ꨄMusic Brought Us Togetherꨄ

A/N: Welcome to my first Oneshot! :3

In this oneshot, it is a high school AU, probably a human one as well (don't judge me I am a sucker for human AU's xD). Branch has no choice but to be in a band with Creek, this order was by Miss Sonata. They need a lead singer but can't find one so they hold up auditions. Guess who came to the auditions. :3


WoRd cOuNt: 5634...

Branch's POV

My name is Branch Timberlake, a survivor of high school and some stupid sh*t that comes to ruin my calm day. For example, today. My music teacher just called me up to talk about something in private. I thought it was me getting in trouble even though I did nothing wrong, those situations are always caused but that f*cking pervert Creek, but this was way worse.

"I want you to be in a band called the MS20,"

"The MS20? Sounds like an army name,"

"It stands for Middle School 20,"

"Well, that's a sh..." I almost cursed

Miss Sonata raised an eyebrow and folded her arms waiting for me to say something.

"A bad name," I saved.

"Mr Timberlake please just join the band, Eastwood High have no entertainment and you have such an amazing voice!"

"Since when did you hear me sing?"

"Last music lesson we had,"

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Fine, I'll join, who is in the band anyway?"

"Let's see, Guy Diamond, Cooper and Creek,"

Now you see why this is an example. The annoying and selfless boy is here in the band that I just assigned to. Great, just great.

I stared at her for a little while and gave her a look of disbelief.

"Are you joking me? Creek Brand is in the group?"

"No I am not joking and yes Creek is in the group,"

"Miss you know that I can't work with that guy! He is a sl*t!"

"Branch what did we say about our language? Anyways, it's a good opportunity for you guys to know each other,"

"Ugh, whatever,"

I stormed out of the room with my hands in my pockets. I was really pissed off at Miss Sonata, it's not like me to be pissed at her, but I am. She is being so unreasonable! 'It's a good opportunity for you guys to know each other' my a**. Thank the Lord that it is the last lesson of the day. Whilst feeling agitated, I walked swiftly around the hallways with an annoyed look until...

Exclaiming, I fell to the floor with pain on the leg. I opened my eyes and looked to the floor.

"Sorry!" A voice apologised

I looked up and saw a girl with pink pastel hair with a t-shirt saying 'always look at the brighter side of life' and with blue denim jeans. She apologised once again. Awkwardly, she stuck out a hand for help. I slapped it out of my way and put my hand to the floor so I could get up by myself.

"Watch where you are going next time," I said with a deadly glare.

I pushed the doors in front of me so that I can feel the breeze trying to calm me down. I kept on walking swiftly though, I really wanted to go home.

"Hey what is Timberlake the loner doing out here? He should be at home crying all day and night about how he has no friends," Eric teased to show off how cool he is to his gang.

"And you should be at home measuring how small your d*ck is Eric Sommerfeld,"

"Oh! Burn!" His gang exclaimed

"Shut up!" Eric shouted

I just grinned and walked away. Yes, I am the loner of the school but I like it that way, people don't have to nag you for their opinions, people don't have to ask you to help with their homework. It's totally fine for me...

I lied, I absolutely hate being alone, I hate that feeling of loneliness when you see some other people make friends with different people that they don't know. Whenever I talk to people, I just get too nervous and worried that I might screw it up, then I think they will think of me as weird. I just want to have a friend. Is that too much to ask?


Creek's POV

Preparing for another day of school, I was thinking about what I should do to that loner in the school. Punch him or get him sent to the principal's office? I think both will do. I got my bag and fixed a cyan hair strand hanging and touching my face. I left my house in a hurry so that I can go to school early and meet my girlfriend that just came to school yesterday, I haven't gotten the chance to say hi to her yet.

"Eyyy Creek my man what's up?" One of my gang members gave me a brotherly handshake

"Nothing much, hey got any ideas for the loner Timberlake?"

"I got some balloons in my bag, we can fill them up with water and splash him with them,"

"Ooh, that sounds like a good one, we'll meet at recess to fill them up, also tell the rest of the gang to meet there as well, today is going to be such a wet day,"

"That sounds dirty,"

"Shut up anyway, I will talk to you later,"

A devilish grin appeared on my face as I walked to the music room. As I opened the door my grin disappeared. I rolled my eyes and enter the room.

"Timberlake, what are you doing here? It's only for band people,"

"Did Miss Sonata not tell you? He is in the band now," Guy Diamond (also known as GD) spoke.


"Don't worry I had the same reaction as you when I first heard the news," Branch put on a fake smile

"Where is Miss Sonata anyways?" Cooper asked

"Right here b*tches,"

Everyone's eyes widened as we heard her swear.

"I know, I cursed but I have a good feeling today, anyways, welcome to your first band rehearsal of MS20, I couldn't find a lead singer so you guys have to figure that out yourself, bye for now, call me when you need help,"

She walked off humming a tune of 'Moonlight Sonata'.

"Was she not joking about there is no lead singer?" Cooper stupidly asked

"Of course not dumbass, why would she say that then?"

"Hey, that's not nice, " Branch interrupted me.

"Yeah? What are you going to do about it?"

We both gave each other deadly glares as I came closer to Branch until we could hear each other breathe on a single breath.

"Auditions!" GD shouted

He broke the tension between us.

"I'm sorry what?"

"Sorry, I said that out of the blue, to get a new lead singer, we could hold up auditions!"

"Yeah like that's gonna work, " I said sarcastically.

"Creek don't be like that, you never know this idea could work,"

"Wow, first time seeing Branch be positive for once,"

"Okay guys stop, I know you guys aren't good friends but you should at least get along with each other! For punishment, when the auditions start tomorrow, we are all going to be there to pick who is going to be our lead singer, Branch has to sit next to Creek though,"

I heard Branch sigh, he then put a hand to his face.

"Can my day get any worse?" Branch groaned

"Come on Branch, please do it, for the band's sake,"



"Alright, let's see who is first,"

I sat next to Branch. I saw him have a clipboard of names. I snatched it off him. He just rolled his eye then snatched it back. He gave a dirty look at me.

"First one come up please, " He called out.

A girl with lilac hair appeared first. I was giving a smirk at her. She wrapped a finger around a strand of hair. Intentionally, Branch painfully nudged me.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"We are here to recruit a lead singer not to check out girls,"

I rolled my eyes as the day went by.

Poppy's POV

Nervous and excited. I started to warm up my voice for the audition. When they call the next one my nerves spread all around my body. I appeared in the room with a warm smile.

"Name?" A boy with black hair questioned without looking at me.


"Second name?"


"Okay Poppy, what are you going to sing for us today?" A guy with silver hair asked

"If I ain't got you by Alicia Keys,"

They gave looks at each other and smiled.

"Go ahead,"

Branch's POV

(A/N: I just realized that I have been switching around POV a lot XD)

The music started to play and I still didn't look at her. I like to judge the voice first. She opened her mouth and sang, I can tell that she was nervous by the tone of her voice but it was soft and pleasing to the ear. Her voice was unique, one of a kind. I pressed my lips into a little smile as the vocals manage to grave into my mind. GD and Cooper were looking pleased with her whilst Creek just had love in his eyes. Ugh.

She stopped singing and there was silence. I didn't want her to feel awkward so I applauded her. I never did this to any of the earlier auditions so she was the first.

"Alright thank you, you can go,"

She went out of the room.

"Seriously dude? No compliments for her why?" Cooper asked me

"Because she is the one," I reasoned

"So you are saying that she is our lead singer?"

"Are you deaf? Of course, she's one of a kind, a special person that has a gift," I explained

"What makes her special?" GD asked

"Well she is pretty, a nice singing voice she has the total package," Creek stated

"Ugh, you said that for every girl and came in Creek, can you actually stop being a womaniser?"

"I am not a womaniser, the girls just keep on coming for more and by the way, this girl is super important to me,"

"How?" GD was confused

"Just shut up,"


(A/N: Imma switch to Poppy's POV because Poppy needs some love :3)

Poppy's POV

Whilst sitting on a bench, I was seeing my year group go to their friends and play, I just wanted to have to relaxation time, enjoy the light breeze that is not too humid not too cold under the cherry blossom tree. I closed my eyes and smiled. I opened my eyes when a person came up to me.

"Hey, Miss Sonata wants to see you," A person with orange curly hair.

"Alright, can you take me there? I am new to this school,"


I got up from the bench and put my bag on my shoulder.

"What's your name?" She asked while we walked to Miss Sonata's room

"Poppy, yours?"

"Suki, I am usually a DJ here for any social events so people call me DJ Suki,"

"Ohh, nice,"

"What do you want to learn about the school since you are a newbie?"

"Um, I don't actually know, people's reputations?"

"Oh, I know these kinds of things a lot, have you met anyone yet?"

"Well I know the Snack Pack, I also bumped into someone walking yesterday,"

"Sorry but I need deets,"

"Oh okay, black hair, wearing a grey hoodie, grouchy face and ripped jeans," Suki made murmurs of agreement while I was listing the features who I bumped into yesterday. She then gasped

"Oh my holy cheese cracker, you bumped into the loner/troublemaker of the school?"

"Um, I don't know him,"

"Oh yeah, sorry forgot,"

"It's fine,"

"The loner of the school- wait I sound mean, the trouble maker of the school-,"

"Still sounds mean Suki,"

"Fudge, anyways, his name is Branch, he is super moody, never wants a social life, seriously! I tried talking to him and he just ignored me! And always being bullied by Creek and his gang,"

"Man what a poor guy, how does he get in trouble?"

"Creek, we tried to tell the principal but he wouldn't listen,"

"And did you say a name called Creek?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Can you tell me the surname?"

"Oh, uhhhhh, I think it was Brand,"

I sighed and put my hands on my face.

"I am so disappointed in him..." I mumbled


"The reason why to join this school was to stop having a long-distance relationship with my boyfriend,"

"And that is..? Oh,"

"Yes, *sigh* I'm going to have a talk with him after we go to Miss Sonata's room,"

"Uhm, yeah, you might be mad when you enter the room,"


I opened the door and saw Cooper and GD sitting on chairs talking to each other, I saw the troublemaker of the group sitting on the table strumming on his electric guitar. Creek turned around and smiled.

"There she is! Guys I would like you to meet my girlfriend, Poppy,"

I smiled and gave a confused look at Suki. I thought Miss Sonata was going to greet me not them.

"Um, that's sweet of you babe but what am I doing here?"

"Has curly freak not told you yet?"

I elbowed him in the stomach as Suki made a look of sadness, he groaned in pain as I answered.

"No, and I would like to talk to you, now,"

I grabbed him by his wrist and dragged him outside of the room.

"What's wrong babe?"

"In this situation, don't call me babe," I pointed a finger at him

"Just tell me, is it me?"

"Yes, 100% it is you," I crossed my arms

"What have I done then?"

"You honestly don't know? *sigh* I don't even know why I am with you,"

"Just tell me, I will make it up,"

"Will you?" I looked away from him.

"Of course,"

"I have heard that you have been bullying a guy named Branch, I heard that he is lonely and keeps on getting in trouble because of you,"

"But he is a loner, he shouldn't be in the school,"

I gave a disgusted look and swiftly threw my hand at his cheek creating a red mark on his face.

"Until you fix this, we are over,"

"Babe wait-,"

"We're over,"

I gave a fierce look at him and entered the room again with a fake smile. Was breaking up with Creek until he makes up everything that he has done the right thing to do? Yes definitely, I don't like people who bully people, I just want to punch them in the face, especially Creek.

"So what am I here for?"

"Welcome to the band," Miss Sonata welcomed turning her chair around.

"Huh?" I was confused

"You auditioned yesterday, didn't you? Suki, please tell me you got the wrong person,"

"No, she hasn't, I definitely auditioned yesterday," I interrupted so that Miss Sonata wouldn't have to get mad at Suki

"Well, you are now our lead singer!"

"I- uh- I am?"

"Yeah, why do you sound so surprised?" GD got up from his seat and came to me

"I just thought I wasn't going to get picked,"

"Well, thanks to this guy, you did," Cooper pointed at the guy holding the electric guitar

I waved at him. He just stared and looked back at his guitar

Yikes, Suki was right him not having a social life, imma talk to him anyway.

"Where is Creek I need to tell him about when your first gig is,"

I gave an irritated sigh.

"He's outside,"

"Why?" GD asked

"I had to talk to him,"

I came to the door and opened it without looking.

"Come in a**hole,"

He came in and rolled his eyes.

"Woah, the first thing you were saying was babe now you are saying a**hole?"

"Yes lot's of things change, oh sorry did I say things? I meant people," I stated coldly.


"Don't talk to me right now,"

"Stop guys, anyways Suki is here to tell you your first gig," Miss Sonata went out of the way so Suki could come in front of her to tell her the news

"Hi, in case you don't know I am Suki, in charge of any social event and you guys are performing at prom! Isn't that great!"

"Yeah, it's awesome! You're awesome!"

We gave a weird look at GD

"-ly good at social events,"

"Thank you GD, I don't know what do to do without a friend like you,"

I can tell that GD's heart broke when she said friend. He gave a sigh and smiled.

"Anyways, the prom starts in 3 months, plenty of time for you guys to practice your roles in the band, you practice gig is at the 27th of April because it is the assembly of music,"

"That's all Suki, thank you,"

She nodded and went out of the room giving me and GD a wave. I waved back.

"Make sure you practice all the time, I am looking forward to the practice gig,"

She left the room. I looked at the band and they smiled at me except for the guy with the electric guitar.

"So, what is your role in the band,"

"My role is drums," Cooper did a little riff on the drum kit.

"I'm bass," GD also played the bass from 'don't start now' by Dua Lipa

"I'm the backup singer," Creek stated

He was interrupted by a guitar solo that was played by a boy with black hair.

"Guitar," He put the guitar on his back and walked to the door.

He took a quick glance at me then left.



Waiting for Branch in Miss Sonata's music room, I was carrying my case for my instrument. Humming myself a tune. The reason why I was waiting for him is because I wanted to choose the songs we were doing at the practice gig.


"Let's just get this over and done with,"

"Really? We are just going to chat about song selections and not bond so our friendship can become stronger?"

"Our friendship? GD, I know you think that I joined the band so that we can be friends but no thank you, I like to be alone,"

I put the case on the floor and folded my arms, grinning at him.

"Really? Why?"

"It's- um, it's relaxing,"

"You stammered that means you were trying to find an excuse!"

"So what? I don't like being alone but that doesn't change my social life,"

"But I want to be your friend, just let me be one,"

He looked at me for some while and rolled my eyes.


"Yay! I'm finally friends with you!" I wrapped my arms around him.

"Stop, please,"

"Oh right,"

I let go of him and carried my bass guitar case to one of the practice rooms. I sat down on one of the chairs as Branch closed the strong oak door.

"So, since you are the leader of MS20, what kind of songs do you want to pick?"

"Wait, I'm the leader?"

"Mhm, Miss didn't tell you?"

He shook his head as I got the bass out of the case, I put the strap around my head.

"Eh, who cares, at least you know now,"

"I guess, anyway, we need a song that is suited for the lead singer, uhhh, what is her name again?"


"Right, got any song suggestions,"

I twisted the tuning pegs on my instrument while thinking of song suggestions or band people.


"Eh, I like them but no thanks, it's too metal,"

"Right, um, how about 'The other side of the world' by KT Tunstall?"

"Yeah, that's good,"

I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote it with a pen.

(A/N: Yo, I am sorry if this is too long for you guys! XD if you wanna keep reading go ahead!)

"So what do you think of the lead singer?"

"She's good,"

"I know but do you have any interests in her?"

"What do you mean? Wait- are you saying that I have feelings for her?"

"In other words yes," I smirked

"No, of course not, I don't even know her,"

"But do you want to be friends with her?"

"Maybe... I don't know, she seems nice,"

"Just talk to her! You will be fine,"

Branch hid himself with his hands and knees and he shook his head furiously.

"No absolutely not,"

"Why not?"

"I am not that type of person that would just strike up a conversation with someone, I am shy, I am nervous, I am afraid that I will just say some weird sh*t,"

"Say hi, talk about your and her's interests and see where the conversation will go,"

He gave a sigh and looked at me with his innocent eyes.

"Okay, I will try to start my social life,"

"That's the spirit!"

As the evening passed like quicksilver, our bond grew stronger.


Branch's POV

Yesterday was fun with GD, is this what friendship is? It is nice, I walking to school sulking just slightly. Something made me aware from the corner of my eye.

"Go!" It was Creek's gang throwing a bunch of water balloons at me.

I closed my eyes as they threw them. I got even more drenched as they threw more. Until it all stopped. I opened my eyes and it was the girl that I wanted to be friends with.

"Poppy? Get out of the way,"

"Please Erik, this isn't the right thing to do,"

"Fine, just because you are Creek's girlfriend, it doesn't mean that you have to stop what we are doing,"

They walked away and the girl turned back to me.

"Are you okay?"

I put my backpack on my back again and walked off saying nothing. The girl still kept following me.

"You are drenched, the principal is going to get you told off,"

"So? I don't care, it wasn't my fault that I didn't know I was going to get drenched today,"

"Sorry, I can't remember your name, can you tell me?"

I stopped walking and she just looked at me with a smile.

"Branch, "

I continued walking as she kept following.

Jeez is she a stalker?

"Sorry about my Creek's gang earlier, my ex is such a bad guy,"

"No, it's fine, I am used to it anyways,"

"How long?"

"4 months, I am just a Freshman anyway,"

"Anyway, I think breaking up with him was the right thing, people told me that he already cheated on me so that was another reason why I am mad at him,"

"It's a week till our practice gig, how you feeling?"

"Good and excited! I am so glad that you picked me for lead singer,"

"That's nothing,"

The school made a sound that my ears hated.

"Oh, sorry! I need to go, I will talk to you later friend!"

"Okay," I smiled a bit

She is cute. Wait Branch what are you thinking? You guys are just friends and what is this feeling inside of me that makes my heart beat faster?


Poppy's POV

Nervous, I held the mic in my hand and repeated serveral words of encouragement in my head. Branch caught me and questioned me.

"Hey are you alright?"

"No, this is my first time doing something like this, what if I mess up?"


He put his comforting hands on my shoulders and looked deep into my magenta eyes, we were close enough that I could only see his blue eyes and his warm smile. He doing this makes my heart flutter, it feels like it is about to burst.

"You got this, just look at me when you feel like you are pressured,"

I smiled back and gave a nod of affirmation.

"Where is Creek? He is late, again," Cooper asked

"Don't worry about him, he is just a backup singer, we will kick him off of the band if he doesn't arrive,"

We heard Miss Sonata introduce us and the curtain was lifted.

I took one last look at Branch, he nodded and I began to sing when Cooper finished counting us in.

Over the sea and far away
She's waiting like an iceberg
Waiting to change
But she's cold inside
She wants to be like the water

All the muscles tighten in her face
Buries her soul in one embrace
They're one and the same
Just like water

I noticed the look on everyone's faces as we play. They looked really bored, one person yawned. I saw Creek come in the hall holding hands with a girl.

The fire fades away
Most of everyday
Is full of tired excuses
But it's to hard to say
I wish it were simple
But we give up easily
You're close enough to see that
You're the other side of the world to me

"Stop," I said and went to Branch to talk about something quietly.

"What's wrong?"

"The people don't like the song choice, I have a better one,"

I gave him the sheet music. He scanned it and looked back at me.

"You know Lemonade Mouth?"

"Of course! It is one of the best movies,"

"I will spread it to the others,"

He spreaded the sheet music to Cooper and GD.

They looked at it and smiled.

"One two three four!" 

The crowd looked even more intrigued in the song. I guess that everyone knows Lemonade Mouth here.

In her skin
Like a puppet, a girl on a string

Broke away
Learned to fly
If you want her back gotta let her shine

I went off the stage and went into the crowd.

So it looks like the joke's on you
'Cause the girl that you thought you knew

I went to Creek and sang the lyrics and ment it.

She's so gone
That's so over now
She's so gone
You won't find her around
You can look but you won't see
The girl I used to be
'Cause she's
She's so gone

Here I am
This is me
And I'm stronger than you ever thought I'd be

Are you shocked?
Are you mad?
That you're missing out on who I really am

I went back to the stage smiling at Branch

Now it looks like the joke's on you
'Cause the girl that you thought you knew
She's so gone
That's so over now
She's so gone
You won't find her around
You can look but you won't see
The girl I used to be
'Cause she's
She's so gone away
Like history
She's so gone
Baby, this is me, yeah

She's so gone
That's so over now
She's so gone
You won't find her around
You can look but you won't see
The girl I used to be
'Cause she's
She's so gone
She's so gone

You can look but you won't see
The girl I used to be
'Cause she's
She's so gone
So long
She's so gone
Gone, gone, gone

Roars of cheers filled the room and they are giving us a standing ovation. I looked back at Branch and I threw my arms at him for a tight hug and he just stood there doing nothing. Hesitantly, he wrapped his arms around me.

"Thank you!" I thanked over the load cheers.

"For what?"

"Letting me be in this band, I never have experienced this if you didn't let me join,"

"You're welcome,"

We stopped hugging and bowed to the crowd.


As we waited to Miss Sonata, MS20 were talking to each other about how we should kick Creek off.

"We should just say it to his face, therefore we can see the reaction, " Cooper happily suggested

"Eh, I don't think he would react to it that much, he doesn't react to anything, " I pointed out

"That's true, " Branch agreed

We saw our music teacher burst through the door with a smile.

"AMAZING! Absolutely amazing! It's a good thing that you changed the song, everyone was dozing off,"

"Well, don't thank me, thank Poppy, " He smiled at me.

I smiled back.


Branch's POV

Oh gosh, after a few months me and Poppy have been such good friends, I always get this feeling when I am with her like my heart hurts? I think I like her... The prom is just a week away. I want to ask her if she wants to go to he prom with me. I saw her talking with Suki then running to me.

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, she is coming to me, heart PLEASE be still!!

"Hey Branch,"


"You alright? You seem shy,"

Gosh, when it comes to a situation like this I am vulnerable.

"Do I?"


"Um, *sigh* uhhh,  I have to ask you something,"

"Sure! what's up?"

"What's up is uhhh, would- uh, I-, "

I groaned as I scratches my head, Poppy made a confused and disturbed look at me.

"Would you like to go to Prom with me?"

I closed my eyes tightly as I waited for the answer.

"Is that why you are acting so shy?" She made me open my eyes with a tender touch on my shoulder.

I looked at her and started to act shy again.


She laughed and wrapped her arms around me. I gave a sigh of relief and did the same to her.

"Of course! I was gonna ask you the same thing..." She unconsciously swayed side to side with her arms at behind her back.


Feeling good about myself I went outside my car in a black tux. I straightened my bow tie and went to the school grounds. As I was going through the crowd, I saw Poppy in a pink glittery dress, silver high heels, her curly hair down her back, this made her much more conspicuous in the night sky. My jar dropped in astonishment. She was beautiful. She noticed me and came running towards me.


She hugged me tightly.

Man she never stops hugging does she?

After a few seconds, we came apart from each other.

"Come on! We don't want to be late for our gig do we?"

She giggled in glee while taking my hand to the stage. We stood on the stage and she took the mic. I grabbed my guitar and put the strap around my neck.

"Hello! We are MS20, here at Prom we are going to perform Kesha's 'Die Young',"

The crowd cheered as Cooper counted us in.

I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums
Oh, what a shame that you came here with someone
So while you're here in my arms
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young

Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young

Young hearts, out our minds
Runnin' till we outta time
Wild childs, lookin' good
Livin' hard just like we should
Don't care whose watching when we tearing it up (you know)
That magic that we got nobody can touch (for sure)

Looking for some trouble tonight (yeah)
Take my hand, I'll show you the wild side
Like it's the last night of our lives (uh huh)
We'll keep dancing till we die

I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums
Oh, what a shame that you came here with someone
So while you're here in my arms
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
We're gonna die young

Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young

Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young

We finished the song that the cheers were ear-deafening, I gave a look and GD and he gave a thumbs up. He knew what I was about to do, I have been telling him these feelings I have for her. He says that I should confess when we perform. Here goes... I tapped on Poppy's shoulder and asked her if I can have the mic.

"Hello, my name is Branch Timberlake, you may know me as the loner, the troublemaker, but I am here to make a confession..."

Everyone went drop-dead silent to listen.

"I... I like someone, this person is really special to me and I want to tell her that I like her, she is the reason why I am who I am right now,"

The crowd murmured as I came closer to Poppy.

"Poppy Kendrick, ever since you came into that room for auditions, I never stopped thinking about you,"

"Branch," She softly called

Hesitantly, she went on her tipy-toes for her lips to connect to mine. I instantly melted into the kiss and held her body throughout the whole kiss. I can hear the crowd roar. We parted from each other breathless.

"I like you as well," She announced

We shared a romantic hug and that was the best night of my life.

(A/N: Apologies if the ending was a bit sloppy, I just really wanted to get this done and please let me know if there are any mistakes! I will make the next oneshot as soon as possible)


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