I Want To Give Up

Back in the Spider-Jet the Web-Warriors watched silently as their leader trembled in the back, Scarlet sitting next to him an arm around his shoulder. The silence broke as Scarlet whispered

"Peter...That was 'him' wasn't it?"

Peter didn't say a word nor did he move almost as if he hadn't heard Scarlet's question. Iron Spider stood abruptly and stepped in front of the duo ignoring the glares both Scarlet and Spider-Woman gave him.

"Alright that's it! I think I speak for all of us when I ask, What is going on here?! We all just saw clear as day a HYDRA agent identical to Peter! Any of you care to explain that."

Spider-Girl got in front of him, mostly to protect Iron Spider from Scarlet, who already had one stinger out.

"Ok calm down everyone I'm sure there's a logical explanation for this."

"Hey! Maybe Peter has a long lost twin no one knew about!" Kid Arachnid joked resulting in Peter bursting into tears, earning the youngest spider a death glare from Scarlet to where he immediately ducked behind Agent Venom.

All the Spiders stared at him in shock as Scarlet tried to calm him down. The realization hit Spider-Woman like a brick as she went to sit next to Peter.

"Oh my god...Peter...is that true?"

"Yes." Scarlet answered for him as he continued to rub his friend's back. Miles pulled his mask off as he slumped onto the chair behind him. Guilt washing over him as he had only meant for it to be a joke not realizing it was true.

"What?! But?! How?! Why?! What?!" Agent Venom stumbled through his words completely freaking out.

Scarlet looked to Peter for a moment who nodded then he took a deep breath and told the Web-Warriors everything.


"And that pretty much all there is up till now." Scarlet finished as the Spider-Jet came closer to the Triskelion.

"But that...I mean how? Why? There's no way that can be him? How-Why would HYDRA kidnap infants..." They stepped out of the Spider-Jet as Iron Spider continued "I see no logical reason for why HY-" he was cut off as a loud voice boomed through the speakers startling every spider.

"SPIDER-MAN!!! GET YOUR ASS TO DR. CONNER'S LAB!!! AT ONCE!!!" It was Fury and he did not sound happy.

Oh no...the footage! Scarlet grabbed Peter by the arm and led him back to Dr. Connor's lab hoping that no one did anything to the footage they were trying to access.

They entered the lab to see Nick Fury, Dr. Connors and another S.H.I.E.L.D agent named Hannah Briefs. A young girl about Peter's age who had been with S.H.I.E.L.D her whole life, and had become great friends with the academy students and teachers, mostly Peter. They were all standing in front of the large computer that held the hospital footage. Peter gulped praying they hadn't stopped the loading process. Nick Fury just stared at the two Spiders for a moment before turning to the S.H.I.E.L.D agent who was standing next to him.

"Care to explain why Agent Briefs here came into the lab to find a HYDRA bug trying to hack into our systems? Connors was able to stopped it of course before it had leaked any information to anyone. But perhaps you two can tells us how this this bug got into our systems in the first place?"

Both spiders froze and Peter's whole body shook.

So that really was Bryan. The only reason HYDRA would have a bug on that disk was to hide something. That explains why Derek nor anyone else was able to into the original footage and why some many hackers were unable to get through. Do I even need the footage anymore? It's plainly obvious now. Peter thought as he stared at the floor.

Fury raised an eyebrow then turned to Dr. Connors "Show them." "Yes sir." and he pressed a button on the keyboard pulling up an image of the nursery. Peter watched the screen intently Here it comes...

The video started right after the guy had left at the moment where the video went completely black. There was a slight movement on the ceiling before one of the panels popped out dangling in the air as an arm reached out and stuck it to the side. Seconds later four men jumped out all dressed in...HYDRA uniforms. And without saying a single word began to grab babies out of their cribs send them up the opening. As one man picked up Byran and the two began to cry Peter's fist clenched and he had to hold be the urge to punch something, mostly the computer. It was at that moment one of the men finally spoke.

"Are you sure no one's going to hear that noise?"

"Yes. The shield is preventing any sounds from escaping."

"I still don't get why Crossbones is having us takes these bratty little ankle-biters in the first place?!"

"We're just following orders alright now shut up."

"Pft. What a stupid idea."

"Well then if that's how you feel why don't you take it up with Crossbones yourself? I'm sure he would love to hear what you have to think of his ideas."

That got the agent to stop "That's what I thought. Now go." and all four agents left up the opening, closing it behind them. Making the whole scene look as if nothing happened except for the now empty cribs and crying child.

All the Web-Warriors stared at the screen in disbelief.

"Peter...are you..." Scarlet slowly reached out a hand to Peter, but he took off running before anyone could say anything. Fury looked to Scarlet "Explain now."

Peter kept running through the halls ignoring everyone he passed by, running into the dorms and shut the door behind him. He jumped onto his bed and pulled his legs close hugging himself as he cried.

It was HYDRA all along! No wonder the police were never able to find any clues. I don't even need to see the rest to know it was Crossbones who was there. But why it still doesn't make sense why would HYDRA do this what would...Oh god. Those HYDRA agents we fought off...there were ten of them. 6 boys and 4 girls just like...so...that's why they did it. Just to turn them into agents. Kidnapping babies just to turn them into agents. Figures, I should have expected this from them. After all they brainwashed Bucky into committing murders against his will. Manipulated Ben into thinking he owns them something just because they were the ones who created him and let's not forget tricking Kobik into thinking they were the good guys then turning Cap into one them and basically created WWIII!

Peter continued to cry not noticing Mister Lieberman and Tippy Toes, who had been napping on Squirrel Girl's bed, and Monkey Joe who was actually napping on Agent Venom's bed. During the past few weeks he had started growing an attachment to the jock. All three squirrels jump down onto his bed and was now climbing up his legs and shoulders. Mister Lieberman who was now sitting on top his knees nuzzled Peter's face he looked up at him and watched as he crawled onto his lap with Tippy Toes and Monkey Joe on each side of his shoulders.

Peter sighed "Not now guys, I just wanna be alone right now." Neither squirrel listened and stayed perched on their spots nuzzling closer to Peter. He let out another sigh "You guys don't give up do you?" Peter gave in and wrapped his arms around Mister Lieberman as all three moved into the hug.

"I can see why Squirrel Girl loves you three the most." His voice choked as his tears grew more and more taking in the comfort of the three squirrels.

"But this still isn't gonna help the situation I'm in." Peter shook as his cries became louder and louder.

Peter. I am sensing you are in great distress. Is everything alright?

A female voice echoed in his head, it came from the A.I. in his suit Tony made him. And though it was clear A.I. was his own F.R.I.D.A.Y, Tony's new A.I., Peter had still given it the new name 'Karen'.

"No Karen! Everything is not alright! I find out I have a twin brother who was taken away from me when we were just babies and by HYDRA no less! The worst organization to ever exist! Oh and let's not my little sister who is living with who knows who and I don't know where! My parents have been keeping all these secrets from me! Who knows what else they're hiding! And the only way to find Teresa is to find Bryan! Well guess what I did and no surprise he doesn't even know me! I gotten this far in finding my brother who is HYDRA! And I have no clue what to next! Hell! I'm still trying to convince myself that this is all just some horrible nightmare! Cause this is exactly what I'm feeling right now! Or at the least that this whole HYDRA thing is a nightmare and Bryan isn't with them!"

Then his crying turned into an unconfident laugh "But hey! That's old Peter Parker Luck for ya. Just when I think things couldn't get worse. No surprise they do!" and he wrapped his arms back around the squirrels who never moved from their spot.

Peter I can understand that you are upset-

"What did I do Karen?"


"What did I do to deserve all this?"

Peter, you didn't-

"What did I do to have a life like this? To always be alone? To have everyone in my life taken away from me? First my parents then Uncle Ben and now Bryan and Teresa...is Aunt May next? Will I just end up being an orphan with no family? I try so hard to do good. I try to be a good son, nephew, student, friend, teacher, and a leader. I've always kept my head up, kept a smile on my face even when times were tough. Which in my case is always...I...just don't know what I did wrong. Even when I got my powers I could have just kept them hidden I didn't have to do this, I didn't have to become Spider-Man. And with Jameson turning so many people against me some even wanting me arrested." Now anger was starting to build up inside of him.

"I could have just given up right then and there! But I didn't I kept going! I do everything I can to help people and never ask for anything in return. Why? Because it was the right thing to do because Uncle Ben taught me 'With great power comes great responsibility'. Because he taught me what's right and what's wrong. And that good always comes to those who help people! But not for me apparently! No! Because no matter how much good I do bad things always happen to me! I...I just...why can't I...ARGH!!!" Peter screamed his face soaked with tears not caring if anyone came in just now.

He had finally had enough and could no longer hold it all in, he let out every emotion he was feeling right now and had been for his whole life. The angry, sadness, fear, and every other emotion filled the entire room. Peter cried and cried until there wasn't a single tear left in his body, his face and suit and even the squirrels were soaked with his tears.

"I...I'm trying...I trying so hard not to give up right now...but I'm just so done with everything. I want to give up now...I'm so close but...I just can't fight anymore."

Peter...Do you know why Mr. Stark helps you with so many things? Why he's always offering to teach you more and guide you to a brighter future? Have you ever wonder why out of all the young heroes he's met you stand out the most?


Because he sees something in you Peter that you don't even see in yourself. He sees a young boy with a big heart, who will always continue to fight what he believes in no matter how hard life gets. A boy who always keeps a smile and laughs when times are scary and teaches others to do the same. Someone who's managed to change people's lives by just being himself. Who has brought people out their shells and made them someone who they had never imagined they'd become. Someone who is willing gives others a second chance despite their past deeds, who never judges a person by what others say. A kid who never gives up even when others say he should. And that is only half of who you are Peter.


Mr. Stark believes in you because he's knows that you will fight for what's right and that you will never give up on the people you love.


Now Peter. Are you going to continue to fight for what it is you believe in or are you going to give up on the one person who needs your help now and doesn't even know it?

Peter took a deep breath and wiped away his dried tears "No. I'm not going to give up. Not ever." and as he stood up a new found look of determination. "Thank you Karen."

You're Welcome Peter.

Marvel Thunderbolts(Bucky's team) and Secret Empire comic
Karen, Peter now has the suit Tony gave him in Spider-Man Homecoming

(Still debating as to if I want to add Ned or not. Let me know if you want to see him and I'll find a way to add him into the story.)

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