Babysitting Part 3
"So you watch these kids whenever May can't?" Flash asked
"Pretty much, yeah." Peter replied
Terrance had let go of Peter's arm and had asked Flash to give him a piggyback ride, Flash has a sister of his own who moved out a long time ago so he doesn't mind playing with the kid to him it was like having a little sibling again. And Matilda's pretty much a little sister to Ben, she adores him just as much as Peter and her hero Scarlet Spider, who she doesn't know is secretly Ben, which explains why she likes him so much. The same is with Terrance he doesn't know that Flash Thompson is his hero Agent Venom. Peter doesn't mind letting the kids play with them it gives him some time to relax, babysitting twin 6 year olds is a challenge all on its own.
The group entered the park and the twins ran straight to the playground while the trio of guys went to sit on a bench. There was another guy on a bench next to them he didn't seem to stand out to anyone else but Peter couldn't help but notice something about him. Even though he was sitting down Peter can see the guy is about 6ft, with shoulder length messy brown hair covered with a baseball cap and despite how hot it is he's wearing long jeans, a jacket and gloves. The guy noticed Peter staring at him turning to look at him, Peter's eyes widen as soon as his face came into view he recognized the man instantly. He turned back to the playground skimming through the crowd of children until he spotted her, a young pale skin girl with long white hair done up in two long ponytails, she too was wearing a cap with a simple pair of short jeans, sneakers, and a T-shirt with a pony on it. Peter turned back and the man gave him a small smirk putting a finger to his lips, Peter smiled back and gave him a slight nob turning back to Flash and Ben.
Terrance and Matilda were on the jungle gym playing with a white haired girl when all of a sudden dark clouds began to form in the sky. The three children climbed down and stared up at the sky, Terrance shook and gripped his sister's arm Matilda in response pulled her brother behind her. There was a loud boom and all the kids ran back to their parents.
Peter, Ben, and Flash watched as the scene unfolded before them as the twins came running up to Peter, he quickly pulled the them close to him. Peter turned to the man and the girl who watched the skies with growing intensity. In a flash the huge clouds came barling down causing high strong winds nearly blowing everyone off their feet. The winds stopped and the twins were now crying, Terrance the most and Peter picked him up while pulling Matilda behind him. When all the dust cleared everyone stared ahead at something large...very large it looked like a giant suit of armor but it didn't look anything like one of Iron Man's.
Oh no... Peter's eyes widen in fear as he realized what the creature is, but before he could warn anyone it's face opened up. Peter grabbed Matilda and pushed his friends away, at the same time both he and the man screamed
Everyone moved out of the way just in time as a huge blast of fire erupted from the creatures face exploding the entire playground. Peter turned back to Flash and Ben who nodded and ran off to change. There was no way Peter was going to run off and leave the twins all alone.
Those two will just have to handle it without Spider-Man... Peter held up his wrist as his S.H.I.E.L.D communicator came into view... or at least until Thor gets here. And he pressed a button sending a signal to the thunder god.
On Zarda's new island...
Thor and Zarda are on a date (The Avengers have yet to know that Zarda has left the Squadron Supreme and became good because she was no longer able to hide her feelings for Thor. Thor himself is waiting for the right moment to tell them.) when Thor got the call he looked down to the communicator on his wrist bringing up a holographic screen with the message.
Zarda turned to her boyfriend a smile on her face she about to ask to join him but than she remembered the situation they're in. The Avengers and everyone else still think she's a villain, so she simply said with a playful smirk...
"Hurry back this date isn't over just yet."
But Thor doesn't looked to happy the only thing going through his head...
Why would Father send a Destroyer upon innocent mortals?
And after giving Zarda kiss he took to the sky back to New York to deal with the Destroyer.
Back in Central Park...
Peter was hiding behind the restroom stalls with both twins close to him.
Of all things it had to be an Asgardian Destroyer! What is this thing even doing here! Who brought it here?! I thought only the king of Asgard can summon a Destroyer! What reason would Odin have to bring that thing here? And to drop it in a playground of all places! What the Hell! Something must have really pissed him off?!-
"...Peter..I'm scared..." Terrance shook in Peter's arms clenching his Agent Venom tightly in his own, Peter knelt down hugging both twins shushing them as he caught a glimpse of something red and black.
"'s gonna be ok look."
Ben and Flash ran into a nearby ally, Ben pulled off his jacket and to reveal the top half of his Scarlet Spider suit pulling his mask out his pocket and slipping it over his head. The venom symbiote came out and surrounded Flash's entire body, and the two heroes launched their webs swinging out and back onto the playground.
Everyone turned to see the two Web-Warriors Scarlet Spider and Agent Venom.
"YEAH!!! Let's do this!" Agent Venom exclaimed, Scarlet jumped onto a lap pole.
"Remember punk, we just gotta keep this thing distracted until Thor gets here."
Agent Venom scoffed "I knew that."
Suddenly all three boys' spider sense started ringing and two more blast erupted the first one heading toward the Web-Warriors. The two quickly jumped out of the way as the second blast was sent toward the restrooms stall! Peter grabbed both twins and ran out toward the streets only for the impact of the blast to knock him off his feet and send him skidding across the pavement. He had flipped himself onto his back with twins on his chest so that they were safe from the fall. But as he hurried to get to his feet a slide was sent hurtling towards them and he pulled the twins closer to him his back facing the incoming projectile and he closed his eyes waiting for impact.
But it never came, something...or someone stopped it, the trio stared up at the man currently holding the huge slide in his arms. He turned his head and gave Peter a sly grin then throw the slide right back at the Destroyer only knocking it a couple feet back. Then processed to throw off his cap, jacket, and gloves revealing him as non other than James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes! Or as most people call him the "Winter Soldier".
"It's Bucky Barnes!-Yeah!- with the Web-Warriors they'll save us!" People exclaimed cheering on the three heroes.
It didn't take long for Thor to arrive which was good because as always people were more concerned about getting pictures and videos than living and it was becoming very difficult for the trio of heroes to fight with civilians so close. With having dealt with a Destroyer before it was easy for Thor to destroy it (no pun intended). S.H.I.E.L.D arrived moments after and cleared everybody out, except Peter. Another perk of being Tony Stark's "intern" is that no one questions how he knows the other Avengers and just assumes that he'd met them while working with Stark. Bucky, Scarlet Spider, and Agent Venom were talking with a S.H.I.E.L.D agent, Kobik was floating in the air a little above them and Thor had left just moments after dealing with the Destroyer..and he did not look happy. Clearly he didn't know why the Destroyer was sent here either and no one asked him because no one was going to piss off the Thunder God...well more than he already was.
Peter waited on the side lines with the little dinos watching in amusement as they stared at their heroes who were only a few feet away. The previous fear they had during the attack had vanished pretty quickly and now they're just two kids enger to meet their heroes. Scarlet Spider glanced over in our direction and I tilted my head down at the little dinos. Scarlet grinned under his mask and nudged Agent Venom and the two spiders made their way over to the trio.
To say Terrance and Matilda were excited to have met their heroes is an understatement, they were ecstatic asking questions and everything. Afterwords Ben and Flash returned pretending they had gotten pushed back by the crowd and now the group are heading over to the little dinos' favorite pizza place Chuck-E-Cheese. Once inside they were surprised to find Amadeus, Maddy and Helen Cho. Peter raised his hand and waved over to the family, Amadeus turned and smiled at the group waving them over to their table where they already have two large pizzas sitting in front of them. Peter gave the little dinos their cups full of tokens and sent them off to play some games, Maddy went with them while Helen moved to talk with some other moms leaving the guys to talk alone. Ben took a bite of his pizza and turned to Amadeus.
"I didn't think you'd like to come to a place for kids, punk."
"Ben. We're all kids here." Amadeus stated while Peter and Flash suppressed a snicker.
"Whatever." Ben just rolled his eyes and continued eating his pizza. While the group of boys talked about the incident that happened at the park.
The three teens and the little dinos had only been here for about half an hour and there were already kids causing trouble. Terrance was playing Whack-A-Mole when it happened, a bunch of boys were carrying another little kid over to one of the animatronics and the kid was crying hysterically. Scared about what they were about to do Terrance pulled Matilda away from her bug squashing game and the little dinos ran over to the boys' table, Maddy followed. Peter saw them run over and got up assuming they had already used up all their tokens but was confused when they started pulling them over to where the animatronics are. But it didn't take him or any of the other boys to see what had the kids so worried. Peter wasted no to stop the boys before they got any closer the robo mouse.
"Hey!! Hey!! What do you guys think you're doing! Are you crazy!"
Ben ran up to them and pulled the kid from their arms to where he immediately clung to Ben's shoulders. Amadeus and Flash came back with Helen and a worker. The worker ran up to Ben and took the kid right out of his arms holding him close and rubbing his back trying to calm him down a worried expression on his face.
"Michael! Are you ok! What happened!-" He glared at the boy in the gray ripped shirt, the one who was clearly the leader the group of boys. "Jeremy! What did you do to your brother!-"
"Nothing Dad!-" So the worker's their father, "We were just playing around! Then the little crybaby started making a scene." Jeremy crossed his arms acting like he did nothing wrong and his dad does not look happy.
"I have told you multiple times not to bully your little brother! And even more to stay away from the animatronics! They are not toys!"
"What's the harm dad? They're just stupid robots."
"Those " stupid robots " could have gotten your brother seriously hurt!"
"But it didn't."
That was the last straw for the father he grabbed his son's arm and lead him to the staff lunch room.
"That's it! You are done here! I am calling your aunt and you are going home."
"WHAT!! That's not fair! Why do I have to go home because of him! It's not fair!"
"We will discuss more of this at home. And I do not want to see you outside of the staff room until she gets here-"
"Do I make myself clear."
Ben watched the scene with a disgusted look on his face.
"That little punk needs his butt spanked."
Behind him where everyone in the Pizzeria had been watching, all the parents silently agreed with him. Another worker went up on stage and demanded everyone's attention.
"May I have everyone's attention...Now I'm hoping that this situation will remind you all that these animatronics are meant solely for entertainment purposes and are not toys for your children to play with. They are very dangerous when being use for the wrong purpose and can cause serious injury or even death. So please for your sake and your children's stay away from the animatronics."
After the worker put his son in the staff room he came back out with his youngest (Michael) still in his arms crying. Terrance and Matilda walked up to the worker and asked if his son could play with them, in an attempt to cheer the kid up. Michael gave his dad a small nod and he set him down were the twins lead him back to the Whack-A-Mole game Terrance was playing.
During the rest of the day other kids came over to help cheer up Michael. It went on until the boys aunt arrived to pick up Jeremy and unsurprisingly the whole place quitely cheered as the kid was lead out by his aunt. The whole group stayed until it was closing time and they were the only ones left. The worker thanked the twins for helping his son to feel better by giving them a couple of coupons for their next visit. Helen offered to give Peter and the twins a ride home, Ben and Flash said they'd take a bus back home (Ben still lives at the Triskelion for now so he's just going to web swing there. Despite May's consent offers to move in with us) and Peter's still hoping that he'll agree to it one day.
It was night time and Helen pulled up in front of Peter's house just in time to see Marven and Suzanne standing at the door, wondering how long they have been waiting. This was good because the twins had fallen asleep. Matilda was in Peter's lap and when they got out the car he handed her over to her mother then proceed to pick up Terrence and hand him off to Marven careful not to wake him up. To which Marven handed him over to Bob then proceed to pay Peter for watching them.
"So did things go today?"
"It was very eventful but I'm sure the little dinos will want to you all about it themselves- Oh! And one more thing-" Peter reached into his pocket and pulled out the flier for the dance studio and handed over to Suzanne and the dolls to Marven.
"What are these?"Marven asked looking at the dolls confused certain they hadn't brought them.
"The story behind that is. While we were in the city the twins found them on the ground in front of a dance studio. We went in thinking they belong to one of girls and well Matilda took an immediate interest in the class and they're having tryouts tomorrow."
Suzanne had a huge smile on her face excited that her daughter was interested in something she loved when she was a little girl and Matilda is already pretty much of a dancer she just did it mostly for Peter and Aunt May. The two parents thanked Peter and left saying they see him tomorrow at the dance studio as he promised to be there for Matilda's tryouts. Both families left and Peter went inside his house, now all he has to do is wait for Aunt May to come home.
The incident at Chuck-E-Cheese is a reference to the FNAF Bite of 87. And get use to seeing Bucky cause he'll be playing an important part in this story. And if your all wondering why Bucky brought Kobik to a park in the first place it's because his team was becoming a little too annoying lately and he needed a break from them. Kobik was the only one who wasn't annoying him.
And Yes I am shipping Thor and Zarda. You have problem with that TOO BAD!!!
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