotted line. The first part was done, he just needed the strength to turn his paperwork in.
"No more of this, it's time for the film. Before that though, I have a surprise for you," Draco teased.
Standing up, he laced Harry's fingers with his own and led him back to the kitchen.
"You've been busy today huh. Just how long was I in the bath?," Harry joked.
"Around 40 minutes honestly."
"Oh Merlin did I disassociate."
"I'm just glad you didn't drown."
"I'm sorry. I didn't meant to shut down-"
"Don't apologize for having feelings Potter, you just need to handle the processing of them a bit better," Draco chided gently.
"I know. I'm trying to learn to ask for help."
"This was the first step. When you hand in those papers, that's the best thing you could ever do for yourself. You'll be free."
"The pool is getting put in at the end of next week. Fancy a small get together on Saturday?"
"Snake in the lion's den hmm?"
"Luna will be there. I reckon Parkinson and Zabini can come with you, if you'd like."
"You haven't seen them in years."
"I trust your judgement. I leave it up to you."
"Maybe you can meet them first, see how it goes."
"I think that's a good idea."
"Lunch early next week?," Draco suggested.
"It's a date," Harry replied with a wink. "Let's get that ice cream."
Draco didn't know when he had fallen asleep, but when he awoke he was laying across Harry, arms loosely wrapped around his waist. Harry's hand was gently carding through Draco's hair while he slept, Harry reading the book he had picked up last time he was over.
"Sorry," Draco whispered groggily, moving to get up.
"Shh, go back to sleep love. It's alright I've got you," Harry reassured.
"Stay," Draco mumbled, tightening his grip around Harry.
The next morning, Draco woke up to Harry protectively laying over him. He took his time waking up, staring at Harry unabashedly since he wasn't awake to notice. From this close, Draco was able to see the freckles dotting his cheeks, and a small scar behind his ear.
"What in Merlin's name," he muttered.
"The scar behind your ear, I didn't know it was there."
"Oh that. Aunt Petunia was dragging me by the ear for one thing or another and her diamond on her engagement ring cut me. I don't even remember what I did, I just remember her grabbing me extremely hard, and then the cut."
With a frown, Draco healed the small scar before brushing his hand against Harry's cheek.
"How did we end up in my bed?"
"Once I finished the book I carried you up here. You told me to stay... was this okay?"
"I'm glad you didn't sleep on the couch."
"You wouldn't let me leave. Started threatening me with hexes."
"I did no such thing."
"You told me if I didn't get my arse into bed I'd no longer have an arse to use. You could have just asked me to cuddle."
"Says the one who's caged me into the bed."
Harry moved to roll off, but Draco grabbed him, so when Harry rolled over, he rolled Draco on top of him.
"Now this is a view to wake up to," Harry said softly, brushing hair out of Draco's eyes. "Can I make you breakfast?"
"I think I'd like to make you breakfast instead. Let me cook for you."
"That sounds quite nice actually."
"After that I have to get to work."
"I think I'm going to submit my resignation tomorrow. I want to think on it for one more day and see how I feel."
"Take your time Harry. Like I told you last night, even filling them out takes a lot of strength. I'm proud of you."
"You're going to make me cry into your posh pillowcase and ruin it."
"I shudder to think what's on your bed. Best fix it before I...," Draco cut himself off by clearing his throat.
"Inviting yourself into my bed are you? You're welcome any time love," Harry flirted, winking at Draco. "But I suppose today I can go buy some, what is this satin?"
"Silk pillowcases."
"I'll take you out shopping this weekend and we can fix it. Tell me about the rest of the home improvements you want to make over breakfast."
Harry did just that, amazed not for the first time at how easy everything was in Draco's presence.
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