Chapter 10
After the wonderful morning Harry had, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't a tad bit anxious about lunch. He wasn't sure what it would be like, seeing Pansy and Blaise for the first time in years. Zabini had been a relatively neutral party, but Parkinson had tried to sacrifice him. On the other hand, she wasn't the only one.
Ron had spent the morning with Harry in his office, helping him with reassignments and prioritizing cases. They had talked and laughed, throwing paper balls at each other and sharing the rest of the snacks in Harry's drawer.
"I'm sorry it wasn't like this more."
"We can't change the past Ron," Harry replied with a shrug.
"I just feel like you've forgiven me too easily."
"We've already wasted so much time, why would I want to waste more with holding a petty grudge?"
"Are you free for lunch?"
"I'm having lunch with Draco and meeting with Zabini and Parkinson. My pool is going in tomorrow, but I should be free for dinner."
"Do you and Malfoy want to come over and have dinner with Mione and I on Thursday?"
"I'll ask him at lunch and let you know once I'm back. You're cooking though right?"
"Of course I'm cooking!," Ron replied with a laugh, shaking his head as he nudged Harry. "I love her, I truly do, but she is banned from the kitchen for the rest of our lives."
"She can brew polyjuice potion in second year but she can't handle a casserole."
"I don't understand how it was burnt on the edges and like soup on the inside," Ron continued with a snicker.
"I think those pancakes were the worst. Biting into straight flour."
A knock on Harry's door silenced their laughter.
"Come in!"
"Auror Potter, do you have a moment?"
"Of course Head Auror Robards. Ron, I'll bring you back one of those muffins you like."
"Thanks mate! Sir."
"I realize this is a tad last minute Auror Potter, but do you have plans the Saturday after the next?," Robards inquired.
"No sir, not that I'm aware of."
"The department would like to throw you a retirement gala."
"Oh that's not necessary sir-"
"As far as I'm aware, the department has failed to meet your needs and recognize your accomplishments. Please, let us at least give you a proper send off."
Harry bit back a sigh, knowing arguing would be useless. Anything for the ministry to save face.
"Okay. I'll be there."
"Please, invite all of your friends. Let me know how many invitations you'll need and to whom, I'll take care of the rest."
"Thank you sir."
"Thank you Auror Potter, for your years of service."
There was a lot running through Harry's mind when he met Draco outside of the cafe for lunch.
"Hey you," Draco greeted, hooking his fingers into Harry's belt loops and tugging him close. "No trouble for being late this morning I hope?"
"Nope. Even if there was, it totally would've been worth it," Harry replied with a grin, holding Draco by the waist. "Can I kiss you?"
"If you want to."
"I want you to be the last person I kiss for the rest of my life, Draco."
"I love when you say things like that," Draco murmured, closing the distance between them.
"Come on, it's time for my best friends to give you the shovel talk," Draco teased, dragging Harry inside.
"Anything they threaten to do to me will be better than what I'd do to myself if I hurt you."
"Then we won't have a problem, Potter."
"Parkinson. Hello Zabini."
"You're looking well Potter," Blaise remarked, looking him up and down slyly.
"Eyes off my boyfriend Blaise."
"You've been busy since we've seen you last," Pansy remarked.
"Let's sit, Harry's on his lunch break right now."
"For the very last time," Harry said with a grin, stepping in front of Draco to pull his chair out.
"Thanks darling."
"Anything for you love," Harry replied, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek.
"For the last time," Pansy inquired, one eyebrow raised.
"It hasn't been announced yet, but I'm retiring. Today is my last day."
"And you've spent part of it, with us?," Blaise asked for clarification.
"Draco's been waiting for us to meet again, he's off from work, and I will always make time for him."
"When Draco told us he had a boyfriend, we weren't expecting you."
"Oh. I thought you told them?," Harry asked, eyebrows furrowed.
"He said you'd reconnected, we didn't know how connected you'd become," Blaise replied with a snicker.
"We hadn't labeled it yet," Draco replied sheepishly.
The waiter came over and took their orders, and the group sat in an awkward silence. Draco was lightly fidgeting, and Harry placed a reassuring hand on his thigh.
"Alright love?"
"I need the restroom but I don't want to leave you alone," he murmured.
"Go, I'll be fine."
"You two better behave or so help me Merlin," Draco threatened, glaring daggers at his best friends before kissing Harry on the cheek and hurrying away.
"So, we know how long Draco's been infatuated with you, what's your story?," Pansy asked, leaning forward on the table.
"It's been a mutual fascination for years. Obviously we've encountered each other over the years through work, but one of the last times was different. He listens to me and he calls me on my shit when no one else will. He's also sharp as a whip, Merlin he's so funny. I love the way he tells stories, and I love being the one he comes home to at the end of the day to share them with."
Pansy and Blaise had a long, silent conversation as they looked at each other.
"How are you going to protect him if you go public and things go south?," Blaise questioned.
"When we go public. I'm not hiding Draco away. He doesn't deserve to be hidden, he deserves to be celebrated and flaunted. He's a bright light. I'll protect him with my life."
"What the hell are you doing that you need to sacrifice yourself for me?," Draco asked in exasperation, walking back up to the table.
Harry once again pulled Draco's chair out for him.
"Potter is being his chivalrous self."
"Blaise," Draco warned.
"He asked what would happen if we went public and there wasn't a positive reception. I told him we would be going public, I'm not hiding you, and that I would deal with anyone who dares stand in the way of our happiness."
"Speaking of, they're throwing me some kind of retirement gala or other. Would you like to be my date?," Harry asked hopefully, grabbing Draco's hand in his own.
"Yeah, I would," Draco replied softly.
"You both can also attend, if you want. I was told I can invite my friends."
"Are we friends Potter?"
"No Parkinson, not yet at least, but you're important to Draco, so you're both important to me," Harry said simply.
"Only if you let me dress you."
"Pardon?," Harry asked, nose scrunched up in confusion.
"Pansy owns a fancy boutique where she showcases her fashion designs."
"Okay, sure. We all know I'm hopeless at fashion anyway, I just let Draco pick. He's got an eye for these things."
"And can I photograph it and publish the photos in my magazines?"
"Pansy, my boyfriend is not to be used to further your career."
"I'll do it, if I like what I see," Harry replied with a shrug.
"Oh, trust me you will. Can you both come by later for me to take your measurements?"
"Are we free love?"
"As long as it's before dinner time."
"And what's happening around dinner time?," Harry asked, his lip quirking up in the corner.
"Wouldn't you love to know darling? Don't you fret, I've got it all taken care of."
"Okay, just let me know the dress code."
"Wear form fitting undergarments for your appointment with me. Draco, come to mine after Potter leaves so I can start sketching."
"Okay. Harry, I'll pick you up from work?"
"I'd love nothing more. Zabini, what do you do now?"
"Model for Pansy's clothing line of course. I do hope you're not coming for my job now Potter."
"Absolutely not. I'm going to take some time for myself and go from there. Nothing with my face plastered anywhere."
"When is the event anyway?," Pansy asked.
"Saturday after next."
Harry watched in concern as she choked on her drink.
"This is payback for trying to sacrifice you isn't it."
"If I wanted payback for that, it would have happened already. An apology wouldn't have hurt though, since you brought it up."
"Well if I do it now it'll be meaningless because you mentioned it."
Harry just shrugged, stealing a chip off of Draco's plate.
"Insufferable git."
"I'm your insufferable git. I do need to get going though. I suppose I'll see you all after my shift then."
"I'll walk you out of course."
"I just need to grab a muffin for Ron."
"I'm happy that worked out for you Harry," Draco said sincerely.
"So am I, all thanks to you. You have a talent for dealing with stubborn prats."
"You've met my best friends. I hope lunch was... okay?"
"It was pretty awkward to start, but I think I made my point."
"Which was?," Draco asked, wrapping his arms around Harry's neck.
"That you're mine, and I'm never letting you go."
Harry kissed Draco deeply, just on the side of being too indecent for being in public.
"I look forward to my boyfriend picking me up from work."
"I'll see you then."
"Oh, before I forget love. Ron asked if we wanted to have dinner with him and Mione on Thursday? They're hosting."
"Is she cooking?"
"Merlin no! Ron is cooking. Hermione isn't allowed to cook."
"I'll tell you stories later. Would you like to come?"
"Of course I'll go with you. We'll pick up some nice wine or something to go with the dinner."
"Okay. I'll see you soon."
"I'm counting down the minutes," Draco teased, arms once again finding their way around Harry's neck.
"I'm counting down the seconds," Harry whispered against Draco's lips.
When Draco returned to the cafe, he tentatively sat back down.
"He's so far gone for you Draco it's almost pathetic."
"Not like you're much better mate," Blaise cut in.
"It's nice though, to finally see you so happy and carefree. I'm proud of you. You deserve this."
"Thanks, Pans. Really, he's quite lovely. I know you'll come to see that, in time."
"We'll be nicer tonight," Blaise promised. "We had to make sure he was being serious about you. He passed. Merlin, he wouldn't even let you get your own chair!"
"He treats me so well," Draco admitted, tracing the rim of his glass with his finger, thinking about Harry.
"You look so much happier. Frankly, so does he," Pansy commented.
"He's it for me. Is it too early to know that? Am I crazy?"
"I think that you and Potter have known each other for well over a decade. You both lived the saying 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer.' You know him better than you know Blaise and I. I don't think it's crazy, with how you are to each other, to know that he's the one."
"We were totally spying through the window when you got here and when you left by the way. You're perfect for each other. It's like yin and yang, you balance each other out. Your weaknesses are his strengths and vice versa."
"I want to get him something for when I tell him that I love him for the first time. We've heavily implied it to each other, but we haven't said 'I love you' yet."
"What are we waiting for then?! Let's go."
While Draco, Pansy, and Blaise hit the shops, Harry was back in his office, Ron by his side.
"I love you mate but don't you have actual work to do?," Harry questioned with a laugh, handing Ron his muffin.
"Nah, they're letting me slack off today to spend one last day here with you. Besides I'm helping aren't I?"
"I don't think sending Smith to work on the custodial team technically counts as helping."
"If he can't clean up his own messes he can help by cleaning up everyone else's," Ron argued.
"Honestly? That's fair."
"Did you ask Malfoy about dinner?"
"We'll be there."
"Any dietary requirements I should know about?"
"No, he's not too picky. If he doesn't like it he'll just give it to me. He eats all of the olives out of my salads."
"Oh mate you're down bad."
"You're one to talk," Harry replied, shaking his head with a laugh.
"I'm happy for you. The way he talks about you... you deserve that Harry."
"I do. I really, really do."
"Have you told him you love him yet?," Ron asked curiously.
"No. I told him that I'll love him forever, but I didn't explicitly say 'I love you.' I don't know if I should plan it or just say it spontaneously. I feel like if I plan something it doesn't feel real you know? I think I'll tell him the next time I feel it bubbling in my chest."
"Authenticity is the best. Remember when I planned to tell Mione and our picnic got rained away? Thunderstorms and everything."
"Maybe I'll take him out to some place, I don't know. Why is it easier to have a plan to propose when I'm nowhere near ready?," Harry asked with a laugh, his head falling into his hands.
"We haven't even been official for a month yet, but I know. It's like what Sirius told me about my dad knowing when he met my mom. He looked at her, and even though she couldn't stand him at first, he knew she was the one. Draco is mine."
"Just don't mention it to mum yet, she'll try to take over. She means well, but she loves a good wedding."
"I'm not even thinking about that yet. Parkinson is somehow now designing whatever we're wearing for my retirement party so we'll see about that."
"Is that when you're going public then?," Ron asked curiously.
"I don't know, I'll need to ask Draco. I wasn't planning on making it a big deal, but they'll do that on their own won't they?"
"Talk to your boyfriend, see what he thinks before you make any decisions. You're not getting out of there without being photographed."
"I know. Let's finish up with these cases so I can pack up my desk. Draco is picking me up from work at the end of the day."
"How sweet. If we finish quickly maybe they'll let us leave early?," Ron suggested.
"You wish mate."
Luck was in Ron's favor as he was able to go home early. Harry was sitting in his desk chair, staring at his desk for the last time. There was a knock at the door and Harry looked up, a smile on his face.
"Hey you."
"That's my line," Draco teased, leaning against the doorway. "Are you ready?"
"I don't know. It doesn't feel real."
Draco walked into the office, closing the door behind him.
"Have you accomplished everything that you've wanted to?"
"Never got to snog someone on my desk," Harry mused.
"Well, we can't have that can we?," Draco asked, slowly walking towards Harry.
With a grin, Harry picked Draco up by the waist before placing him on top of his desk.
"Look at that, we're the same height now- mmph."
Harry kissed Draco sweetly at first, softly caressing his face. Draco shifted, pulling Harry down on top of him. His body rested over Draco's, one hand cushioning his head.
"This looks better in the movies," Harry mumbled against Draco's lips.
Draco turned his head away, burying his laughing face into Harry's neck.
"Switch positions with me. Let me be on top."
Harry left his office with more better memories made in one day than he had made in the last few years. He was swinging his and Draco's intertwined hands between them as he walked the halls for the last time, a big smile on his face.
"Auror Potter!"
"Not anymore! I'm finally free."
"Potter please-"
"Fuck off Smith."
"Excuse me-"
"I've excused your actions for a year now. Now that we don't work together I can tell you to fuck right off and grow up. I hope the only person your future actions endanger is yourself."
"This is him then?," Draco asked, glaring at the other man and making him falter.
"You have a lot of nerve."
Smith stood there, looking at Draco's face, down to their hands, back up to Draco, and then over to Harry, jaw dropped.
"Are we adding homophobic to your list of transgressions now?," Harry asked, taking a step in front of Draco.
"You're dating Malfoy."
"And if I read about it in the papers, your career is over," Harry spat, eyes flashing. "Come on love, let's go."
"Should we go back to your desk again?," Draco whispered in Harry's ear, causing him to laugh.
"You're so special to me Draco."
"And you, me. You passed by the way, Pansy and Blaise like you."
"I can't quite say the same yet, but I'll keep trying for you."
"They needed to get a feel for you first darling. You can understand why they'd be overprotective."
"I'm glad you're surrounded by people who love you so much."
"They'll love you too, I know they will," Draco promised, hugging Harry from behind. "The measurements will be better. Do you need to stop home first?"
"I'll take a quick shower. Pick something out for me to wear in the meantime?"
"Of course. Take us home."
While Harry was showering, Draco set out clothes for him. He then began to tidy up around the house to pass the time.
"Draco?," Harry called, voice echoing down the stairs.
"Yes Harry?"
"You've been secretly healing my scars haven't you?"
"Of course n- oh Merlin."
Harry was standing in his room, towel wrapped around his waist, and water trailing down his chest as he stared at himself in the mirror.
"What?," Harry asked, turning around in confusion, before a playful smile took over his face in realization. "My eyes are up here love."
"For the sake of my mental state please put some clothes on."
Rolling his eyes, Harry grabbed his boxers before making his way back to the bathroom, then re-entering his bedroom sans towel.
"Merlin and Morgana."
"You do know that as my boyfriend you're allowed to look at me right? I actually encourage it."
"I think I'd die happily if your thighs suffocated me."
"Those are scar free but you can check," Harry offered with a grin, stepping closer to Draco, whose face was a lovely shade of pink.
"Another day perhaps. Maybe tomorrow after work we heal some more. It's been some time since I've worked on the larger ones."
"We have dinner with Ron and Mione though I don't want you to be too tired."
"Turn around for me?"
"Why, so you can stare at my arse?," Harry asked cheekily, turning around as told.
"I'll do so where there are no counters nearby," Draco drawled.
"You admit to staring one time," Harry muttered.
"And just how often do you stare hmm?," Draco inquired, running his hands down and across Harry's back.
"As often as I can. You've got the best arse I've ever seen. It's a good thing your healer robes are flowing or else a lot of patients would purposely end up in your ward."
"You are so insufferable."
"I'm honest. You're quite beautiful," Harry said, meeting Draco's eyes in the mirror. "You're amazing actually. And you're all mine, and everyone should be jealous that I have the best boyfriend in the world."
"Where is all of this coming from?," Draco asked softly, hugging Harry from behind.
"I just want you to know that I appreciate you. As a person, as a boyfriend, and as a healer."
"I know. Now put some clothes on, we need to leave soon," Draco instructed, playfully smacking Harry's arse.
"Is touching not encouraged too? My mistake."
"And you say I'm the insufferable one," Harry muttered, rolling his eyes, and getting dressed.
"There is something I wanted to talk about though," Harry brought up, laying in his bed and holding out an arm for Draco to join him.
"What is it?"
"When we go public, do we want to control the narrative?"
"What do you mean, Harry?"
"I mean, do we announce it ourselves? Do we let them take pictures of us and plaster them everywhere? I'll follow your lead because I know you'll be affected the most."
"I don't know. I don't feel like we should say anything. We can just let things play out and see what happens?"
"I'm okay with that. I just don't want to ruin your progress by being associated with me. People have finally been respecting you, I don't want to change that."
"Everyone is just going to be jealous that I get to snog the savior and they don't. I can live with that."
"Yeah, me too."
Draco allowed himself to be pulled down for a few kisses before dragging Harry out of bed.
"There will be time for that later. Let's get your measurements done so that we can celebrate."
"You didn't have to do anything for me you know, but I appreciate it."
"I'm your boyfriend and I care about you, don't be daft. I just hope you like the designs we came up with. If you don't, please be honest."
"I don't care what we wear, I'm more worried about the measuring. I have my glamour on but I don't like people close to me like that."
"If you're uncomfortable at any point tell me and we'll leave," Draco promised, kissing Harry quickly.
"Welcome back lover boys. Who's up first?," Pansy greeted, grabbing her measuring tape, a notepad trailing behind her.
"I don't think my measurements have changed, check mine first."
"Ever had a fitting Potter?," Blaise asked.
"Can't say that I have."
"Can I put my hands on your waist? That'll help me find something close to your size that you can try on."
"Sure. Thank you for asking."
"I might be a hopeless flirt but I do respect personal boundaries. I have something for you to try on, follow me."
"So, are you telling him at dinner tonight?," Pansy asked once both men were gone.
"I think afterwards maybe? I don't know Pans, I want it to be perfect but I don't want to jinx it. It should be authentic too."
"The next time you feel like saying it, don't hide it and just blurt it out. I told Blaise when he protected me from a car splashing me with water. Save the theatrics for the proposal yeah?"
"Believe me, we have time for that."
"So Potter, what's your next move?," Blaise asked, handing him a set of dress robes.
"I'm getting a pool tomorrow and having a bit of a house warming party on Saturday. You and Parkinson can come if you want. You should also be receiving your gala invitations for next Saturday by tomorrow."
"We'll be there. What's after that though? It's okay if you don't know, I'm just... inquisitive."
"Honestly? I don't know and I'm trying to be okay with that. I feel like I've never had the chance to stop and figure myself out. I have the money, I don't need to work, but I'd be bored if I didn't. Draco and I talked about doing some volunteering, so I think I'll look into that."
"I'm not sure what kind of volunteering you'd be interested in, but there's a children's center where I teach sewing classes sometimes. I can pass along their information to you?"
"That would be great actually! Thank you, that means a lot to me."
"You mean a lot to Draco. He'll never admit it but he was quite the workaholic before you came tumbling into his ward. After your frequent visits, he finally took a step back to breathe. Thank you, for getting him out of his own head."
"I wouldn't have had the nerve to quit if it wasn't for him. He's always been able to push the right buttons."
"Believe me, all of Hogwarts knows," Blaise responded with a laugh. "You could cut that sexual tension with a knife. And the things we all got suckered into helping with just so he could get your attention. Boosting him up into trees and making badges... I don't quite think many people from Hogwarts will be surprised when the news breaks."
"I wasn't surprised either. It all felt quite inevitable, like everything was leading up to this. How do the robes look?"
"I knew those would be close to your size. I'm a fashion genius. Pans, we can use this as the base for the new designs! It'll just need to be taken in at the waist."
Harry followed Blaise to where Pansy was waiting to take his measurements.
"Keep the robes on the side for me Blaise? Your turn Potter. Draco, go choose the fabric you want from the back."
Draco looked to Harry, head tilted just so in concern.
"Preferably something soft, love," he assured.
Draco kissed Harry on the cheek as he walked past him with Blaise, heading towards the room with fabric samples.
"I am sorry you know, for what it's worth," she said stiffly.
"Parkinson, you're not the only one who tried to have me killed. Draco actively worked towards my demise and he's my boyfriend now. If I was in your position and I could sacrifice one person to save everyone I loved, I can't say I wouldn't have done the same. To be honest with you, I think McGonagall was looking for an excuse to send all of the Slytherins away. So many of you would have had to choose between your family, or your friends and the school. That's not a choice anyone should have had to make."
"I never thought of it that way," she replied quietly. "Take off your shirt please, and your trousers."
"That's how I interpreted it anyway. You all already got a bad rap. It's not fair honestly, and I'm sorry it let my opinions of all of you be swayed for so long. There's nothing wrong with being a Slytherin."
"Why did you agree to this?"
"The closer you are to the war, the harder it's been to separate yourself from it. If I can give you a positive testimonial, it'll help business. It helped Draco face less scrutiny at work. I don't want anything to be misconstrued, I'm so tired of it all. Maybe we can change things."
"Maybe we can. You hold more power than you think you do."
"I might as well use it for good since I can't get rid of it."
"Pans, here's the fabric samples."
"Grab the sketches for me please?"
"He's a good one Potter, I don't need to tell you that. Please don't break him, you hold all of the power in your hands."
"He holds the same amount of power in his hands," Harry replied, an involuntary smile taking over his face as he watched Draco laugh at something Blaise said before hitting him playfully on the shoulder.
Draco's eyes found Harry's and he smiled softly at him.
"This is what we were thinking darling, please be brutally honest."
"Potter, you can put your clothes back on now, thank you."
"Must he? I'm quite enjoying the view."
"Zabini I will forcibly remove your eyes so you can't stare at my boyfriend anymore," Draco threatened.
"I'm a weak man, what can I say?"
"Go look at your girlfriend instead."
"Is this the material?," Harry asked, looking at the samples in Draco's hand.
"Yes. What do you think?"
"I like it. It's lightweight and breathable, the color is nice."
"I'll get started on these tomorrow. Come in on Wednesday for your fitting so I can make any last minute changes."
"Thanks Parkinson."
"Thank you, Potter. Now scram, I have work to do."
"I'll see you all on Saturday," Harry bid farewell to Draco's friends, waiting outside the door for Draco.
"He's a good one Draco," Pansy said quietly.
"He's the best."
"Go to your fancy dinner now, let us know everything after."
"You wish Blaise," Draco replied with a snort, hugging his friends goodbye as he made his way out to Harry.
"Ready darling?"
"I'm always ready to spend time with you Draco."
With a fond smile, Draco held his arm out for Harry so he could apparate them both.
"Oh! You remembered."
"You said you wanted to try the food here, we won't tell Delilah. We're getting dessert there of course."
Laughing, Harry wrapped his arms around Draco.
"You're so wonderful."
"Says you."
"And I would know, wouldn't I?," Harry asked with a grin. "After you my love."
Draco almost blurted it out then and there.
Dinner was a cozy affair, with their ankles linked together under the table. They fell into the habit of choosing two things they wanted to try and splitting their meals, feeding each other bites across the table. Conversation flowed easily, and Harry thought things like this should be easy. Loving Draco was as simple as breathing, he didn't even have to think about it.
They went on a stroll after they ate, hands swinging gently between them, talking about everything and anything. Harry was about to open his mouth and say it, but a crack of thunder thwarted his plans. Draco's eyes widened, and as rain started to pour down, they looked at each other and ran, hands remaining intertwined. They collapsed under the cover of an awning, leaning heavily on each other as they laughed heartily.
"There is no one else I would rather be caught in the rain with."
"I love you," Draco said simply, his statement punctuated by giggles as he looked up at Harry from where his head rested on his shoulder.
"I love you too Draco."
It took Draco a moment for the severity of the situation to hit him.
"Oh. That wasn't how I planned to say it for the first time. I wanted to do it at the diner, but I-"
Harry pulled Draco up against him, not leaving any space, even for the air.
"Where do you think we took cover?," Harry asked quietly, brushing Draco's wet hair off his forehead.
Sure enough, Draco looked up, and there was the sign. Looking around, Harry discreetly cast a drying charm, leaving both men only slightly damp so as not to be suspicious.
"Let's get out of the rain, yeah?"
Delilah tutted over both men, shooing them over to their table and promising to bring them paper towels. Draco was feeling uncharacteristically shy, and Harry sat in the chair next to him instead of across, sitting sideways to look at him.
"I've lost track of how many times today alone I had to stop myself from blurting out how in love with you I am. I called you my love earlier, it slipped out, but it felt so right. You're my Draco, my boyfriend, my love, my better half. I love you. I'm in love with you. I wanted to get you something to commemorate telling you, but I didn't know when the best moment was. I wanted it to be authentic, and nothing was more authentic than you telling me that you love me for the first time as we're laughing, leaning against each other."
"You wanted to get me something?"
"I still will. I was thinking jewelry, but I wasn't sure what you were able to wear at work? I want to give you something that you can keep on that won't impede your work."
Laughing, Draco pulled a box out of his pocket.
"Something like this perhaps?," Draco offered, handing the box to Harry.
He opened it, holding the bracelet delicately.
"The stones are meant to help with control for wordless and wandless. You wear it on your casting hand. They're also carved with protective runes."
"I love it. I love you. Put it on for me?"
"I love you Harry. More than I've ever thought I could love another person. I can wear necklaces at work, as long as they stay tucked into my robes."
"I'll buy you the most beautiful necklace the world has to offer."
"You're such a sap. My sap."
"I can't help it when I'm so in love," Harry admitted, goofy grin never leaving his face.
"Oh you two!," Delilah said proudly.
It struck Harry then, just how much she reminded him of Molly Weasley.
"Dry off, dessert is on the house. This is so lovely."
They remained on the same side of the table as they shared their dessert, and neither man thought he had ever felt so content.
"Let's go home and take a nice bath, shall we?," Harry offered.
"Yeah, we can do that," Draco replied quietly, face turning pink.
Once they got back to Harry's, Harry led Draco upstairs to his room.
"Do you need to borrow some pyjamas?"
"You know I'll never turn down wearing your clothes my darling."
"I'll never tire of seeing you wearing them. Stay the night?"
"I left a bag here last time with a spare uniform in it," Draco confessed.
"I have a drawer of your things that you've left here."
"And when were you going to tell me that?," Draco teased, wrapping his arms around Harry's neck.
"When you would complain to me that you lost something. For now, I sleep in your shirts when you're not here so it's like you're with me."
"Fuck, I love you so much."
The tender kiss soon became more passionate, and Harry gently squeezed Draco's waist.
"I can't take a bath with you if you get me all worked up my love."
"You really want to?"
"If you're comfortable with it. I'll wash your hair for you, I'll help you with your skin care, I'll towel you dry and help you into your pyjamas."
"Only if I can do the same for you."
"Well, I don't have skin care," Harry teased, laughing as Draco pulled him into the bathroom.
"You're so hopeless."
"Hopelessly in love with you," Harry promised, kissing him sweetly before turning on the bath.
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