
Kellin's POV

It had been a week since I had talked to Vic and I really missed him. I just wanted to see him and I was hoping that I would get my chance today. All of us were supposed to hang out as Jaime's and he had told us all that Vic would be there. When Jaime told us I got knowing glances from Gabe and Alan, who were a little agitated that Vic was 'leading me on'.

I was currently sitting in the passagnger seat of my car and Alan drove. He had drove some before but was still slightly nervous behind the wheel. He was driving us home and I was going to leave for Jaime's afterwards. Alan said he may show up later but he wasn't sure. He didn't get much sleep last night so he would probably end up sleeping all evening.

"Am I doing okay?" Alan asked as we turned on to our street.
"You're doing great Alan." I reassured him.
"Okay okay. We're almost home."
"Just calm down. " he turned and gave me a small smile and pretty soon He was pulling into our driveway. He done a victory dance in his seat and got out giving me a small goodbye before walking up to the house and going inside. I switched seats and pulled out heading to Jaime's.

When I got there everyone was already there. Instead of knocking I went ahead and walked in. The living room was full of laughter and the smell of smoke. My eyes immediately wondered over the room looking for Vic. He was here. He was currently sitting on Jaime's lap looking at me with a hurt expression. I sighed and just took a seat beside Gabe.
"Finally Kellin!" Gabe said and threw an arm around my shoulder. I laughed and grabbed the bottle from his hands. I took a sip and grimaced at the taste, but took another sip nonetheless.

"Are we going anywhere besides here?" I asked.
"I don't think so but who knows." He shrugged. I leaned back against the couch taking a glance at Vic. Jaime had his arms wrapped around Vic's waist and Vic was glancing down with an unreadable look. My grip on the bottle tightened as Jaime's hands trailed down Vic's thigh giving it a squeeze. My anger only flared more when Jaime smirked and whispered something I'm Vic's ear causing him to blush. I gulped down half the drink as they both stood and Jaime led them up the stairs, telling the rest of us that they would be right back. I drank some more and Gabe gave me a worried look.
"You okay dude?" He asked quietly.
"Fucking perfect." I said before finishing the bottle and grabbing another.

Three bottles later and Vic and Jaime were coming down the stairs. Vic looked upset but Jaime looked like the happiest guy in earth. They both sat down, Vic scooting a cushion away from Jaime. I watched as Jaime gave him a confused looked and scooted Vic back over beside him. I let out a huff of annoyance and got up, stumbling only a little I might add, and went to the kitchen for more drinks.

When I closed he fridge and turned around I noticed Vic standing there.
"Kellin are you alright?" He asked coming towards me.
"Well how-w do you think I am? Seeing the guy whose stealing my hear-rt, all over his boyfriend." I said a little harshly, only stumbling over my words a couple times. However, I immediately dropped the harshness when I saw Vic's eyes filling with tears.

I sat my drink down and pulled him over to my rubbing his shoulders.
"Shhh, shhh, I didn't mean it. Hey Darling it's okay." I said trying to calm him down.
"I don't understand it Kellin." He said falling into my embrace.
"Shhh. It's okay." I said and he was silent for a few minutes.
"He answered he phone for her in the middle of it." He said quietly.
"Huh?" I said and pulled back to look at him, the tears now falling down his tan cheeks.

"While we were upstairs, we were....were having sex....." he paused to see if I had a reaction but he only thing I did was slightly tighten my grip around his waist. "His phone rang and he just....stopped....left me on the bed, answered he phone, walked to the corner talked a couple minutes, hung up, and came back over to resume our previous activities." He shook as he started telling me the rest of what happened. "While he went to the bathroom to freshen up I looked at his phone. They're planning on meeting up tonight." He said sadly.

I held him close to me. The tears had stopped now but he was still shaking. I kissed the top of his head gently.
"Darling you don't deserve that." I whispered to him. "You deserve the world and all the love in it. You need to be cherished and cared for, not stepped on and used. I'm so sorry he's doing this and I wish I could stop it. I don't like seeing you cry. I want you to be happy."
When I finished he clutched on to my shirt and sobbed loudly.

Vic's POV

I held on to Kellin as if he was going to fade away the second I let go. Right now he was the only thing keeping me from breaking down completely. He was the glue holding the cracks together. Not once did his grip falter as I held on to him for the next ten minutes and not once did anyone come to check on us.

I was still upset but not crying anymore and I lessened my grip on Vic and looked up to him. He gave me a small smile and I couldn't help myself when I leaned up and placed a soft kiss on his lips, whispering a 'thank you' as I pulled away. He simply nodded his head and stared at me lovingly.

As I looked at him I still couldn't understand why I was even trying with Jaime. Here, standing in front of me, was a guy who wanted nothing else but for me to be happy. Here he was comforting me and holding me tightly as I cried about my shit boyfriend making plans to meet up with a fuck buddy while we had sex. He had been there every time I was upset and even though I could see that he was mad earlier he was still here! Honestly it was a lot to take in.

Kellin was either blind or stupid. I wasn't worth that much trouble. Hell I couldn't even keep one boyfriend so why was he here fawning over me like a lost gem? Even though I couldn't understand it still made me smile. His touch made my body shiver and my stomach do flips. I hadn't spoken to him in a week and I didn't realize how much I missed his touch until now.

"Kellin I-" I started but was cut off when the kitchen door opened and I turned around to see Jaime. I pulled myself from Kellin's arms and wrapped my own around myself.
"Ummm. What was that?" Jaime said and his gaze hardened on Kellin.
"I-I..." I stuttered.
"Vic was upset and I was just giving him a hug. Chill out dude. He's your's, I know he's off limits." Kellin lied. I glanced at him then back at Jaime who at first gave Kellin a skeptical look but then it completely vanished and he was back to goofy Jaime.

He came over to me and kissed my cheek. "Thanks Kellin, but Vic Baby why didn't you come to me?" He asked and I blanked. Just settling on shrugging my shoulders.
"Well you know you can talk to me right?" He said and I nodded. "Good and remember whatever you were upset over probably isn't worth it." He said smiling at me. Maybe he's right. "Anyway I've gotta run out I probably won't be back the rest of the night. Just make sure to lock the house before you leave and don't let the bums hang around too long." He said with a laugh.
"Bye baby love you. See ya Kellin." He said and kissed my lips again before going out the door.

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