Rescue Mission: Now Everyone Knows
"Now last question...what exactly is this?" Nick Fury asked holding up the device in front of Bryan, it looks like a rather unusual watch.
"It's the activator for 'Project Tarantula'."
"Project Tarantula?" Peter asked
"Since the Spider-Slayers...failed. HYDRA decided to ditch the idea of more synthezoids and chose to create a suit instead. The suit itself has of course the web-shooters and special magnets on the hands and feet allowing it to stick to any surface. Base design came from the Iron Spider suit so it has retractable legs in the back. Other features are stingers similar to Scarlet Spider's but these stingers also have a chemical poison inside to where immediate contact will kill a man on the spot. There's x-ray vision and a built in Spider sense, it can also admit a hyper-sonic plus wave for enemies with heightened senses...Oh! And the whole suit it made entirely out of nano tech."
"Wait! What!" Iron Spider looked shocked "Did you just say nano tech?!"
"Yep. That's so the suit can repair any damage sustained right away, it also makes suit up easier meaning that you'll be able to use it right away without the hassle of changing out your normal clothes since the suit covers your entire body...well all except the hair." Bryan explain
"And what your team took from armory I'm guessing has something to do with this 'Project Tarantula'?" Nick said and Bryan nodded
"It was the last piece we needed, a power source, they transferred every ounce of energy out of it and into the nanobots."
"Meaning the suit is complete?" Coulson added and Bryan replied by taking the activator from his hand and snapping it to his wrist.
"Yes and I'm the only one who knows how to use it...Now if we're all done here I'm in a big hurry to get my girlfriend back..."
"Now everyone clear on what to do?" Bucky, Scarlet Spider, Spider-Man, Bryan, and Hannah stood outside the HYDRA base they were minutes away from breaking into. Hannah had joined them this time saying she wanted to do more to help then just talking to them. The other Web-Warriors and S.H.I.E.L.D agents were standing behind as back-up.
"HYDRA has traps in literally every corner of their facilities, the easiest point of access will be the vents. They're small meaning not that easy set traps in but that also means cameras. Iron Spider will block each one long enough for us to get through without any suspicion. I will guide Spider-Man and Bryan to the detention center on the lower levels to rescue Roxie. Scarlet will go with Agent Briefs to the lab and the Tarantula suit, deactivate the shield and contact us as soon as you do, 10 seconds is long enough for Bryan to activate the suit and it will come straight to him. Once that part of the plan is down we all head to the chambers to rescue the rest of Bryan's team. By that time everyone will already know we're here, we call the others for that back-up then everyone heads back to the Triskelion. We'll deal with the rest once everybody's accounted for...Now are you kids ready? Cause once we're inside there's no going back."
All four nodded "We're ready." "Yeah HYDRA has gone too far this time." Let's do this." "It's time someone taught those bastards a lesson, taking my girl was a bad move."
Bucky stood up "In that case, let's move out." and they went in.
And as plan Iron Spider blocked each camera long enough for each one to get through without setting off any alarms. Out the vents Bucky knocked out two agents and stuffed them in a closet, the team split off heading to their destinations, Hannah having her special visor which shows her exactly which ways to turn and what direction to take.
Bucky leading the way to the lower levels where Roxie's being kept gave pause at each corner waiting til the coast is clear and moved forward. They reached the detention center and checked every cell until they found Roxie in the very last one.
"Shoosh!" he shushed her as Bucky picked the lock, it opened and Roxie threw her arms around her boyfriend.
"Oh thank God you're ok I got so worry when they told me escaped! I knew you'd come back for me."
"And why wouldn't I." he held her chin and leaned in closer...
"Save the kissy face for later you two we got the shield down time to hit that button."
"Right..." And he hit activation, there a few sounds coming from the coms including a loud "Eep!" from Hannah and a "Told you to move out of the way." "Oh shut up and let's go."
"What is that?" Roxie asked pointing to the his wrist he grinned
"You'll find out soon enough." there were sounds of crashing as the doors were force open by something big black and coming in really fast. Peter took Roxie's hand.
"You might wanna stand back."
The suit came close and wrapped itself around Bryan's body and just like he said covered everything but the top of his head so only the hair was left visible. The suit was skin tight and had a bit of armor around the chest, legs, and arms. It's design didn't make it look like it was one piece, it liked there were pants, shirt, boots, and gloves. Even the mask look separate with a face plate covering his mouth and nose, and of course the spider eyes styled goggles. It was all black and the HYDRA insignia shifted into a large red spider across the chest.
"Well, how do I look?" Bryan showed off a bit and Roxie felt her cheeks blush red not wanting to admit it in front of the other two that she thought her boyfriend looks super hot in that suit.
"Wow, heh guess my boyfriend's a superhero now." She finally said
"And looks like we've got a new Web-Warrior, Tarantula." Spider-Man acknowledged.
"Sure do bro."
"Alright kids remember we're not down yet." Bucky turned their attention back to the mission
"Right." returned his focus to what they were doing and took Roxie's hand
"Stay close to me, we need to find the rest of my friends and get out of here."
"Bryan...I think that's the first time I've ever heard you call them your friends."
"Because they are...I just hadn't realised it till now."
She smiled at him Finally .
...They reached the chambers when his friends were, they always locked the doors to make sure no one tries to escape. Spider-Man and Bucky knocked out the three guards in front and Bucky kept Roxie behind him for her safety. Scarlet and Hannah arrived then and she complimented his new look.
"Woah lookin good, Tarantula." she gave a thumbs up and Roxie gave her a playful grin from behind Bucky "Watch it girl he's taken." Hannah giggled "Oh you really don't have to worry about that."
"Alright time to get to serious this is important, Hannah you got them?"
"Yeah, here."
"Everyone wait here I have to do this on my own."
They nodded and stepped out of sight, Bucky put the other three on guard duty at the door while he stayed farther behind keeping Roxie close to him. Bryan grabbed the keycard from the downed agent, retracted his mask and took a deep breath before swiping it. The door opened to see his friends staring in his direction looks of concern. Before he could say anything Maggie ran up throwing her arms around him.
"BRYAN! You're ok thank God we thought they killed you!" she pulled away from the hug only to slap him hard across the face.
"Are you insane?! What the hell is the matter with you?! What were you thinking?! This is the stupidest thing yo-muhh uhmm-" he covered her mouth with his hand to stop her from going on, knowing she'd be talking forever.
"Maggie. Stop talking for once. I have reasons what I'm doing and I'm going to tell you if you give a chance. Ok."
She nodded and he pulled his hand away, and everyone gave him their full attention.
"This better be a pretty damn good reason for all of this." Casey scowled
"HYDRA lied to us..."
"What?!!! Are you serious right-" he stopped when Bryan held up a hand
"No. I talk you listen."
"Fine. Go on."
Bryan took one of the several pieces of papers he was holding and held it up high for everyone to see.
"See this, this is an article on a kidnapping that happened at a hospital 15 years ago, 10 infants were taken 6 boys and 4 girls. There was not a single strand of evidence that even suggested a break in."
Their looks said 'What's the point of this?'
"Take a very look at the list of names." They did any right away their looks changed to confusion with slight nervousness.
"S-so." Casey stuttered
"Don't you find it a bit odd that the names of the missing kids are all the exact same names as all of us, and that there were 6 boys and 4 girls just like us, and this occurred around the time we were born. Making them the same age as us."
"...Um..." they didn't like where this was going, Bryan than handed them each a paper which looked like hospital records, each were holding their own.
"I know this is hard to believe...but those babies...were us..."
"H-how do-" Bryan again stopped him before he could finish and held up a small screen that stretched out into a larger holographic one.
" trust me it is real, but you're going to wish it wasn't." he sniffed as he held back his tears and played the video.
"Are you sure no one's going to hear that noise?"
"Yes. The shield is preventing any sounds from escaping."
"I still don't get why Crossbones is having us take these bratty little ankle-biters in the first place?!"
"We're just following orders alright, now shut up."
"Pft. What a stupid idea."
"Well then if that's how you feel why don't you take it up with Crossbones yourself? I'm sure he would love to hear what you have to think of his ideas."
... "That's what I thought. Now go."
There were sounds of a fight going on outside meaning agents had broken through and were now fighting the others. His friends had tears in their eyes and shocked expressions on their faces. The door opened to showing Spider-Man in the mits of tossing an agent across the floor.
"Choose if you want to believe me or not but I'm going to help my brother." Bryan returned his mask and ran out punching the keypad behind him leaving the door wide open with 9 kids scared and confused wondering..
Who have we been living with our whole lives.
"So you kids finally know?" they jumped and looked up to see their supervisor agent Daemon.
What?! How?! How does he do that?! He wasn't there a second ago?!
"D-d-Daemon! I mean Sir! What are you-" he stopped them held up his shoulder showing the HYDRA patch what they didn't see coming was him ripping it off to revealing a S.H.I.E.L.D patch underneath.
Seriously!!! He was a freakin S.H.I.E.L.D spy this whole time! What is it with S.H.I.E.L.D lately...and who do we believe.
"Well...Who are you going to believe?" He asked before throwing down a picture and returning to the fight. Casey picked up the picture and showed it to everyone, it was of a slightly younger Crossbones standing in front of a nursery grinning at the infants inside. Casey's hands clenched as did the others.
"...they lied to us..." and he ripped up the picture.
After the rest of Bryan's friends came to their senses they joined in the fight and it was clear that Crossbones cared for nothing about the kids when he didn't even bother to stay and chose to let the agents handle things. Well they didn't handle it all that well cause once the other Web-Warriors arrived the fight was pretty much over.
Now everyone's back at the Triskelion, the captured HYDRA agents being taken into custody, the rest of the kids still trying to comprehend what just happened sat in one of the dorm rooms. All while Peter walked with Bryan down a hall but he wasn't as happy as he should have been
But that's because his mission still not yet complete.
I don't it Mom I found Bryan I brought him back do I find Teresa?
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