
Bryan groaned as he started to regain consciousness, he awoke on a soft bed with an even softer blanket draped over his body. He almost didn't want to leave because of how soft and warm it felt, this bed was nothing like the cold hard metal one he slept on everyday. The pillow felt like a cloud under his head and the soft warm fabric of the blanket tickled his nose. He reached a hand up to rub his head which to his surprise was not hurting as much as it was before he found the cause for that being a bandage carefully wrapped around the front of his head. It was now he chose to sit up and take a look at his surroundings. He was in a small well lit room with nothing else but the bed he was currently lying on and a small table sitting next to him. Seeing that there wasn't much else to the room Bryan next examined himself. His shirt was off revealing his whole torso and chest wrapped in tight bandages, the same was said for his arms, hands and even his neck, those of course weren't as tight as the rest, he pulled back the covers to see his left leg and right foot were also bandaged tightly. It was then he saw that the long baggy shorts he was wearing definitely weren't his. Why? Because they had the S.H.I.E.L.D insignia on them.

Crap! I'm at S.H.I.E.L.D?! Can this day get any worse?!

As if on cue the door to his room opened and Spider-Man stepped in carrying a plate of food, water, and...a backpack?


"Spider-Man! Have you lost your mind?! Bringing a HYDRA agent into the Triskelion! And Director Fury I cannot believe you actually agreed to letting him stay here! What were you thinking this is absolutely-"

"Coulson! Enough!" Fury interrupted agent Coulson's rant.

It's been a few hours since Spidey, Scarlet, and Bucky brought in the unconscious Spider-Twin. And Coulson was not pleased by this yelling and screaming repeating the same things over and over again until Fury finally got annoyed. The other Web-Warriors were present as well apologizing repeatedly for what they had said and how they acted earlier but Spidey ignored them still disappointed with his team's response to rescue his brother. Agent Briefs who along with Scarlet had also offered her help with finding the lost twin and had been giving the team updates and other information she saw to be useful. It didn't help things with Coulson and Fury when the three boys had to tell Elliot that Hydra had taken his daughter. Resulting in the furious father putting the blame on Nick Fury and demanding to know why they weren't out there now trying to get her back.

Despite Bucky trying to explain that Roxie is unharmed at the moment and that HYDRA cares nothing about her. That they only took her as a way to torture Bryan and persuade him into returning and that they will continue to use her as leverage to make certain that the kid stays loyal to them. They would not harm her if Bryan is not around to witness it. But if he remains away for too long they will kill her as punishment for his betrayal. That part Bucky should have kept to himself cause now Elliot was even more pissoff that no one was doing anything. Everyone watched as the agent and two detectives continued to try and argue with the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Why aren't you people out there trying to get my daughter back!" Elliot screamed

"Sir I must advise you reconsider at the very least placing the boy somewhere a little more 'secure'." Coulson repeated

"Oh really and what did you have in mind? A cell?!" Bettie asked

"Detective this does not concern you now please keep quiet." Coulson countered

"Excuse me! Ok first off he is a child! And second I do not allow anyone to talk to me like that! I don't care who the hell you think you are! You will treat me with respect or I will show just what happens when someone really pisses me off!" Bettie grabbed him by the collar of his shirt

"Unhand my shirt detective, I am a S.H.I.E.L.D agent do you really think you can scare me." he wasn't fazed in the slightest and Bettie had to hold back the urge to show him 'just how scary she can be'.

As they continued on Spidey was standing to the sides with Scarlet and Hannah by his side waiting patiently to be allowed in to see Bryan.

I can help I can explain things why won't they let me see him? Hannah tapped his shoulder and he turned to see her handing him a plate with food and water, and his backpack. She smiled and tilted her head towards the screen, everyone were so busy arguing that they hadn't noticed Bryan had woken up. Spidey and Hannah both nodded to each other as he carefully took the things from her and slowly inched toward the door as Hannah carefully made her way over to the console.

"Coulson I have already explained to you who this child is and why I am allowing him here." Nick Fury reminded

"Yes Director Fury, I can understand the desperate attempt to save the child and I am pleased that the mission was a success. But what I am concerned about is that he is still a HYDRA agent and could very well attempt an attack and contact with someone. We still don't know what this device is we found on him. What if he decides to lead a whole army here?!"

That's not going to happen. Not after I tell him the truth. Spidey ran out the room quickly and made his way over to where his brother was, now finally able to see him and hopefully convince him that they are family.


Bryan sat there in the middle of the floor eating the food Spider-Man brought for him, even though he was hesitant at first but his hunger took over and it didn't really help that he never had a decent meal before in his life. HYDRA's food was always so bland and tasteless, so to have food with actual flavor in it Bryan just could not hold himself back and dug in. Spider-Man who was sitting across from him watched as he ate, he looked like someone who's never had real food before.

But I should have guessed that HYDRA's food aren't exactly gourmet. Spider-Man thought about what life must have been like with people like them. He stared at his brother's bandages... Was that the worst they ever got? How bad were they beaten? He shook at the thought of how much pain and torture they had to go through, remembering how horribly Bucky was treated. He was brought out of his thoughts when he felt his mask being ripped off. A hand immediately went to his head as his head shot up staring at Bryan, who had now finish eating and was glaring at him the mask in his hands. They stared in silence at each other, Peter unsure of how to start or what to say, so Bryan started for him.



"Don't play dumb with me! I'm in no mood to mess around! Why do you look like me? And how the hell did you know my name?!"

Peter took a deep breath Here it goes...

"...My name is Peter Benjamin Parker...and your name is Bryan William Parker....and...we're twins."

Bryan stared at him confused "Do you really expect me to just believe that?!"

"No. I don't." Peter picked up his backpack and opened it first taking out the two bears...

"And aren't you a little too old to be caring around teddy bears?"

"They're ours..." he handed one to Bryan, and he saw that his name was on the shirt, then Peter held up his revealing it was same just with his own name.

"So, this doesn't mean anything there are a lot of people with that name and I don't see how a bear is suppose to tell me we're twins."

"Because our parents gave them to us the day we were born." Then Peter pulled out something he got later during his investigation and handed them off.

"What are these?"

"Our birth certificates."

Bryan examined both and was a bit shocked to find that they both had the same date and time.


Peter knew Bryan would get sick off this soon if he didn't give him something a little more convincing so he pulled out the picture and mom's note, handing off the picture first.

"Now what am I looking at?!" Peter was right cause now Bryan sounded annoyed.

"It's our family photo. It was taken right after we were born. Take a very close look at the babies and tell me what you see."

He stared at the picture for a long moment paying extra close attention to the two newborns. "Well the one on the right appears to be you..."

"And the one on the left?"

Bryan continued to stare at the baby now feeling a little nervous not sure if he really wanted to say it. " seems to have...his eyes and hair seem to be the same" he shivered not wanting to go on " mine."

Next Peter pulled out a mirror "Yes. Now take a good look at yourself and me."

Bryan's gaze went back and forth from Peter to the mirror...and he was slowly starting to see the resembles.


Now! Before he tries to convince himself otherwise. Peter handed Bryan the note, he took it hesitantly and read and felt his heart ache with every word.

"N-No! No! This..this isn't true! It's not!" Bryan throw the letter down and hands flew to his head, shaking, his eyes closed trying to stop himself from believing it. "We're not twins! We're not brothers! And we are not related! NO! I don't have a family! No one wanted me I was abandoned! I'm not...we're're lying! This is all a lie none of this is true it's not!!!'s not..." Bryan peered up to see Peter holding his hand up palm facing him.

W-Why does that look so familiar? Bryan thought as his own hand slowly reached towards Peter's, he stopped when they were just a mere inch apart shaky and scared. He took a deep breath and they made contact. He stared at them confused I don't get it...this feeling...what is it? Bryan looked up to see Peter had closed his eyes, he did the same.

And immediately there was a spark and flashes of memories began playing through his mind, somehow of both his and Peter's. The last was of the hospital sitting in their mother's arms as she and their dad smiled down at them. Seeing each other for the first time, feeling the soft touch of one another as their hands touched for the time. Then the fear as they were separated from each other...forever.

Bryan's eyes shot open as he pulled his hand away staring at it for a long time. His mind whirling tears streaming down his face. Peter watched before staring at his own hand..

"You felt it too. There was a connection...and the memories...they were real and they were ours. Our parents seeing them for the first time, seeing each other for the first time. Our lives and the friends we've made..." a tear fell down his cheek "...and the people we've lost. And I've seen you're memories too...I've always had people who cared about me who loved didn't...and I am so sorry that you've had to spend your whole life believing that you were all alone...No one should ever have to feel that way." Peter looked up the expression on Bryan's face still had not changed.

"If...If you still don't believe me...that's ok but you should know that I would never lie to you everything I've said everything I've showed you is the truth...But if-" he was interrupted when Bryan threw his arms around him.

"I believe you! I do! I've always believed I was alone that no ever cared about me! I've never thought of having a family..." Peter returned the hug "...but I've always had this feeling inside that...that something was missing and I never knew what. I've never thought I had any family let alone a twin. But when I first saw your face I felt something I couldn't describing having ever felt before. Something about you just seemed so familiar." Bryan smiled for the first time in his life. "I...I do have a family and a you...thank you Peter." Now it was Peter's turn to cry.

"I'm just happy that we're finally back together...I love you Bryan."

"I love you too, Brother."

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