Chapter 11
Draco woke up that Thursday morning feeling as if he could take on the world. Harry had done exactly as promised the night before, and the bath was nothing but sweet. He took great care of Draco, never doing anything without asking Draco if it was okay. While helping Draco with his skin care routine, Harry even let Draco put a face mask on him while they lounged in bed before sleeping.
Rolling over to check the time, Draco smiled to see that he still had an hour left to sleep. Harry subconsciously pulled Draco back into his chest, and he went to sleep with the smile still on his face.
The next time Draco woke up was to the feeling of kisses being pressed into his face, and the taste of mint in his mouth.
"A little presumptuous there aren't we?"
"Good morning my love," Harry greeted, pecking Draco on the lips.
"Why are you up so early?"
"I wanted to see you off to work."
"Oh my darling, that's so sweet of you."
"Do you want me to pick you up from work later?," Harry asked, his thumbs rubbing circles over the dimples in Draco's back.
"You can pick me up from mine instead? I'm going to head home after work and get ready there. All of my nice clothes are still there."
"Wear something comfortable, okay? They already know you."
"They're practically your family, I need to make a good impression."
"You definitely have with Ron," Harry admitted.
"He's lucky I decided to share you."
"He's very lucky," Harry agreed, pulling Draco to rest on top of him.
"I love you," Draco said simply, kissing Harry sweetly. "Are you going back to sleep?"
"No, the pool guy is coming around 9. I'll tidy up and maybe bake something to bring tonight. Let me get you some breakfast before you have to leave. Shall I pack you a lunch or do you want me to bring you something?"
"A sandwich is fine."
"You get ready, I'll take care of the food."
"Thank you my darling."
Harry made Draco's morning coffee to perfection and was finishing their omelets when Draco came down and wrapped his arms around Harry.
"I love this. I love you."
"You've made me a morning person."
"It's nice, waking up in the morning and knowing that you're there."
"I feel the same way, my love. Your coffee is ready, omelets are almost done, then I'll make your lunch."
"I'll get plates and your pumpkin juice."
The best part about their time together is the fact that they could sense each other, moving easily in tandem and never bumping into each other. Harry could reach out and feel the thrumming of Draco's magic in the air, and it was such a comfort. The house also felt brighter in a way too.
After breakfast, Draco kissed Harry sweetly, telling him what time to pick him up for dinner, before saying goodbye. Harry moved on to cleaning up the house before letting the pool guy into the backyard.
Harry spent the first half of the day in a glamour as it was a wizard putting in his pool. He had given a fake name, Evan, and spoke with the other man about what he wanted the pool to look like. Harry had splurged with the inground pool, diving board, and waterfall. If he was going to spend a lot of time at his house, he would make it into a proper home that Sirius would be proud of.
Once the pool was taken care of, Harry went shopping. He wandered aimlessly, his feet carrying him along before he really had a destination in mind. When he saw where he had ended up, he entered the jewelry store with an air of determination about him. He knew he wanted Draco's jewelry to complement his own.
After returning home, Harry baked a dessert to bring for dinner. He took a short nap, and when he woke up it was time to get ready. Changing into something a bit nicer, he grabbed Draco's gift and the dessert before making his way to his boyfriend's.
"Honey, I'm home!," he called teasingly as he closed the door behind him.
"Bedroom my darling!"
Harry let out a low whistle when he looked at the state of Draco's room.
"What happened to my lovely, meticulous boyfriend?"
"He's extremely stressed out and nauseous."
"Come here my love."
"But I-"
Sighing dramatically, Draco dropped into Harry's arms, falling boneless.
"Hermione has so much respect for you Draco. You were never on good terms but you went to see her to get help for me. That holds so much weight for her, despite our collective past. It shows that you would do anything to help me, despite your personal discomfort."
"I'll admit, I was more worried about her reaction than I was for Weasley's."
"I've spoken with Ron. He understands my feelings for you."
"He does?," Draco asked dubiously.
"Quite simply, yes. I told him that you're my Hermione."
Draco had no response to that other than to kiss Harry brutally, pulling him in by his shirt. He knew what that meant, and he didn't take the comment lightly.
"Oh," Harry said breathlessly as he pulled away.
"I love you so much."
"The feeling is mutual. Tell me, did he ever send you one of those fancy little food platters?"
"I did get one with a note that said 'thank you for dealing with me' but in my line of work, that could apply to many people."
"See? They will at the bare minimum tolerate you, but I think it'll be so much more than that. No matter what happens, I love you. You have my heart, and nothing will ever change that Draco."
"If you don't stop being so sweet we're never going to dinner. Thank you."
"As if I'll ever be upset about you wanting to kiss me," Harry scoffed, wrapping his arms around Draco's neck and tilting his head down.
"Help me pick out what to wear please? I don't want to be late, it's bad manners."
"Short sleeves or long sleeves my love?"
"Are... are short sleeves okay?"
"Whatever makes you most comfortable."
"Long sleeves for today then," Draco replied quietly. "I can always roll them up."
"You can get it covered, you know. Maybe magic won't do it, but muggle methods will."
"It feels like cheating."
"I think we were all forced to make hard choices that we had to live with. Once all the scars are gone, I want tattoos. I want to leave my own meaningful marks on my body. Just because they're gone on the outside doesn't mean that I don't feel them still, but I'm the one in control now and I need to remember that."
"Maybe we can go together one day."
"I'll go anywhere with you Draco," Harry promised. "Wear this. I love seeing you in blue, it makes your eyes brighter."
While Draco got changed, Harry took the time to look around his bedroom.
"I love the ceiling in here."
"Yeah? Luna helped me charm it to resemble the night sky."
"I'll have to ask her on Saturday about that then."
"Who's coming on Saturday?," Draco inquired casually, making sure his hair sat perfectly.
"Ron, Hermione, Luna, Neville, the Weasleys, you, Parkinson, Zabini, Andromeda."
"The Weasleys... as in?"
"Molly, Arthur, Ron's siblings. All of them."
"Why did I ask? Why did you tell me?! Oh Merlin and Morgana," Draco paled.
Harry grabbed Draco's hands and made him look him in the eyes as he spoke sincerely and from the heart.
"Draco, if you think for a second that I will tolerate any disrespect of you in my home you don't know me at all. I love you. Everyone that I love will grow to love you too once they see how happy you make me. I know there's no point in telling you not to worry, but I wish you wouldn't. Everyone always tells me to find something that makes my life worth living. You're my something, my everything."
"Okay. I can do this. If I can heal people who hate every fiber of my being I can meet my boyfriend's family."
"Let's just start with Ron and Hermione okay? If at any point you're uncomfortable, just let me know and we'll leave."
"Okay. I'm ready to go before I change my mind. I can do this."
"Almost. You're just missing one thing."
"What did I forget?," Draco asked in a panic, spinning around and checking his outfit in the mirror.
"This," Harry replied, pulling the jewelry box out of his pocket.
"I found a piece that complements mine. Same stones, and I personally cast some protective charms on there for you. May I?"
Harry gently clipped the necklace on for Draco, once he stopped kissing him, which Harry didn't mind one bit.
"I love you."
"I love you too Harry. Let's go now."
The reception Draco received upon arriving to where Granger and Weasley lived was much more pleasant than he ever could have anticipated. Granger actually hugged him, and Weasley clapped his shoulder in a friendly manner.
"Thank you for the good platter Weasley, but it wasn't necessary."
"Agree to disagree. The most polite way someone has ever told me to get my head out of my arse came from you. You got me my brother back, and you make him happy."
"Extremely happy," Harry promised, his arm resting protectively on the small of Draco's break. "He brought wine, I brought dessert. Anything I can help with in the kitchen Ron?"
Before Draco knew it, he was alone with Hermione.
"Granger. Work is going well I hope?"
"All well as it can be. Some of the ministry higher ups can be quite old fashioned."
"You just need to politely and eloquently tell them all to fuck off."
Hermione laughed into her hand, shaking her head.
"I suppose that's plan b. It seems that no matter what legislation I'm trying to push, they find ways to refute it and I'm back to square one."
"I can take a look at it? What's your goal?"
"Oh no, you don't-"
"Let me use my purebloodedness for good for once. Merlin knows how many business meetings I've had to sit in on. I'll walk you through their thought process and we can come up with solutions together."
"I'll get the papers then."
"So, how's retirement going mate?," Ron asked, sliding a cutting board to Harry.
"It's so nice to just lay in bed, stare at the ceiling, and just be. The pool went in today and it looks stunning. I think it'll be so nice to have everyone over. I never get to host."
"Are you excited for your retirement gala?"
"Hardly, but I've got the best date," Harry replied with a soft smile, which only grew as he watched Draco and Hermione laughing together on the couch.
"I'm happy to see you like this Harry."
"I love him, so much. And somehow, he loves me too, and that's enough. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little worried about what everyone else has to say. I don't want to jeopardize his job."
"On the contrary, I think people will keep their mouths shut, knowing if they disrespect him they're also disrespecting you."
"That's actually quite a smart way of looking at things."
"I can be smart from time to time," Ron teased.
The two continued their banter back and forth as Draco helped Hermione work through her latest proposal. Harry entered the living room to hear a friendly debate going on.
"You can be very intimidating Granger, use that to your advantage. Hold eye contact, keep your voice level, and do not back down. Do not be afraid to call them out, because they will turn on each other to save face. Ask them why certain phrasing bothers them and how they would rephrase it. Turn the tables on them, and surely you'll win. Let's go again."
"I am here to continue discussing my proposal to mandate muggle studies for all Hogwarts students not familiar with the muggle world."
"Define the term "familiar" Ms. Granger?"
"Any student who cannot be left alone in the muggle world without exposing the Statute of Secrecy. Students should be able to use muggle money, muggle technology, and hold conversations with muggles as appropriate."
"Why should they need to do that when they'll be at Hogwarts?," Draco argued easily.
"Because muggleborns and halfbloods are sent to Hogwarts and expected to conform. Purebloods and others raised solely in the wizarding world only have the option to learn about muggle culture."
"My point still stands, what good does it do?"
"With the freedom of all house elves, many wizarding families do not have the means to properly take care of themselves and their homes. Magic is not needed for everything, and after the war, I think it's more important now than ever to bridge the gap between the wizarding and the muggle world."
"Is it really bridging the gap if non-muggleborns are forced to take an extra class? What of them, Ms. Granger?"
"While I'll argue that muggleborns are required to take History of Magic, you're right. There should be an equivalent for muggleborns, I agree," Hermione argued triumphantly. "That is why I'm proposing that along with a required muggle studies course, muggles are then taught about wizarding customs in return. As you stated, it's only fair, especially since all students attend school in the wizarding world."
"Ms. Granger, I think you've just won your case," Draco replied, a tentative smile growing on his face.
"Thank you Draco!," she praises, pulling him into a tight hug.
"Oh. You're welcome... Hermione."
"I need to tell Ron!"
"Have I ever told you how sexy I find it when you argue like that?," Harry whispered in Draco's ear after wrapping his arms around his boyfriend from behind.
"I'll remind you that you said that when we have our first fight," Draco hummed in response, leaning back into Harry. "I just hope it helped."
"I knew you two would be fast friends. You're the smartest people I know."
"You're plenty smart too my darling."
"I'd rather support you while you shine."
"I think we shine just right together."
Draco never thought he would feel this at peace surrounded by Gryffindors. After dinner, Ron had challenged him to a game of wizard's chess. Harry and Hermione's conversation was simply background noise as Draco strategized every possible outcome to assure his win.
"I've never heard Ron so quiet," she murmured to Harry.
"He finally has a formidable opponent. Draco is a great strategist."
"I think he's turned out quite great in general."
"I love him so much."
"I love you too," Draco replied absentmindedly, moving one of his pieces.
It was one of the longest games of Wizard's chess Harry and Hermione had ever watched. In the end, Draco won, and was quickly challenged to a rematch.
"How about Saturday? I have work tomorrow and I don't want to be out too late."
"Sounds good mate. Prepare to lose. Harry, do I need to bring anything for Saturday?"
"I'm sure Molly is going to bring enough food to feed two armies even though I told her not to bring anything other than a side or two. I was going to grill so maybe if you want to bring some drinks?"
"On it. I'll see you both Saturday. Thanks for coming."
"Good luck with your proposal Hermione, you must let me know how it goes."
"I will. Thank you Draco."
Once the door closed behind them, Harry grabbed Draco by the waist and spun him around.
"Potter! Put me down!," he choked out between laughs.
"I love you so much. Can you come back to mine?"
"I planned on spending the night."
"Let's go home."
They had barely settled from apparating when Harry's lips were pressed to Draco's.
"You're such a perfect fit into my life."
"And you, mine. I'm excited for Saturday to see everyone interacting."
"Can you help me with something?," Harry asked with a teasing grin, tugging Draco to the door to the backyard.
"Within reason, yes."
"You see, I got this brand new pool and it hasn't been broken in yet."
"Oh Harry, it's beautiful. What do you- oh."
Draco's mouth went dry as he watched Harry tug off his clothing until he was left in nothing but his boxers.
"Go for a swim with me?"
"I won't go in unless you do."
This shouldn't have felt more intimate than the bath they had shared together, but Draco's fingers still trembled as he began to undo the buttons.
"May I?," Harry asked, placing his hands over Draco's.
"I know you won't judge me. I don't know why I'm nervous."
"Because we haven't talked about it yet. You have every reason not to forgive me for what I did to you," Harry admitted, fingers stilling on the buttons.
"I could say the same about you."
"But you didn't leave your mark on me did you? You needed help and I went about it in the worst way possible, and I'm so sorry."
"I tried to attack you first. We both know I wouldn't have accepted your help Harry, it was too late. I was in too deep. But we're here now, and I love you despite our shared past. It's awful and it's messy but it's ours. We may have hurt each other countless times, but when it truly mattered, we saved each other, and we choose to save each other every single day."
"Every single day, for the rest of my life. The afterlife too for that matter."
"I'm sorry too. Now, do I need to teach you how buttons work, or can you handle that?"
Laughing, Harry made quick work of Draco's shirt, before moving to his trousers.
"You truly are a star. Look at how bright you shine in the moonlight, Draco."
"Shut up and kiss me will you?"
As the kisses got longer, Harry slowly walked them to the edge of the pool.
"Okay, I don't need another scar from falling and cracking my head open," Harry joked, pulling back from Draco with one last quick kiss. "Jump with me?"
"Always and forever," Draco promised, once again taking the leap with Harry.
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