
"Spider-Man come in!" Came Nick Fury's voice from the coms "Spidey here! What's ya got for us Fury?" " Possibly Bryan's girlfriend." Bucky grinned Girlfriend hah . "What's her name? Scarlet asked.

"Roxie Marsh, her father is Detective Elliot Marsh an NYPD detective for the SVU."

"SVU?" Scarlet asked "What's that?"

"Derek told me about it once, it's short for 'Special Victims Unit' a police unit that deals with crimes involving any and all kinds of abuse, assault and others alike...and before you ask 'yes' that includes kidnapping, so 'yes' her father may have been involved with the hospital kidnapping case." Spidey spoke

"Alright Fury so where does this girl live?" Bucky asked

"NO!" Came another voice " Sigh Mr Marsh if you want your daughter safe then-" Nick was interrupted " Exactly! I want my family safe not give the bad guys my address by sending three superheroes right to my front door!..Sigh, sorry but Roxie won't be at home anyway."

"So where is she right now?" Spidey asked

"Roxie spends the majority of her day at the beach. A small secluded area surrounded by a lot of rocks. A small well hidden cave, but I'm sure a couple of superheroes can find it especially since there's a pretty good view of the Triskelion."


At the beach Roxie was sitting in their usual spot looking out at the water thinking about Bryan...

"I wish there was something I could do to help him."

"Maybe there is!" Roxie jumped at the sound of the voice and wiped her head around back and forth trying to find the source.

"Who's there?!" she said

Spider-Man lowered himself down from his web his face was inches away from Roxie's "Hi there!"

"Sp-Spider-Man?" Roxie stuttered she couldn't believe that the original spider-themed hero was hovering right in front of her.

"You're Roxie Marsh right?" she nodded "Can we talk, just the four of us?"

"Four?" Roxie asked and Spidey hopped off his web a signal for Scarlet and Bucky to come out. Roxie starred in disbelief at the three heroes standing in front of her wondering what Spider-Man, Scarlet Spider and the Winter Soldier want from her.

"Um...ok but I'm not sure what's going on am I in trouble?" she asked a little scared

"Well...probably so, you're friends with a kid named Bryan right?" Scarlet asked

Now she was really scared "I'm his girlfriend but why do you want to know?"

Winter Soldier stepped forward "Because the kid and his friends are in real danger."

"How do you know about-What do you mean danger!" Roxie shouted

Suddenly both boys' spider sense went off and a fifth voice cut through the group

"Because the kid should have been smart enough not to break our rules."


Inside a HYDRA base located just outside New York, Bryan had been called by Crossbones, Daemon the agent in charge of Bryan's team stepped in.

"Crossbones. Bryan is here for you." Daemon spoke and stepped aside as the young agent entered, he wasn't sure why he was called in but he guessed that it might have something to do with 'Project Tarantula' since him and his team got the last piece that was needed.

Bryan saluted his boss before answering "Crossbones Sir, you called for me I am assuming you want to continue work with 'Project Tarantula'."...but he was so wrong.

"Daemon leave us." Crossbones ordered and the agent left leave the two, Crossbones stood in front of him with his arms crossed glaring at the young boy. Bryan shook that look alone told him he was in trouble.

"I thought you were the smart one of your group..."

"I'm sorry Sir, what do you mean?"

Crossbones laughed it was a cold, unfeeling, terrifying sound "That's real cute kid, acting all stupid when you know exactly what I'm talking about."

Bryan swallowed down a large lump in his throat scared trying to figure out what he did to pissoff Crossbones.

"I...I..." he tried hard to think of what he did wrong when Crossbones grabbed him by the throat and squeezed lifting him off the ground to meet at eye level.

"C-Crossbones! Sir please! I don't know what I did wrong!" He struggled to free himself but Crossbones had a tight grip on him. He pulled Bryan close to his face looking anything but happy.

"Fine. Since you insist on playing dumb I'll give you a hint, 'Friends are for the weak'." he spat out angrily. Eyes wide as the realization hit Bryan like a brick.

"S-Sir I...I can explain..uhg-" he was quieted as Crossbones tightened his grip around the boy's neck causing him to struggle a bit to breath.

"SHUT UP! I was nice enough to give you brats some time outside with only a few very reasonable rules and how do you repay me? By ignoring everything I've told you never to do." Bryan swore he actually growled on the last sentence.

"I'm s-" again he cut off with another squeezed

"Don't even bother brat! It's too late to apologize. You know I let it slide when I first heard of this. Since you kids will just do whatever you want despite being ordered not to and we were low on agents during that time so I couldn't really afford to kill you back then." Then Crossbones slammed the young boy hard against the wall earning him a small cry of pain.

"But it would seem now that I was too nice with you." He finally released his hold on Bryan, and the kid dropped to the floor coughing trying to catch his breath. He fearfully looked up to see Crossbones cracking his knuckles and Bryan immediately scooted away from him, his back against the wall.

"S-Sir please listen I...I was just-Ahhh!" Bryan screamed when Crossbones grabbed him again this time by the hair and flung the child across the room.

"Clearly you forgot the most important one. Break any of these rules and consequences will be severe." Crossbones reminded as he began to beat and kick the child despite his constant cries to stop and begging for mercy.

The beating was brutal and left Bryan barely able to stand with bruises and blood covering his entire body.

Crossbones watched him with no sympathy at all for the poor child "Get up! You're still not finished, you'll take the rest of your punishment in the training room and don't expect to leave anytime soon you're going to be in training for the rest of the day for the next ten months. Bryan stared at him with a shocked expression, he was serious.

Roxie was right! I can't stay here any longer I'm going to die. I have to get out of this place, find Roxie and...

"And as for that little girlfriend of yours, I have already sent three agents to take care her."

"WHAT?! No! Crossbones please I was the one who broke the rules! Please don't punish Roxie for my actions!" Bryan begged and pleaded as he tried to stand on his aching feet, after years now he got used to pain. Crossbones grabbed his hair once again and pulled so the boy was looking straight up at him and no emotion in his voice...

"Well then, you should have thought about that before you screwed things up the both of you." and he dragged Bryan out the door and into the arms of his awaiting commander. Daemon looked at the bruised child for a second before turning his attention to Crossbones.


"Take this brat to the training room and set the bots to their highest level and leave him there for the rest of the day and do not let him out for any reason I don't care how much he screams or cries. This little twerp needs the learn to follow a damn order!" and he turned back into his office shutting the door behind him.

Daemon didn't say another word and did as ordered helping Bryan to stand and lead the way to the training hall. Bryan felt the smallest bit of relief now that he was no longer with torturous boss, Daemon is the only one in HYDRA who is actually nice to him and his team.

As they walked Bryan realized that this was not right way to the training halls.

What a sec this the wrong way? Where is he taking me?

His questions were answered when they entered the landing bay and the older agent lead him to the jets completely ignoring the puzzled looks Bryan gave him. They stopped in front of a collection of much smaller mini jets meant for solo missions, Daemon opened the door and motioned for Bryan to get in. After the beating he just got from Crossbones Bryan didn't hesitate getting in and waiting for Daemon to take a seat in the chair, but he didn't and instead set coordinates in for somewhere Bryan couldn't see from his spot behind him. After the coordinates for set Daemon handed him a small device with a few pieces of paper attached it before exiting the jet.

Bryan took the seat confused What the hell was that about he just put me in here without saying a word? What is he planning? He held up the device and took off the pieces of paper it was then he realized that it was the activator for 'Project Tarantula'. what the...why would he give me this?! He unfolded the paper to reveal a short letter with a torn piece of a newspaper article folded inside, he slid the folded newspaper behind the letter and read that first.

Bryan get to safety everything that HYDRA told you is a lie I will explain more when my mission here is complete.

"A-a lie?...What?" Bryan stared at it shocked and confused "What does he mean everything is a lie?" he unfolded the piece of newspaper and looked it over it was an article on a kidnapping that happen at a hospital 15 years ago. His eyes grew wide as he read through the list of names...names all too familiar to him. " way it has to be just a coincidence! Yeah a coincidence that...that these missing kids all have the exact same names as me and my team...and were born around the same time we were." everything that HYDRA told you is a lie .

Bryan took a deep breath and thought can't be true...can it...10 missing kids 4 girls and 6 boys just like my team, and all with the exact same names, Spider-Man looks exactly like me, he knew my name, and everytime Roxie says our story doesn't make since I was starting to believe it myself. 'everything that HYDRA told you is a lie' it? Is it really true? That they've just been lying to us? But if so...then why? I don't understand...can they really be that cruel? Could it be possible I can't think straight when my whole body feels like it just went through a meat grinder. Daemon wants me to get somewhere safe, but will i even be able to get far like this? But I have to at least get to Roxie, if they haven't gotten to her first by now.

Tears threaten to fall as a beep from the console told him he was nearing whatever destination Daemon set for him. Bryan groaned in pain as he tried to sit up and looked out the window to see the beach...fear rose in his chest to also see that he was already too late. HYDRA agents were already dragging Roxie into their ship and took off. He banged his already aching fist hard on the console

"No! Damn it! I was too late!" his head rolled and his vision began to blur as the jet landed in the sand right next to his and Roxie's spot. Pain arched his entire body with each step he took as he tried his best to at least make it out the jet. He did and the last thing he saw were the three blurry images of what looked to be Spider-Man, Scarlet Spider, the Winter Soldier running toward him. That was it before Bryan finally passed out from all the pain.

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