Okay guys my grandmother is blasting gospel music, like really old county Christian music, and I have nothing against it okay, I believe in god and all that jazz but just this music isn't my thing (neither is actually going to church, I don't like the church environment. Every one I have went to the people are just ughhh) and she knows I don't like it and she blaring it all around the house. I asked her to turn it down and she said it would be good for me to listen 😐 and my headphones are broke so someone please come save me
Kellin's POV
I got Vic calmed down and I was taking him to my house. The drive was silent and I held his hand so tight the whole way there. I wanted him to feel safe and comfortable and tonight that was my mission. As we got closer to my house I thought about Alan. He probably wouldn't want to be alone tonight either but that was okay. I could handle making them both feel safe and comfortable that was my job as an older brother and well whatever I was in mine and Vic's relationship.
When I pulled in the driveway I noticed two cars there, my Dads and another one I wasn't sure about. Once I saw my Dad my first thought was Alan. I quickly got Vic out of the car and as I was getting ready to open the door it was opened for me. My Dad shuffled past me with two full garbage bags, yelling 'Fucking finally' as he threw them into the trash cans. Vic gave me a quizzical look and I just turned to head up the stairs to find Alan.
But he found me instead as he was walking down the stairs. His face was red and puffy from crying, eyes bloodshot, and there was a light purple bruise on his cheek.
"Alan?!" I said and rushed the rest of the way up the stairs to him. I was trying to check and see if he was okay but he only pushed me away and walked quickly down the stairs. I was going to go after him when someone else walked down the stairs. It was Austin and he held two bags in his hands.
"What happened?" I asked him following him down the stairs.
"I'm not entirely sure but your fucking Dad needs to be put into check."
We went outside and Alan was leaning against the other car hugging himself.
"Alan what happened?" I said walking up to him and he just shook his head.
"Like you even care." He said with sass.
"Don't be a baby just tell me what the fuck happened?" I said getting annoyed. I just needed to be sure that he was okay and here he was trying to be smart with me.
"What do you think happened!" He yelled. I was in shock Alan never yells at anyone no matter who they are.
"Alan I d-"
"He happened! He came back! I was afraid!" He said and pushed my chest. "You left me! All I asked was to go with you Kellin and you left to save your fucking boyfriend! I'm your brother!" He yelled in my face and tears started fall from his brown eyes. "I couldn't even get ahold of you. He yelled, called me names, slapped me so fucking hard I thought I was going to black out. Then you know what he did? He threw them all away." He said gesturing to the trash cans. "But I guess it's okay right? Because I'm a pathetic sissy. It's for the best. Now you and everyone else won't have to worry about it cause they're gone. Maybe I can be someone everyone else expects now. Maybe I can become something other than a disappointment. Someone who can hold their own so they don't have to fall back on their big brother. " he finished and took a step back.
"Alan I'll always look after you you're my little brother, nothing will change that." I said and tried to pull him into a hug.
"Were only brothers by marriage Kellin, not blood. You shouldn't have to take care of me." He said and slipped into the passenger seat of Austin's car. Suddenly I was a fit of rage and I banged my fist on the trunk of Austin's car.
"Don't fucking say that!" I yelled but didn't get an answer because Austin was pulling out of the driveway and speeding down the road. My hands went to my hair and I screamed.
"Kellin calm down. Please." I heard Vic say, but I wasn't listening. My eyes had caught sight of the garbage bags and I was stalking over to them. I ripped one opened and dumped out all the sweaters, skirts, and other clothes Dad had thrown away. My plan was to get them and put them in their rightful place but they were all ripped and damaged beyond repair. That fucking bastard.
With one thing on my mind I went into the house to find him sitting on the couch, beer in hand and smile on his face.
"So good to see you Kellin." He said. "Finally a normal household." I grabbed the beer bottle from his hand and threw it at the wall.
"Get out!" I yelled at him.
"Son this is my house." He said and stood up.
"I. Don't. Care. You've spent your whole life making your only son feel like shit. He thinks he's worthless and not meant to be happy. You ripped his happiness away and even put your hands on him. I don't want you around him and I don't want you around my mother. Get out." I seethed and he only laughed.
"Kellin I didn't do anything harmful. Sometimes the truth is hard and I just hope Alan will learn his lesson." He said and laid a hand on my shoulder. "Everything will be okay. You just need to cool off." I pushed his hand away and pushed him back.
"Don't tell me to co-" I started but instead getting to finish what I was going to say I was being pulled away and up the stairs. Vic opened the door to my room and shoved me on the bed.
"Just stop Kellin." He said and I put my head in my hands.
"He's gone Vic. Alan got hurt because of me and now I've lost my only brother." I said and before I knew it I was starting to cry.
Austin's POV
Alan was deadly quiet in the car. He had his knees up to his chest and his head was resting on them and turned towards the window. He had called me on the phone and with quiet sobs he asked me to pick him up. Once I got there I found him upstairs in his room crying as his Dad shoved his clothes into a bag. I had no clue what was going on but Alan ran to me and flung his arms around my neck. His Dad barely took notice to me and just grabbed the two garbage bags and hauled them out the room past us. It took me a while to calm Alan down and I only got part of the story. His Dad found out about the clothes and this was the end result. He said he didn't want to be in the house so I assured him he could stay with me so we packed him a couple bags. Then there was the stuff that happened with Kellin and I have no clue what started it, but whatever it was seemed to me affecting Alan more than the stuff that happened with his Dad.
We pulled up to my house and Alan didn't even offer to move. He was in his own trance still staring out the window.
"Alan?" I said and he slowly turned his head towards me. "Come on Doll let's go inside." I grabbed his bags from the back and then his hand. We walked into the dimly lit house and up the stairs to my room. He stood awkwardly in the middle of my room like he didn't know what to do. He had been here hundreds of times before and I couldn't understand why he was feeling uncomfortable now.
"Baby come on let's get you into something comfortable and then lay down." I said rubbing my hands up and down his arms gently. He nodded and i went and got him a pair of my black sweatpants and a random hoodie. He changed quickly in the bathroom and when he came back I was waiting for him on the bed. He looked incredibly small in the large clothes and I couldn't wait to hold him close.
He got in the bed beside of me and I immediately put my arm around him and pulled him close, engulfing his small frame with mine. He stared straight at the wall and never said a word.
"Alan talk to me."
"I just don't know Austin." He said in a quiet voice after a few minutes.
"Don't know what?" I said and started to play with his hair.
"About anything. Kellin. My Dad. Us."
"What about us?" I asked worry filling my voice. I didn't want to lose Alan, he was perfect and I want him by my side for a long time.
"If I'm going to be what everyone wants, if I'm not going to be a disappointment, then there can't be an us." He said barely above a whisper and my heart broke.
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