Getting Help

Unfortunately that's not how it was with the others...

Peter and Ben sat on top a very tall building looking out onto the water both their masks off, and Peter wasn't happy he was mad and disappointed at his teammates for what they had told him. In easier words they had all said that Bryan was a lost cause being that he has been with HYDRA his whole life. They all said that it would be impossible to try and convince him that Peter is his twin and that Peter should just let him go. Peter stormed out after that and when Ben tried to tell them differently and they still didn't listen, before leaving with Peter, he had asked

"What makes Bryan different from me?"

Now the two boys were back to doing this on their own, Ben took a deep breath and spoke.

"They were right about one thing, we don't even know where to start. HYDRA has hundreds of bases! And we can't go searching every single one, not only is it impossible but we'll get caught right away! And neither of us knows how to navigate HYDRA bases nor have we even been near one! How will we even know where to look." he sighed "We're going to need someone who knows HYDRA and how to get in and out without getting caught."

Peter's head shot up at his last statement "Ben! You're a genius!"

"What?! What did I say?! Don't tell me you know someone who can do that?"

"Oh yes I do! Karen patch me into the Thunderbolts base!"

Right away Peter.


At Thunderbolts base

"KOBIK! GET BACK HERE!!!" Norbert Ebersol(aka Fixer) chased after the cosmic child as he tries to retrieve his toolbox from her. Kobik had been trying to get Norbert to play with her for the last hour, and she had finally done it by snatching his large tool box from him when he wasn't looking.

"Ya gotta catch me! Fixey!" Kobik teased as she stuck her tongue out at him continuing to fly around their clubhouse with Norbert hot on her tail.

The rest of their team just ignored them and continued doing their own thing. Adner Jenkins(MACH-X) is tinkering with his suit, Erik Josten(Atlas) is chowing down in the kitchen. Karla Sofen(Moonstone, or as Kobik calls her Miss Moon) is reading a magazine, Melissa Gold(Songbird), who had decided to rejoin the team, sat on the couch watching T.V. And finally Helen Takahama(Jolt) sat on the back of the sofa and watched the cute scene playout, all while Bucky was in the gym lifting weights.

Incoming transmission from Spider-Man!

Norbert halted his chase at the sound of the message and ran to his computer to answer to call.

"Hey Webs, what's-" he was interrupted as Kobik jumped on his back a wide smile on her face


"Grunt- Kobik get off me!" Norbert picked up the child and set her down next to him.

"Sorry kid, now what is it you need, must be something important to call us."

"Well...yeah it is...can I talk to Bucky?"

Before Norbert could ask why, Kobik gave a peppy "OK" and poofed out of site then appeared a second later with a confused Bucky standing next to her.

"Kobik! What did I say about teleporting us without warning!" he scolded her, she just bounced over to the large computer and pointed at the screen.

"Sorry, but Spidey wants to talk to you!"

That gave Bucky a confused look as he walked over to the screen and signaled for Norbert and Kobik to leave. Kobik pouted and refused so Norbert picked her up and caried the pouty child under his arm and out the room. Bucky waited for the door to close before turning his attention back to the screen.

"Alright kid what do you need?"


"Peter...You do realize how incredibly dangerous, not to mention stupid of a plan that is, right?"

"I know, but we don't know what else to do. Ben and I have tried to think of something different but got nothing. That's why we need your help, I know this is a lot to ask for especially since...well-"

"I didn't think HYDRA could get any lower." Bucky stared down at his metal arm "But I guess I should have expected this...Ok Peter, I'll help you get your brother out."


"Yeah. There's no way I'm letting those bastards get away with this."

"T-thank you."

"Give me a couple hours then I'll send you the rendezvous."

"Got it. And Bucky thank you so much."

"Don't mention it kid. I'll see you soon." and Bucky shut off the computer before slamming his fist into the wall.

You bastards just can't stop messing with people's lives can you. Well now I've had just about enough of you. You HYDRA goons have just officially pissed me off.


"Shouldn't we go with him?" Helen asked as the team watched Bucky prepare the jet to leave. Erik put an arm on her shoulder.

"You haven't known Bucky as long as us so you don't know how stubborn he can be when it comes to going solo. To be honest I'm more worried about the kid, and the fact that he asked for Bucky's help instead of the Avengers has me concerned that's he's going to do something stupid and dangerous."

Melissa looked concerned "Now that you put it that way I'm a little scared too."

And as much as they all wanted to join, Bucky told them that it wouldn't be a good idea to have too many people. Which only increased the team's worry. Adner walked up to Bucky and nudged his shoulder

"Just make sure you don't do anything stupid."

Bucky grinned before stepping inside "That's your job."

The others laughed as Bucky took off.

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