Crappy filler, but hey it's needed every once and a while.
Kellin's POV
Alan and I pulled into Tony's driveway and I was excited. Okay well nervous and excited when I saw Jaime's car. I was hoping Vic would be here. We had texted everyday since the last time I saw him and we had been talking about hanging out soon anyway. I hurriedly got out of the car and went ahead to the front door.
Alan was close behind and once the door opened I bro hugged Tony and went down to the basement where we usually hang out. Alan was probably going to stay upstairs with Tony for a bit. They both were the quietest out of the group and I also knew Tony would be questioning him about the bruises.
Once I got down I noticed the guys all watching some movie. I looked around and saw Vic sitting by himself. Perfect. I took a seat beside of him and it startled him.
"Hey." I said with a chuckle.
"Hi." He said shyly and smiled at me. "What ya doing here?"
"It was Alan's idea. Plus I couldn't pass up and opportunity to see you." I know it was wrong of me but we had been flirting over text on and off. In a way it felt right, but Jaime was still my friend so I didn't know I guess. I was confused.
"Yea seems about right. I am pretty great." He said and flipped his hair.
"Getting a big head aren't we darling." That's another thing I couldn't quit calling him that pet name. It kinda just slipped out in a text and it fit, so I kept at it.
"Never." He said and smiled cheekily. I laughed and finally the guys attention landed on me.
"Kellin!" They all yelled and got up to hug me I hugged back and they immediately started talking about some party that was supposed to happen tomorrow.
"Kells you in?" I nodded along and turned to Vic. "How about you?" I asked and he looked to Jaime and shrugged his shoulders.
"Of course you're gonna come babe. It'll be a good time." Jaime said shaking his head and it kind of made me mad. He made it sound as if Vic didn't have a choice to not go.
"True." Vic said. "You've gotta stay with me the whole time. You know those things give me anxiety." Jaime got up and wrapped his arms around Vic, kissing his cheek. "Of course babe." With that he sat back down with the guys.
I looked over to Vic and he was blushing. At times he seemed like all he cared about was Jaime's attention. Then at other times he seemed so suspicious of him. The situation was confusing in itself. I didn't know what exactly was going on in that relationship but I did know I would be at the party incase Jaime left Vic alone.
I heard the basement door creak and I got the attention of the guys. "Hey fyi Alan is kinda bruised up cause of Jesse. I took care of it though." I watched as all of their faces turned to stone. Alan came down the stairs, followed by Tony and I could tell he was holding back anger.
Alan went and sat by Gabe who immediately took his face and examined the bruise.
"I swear to god when will those bastards learn!" He gritted out. All the other guys agreed with him and Alan put his hands in the air.
"Guys! It's not a big deal. I got beat up again so what? I'm not in the hospital. I'm fine." He said and crossed his arms.
"We get that Alan but it still doesn't justify anything."
"Just wish you guys would leave it alone." He huffed. Gabe just pulled him into a side hug and kept his arm around him.
"Hey Alan are you gonna come to the party too?" Vic asked and Alan thought a minute before nodding his head.
"Sure. If Kellin is going. Could I bring someone?" He asked and Jaime nodded his head.
"Who is the little Ginger Princess gonna bring?" He teased and Alan blushed.
"No one."
"Oh Al! Come on tell us!" Nick said.
"Just a friend." He mumbled.
"Yea a friend you like to kiss." I said taking the opportunity to embarrass my little brother.
A chorus of "Ohhh who is it?" Rang throughout the room and Alan turned and even darker shade of red before finally mumbling a quiet, "Austin."
"Carlile? The new kid?" Gabe asked and looked to me. I nodded my head.
"I didn't even know he was gay!" Nick shouted.
"Well he obviously has eyes for Alan."
"Alan is a cutie." They all chattered and Alan turned even redder if possible.
"Okay guys can you please stop."
"Okay, but just make sure that Austin know that if he hurts you he has like all of us to deal with." Gabe said motioning to the circle of guys. "And that's after Kellin deals with him."
"You guys have to be nice." Alan said getting up and coming to sit beside of me on the couch. "Especially you." He pointed to me. "But you do seem to be getting along with him alright."
"He seems alright." I smiled at Alan. Truth was Austin seemed more than alright for Alan. So far he didn't have a problem with anything Alan liked. They weren't even together yet and he was already so accepting of Alan. In my mind things seemed to be moving a little faster than they should but I trusted Alan and he wouldn't let things get out of hand.
Alan's POV
I sat on the couch texting Austin as everyone talked and played video games. Sometimes, if I'm honest, it felt weird to be around them all. I was the youngest at 16 and they all were like older brothers. I basically had a posse of bodyguards. I don't know how it happened but they all saw me as their little brother, someone they had to protect.
They also couldn't get it through their heads that no matter how many times they threatened or beat up Matt and Jesse they wouldn't stop. I don't know what it was about me either that made them want to be the way they are to me. Well I guess I did know. It was that stupid dress.
I shook my head and focused on what was going on around me. Currently Jaime and Mike, who I found out was Vic's younger brother, were having an arm wrestling contest, Gabe and Nick were chattering about something, and Tony was cheering Mike on. I looked over at Kellin as him and Vic talked, both with smiles on their faces.
Vic was laughing at something and Kellin was just smiling cheekily. They seemed so at ease. I watched as Kellin leaned close and said something into Vic's ear that caused him to blush. He pulled away and shook his head before smiling back at Kellin. Then his gaze landed on Jaime. I watched as his mouth turned into a frown and he stared a few moments before turning back to my brother and giving him a smile that was nothing but fake.
Kellin must have noticed because he stood up and tugged on Vic's arm before pulling him upstairs. I thought for a second about following them but that wouldn't be nice thing to do. Plus if I asked Kellin he would probably tell me anyway. My phone buzzed and I looked down at the message from Austin.
Aust: Is it bad that I miss you?
I smiled and texted back.
To Aust: No...I miss you too :p
Aust: yay! I'm special.
He texted causing me to laugh. I thought now was the perfect time to ask him to come to the party with me tomorrow.
To Aust: so there is this party tomorrow. Do you maybe wanna go with me?
Aust: I was supposed to ask you out first.
Aust: but yes I'll go, on one condition.
To Aust: what's the condition
Aust: you have to go on a date with me next Saturday
My heart fluttered when he asked and I couldn't help that the biggest smile crossed over my face.
To Aust: Of Course!
Aust: great ;).
After that we texted back and fourth about anything and everything. It wasn't long before Kellin and I decided to leave. We said our goodbyes and then went back to the house.
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