"It's still beating."
Huā was brushing her hand against the fresh flowers Sapphire got her when her wolf ears perked up to the sound of her door creaking in. "H-Hu-ā-ā?" Sapphire whimpered as tears ran down her face. "Yes Sapphire?" Huā said as she sat up. Huā may of had one socket, but she couldn't see.
"A..are you a..alive..?" Sapphire asked as she walked over to her cousin. "I do believe I am if I am talking." Huā said jokingly. Sapphire couldn't hold it in anymore. She leaped at Huā and wrapped her arms around the hybrid's neck.
Huā jumped at this before hearing Sapphire's sobs and whimpers. "Shhh. It's ok Sapphire. I am here. I am here and that's all that matters. Shhh." Huā cooed softly as Sapphire nuzzled her face into the fur of Huā's jacket. "Do you want to sleep with me tonight?" Huā asked.
Sapphire nodded desperately as she hiccuped and clung onto Huā. Huā laid down and wrapped the bear/ox skin blanket around both of them. Huā laud on her side so Sapphire could loosen her grip and lay next to her. Sapphire cuddled close to Huā to hear her soul beat.
"It's still beating." Huā whispered before the two fell asleep.
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