Jon had been thinking about when Brooklyn had been poisoned. He decided he wanted to watch the Second perish, but after messing with him for a while. That sounded like a pleasant idea. He turned to his men.
"Men, I wish to see what has become of our experiment. I want you to track down Brooklyn and bring him to me. He is bound to leave the castle sometime or another. Don't lose him," he said lowly. The Quarrymen nodded, as a group of them went out to watch for the sick gargoyle. They wouldn't invade the castle, since Xanatos would have security besides the rest of the clan.
Ever since his waking from the night terror that time ago, Brooklyn couldn't stop remembering the smell of the fresh air.
He tossed a little in his bed. Not even the tea Broadway made for him was settling him down. Shaking silently, staring at his window at the outside air, he wanted to go back out so bad.
Brook could feel himself dry heave, the walls feeling like they were closing in around him. He shook his head, trying to clear it. His clan wasn't visiting at the moment but Brooklyn felt he needed more than his clan's comfort. He wanted outside, to clear his head.
He didn't dare try to sleep either after his moment of nearly dying after doing so. Brooklyn felt tears coming down his face, burying his face in his pillow again to stop the dizziness, but the phlegm in his throat came up, choking him harshly. Brook coughed and sobbed, looking up again, cowering from those walls closing in even further, even thinking those hospital machines were threatening to come alive, too.
"Oh... ugh..." Brooklyn moaned, feeling his enemies whispering mercilessly to him once more, kicking his feet about under his covers. Then Demona snarled something terrible in his ears. He sobbed.
"Stop!" He wailed, shooting up in his bed. He couldn't take it anymore; stress about being sick for too long threatening to overpower his senses. He grabbed his pillow, throwing it against the window, thinking she was right there.
"Get away!" Brooklyn sobbed out, jumping out of the bed. He felt unable to remain in this room any longer. He wanted to flee and clear his head.
He ran out of his room, trying to find the entrance to the castle. Brooklyn kept on running into dead ends, making him feel more claustrophobic than ever, at one point kneeling on the floor and gasping terribly for breath.
Let me outta here! I need to get out of here! Brooklyn thought in panic mode, vision swimming terribly, holding up his hand, looking down to the floor, other noises hurting his hearing. Brook shook his head, certain sounds sounding louder than normal making his heart thump and stomach feel queasy.
But then he smelt it, the fresh air. Brook turned to see the door to the balcony. He gave panicked, relieved noises as he crawled to the balcony, managing to reach the ledge, body still shaking. The city noises hurt him even further and just seeing below the balcony brought him memories of waking from the nightmare. But he couldn't go back into the castle. This fresh air just felt too good on his face, the wind causing Brooklyn to open his wings, eventually even jumping onto the rail then gliding off into the night.
Meanwhile, the Quarrymen were positioned where they could track Brooklyn down. Brooklyn right now flew along the building tops of the city, tears falling down his face as he knew this may be the last time he could do this if they never cure him.
Perhaps I should just die alone out here. I can't get in their way anymore just to take care of me. He thought miserably after he felt his wings beginning to twinge in pain from lack of use. He spotted a hotel roof a little ways nearby, so he went for it, unaware of the Quarrymen having seen him.
One Quarryman grinned when spotting their target. "Come on, let's get him," he sneered to the others, who followed in his lead.
Brooklyn made his landing on the rooftop at the hotel and he went over to the side to just overlook the sites below. He was sweating terribly from his fever. It was amazing he had even made it here from how weak he had gotten from his illness.
"How can I go back to the castle like this? All I am is a burden for them to look after anymore. They probably hate me now for running away, anyway." Brooklyn sobbed.
He could hear sirens below the building. Cars. Some people shouting. Even as strong as his urge to protect was, he was in no shape to be taking on enemies.
Unknown to him, the Quarrymen made their way up the building with their tools they were going to use to catch him. They made their way up quietly, both on a fire escape and from a staircase leading to the roof.
Brooklyn was so distracted about his own misery that he didn't hear the footsteps sneaking up on him until the last minute. The sites had also been distracting him as well as a bout of dizziness.
He suddenly heard some running footsteps behind him and he turned to face some Quarrymen. "Nab him!" One of them yelled.
Brooklyn had been taken totally by surprise. He didn't think he would be caught by anyone. He barely had time to react as a huge gun was shot at him. At first, he thought he was going to die, but a huge net came out of it instead.
The net made a perfect shot and nailed him in it.
"Aaah! What is this?!" Brooklyn struggled in the net, trying to get out. He fell to his knees on the roof.
"We have our target contained." One man talked into a handheld radio.
"You'll never... have me!!" Brooklyn tried to get up and his eyes glowed in anger. He wasn't going to let his fever overcome him in this situation.
He tried to let out a roar, but his throat was so scratchy that he ended up coughing instead. He fell again, trying to control his breathing.
"That just proves our point. You are the sick one. You are coming with us." Another Quarryman proclaimed.
"No..." Brooklyn rasped out while still trying to breathe harshly. He tried again to get up, but then, he felt something sharp prick him in the left shoulder, making him yelp in pain.
"Ugh... no... I'm not... going..." Brooklyn said before he ended up going to sleep from the drug.
"We have him now. Castaway will be pleased we got him this night." One said.
"He surely can't be long for this world in the time span since we shot him a few months ago." Another declared.
"We'll see what happens. But I can't wait to do away with him once it's been given!" This man had an evil smirk on his face under his mask.
The Quarrymen used their helicopter to pick Brooklyn up and they climbed a ladder up to it. Brooklyn was carried in the net after having made sure it was secure. They were now on their way back to Quarrymen HQ. This wasn't good at all. And none of his clan knew he was missing.
Broadway came into Brooklyn's room later with some food for him to eat.
"Brooklyn, I brought your lunch..." the aqua gargoyle was saying until he saw the empty bed. "Brooklyn, are you in here?" he asked. No answer.
He put the tray down on a chair in the room and went to check the bathroom and adjoining hallways and closets. No sign of his brother.
He went to find the others.
At Castaway's home base, Brooklyn was put onto a gurney inside his net and taken inside to a large cage where his arms were put into shackles. They would all have some fun with him later.
"Are we going to do away with him, Mr. Castaway?" One of the men asked.
Jon leered at the unconscious gargoyle, smirking evilly. "Not just yet. We are going to play with him first. See how far gone he really is from this poison that he got infected with."
"Is there a cure for it at all?"
"No. None that I could find. And that's alright by me. He and any gargoyle deserve to suffer with it!" Jon sneered. "Like the monsters they are!"
At the castle, the clan was gathered in the library and Broadway told them that Brooklyn was once again missing from his room.
"I never should have left him alone." Broadway said sadly.
"You had to go fix him his lunch, Broadway," Goliath declared. "We will find him. I'm sure he's around here somewhere."
"He wouldn't take off, would he?" Lex asked.
"He hasn't glided in a few months. His wings wouldn't be strong enough." Angela stated.
"His nightmares had seemed to be getting worse." Hudson declared. "We must find him."
"Bronx, find Brooklyn." Goliath ordered the gar dog.
"Woof!" Bronx barked and went to find his red master. He went to his room first and followed the scent. The clan was right behind him.
They followed their pet to the balcony edge and Bronx made his stop there, barking.
"Good boy, that's enough." Goliath said. Bronx sat down. "Brooklyn must have taken off when we weren't with him."
"But where would he have gone?" Broadway asked.
"Elisa's?" Lex suggested.
"Or some other building nearby." Angela said.
"Go out and look for Brooklyn. Meet back here an hour before dawn." Goliath ordered.
The others gave a simple nod and took off to find their missing clan member, hoping they would find Brooklyn still alive.
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