Chapter 1
If there was one thing Draco Malfoy enjoyed after a long shift at Saint Mungo's, it was his favorite comfort meal, served by his favorite waitress, while sitting in his favorite booth at his favorite diner. Her name was Delilah, and she could read Draco's mood better than most. She knew he was a "doctor" and understood when he wanted to speak some days or be completely left alone on others depending on how his shift had gone.
Rolling his shoulders, and then his neck, he stopped in his tracks when he saw none other than Harry Potter, in his diner, and in his booth. Of course, fate was cruel and had a malicious sense of humor. It was packed with no empty tables.
"Good evening Draco, I'm afraid we're booked solid at the moment. There should be a free table in a few moments."
"I actually know the man sitting in my booth, I'm going to go and join him."
Not one for ruining his routine, Draco had no other choice but to walk over to Harry in hopes the other man was finishing up. He didn't expect to feel the anger rolling off of him in waves.
"Potter," Draco greeted. "May I sit?"
Harry's head snapped up and tilted in confusion.
"Malfoy? What are you- Sit."
Harry shook his head to clear his thoughts, a scowl returning to his face.
"Hands on the table, palms facing up," Draco demanded.
Raising an eyebrow Harry did as told. He knew better by now than to refuse an order by Healer Malfoy.
"Close your eyes, breathe when I tell you to do so."
Draco delicately placed his hands on top of Harry's and projected the feeling of calmness onto Harry. After a few minutes Harry's demeanor had reverted back to normal, and Draco removed his hands.
"How did you- You amaze me everyday, do you know that, Malfoy?"
Draco was taken very off guard by the genuine compliment.
"Careful Potter, I might actually begin to think that you don't hate me."
"I don't hate you though. I don't think I ever really did."
Before Draco could respond, they were interrupted by Delilah.
"I was wondering when you two would finally meet. I've never had two customers with the same favorite table who come in so often. I do believe today is Draco's day, but Harry seems to have beaten you to it. A table freed up if either of you want to move?"
"I was here first and I don't mind if he stays, but since it's your day I can move? I don't mind."
"It's fine. We've known each other for years anyway. What's the worst that can happen?"
They both had already experienced some of the worst that could happen.
"Excellent! I'll put your usual orders in. Anything else?"
After declining, she set off towards the back as Harry silently began to brood again.
"Talk to me Potter."
"You came to eat, I don't want to disturb you."
"You already disturbed me by taking my table. Brood any longer and someone is going to give you a modeling contract."
"Was that a joke?"
"Yes Potter. I am capable of telling jokes. You'd know if... well it doesn't matter."
"I'm sorry. I'm not upset with you Malfoy. It's just Ron, well, being Ron I suppose," Harry muttered, running a hand through his hair.
"He's upset you again?"
Looking around Harry discreetly cast a silencing charm.
"It's just... Sometimes the friendship is a lot to maintain. All I told him was that I wasn't sure I wanted to be an Auror anymore and he just blew up on me. Said it was 'ruining our plans for the future' but I don't recall ever making any decision besides one that I completely fucked up, not only changing my future but yours as well.
I'm so tired of everyone telling me what I need to do and who I need to be and who I should talk to and who I shouldn't. I'm sorry, I'm just frustrated."
Draco lightly placed his hand on top of Harry's again.
"You don't have to apologize. You clearly needed someone to talk to who would hear you out. Was Granger not available?"
"Don't even get me started on Hermione. She refuses to listen to anything we have to discuss because she doesn't want to pick a side. Merlin forbid if she chooses my side over Ron's and he'll throw a fit. It's always been like that, but since they started dating it always feels like it's two against one."
"It's like when Pansy and Blaise started dating."
"It's not like I can easily go out and meet new people either. Gin and I are definitely better off as friends. The whole situation is just frustrating because I'm surrounded by all of these people, but none of them are helping me."
Delilah then came back with their starters, a salad for Draco and soup for Harry. She eyed their hands but didn't comment, and Draco didn't pull away either.
"Well," Draco said awkwardly, "if you ever need to talk about anything you can come talk to me. I know we're not," Draco just waved his free hand around, "but I don't have much going on, and you're pretty okay company."
That got a laugh out of Harry, and a small smile from Draco.
"Thank you. The same goes for you. You're keyed in to my wards, so if you ever need to escape Parkinson and Zabini, feel free to pop on by."
"Why am I keyed into your wards?"
"I added you when we first started working together, just in case. You're the only healer I trust you know."
Harry said it like it was no big deal. It was, in fact, a very big deal. They finished eating in silence, waiting for their main courses.
"I forgot your milkshake! I took the liberty of adding two straws," Delilah said with a wink.
Draco made a horrified face and Harry smirked and thanked her.
"What on earth was that about?"
"I think she's under the impression that we are on a date."
"Why would she think that?"
Harry gestured to where Draco's hand was just grazing Harry's.
"I also always eat alone here. I've never come in here with anyone and I've never left with anyone either."
"Me neither," Draco replied, twirling the straw between his fingers.
Harry just took a sip of his milkshake.
"You can have some if you want. It's chocolate."
Draco's eyes lit up at the word "chocolate." Still, sharing a milkshake seemed very intimate.
"I don't have cooties you know," Harry teased. "You made sure of that."
Draco knew a challenge when he saw one. If Harry knew how suggestively Draco would suck on the straw, he never would've suggested they share.
"So. You don't want to be an Auror anymore."
"Are you happy with your job?," Harry asked instead, cradling his chin in his hand as he waited for Draco to answer.
"I am. My apprenticeship in France worked well enough that most people deem me competent enough to treat them. Add that to your glowing review, and things are okay. My job can never undo the hurt that I've caused, I know that, but it's nice to be able to help people."
"All I've ever done is help people. I give away so much of myself that I'm a shell of what I once was. I was never anything great either. Practically everyone I've ever loved is dead. After physically dying in the war, people are still treating each other poorly. It's like I've come back for nothing. I could've... stayed... and maybe I would've been at peace but..."
"But that's not who you are," Draco finished. "You came back to finish what other people started and dragged you into. I've never told you how much I admire you Potter. I used to envy you before we grew up. Everyone knew your name, so many people wanted to be your friend, and you didn't care. Once we hit fourth year... that's when I started to realize that things weren't as I believed. And once we grew older than that, I realized maybe we weren't so different after all. We had no choice but to fight for those we love, no matter what happens to us."
"I wish we would've become friends earlier, Malfoy. It would've been nice, knowing you were in my corner."
"I was, in the end," Draco replied quietly. "Even if it was too late."
"You didn't give me up. I know you knew it was me. Whatever debt you think you owe me after that day, you don't. As far as I'm concerned, we're even. But, if you wanted to do this again, make it a reoccurring thing I, well I wouldn't say no."
"You want to have dinner with me again?," Draco asked slowly, not believing the words coming out of his mouth.
"Yes. Proper dinner this time, not me baring my soul to you in our diner," Harry replied with a snort. "Unless you'd rather not, I did intrude on your day after all."
"I suppose... but we will meet here on one of your days next time."
"Brilliant! So, tell me about your day oh mighty savior of lives."
"Oh piss off Potter."
"Not a fan of being called a savior then?," Harry teased. "Welcome to my world. Jokes aside though, you're doing good work, and I'm proud of you, for whatever that's worth."
"If you make me cry in public I'll kill you."
With a small frown, Harry placed his hand back on top of Draco's.
"I love my job, I do, but no one's ever..."
"Me neither. It should be said more often. You do really great work, which I'm excited to hear about, if you'd like to share with me."
They sat there at the diner for a long time, their connected hands only breaking when Draco needed both of his to demonstrate something. Delilah even dropped off dessert at some point with a knowing look shared between the two men.
After that, they figured they had outstayed their welcome. Splitting the bill, they slowly walked out of the diner together.
"Can I walk you home?," Harry asked.
"Potter, you don't even know where I live."
"That's exactly why I need to walk you home," Harry replied with a wink.
"I suppose I've had worse company. Come along then Scarhead."
As they walked, their hands kept brushing together. Finally, Harry linked their pinkies.
"Are you feeling alright now?," Draco asked quietly.
"Better than I have in ages honestly. Thank you, for letting me confide in you."
"If you ever need to talk again, reach out, yeah? I knew you were in that diner the second I walked in. I could feel your magic, it was heavy."
"I just wish people would stop influencing my decisions and just let me make my own."
"I'm sure Weasley is going to have a coronary once he learns about this," Draco replied with a snort, raising their linked pinkies.
"He won't learn about it, not yet," Harry said fiercely. "I can be friends with whoever I want and he's not taking you away from me. I know what he's going to say and I don't want to hear it. He doesn't know you like I do. You've changed, you're doing good things, helping people, helping me. I care about your present and your future, I don't give a shit about the past. You've done your time and served it well. You're a good listener, you're funny, that's what I care about."
"For once in my life, I want something that's just mine. You can tell people, I'm not restricting you. I just wanna make sure we survive the second dinner without killing each other yeah?," Harry joked, nudging Draco's shoulder with his own.
"No, I understand. I'm not offended, now that you've explained anyway. Thought you might've been ashamed for a minute, but those are my old insecurities popping up. You make me feel like I'm 13 sometimes."
"Is that an insult?," Harry asked with a loud laugh.
"I feel like 13 was the last time I actually felt safe, you know? Once fourth year hit... things weren't quite so funny anymore."
"Believe me, I know. I'm sorry about what Crouch did to you by the way."
"I preferred it to what he did to you," Draco replied with a shiver, remembering the aftermath of the maze all too well.
"Yeah well, you didn't have it any easier after that either."
"If you stop being an Auror, what would you do instead?"
"I have no idea. What would a retired child soldier decide to do?"
"Whatever you wanted to."
"If I'm not saving people, I don't know what my purpose is."
"This is me. Think about what I said, Potter. You can't save people if there's no one to save you when you need it."
"That's why I've befriended the best healer there is," Harry replied with a wink. "Have a good night Malfoy. I'll see you at the diner, same time on Friday?"
"I'll be there," Draco promised.
With a grin and a little wave, Draco watched Harry apparate away. It was then that he realized they could've done that instead of walking, but he found that he didn't mind. No, he quite liked spending time with Potter. Maybe, just maybe...
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