A Normal Day


Spider-Man shouted as he and Iron Spider dodged a metal ball and chain.

"Kid Arachnid Bulldozer's coming right at ya!"

Said hero did a backflip on the super-human's back then proceed to cover his eyes with webbing and stirred him strait into a wall.

"Agent Venom duck!"

"What?! I don't see any- WOAH!"

Agent Venom ducked down just seconds before Piledriver's huge fist could send him flying through the air. Lying flat on his back Agent Venom kicked him hard in the jaw and shot two strings of webs onto the building front of him, sending him sliding out from under the massive man.


But Scarlet Spider was too late to react and Wrecker had hit him hard with his steel crowbar sending him flying in the air and crashing through a glass window. He winced at the pain of glass through his skin, but shook it off and jumped back through the now broken window growling under his breath...

"That's not fair! You guys started without us!"

Spider-Man and the Web-warriors turned to see their last two teammates Spider-Woman and Spider-Girl crawling on the sides of the now destroyed bank. Spidey swung over and landing next to them knocking down Thunderball in the mitts.

"Well you girls said you'd were busy and it's just the Wrecking Crew we can handle these knuckleheads easily."


Having recovered from the knockout Thunderball welded his ball and chain and swung it hard at the three spiders. They jumped just as the ball hit the wall sending debris flying in all direction. Spider-Woman shaped her arms into more tentacle like appendages and wrapped them around a large chunk stopping it as it was just about land on a couple nearby. The group of civilians behind them watched as the battle proceed and grow more intense as the Wrecking Crew became more careless. Spider-Girl swung over and landing in front of the group.

"This place is to dangerous! You all need to get out of here and find someplace safe!"

The smart ones of the group took her advice to mine and ran from the battle while the other more stubborn ones ignored her and continued taking picture and recording.

Until another huge piece of debris came flying toward them. Iron Spider was quick to get in front of group charging up his replusers and blew the chunk into tiny little pieces scattering everywhere. It was then the rest of the group decided their lives were more important than getting a video. Iron Spider radioed to Spidey

"Alright Spider-Man the perimeter is all clear of civilians!"

"Great job you two! Now let's take these guys down before they take down half the city! Web Warriors! Pour it on 'em!"

With the area clear of people the Web Warriors went all out on the Wreckers. Iron Spider shot a repulser blast at Bulldozer sending him and Piledriver crashing into the walls of the bank. Kid Arachnid jumped from a light pole, landing on both men and placed his hands on each head sending jolts of electricity through their bodies. Screaming in pain Piledriver grabbed the kid in his massive hand and flung him across the street, Scarlet was there to catch him before he hit the ground.

Spider-Woman and Spider Girl jumped from street to sidewalk to building and light poles dodging all of Thunderballs attempts to hit them with his large wrecking ball. Some of the flying debris hit Spider Girl in the head causing her to lose her balance on a light pole and he swung at her, she tried to jumped out of the way but was a second too late and the ball hit her hard sending her flying through the air and crashing to the ground. Thunderball ran after her swinging his ball and chain in his hands just as Spider Girl struggled to get to her feet, he swung hard hitting her again hard in the back sending her flying toward a building. But this time Spider-Woman was there to catch her but the force of the blow sent them both crashing into through the walls.


Spider-Man swung straight at Thunderball and kicked him hard in the stomach he skidded across the street.

"Alright that's it! We're finishing these punks! Now!"

Scarlet's stingers sunk back in his wrist he grabbed Wrecker from behind and with all his strength flung him hard right onto Thunderball. Iron Spider and Venom blasted Piledriver with repulsors and missiles sending his skidding across the rumble and into his two comrades. Bulldozer came charging at the group and they simple jumped out the way letting him crash into the rest of his team.

Spidey and the guys picked up a fallen light pole and proceed to bend and wined it around the group of now unconscious men.

Once the Wrecking Crew was secure the guys quickly ran back to where the girls where knocked down and began throwing out large pieces of debris until they found both girls lying underneath.

"MJ? Gwen? You girls ok?"

Only a small groan escaped their mouths, Scarlet picked up Spider Girl and Spidey got Spider-Woman.

"Iron Spider call in S.H.I.E.L.D! Tell them the Wrecking Crew is down but Spider-Woman and Spider-Girl need medical help."

"I'm already on it Spider-Man..They'll be here in five minutes."


As soon as the Web Warriors got to the Triskelion the girls were immediately sent to the med bay and since Gwen does not have the spider powers' healing factor like the others she'll be top priority.

The guys waited in Doc Connors's lab while the girls were being taken care of. Spider glanced over to see Scarlet staring at the three stasis chambers currently occupying one section of the lab. He walked over to him and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"It'll work Scarlet. You just have to be patient."

"And what if it doesn't? What if this is all just a waste of time...I still don't understand why you're even doing this?"

"Because..The Spider Slayers were just like you. They just didn't have the right..teachers at the time... Maddy said they'll retain all their memories from before but they will have a hard time understanding a few things. Hydra had created them to only follow orders, then Kane got into their heads convinced them that humans weren't to be trusted then used them to make himself stronger. There's gonna be a lot of confusion as well as a lot of apologies. But I know you can help them."

"...Do you really think I'm the right one for the job?"

"Heh. You were designed to lead them. And you did an amazing job then and I know you will now."

A small smile crept across Scarlet's face

"Thanks punk...So how long did they say it would take?"

"Maddy and Doc Connors said it would take a few months for their bodies to be completely restored."

Maddy is Madame Curie Cho, Amadeus Cho's little sister. The day Dr. Connors decided to do some experimenting with the mash up of Kane and the Slayers is also the day Maddy decided to "introduce" herself to the rest of the academy. And by introduce I mean following her big brother and sneaking inside the Spider Jet when none of us were looking. Then going on a little exploration trip and ending up in Dr. Connors lab and coming up with an idea to bring back the Spider Slayers and make them more human like Ben.

Maddy explained that even though they were all fused together Kane and the Slayers are still four completely different symbiotes, and all they had to do was separate the compounds of the Slayers from Kane. With some help from Conners and her brother, Maddy was able to do so and now all we have to do is wait for the Slayers' regeneration process to be complete.

Well looks like this was just another normal day for the Web-Warriors.

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