Shadow: A Sagacious Spy
"I'm back, hun!" I glance up as Rouge walks in, her smiling eyes and mischievous grin falling at my tetchy, aggravated appearance. "Oh, hun," she says, fluttering over, bags in her hand forgotten. "What's wrong?"
"I talked to Topaz. He is being monitored. So, it was just me, after all." My ears fold down, flattening themselves against my skull as I scowl. I still can't believe I ever made such a blasted stupid mistake. What kind of Ultimate Lifeform forgets such a crucial detail?
"Shadow, everyone makes mistakes," Rouge comforts, putting a friendly hand on my shoulder, having obviously understood my ambiguous sentences. I don't shrug it off, but I'm tempted to. I don't like being around other people when I'm angry, and Rouge is no exception, despite being my best friend.
"Yes, but not in front of their Commander. Now he thinks I'm just shirking blame."
"He does not. He knows you better than that. If anything, you were trying to be responsible when you expressed concerns Eclipse was messing with you. I mean, what if you hadn't come to him, and you were being manipulated? It's much better that you make that mistake, rather than trying to deal with something yourself."
"It's much better if I make no mistake at all."
"Shadow, that's ridiculous," Rouge frowns. "You can't expect yourself to be perfect."
"I don't. I just expect myself not to make stupid, irresponsible blunders. Which I seem to be failing at."I cross my arms, huffing dejectedly.
"Shadow, it's fine--"
"It's not fine!" I growl. "What if I do something like that again, and it costs lives? What if it already has? That's bad enough. But, to think I figured out why I forgot only to find out it was my fault and make an utter fool of myself...! How is Tower going to trust me after that? I'm a tenuous hero as it is, and now he's seen firsthand how unreliable I am. Again."
"Shadow, you're a great hero! So what that you forgot one detail?"
"So what?!" I gape at her, not understanding this lack of concern she's showing. "Rouge, I could have compromised the whole mission! I could have let Eclipse attack the Commander at close range!"
"But you didn't! So stop worrying about it so much!"
"Could you have done anything to anticipate him, anyways? If he had decided to destroy G.U.N.'s leadership on a whim anytime before this, you wouldn't have had any warning! But, he might have had the Dark Arms near the mission location, and you're acting like it's some huge deal? Think about it, Shadow! Why is this so important, anyways?"
"It's important because I screwed up!" I reply angrily. "I didn't just forget the Chaos signals; I also falsely accused Eclipse. Have you stopped to think why G.U.N. didn't tell me they were monitoring him?" I freeze as soon as the words are out of my mouth. I haven't stopped to think why, but, now, the question looms. "Does the Commander have any trust in me at all?" I ask quietly, feeling a bit shattered by the thought.
"Shadow, listen to me, alright?" Rouge sits down next to me, turning to look me right in the eye. I stare at her, surprised and unsure what she's doing. "For one thing, you only saw the Commander when Eclipse was first brought to G.U.N. After escorting Sharkboy for an hour or so, you went right to bed. The scientists were probably still setting everything up; and, you know Abe doesn't sleep hardly at all. You were probably asleep when he got confirmation the monitoring was working. Was Abe supposed to wake you up? No one expected a problem at four in the morning on the first day Eclipse was here.
"Second, even if he had an opportunity to tell you about watching Fireeyes' mind, he might not have wanted to in case it didn't work properly. If you thought your mind was safe, you would have been way more susceptible to manipulation than you would be when you were suspicious. I'm sure he would want you on the highest guard. It's not anything against you, it's just--"
"How do you do this?" I ask, not meaning to interrupt but doing so anyways. "I'm supposed to be the Ultimate Lifeform--how can you analyze things so much better than I can?"
"Shadow, you've been upset. I spent the entire time I was gone thinking about this from a third-party perspective. It's a lot easier for me to be objective about it."
"Well, it's still impressive," I grumble, nevertheless finding it a bit amusing that she outdid me so easily. The thought makes my scowl fade into a minor frown. "But, it's hard to follow you when you keep calling Eclipse 'Sharkboy' and Fireeyes.' Where did that come from?"
"Oh, you think that's bad?" She asks, immediately smothering a grin. "Come to dinner, and you'll hear even worse."
"What?" I ask, confused.
"Nothing. Come on, eat; you need some substance in that frame of yours."
"Thanks," I deadpan, not appreciating the slight at my, well, slight build. I'm thin; it's just how I was created. No matter how much I eat, it doesn't change, so I stopped being bothered by it and accepted that I was a lithe person.
Rouge doesn't talk for a few minutes as we eat some odds and ends from breakfast, and I appreciate the silence. She's letting me think, which I need to do. Processing her take on the situation, I end up agreeing with it, despite myself. How she can pull motives from events in a way even I can't, I don't know. Finally, the frustration of having not thought of any of that eats at me enough that I ask her.
"How did you figure all that out?" I ask, trying to sound like I'm not demanding the answer.
"I'm older than you," she replies noncommittally, unbothered as she eats her breakfast sandwich.
"How is that a valid explanation?" I question, completely unsatisfied.
"I've had, what, seventeen more years of being alive than you? Sure, I was a kid for most of it, but I didn't exactly grow up in a nursery. I accumulated years of experience in understanding people and how they think. Tower is easy; he does the most logical thing, without fail. It's unlikely he'd let a personal feeling get in the way, so I just ask myself what I would do if I wanted to be foolproof in my plans. It's simple, but it's deceptively so. You'll get there eventually, but you've only been around the populace for about a year. That's not enough time, not even for you. So, stop worrying about it and just pay attention to the people around you. That's the only way to get where I am."
"Sometimes, you drive me crazy," I mutter, feeling as if she's thoroughly defeated me.
"Oh, hun, you have no idea," she snickers, pointing at me with a browned apple slice. "How do you think I feel, watching you go off and save the world all the time? You outdo me in so many ways, I have to step up my game. You inspired me to get better at what I do, so I could truthfully say I'm an asset to the team."
"Of course you're an asset," I say, frowning. "Tower wouldn't have you here if you weren't."
"Exactly," she grins. "Now you're starting to understand how he thinks." I nod slowly, absorbing the thought for a few moments. I jump slightly when she suddenly stands up, moving to saunter off towards the door with her half-finished sandwich in her hand. "Well, I've got some things to do before I forget, so I'll meet you at dinner, yeh? Mind doing that mission report for me, since it was your fault?" She adds a wink to the last part, to let me know she was joking, and I roll my eyes.
"Yeah, yeah. I'll write it up," I reply, and she smiles.
"Thanks, Shadzster! See ya'!" She flutters out of the door, and I shake my head.
No matter how long I live, I'll never understand her. I stand up, moving to my desk after picking up the remains of the food. Sitting down, I bring up our missions file, sighing as I open a new one. But, I owe her this. She solved my emotional problems with barely a wave of her hand, so it's the least I can do.
I only wish these weren't so boring...
I stifle a yawn as I close the documents I was on. I wrote out the report and completed a few others that hadn't been finished yet (one guess who was in charge of those ones...Rouge). My legs lift me almost unconsciously, body responding to my thoughts as I stand up and stretch. I glance at my communicator watch, double-taking as I see I'm fifteen solid minutes late for dinner, the afternoon having passed like a blur.
Rouge must be thinking I bailed, I think, blanching. I better get down there. I zip out the door and down the hallway, forgoing the slow elevator in favor of the stairs. I flash my identification at the stairwell, gaining access and shooting down so quickly I'd make a spinning top dizzy.
Thankfully, my carefully engineered eardrums restrain comment on the maneuver, and I get to the cafeteria in a leisurely five seconds.
Walking in, I'm aware that there are more stares than normal. I'm not surprised; rumors are insuppressible, and word of Eclipse is sure to have reached the common soldier's ear by now, despite everyone's best efforts. Now that he's secure, it doesn't really matter, so I don't bother worrying as I pass by the many pairs of eyes.
Humans are incurably curious, so seeing me, even though I'm a relatively common sight here, after hearing about a new alien creation is bound to be exciting. I ignore the attention, waiting in the last dregs of the line for food.
Once I get my tray, I head to my usual table with Rouge and Topaz, though I notice it's more crowded than usual. Again, no surprise.
"Rouge," I greet my friend, preempting her impending question. "I seem to be more popular than usual today."
"Uh, yeah," she says, eyeing me suspiciously. "It's about time you showed up. I was starting to think you weren't coming."
"The crowd?" I remind her, wanting to know if it really is all because of Eclipse.
"Yeah, I know," she sighs, not seeming too pleased with the swarm of clamorous people. With similarly sensitive ears, I can sympathize. "People have heard about 'E,' but they don't know much, just that he's rumored to be another Black Arm hybrid creation. It's got everyone in quite a buzz. They're all curious about the 'New Shadow.'"
"'New Shadow'?" I ask, raising an eyebrow as I sit down, picking up my fork. "Interesting name. I imagine 'E' wouldn't be very happy to be called a hybrid."
"Probably not," Rouge snickers. "Remember how you thought my nicknames were confusing? Oh, you should hear the ones floating around. 'Shadow 2.' 'Shadow II.' 'Shadow Jr.' 'Re-Shadow.' 'Kid Shadow.' 'Lad-Shad.' You're famous."
"All of their names include me?" I ask, amused. "That's ironic."
"Well, not all of them. But most of them. 'Blacky' and 'Sharky' are also popular. 'Buddy' has been mentioned a few times."
"'Sharky'?" I splutter, almost choking on my food. "'Buddy'?" I heavily suppress a laugh, but a few snickers escape me. "That's hilarious."
"I know. The most interesting part? Everyone is saying he's mute. They even have a few false backstories for why."
"Mute? Even though--"
"Yeah. Watch how much you say," she cautions, glancing around. "Humans can hear, you know."
"Yeah, well, the mute myth is my fault, actually. Accidentally, though," I add, consciously resisting rubbing my hand over my quills. The display of embarrassment would not go unnoticed today, and I don't want people theorizing about me, too. "What are some of the stories?"
"One says G.U.N. did it, whether to protect information or crack down on misbehavior people aren't sure. Some insist it happened decades ago and that he's as old as you are. Another claims Black Doom or Black Death--no one's clear which--ripped out his tongue for speaking out of turn. And those are just the two largest. Some say he's deaf."
"There's been a few times I could see wanting to stuff a gag in his mouth, but I wouldn't think people would assume things that dark. I mean, Eclipse is still less talkative than Sonic, and Death was pretty fond of him."
"Sha--" Before Rouge can even chastise me, I hear people start to whisper excitedly.
"Did you hear that? His name is Ellipse!" Exclaims one soldier in an excited whisper-shout.
"As in, the three periods at the end of a sentence?" Asks another confusedly.
"I think he said 'a lisp.' Maybe that's why he doesn't talk!" Chimes one.
"Embarrassed, you think?"
"Maybe he's unable to speak without visualizing the words, and that's why his name is Ellipse!"
"Maybe he can't finish sentences! Like a curse!"
"Maybe you're all idiots and misheard the hedgehog."
At least one has the right idea, I think, now not very confident in the intelligence of those bickering around me. Cursed? Give me a break.
"You're all wrong," I announce, cutting off several arguments closest to me with the words. "All of you. None of that is true."
"Then what is true?" One of the soldiers butts in, tone accusatory. "How are we supposed to know if you won't tell us?"
"You're not supposed to know," I reply, unfazed. "I have no obligation to give you any information. In fact, I'm not permitted to."
"Just his name?" Pleads a man, popping up near me. "You already said it; can't you say it again?" Rouge gives me a flat look at that last point, and I shrug minutely.
"I shouldn't. It was careless of me," I respond, appearing unswayed.
"Come on, Edge-Hedge! Just tell us which one it was!" Begs another man from the crowd, and I stiffen at the nickname.
"Yeah! Come on!" Before I can even blink, the whole room is filled with a chorus. I don't feel affected by the large numbers asking, but I notice Topaz's worried expression. Even Rouge seems uneasy, and I feel a little guilty all of a sudden.
I may not be bothered by these crowds, but they'll be badgered, too. And, unlike me, they can't simply teleport away.
"Alright," I say before I can regret it, "but you're only getting the bare minimum of information. I'll only confirm what you already seem to know." I ignore the cheers, only focused on placating the curious mob.
"His given name is Eclipse. E-C-L-I-P-S-E. He is a Black Arms soldier."
"Can he talk?" The question rings from several places, quickly gaining momentum across the masses. I hesitate a moment to answer it, knowing that this could end up being a problem. If word gets outside G.U.N. that an intelligent, speaking alien is being held here, he'll become a target for those who want to learn technological or military secrets, not to mention the people who would love to get someone who can snoop in my head on command.
Eclipse wouldn't follow human or Mobian orders, of course, but they don't know that. And I have enough to protect here already, without giving any villains incentives.
"He's physically capable of talking, but he's just a soldier. He's not intelligent," I declare, not too bothered by the lie since it's necessary. I hear a slight snort from behind me, and I resist the urge to roll my eyes. If Rouge starts laughing at what I'm saying, it'll be a dead give away that this is false.
"Don't you have a mind link?"
"Yeah, can't you use that?"
"Why can't you teach him?"
I grind my teeth slightly at the questions, not because they're annoying in themselves--though they are--but because I don't know how to answer them. I don't even know if it's possible to teach a common Black Arms soldier to think, but I decide to go with my gut.
"What part of 'not intelligent' do you not understand?" I ask, going on the defensive. This was my stance on the New Black Comet; I'll just how to uphold it. Of course, Eclipse is an exception, but no one here knows that besides Rouge and Topaz.
"If he's a typical soldier, why is he so small?" One smart aleck asks, and I feel my eye twitch involuntarily. Rouge's quiet snorts turn into suppressed snickers, and I consciously prevent myself from turning around to glare at her.
"There are multiple different breeds. He was unique, created for a different purpose."
"What purpose?"
"Well, to get captured and drown me in questions from curious people, apparently," I growl, and the man wisely closes his mouth. I'm annoyed that I even ended up in this conversation; and, the less I say now, the less I have to correct later, should that day ever come. I stand, glaring at everyone who catches my eye with fierce sternness.
Finally, the room quiets, and I sit down again.
"That was hilarious," Rouge informs me, still chortling. "If Eclipse was here, he'd be scandalized."
"Thank you for your input, Rouge," I grouse, unhappy. Then, I realize Eclipse isn't the only one who would be outraged to hear what I said. "Dammit, the Commander is going to have my ass for this," I groan, immediately smacking a hand over my face. "First the false accusation, now the information leak? I'm so demoted."
"You didn't have to do it," Rouge reminds me. "This one was your choice, Shadz."
"Not to mention that wasn't true," Topaz reprimands, eying me. "I understand why you lied, but it's not something to do without just cause. Was it really necessary?"
"I just wanted to keep you two from getting harrassed," I sigh, resting my elbows on the table. "I forgot I was already in hot water with him..."
"Wait a second, what's this accusation you mentioned?" Topaz asks suddenly. I feel every spine on my body stiffen, and I try not to be too obvious in avoiding the question.
"O-Oh, just me forgetting something. Nothing important."
"Did you just stutter?" She asks, suspicious. "Wait? Forgetting? As in, a mental thing?"
"Please don't ask. It was my fault. It was just a conjecture."
"But you assumed Eclipse was behind it?"
"Er, yeah, essentially. Please don't tell him," I implore, barely managing to look at her. "It was stupid of me."
"No, it was justified," Rouge butts in, glaring at me. "He's done this kind of thing before. It was a perfectly normal assumption."
"What happened?" Topaz asks, a little at a loss.
"Well... I forgot a mission detail--an important one. It was really unlike me, so I jumped to conclusions and assumed he must be behind it. I know it's not true now, but it seemed plausible at the time."
"What time was this, exactly?"
"Three o'clock this morning."
"Oh, Shadow," she immediately sympathizes. "No wonder you're exhausted. Were you up all night?"
"No, I just woke up then, but it sucked." I resist the urge to put my head in my hands and rub the tiredness from my eyes, knowing the rest of the room is likely still watching. "And, the Commander is obviously unhappy with me, regardless of the fact I wasn't told Eclipse was being monitored." My last sentence is directed at Rouge, and she shrugs, conveying that, if I'm determined to hold on to this, there's nothing she can do. "It's been a big snowball ever since, and I'm just waiting for it all to hit me with the consequences."
"Well, I'm sorry about that. I wish I could do something to help, but I've been designated to be with Eclipse as much as possible. I think it's going to be my job for a while."
"How is that going, by the way?" Rouge asks, raising an eyebrow. "You haven't complained, so it must not be too bad."
"It's been fine," Topaz replies. "Sometimes I have no idea what he's thinking, but he's polite and listens well. It kind of reminds me of talking to Shadow, actually."
"It does?" I question, interrupting before I can catch myself.
"Yes, somewhat. I hope that doesn't bother you," Topaz replies, obviously concerned that I'll take offense. I wave it off, not worried.
"No, it doesn't. I'm just surprised. Be careful, though. I know G.U.N. has blocked his powers and all, but he's still dangerous. I don't want you getting hurt. If he really reminds you of me, well... I wasn't exactly too stable at that age."
"How old is he, anyway?" Rouge frowns, looking at me. "Besides, Shadow, you know we're not mad about the ARK. I swear, if you start beating yourself up over that, too..."
"I'm not. But, it's true. As for his age, I'm not entirely sure. The Black Arms didn't measure time the same way we do. If I had to guess, though," I trail off, thinking. "He was probably around three months when the comet clashed with Mobius, maybe slightly more. And, that was, what, four months ago? It's May seventh, so he was probably created in October sometime. So, right about seven months old."
"That's really young." Topaz shakes her head, disbelieving. "You would never know, not by interacting with him."
"Come to think of it," I say suddenly, wilting at the thought. "...I was three months old when I lost Maria." Both Rouge and Topaz give me concerned looks, but I ignore them. Rouge opens her mouth, but she doesn't say anything, and I sigh heavily. My tiredness has caught up with me suddenly, and all I want to do is collapse into bed. Especially after this realization.
"I'm going to turn in," I tell them, trying not to mutter. "It's been a long day."
"Sleep well," Topaz replies, looking uncertain as to whether she should say more. I nod, turning to leave, and head across the room, trying to mask my exhaustion from onlookers.
As I turn out the door, I feel Rouge's eyes on me, worried yet unwilling to speak what's on her mind. The idea bothers me, but I don't turn back. I'll deal with whatever she's not telling me later; right now, I'm hardly in a mood to try to work out whatever she thinks I'm doing.
Nevertheless, the feeling nags me until I reach my bed, and, then, all thoughts vanish from my head in favor of wonderful, comforting nothingness.
Author's Note: Wednesday update! I hope you enjoyed it! I'm back in school now, so weekly updates will continue with Brothers in Arms. Please consider leaving a vote or comment if you liked it; I always appreciate the feedback. It's really gratifying to know you like what I write! I hope to see you next Wednesday, and thank you for reading!
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