
Kellin's POV

"Where did Dad and Mom go?" Alan asked me after about an hour of us just laying on my bed.
"I don't really know. Dad stormed out after I started on him and Mom went after him. I don't see fucking why though. She should leave his ass." I said thinking about the earlier events that had taken place.
"They love each other Kellin." He said turning over so he could look at me. "Yea Dad may mess up sometimes but that doesn't stop he fact that they love each other."
"But Alan he hurt you." I said trying to reason with him.
"He was just shocked and he has a temper. I knew he would blow up when he found out but it could have been worse." He said and tried to smile lightly at me. I was baffled by him, he was actually trying to defend his, well our, shit piece of Dad. All he ever did was put Alan down and make him feel like a piece of shit and I wasn't going to have any of it.
"Alan don't defend him."
"He's my Dad Kellin." He said softly.
"He's supposed to accepted you not criticize you and throw a punch when things don't go his way!"
"It's not that big of a deal." He argued.
"Yes it is!" I said exasperated. "He makes you feel like you're not good enough, when you're definitely more than enough Alan." I said softly and he sighed just turning to cuddle the pillow under his head.
"You don't deserve that Alan." I said and pulled the covers up over his small form.

He didn't say anything and we both just laid on my bed for a while. Alan would occasionally sniffle into his pillow and he had scooted under my arm when my phone rang. I saw Vic's picture pop up and couldn't help the smile the formed on my face.
"Hey Darling."
"Kellin! Please come here." Vic said frantically and I sat up quickly.
"Babe what's Wrong?" I asked and Alan looked at me confused.
"Jaime's mad. I told him a-and he's scaring me and I locked my self in the bathroom but he's just...Kellin please he's scaring me." Vic desperately.
"I'll be right there Vic, don't worry. Just stay where you are."
"Okay please hurry Kellin." He said and the line was cut. I pulled my phone away from my ear and cursed at it when I saw it had died.

I jumped up and grabbed my shoes.
"Kellin where are you going?" Alan asked form the bed.
"Vic's in trouble." I said not taking the time to explain fully.
"W-what if Dad comes back?" He said in a small voice and I stopped to watch him cuddle the pillow closer. He looked slightly scared and I hated to leave him here. "Can I come with you?" He asked and I shook my head.
"Alan I don't know what will happen and I don't want you getting hurt."
"But what if D-dad?"
"Just lock yourself in my room, that way I know you're safe. He can't get in, right?" I said and crouched down in front of him.
"I-I don't think."
"Good then. Lock the bathroom door and my room door. I'll be back before you know it Al." I said and pulled him close for a hug. "Don't worry, okay?" He nodded his head and before I left him to himself. I quickly ran to his room and grabbed his stuffed kitten and his phone. I gave him another hug and left the room. Waiting until I heard the lock click before racing down the stairs and to my car.

I sped the whole way to Jaime's house, thankfully there wasn't much traffic on the roads. I pulled up and didn't even think before I was pulling the front door open and walking inside.
"How could you fucking cheat on me!" I heard Jaime yell from upstairs. "And with my friend! Fuck you and fuck him!" He pounded what I assumed was a fist on a door and I raced up the stairs.

(I'm bad a fight scenes guys so I'm sorry for the pile of crap you are about to read. Just pretend it's great for my sake 😁😘)

"Jaime." I said in a calm voice. "Stop."
"Oh look it's you, the boyfriend stealer." He said with a laugh. "I thought we were friends Kellin?"
"Jaime we were, we are, I couldnt help it." I said and raised my hands. He took a few steps towards me. "It's not my fault though, you were cheating on him first Jaime. He was hurt, beyond belief. He wasn't happy. Let him be happy." I reasoned as he stepped closer. He stopped right in front of me and I thought he was going to just talk it out but I was wrong.

He swung and the force from the punch knocked me into the wall.
"I don't want to do this!" I yelled at him as I just barely dodged one of his punches.
"To fucking bad." Jaime said and tried to pin me to the wall. I ducked under his arm and then kicked the back of his knees sending him to the ground. He grabbed ahold of my ankle and without thinking I used my other foot to kick him in the face. He fell fully to the floor and clutched his nose.
"Just stop." I panted and the went to the room where Vic had locked himself in. "Vic open up its me, let's go." I said hurriedly and he quickly opened the door and flung his arms around me.
"Let's go." I said and grabbed his hand.

When I turned around Jaime was back on his feet and leaning against the wall. I stopped since he was blocking the stair way and pushed Vic behind me.
"Don't worry." He said in a cracked voice. "I'm not doing anything. This relationship wasn't worth anything. Just get out of my sight." He said and I nodded at him. He nodded his head back and gave me a little two finger salute and I led Vic down the stairs and to my car. I hugged him close to me happy that he was safe.

Alan's POV

I was sitting in Kellin's bed trying to distract myself with my phone when the door slammed shut. Either my Mom was unsuccessful in finding my Dad or my Dad was home. I laid my phone down and the house was deadly quiet. After about ten minutes I heard someone pounding up the stairs and I quickly checked to see if both the doors to Kellin's room was locked and sat back down on the bed.  The footsteps didn't come down the hall to Kellin's room but instead I heard my door open. Then I heard my dad scream.
"How fucking pathetic!" Then I heard his footsteps booming down the hall and he tried to unlock Kellin's door.
"Alan I know you're in there get out here and explain yourself!" He yelled and pounded a fist on the door. I grabbed my phone and quickly dialed Kellin's number with shaky hands. It went straight to voicemail and that's when I remembered that he didn't take it with him because it died.

I scooted myself to the top of the bed and pulled my knees to my chest. My dad was still furiously turning the doorknob trying to open the door and I just hoped he would calm down. That's all he had to do was calm down right? If I just left him alone and stayed hidden in here he would calm down. Sure I would get yelled at later, but later meant that Kellin would be here and later meant my Dad wouldn't be as furious as he was right now.

Everything got quiet again and I scooted myself to the edge of the bed and listened closely. A relieved sigh left my lips as I heard someone going back down the stairs. Everything was going to be okay or I thought. My few minutes of relief were interrupted and shattered when I heard steps coming back up the stairs. I froze and stayed confused as the footsteps stopped outside of Kellin's door. There was shuffling then the knob turned one last time and the door opened. My Dad walked into the room threw a key on the floor.

"D-dad?" I said and he shook his head at me before grabbing me by the arm and pulled, more like dragged, me down the hall. He was eerily quiet as he pushed me down on to the floor in front of my closet. He stood in front of me and I didn't dare say a word.
"Alan you have five seconds to tell me." He said in a voice that sent shivers down my spine.
"That's it! Tell me Alan! Tell me how much of a fucking pussy you are!" He yelled at me and I tried my best to shrink in on my myself and just disappear. He started towards my closet and then piece by piece he threw clothes at me.
"What's all this shit?" He asked angrily as he threw a blue sweater at me. "And this.  This. This. All this fucking shit!"

I didn't say anything and that only seemed to make him madder. He grabbed skirt and shook it in my face.
"You are a boy not some fucking trannie." He said and pulled at the skirt until it successfully ripped up the side. "What is your problem!?" He yelled into my face and I just shook my head at him. He pulled me up by my arms and shook my whole body harshly. "Don't fucking shake your head at me! Answer me!"

"They're clothes." I said softly.
"What kind of clothes?" He further question and moved to where there was only an inch between our faces.
"Fucking pathetic." He spit and then I was stumbling back from a hit that seemed to make my whole body ache. "I raised you to be a man not some dick sucking trannie. I've learned to live with that fact that you were a gay piece of shit but this," he gestured to the clothes as I held my cheek. "Is to far. This I cannot take. I will not take it Alan. You've reached a new level of low." He said and I couldn't stop the tears as they fell down my face. I was a pathetic disappointment. Dad was right. "Don't cry you fucking sissy. You got what you had coming." He said and stepped closer. "You're my son Alan and I love you but I can only take so much. If you don't change then I will make you. Plain and simple. You understand?" He said and I nodded my head quickly. "Good. Now get out of my sight." And with that I ran to Kellin's room and grabbed my phone.

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