Families Reunited
Nick Fury sent each Web-Warriors to retrieve the other families and bring them back to the Triskelion. Amadeus to the Wallers, MJ the Halls, Ben the Carsons, Flash the McCarthys, Gwen the Pattons, Miles the Cranes, Harry the Holts, and Daemon the Visons. Peter went to the Adams given that he's already knows where one of the dads and the daughter are.
"Miss Lee? My name is Peter Parker, I'm sure you recognize me, I first brought Matilda here the day she asked to try out."
"Of course, Matilda talks so much about you during class, did you come to watch a practice session? I don't usually allow this with anyone other than the mo-heh...um parents. But for you I'll make an-"
"No Miss Lee that's not why I'm here."
"Please Peter just call me Abby and if you're not here for Matilda than why are you here?"
"I'm actually here to see a girl named Diana Adams and her dads Lawrence and Calvin Adams."
She looked at him confused "For what?"
"It's important please Abby I really need to talk to him."
She crossed her arms "Calvin joins Diana during classes but before I tell you anything else what exactly is so important that you need to talk to him about?"
"It's personal."
She drummed her fingers on her arm not moving from her spot. Peter signed.
Ok. You asked for it. Peter thought as he brought out his secret weapon, giving Abby the biggest puppy dog eyes every. It didn't take long for Abby to feel the effects and she bit her lip taking her own eyes away from Peter's trying her hardest to ignore them but every second found herself looking back at those big sparkling irresistible baby blue eyes. She held her hands up in defense.
"Alright. Alright. You win just stop with the eyes already." She surrendered and led Peter into the studio glaring at him as he gave her a sly smile. "You sneaky sly little kid how did you do that?"
"Talent." He replied, Abby chuckled and elbowed Peter's arm.
"PETER!" Matilda screamed throwing her arms around him as he scooped her up in his arms.
"Hey Matilda, how's my favorite little girl?"
Suzanne walked up to a pouting Abby and grinned "He gave you 'The Eyes' didn't he?" She slumped "I was weak." Suzanne patted her shoulder "No one can beat 'The Eyes'."
Abby told the girls to get back to practice and introduced Peter to Calvin, but since they had already met when Peter and Ben went to question the families Calvin already knew why the boy was here and they left the studio to talk.
"I know you're here to talk about my son...look, Peter is it I told you..." he wiped away a tear "I've already accepted the fact that he's gone...and I would really appreciate it if you would stop all of this."
Peter took Calvin's hand and gave him a soft smile "Mr. Adams, you gave up too soon..."
Back at the Triskelion, the Web-Warriors and Harry had assembled all of the families together in one of the academy classrooms. Then left to prepare the kids all while Nick Fury explained everything to the families.
"Bryan...I don't think we can do this...I-I...it was easy for you but-" Casey sat in a corner nervous and shaky, Bryan put a hand on his shoulder.
"Easy? Are you kidding me right now?! I'm still freaking out about this whole thing! And I'm really really nervous about meeting my aunt. I have no idea what to say or even how to act."
Then Teresa stepped in or sat in "You guys aren't nearly as scared as I am. I mean she doesn't even know I exist." she rubbed her arm and Peter went to hug both his siblings "Trust me Aunt May is going to love both of you."
"How do you know for sure that she will?" Bryan asked
"Because she accepted me," Ben stepped in "and I'm not even family."
"Yes you are Ben." Peter said
"Thanks for the sentiment Peter but even I know that me being a clone of you doesn't mean that I'm related."
"It doesn't have anything to do with being a clone." Peter put an arm around him "You don't have to be related to be family, family are people who love each other and look out for one another. You've proven that you are family, Ben." Ben was about to say something but Peter stopped him "And don't you dare go back to that time with Doc Ock because that wasn't you that was Ock. And you've proved who you really are when you saved the city." Peter wrapped him in a hug "You are a part of this family Ben, and you can't tell anyone otherwise."
"Heh, thanks Punk."
"And the same goes for all of you, there's nothing to be afraid of, you're families love you and they will be more than happy have you back in their lives again."
They still looked unsure, then the doors opened and Nick Fury stepped in "Hey kids, it's time."
They froze and Peter had to make the first move. He took Casey's hand and led him out the door, the others followed close behind. But stopped once they got to the corner, every single one of them frozen with fear unable to move. Casey peeked around the corner and just stared at all of the families in the room, he looked around at everyone until his eyes locked onto Diana. She sensed someone watching her and turned around, and Casey ducked back down as soon as their eyes made contact. But that didn't stop her from making her way over to him and he stood completely still when she peeked around to see him. She smiled and grabbed his pant leg.
He jumped "Um-ah I...h-hi..."
"BIG BROTHER!!!" and she jumped in his arms, Casey was shocked at first unsure of how to react. But as soon as he looked down and saw that smile, his big brother instincts kicked in and he bent down wrapping his arms around her. He stood up and held her in his arms, tears fell down his cheeks as he held her close.
B-big brother?...I...I have a little sister?... He held her closer and kissed her hair, I have a little sister?...I have a little sister! Tears growing with every second Casey held his little sister close.
"Diana?! Where are you sweetie?!" came the voice of their father.
Casey set her down and she held his hand ready to lead him over to their dads, he froze again and Peter decided to give him a quick shove pushing Casey out into the open.
Everyone stared at him expressions shock, horror, and most importantly disbelief. The looks made it harder for Casey to move so Diana did it for him, going behind her brother and pushing him forward. Lawrence and Calvin stared at him, they couldn't believe what they were seeing. Standing right there in front of them a kid that looked exactly like their long lost son, the same child they thought was gone forever.
No, No it can't be. It's not possible. It can't be him. Our son is gone! Calvin felt his hand being squeezed and turned to his husband, the look on Lawrence's face he knew what I didn't want to admit.
Calvin took a deep breath and stepped closer "C-Casey?...is it really you?" Casey held his arm and managed a small smile. Calvin's eyes glisten with tears of joy, he knew that smile he had seen it for the first time 15 years ago.
"...it is you..." and he pulled his son into an embrace "My baby!" Lawrence joined in the hug too tears running down his face wearing the biggest smile possible "It really is you I can't believe it you're back! Casey!"
"...Y-Yeah it is me...Dads!" Casey cried hugging both his dads, he couldn't believe this was happening that he was here that he was home with his real family.
All his friends watched the now reunited family from their hiding spot tears in their eyes to see their friend so happy. Spidey smile took Maggie and Audrey by the hand as his sibling helped the others, it was time for everyone to be reunited.
"Are you ready?" Peter asked as his siblings stood just outside the room where their Aunt May was waiting for them. Teresa and Bryan took a deep breath "Yeah...I think we are." Peter pulled Bryan closer "You first then Teresa, wait here and I'll get her ready." and he stepped inside to immediately be tackled by a hug from his aunt. "Oh Peter! Are you ok?! Are you hurt?! What happened?!" He pulled her back "Calm down Aunt May I'm fine."
She took a calming breath and held his cheek "D-Did you...find him?" he walked over to the door "Why don't you see for yourself."
A hand flew to her mouth as Bryan nervously stepped in...the whole room was silent for a long moment til Peter took his brother's hand and led him closer to their aunt. "Bryan, meet our aunt May Parker." Bryan didn't say anything too scared to speak, May slowly walked closer putting a hand on his cheek looking him in his deep blue...a smile crossed her face. "You look just like your father." and pulled him into a big hug, he still looked scared but turned to his brother who gave him a reassuring smile...nervous shaky hands wrapped around his aunt as his felt the warmth of her love and tears of joy fell down his cheeks. Peter turned around and motioned for Teresa to come in, she was more hesitant than Bryan so Peter went and put an arm around her leading her inside. "Aunt May?" she looked up still hugging Bryan "There's one more person you need to meet..."
"And that's pretty much it." Peter had just finished explaining everything to Aunt May about Teresa and their parents.
"I always knew that your parents' jobs were special given how often they were away but I never thought they were secret agents let alone S.H.I.E.L.D agents..." She looked to Teresa still holding her hand "But I guess I can understand the secrets and they wouldn't want anything to happen to another child." she turned back to Peter "So Nick Fury knew about us the whole time? Even before you became Spider-Man?"
"Yep. And all of this," Peter gestured to everyone in the room "is the real reason he recruited me for S.H.I.E.L.D."
May hugged Peter "That's because he had as much faith in you as me, Ben, and your parents."
"Really?" Peter wiped away some tears that started to fall.
"Of course. Your parents knew that once you discovered you have a brother and sister you would stop at nothing to find them and bring them back home. You're a very smart boy, Peter, and they knew it." She kiss his cheek.
Peter let the tears fall and hugged everyone "Thank you Aunt May."
"Peter, we should be the ones thanking you."
"She's right bro. If it wasn't for you we wouldn't even be here right now."
"They're right if it wasn't for you my friends and I would still be with HYDRA. You saved all of us bro."
Aunt May held his chin up "Ignore what Jameson say, you are a hero Peter, both with and without the mask."
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