Act I


AMY, ROSA, SCULLY, HITCHCOCK and GINA work at their desks. Jake walks up to Terry.

JAKE: I got Killdozer to talk. I know where they're getting the meth. But, it's at an event, so we're gonna have to go undercover.

TERRY: I love going undercover.

JAKE: At the Elf-Dor LARP!

TERRY: LARP?! Oh no, I'm out.

Rosa looks over from her desk.

ROSA: What's a LARP?

JAKE: It's Live-Action Roleplaying. It's like Dungeons and Dragons but you do it in real life, in costumes, in the woods!

ROSA: That sounds awful.

TERRY: It is awful! LARPing turns kind, gentle nerds into rude, condescending nerds. And they throw bean bags.

Jake looks over to Rosa.

JAKE: They stand in for fireballs and when you throw them you yell "fireball"! So fun!

TERRY: Isn't this more of a Boyle thing?

JAKE: Boyle's at home looking after Nikolaj, so I needs me some Terry.

TERRY: Rosa?

ROSA: I'd rather kill myself. Or you. Or both of us.

Terry looks at Amy, who's at her desk laminating something.

TERRY: What about Amy?

JAKE: Terry, she's laminating a folder right now, she's not meant for a fantasy world.

ROSA: I'm surprised she hasn't laminated her gun.

TERRY: Come on, she's a great cop.

JAKE: But she doesn't know anything about roleplaying or nerd stuff. Amy!

Amy looks up.

JAKE: What's the name of the most famous sci-fi franchise in the world?

AMY: The Star War?

TERRY: Really?

JAKE: What's the one on tv where they fly around in ships?

AMY: The Star Journey?

TERRY: She's getting worse.

JAKE: What's the name of that movie we just saw, the one where the group of hobbits travel up a mountain to drop a ring into it.

Amy wracks her brain.

AMY: The Lord of the... Planet of the Apes?

Terry jumps up from his desk.

TERRY: Come on! There aren't even monkeys in Lord of the Rings!

AMY: I may have fallen asleep.

JAKE: (aside to Rosa) She was laminating on the couch.

Holt comes out of his office.

HOLT: What's going on?

TERRY: Amy mixed up Lord of the Rings and Planet of the Apes and I was telling her that there are no monkeys in Lord of the Rings.

HOLT: There are no monkeys in Planet of the Apes. They're a different suborder of Primate.

JAKE: Wait, you saw Planet of the Apes?

HOLT: No, but the title is very clear. Why are you discussing this in the precinct?

TERRY: Jake is trying to convince me to go undercover with him at a fantasy live-roleplay event.

HOLT: That's a fair request with Boyle at home. Do it.


(back to Holt)

JAKE: You won't regret this sir.

Jake turns to Terry and whispers excitedly.

JAKE: I already spent three hundred dollars on costumes!

Holt heads towards his office, then stops at Amy's desk.

HOLT: Good work laminating the folder as well. In the case of a nasty spill, it's not just the paperwork that's at risk.

AMY: Sometimes I wish I could laminate my gun.

HOLT: That would cut down on liquid-based misfires. This idea could be worth testing.

AMY: I'll bring my laminator!

She grabs it and follows Holt into his office.

ROSA: Ugh. Gross.


Gina sits at the table, and tries to take a selfie while a fan blows her hair back dramatically. Her phone rings. She picks up.

GINA: You've reached the Goddess.

Intercut with Charles, who is on a phone in his living room.

CHARLES: Gina, it's Charles.

GINA: I have caller ID Charles, I'm not Hitchcock.

Gina looks over her shoulder into the bullpen and sees Hitchcock holding his phone in front of his face.


She goes back to her call.

CHARLES: Gina I need a favour. As your former lover -

GINA: Ugh.

Gina hangs up.

CHARLES (O.S.): I really need a favour.

GINA: Aaaagh!

Gina turns to find an IPAD taped to a pole ATTACHED TO A SEGWAY! Charles's face fills the iPad screen.

GINA: Charles, what the hell?!

CHARLES: I knew you'd hang up so I got Hitchcock and Scully to put this together.

GINA: I'm shocked they didn't tape themselves to their big gulps.

CHARLES: They're pretty capable if the price is right.

Scully looks at Gina gleefully from the doorway.

SCULLY: We're getting a pizza with hamburgers on top!

Scully sips from a Big Gulp taped to his hand.

GINA: (deadpan) You're a garbage fire.

(back to the ipad)

GINA: What do you want Charles?

CHARLES: Nikolaj is sick, and the only thing that makes him feel better is Latvian Potato Soup.

GINA: Is it made of potatoes and sadness? Because you've got plenty of both.

CHARLES: No, he only likes the kind made by the Kurš ārsts. That's Latvian for Witch Doctor. She makes the best Latvian soup in New York. You can really taste the hoof!

GINA: In potato soup?

CHARLES: Of course! It also includes sheep's bladder, goat lung and three different kinds of anus -

GINA: Enough! Charles, I'll do whatever you want if you never say those ingredients again.

CHARLES: Thank you. Thank you! Find the Witch Doctor and get the soup.

GINA: Got it.

Gina turns off the ipad, and yells into the bullpen.

GINA: Rosa? Amy? Charles needs your help!


Terry and Jake enter Holt's office.

TERRY: Captain? You needed us?

Holt's chair faces away from them. It slowly turns around to face them, revealing Holt who looks deadpan as usual.

JAKE: Nice chair turn.

HOLT: I wanted to demonstrate my flair for the theatrical.

JAKE: ...As we can tell from your complete lack of facial expression.

TERRY: Captain, we were about to head to the LARP.

HOLT: I know, but I think I should join you.

TERRY: I'm not sure this is really your strong suit.

HOLT: That's where you're wrong. I've been LARPing with Kevin for years.

JAKE: No way! Are you a mage? A cleric? Or is this one of those trick things where you have a boring version?

HOLT: Kevin and I attend an annual gathering where guests re-enact a formal dinner at the 1893 Chicago World's Fair.

JAKE: It was the trick thing.

TERRY: Sir, the people at LARP-con are going to be pretty wild characters.

HOLT: I've been on the wild side of roleplaying. Last year, I presented H.H. Holmes, an era appropriate serial killer.

JAKE: Okay, that's cool!

HOLT: I spent the night before studying the DSM-V criteria for anti-social personality disorder.


Holt stands in a Victorian Gentlemen's outfit surrounded by OTHER ROLEPLAYERS in similar clothing. He speaks to the WOMAN beside him.

HOLT: I am superficially charming but struggle to maintain real personal relationships.

A GENTLEMAN approaches with a LITTLE GIRL who's pretending to be blind.

GENTLEMAN: This is Hellen Keller.

HOLT: No, it isn't.

(to the Woman)

HOLT: I believe my own lies are true. If they one day invent a lie detector I will not be caught by that method.


HOLT: It was a harrowing look into the mind of a madman.

JAKE: Captain, I want nothing more than to see you spend a weekend roleplaying with a bunch of librarian nerds.

(to Terry)

JAKE: I've never been to a library, but nerds go there right? We'll talk about this later.

(to Holt)

JAKE: But Terry already knows everything about the Skyfire Cycle.

HOLT: But the Elf-dor LARP isn't set in Skyfire.

Holt produces a massive binder.

HOLT: These are the rules and history of the world of Elf-dor.

JAKE: Holy Crap!

HOLT: Terry, do you know the name of the King of Elf-Dor?


HOLT: It's Ulgor Magnifico, their currency is the binaric uno, there are 14 schools of magic, and the by-laws of the event itself are quite specific. You two need me, and I'll provide my own costume.

TERRY: Terry is impressed. And afraid. Mostly afraid.

JAKE: You're cool with him coming?

TERRY: If we don't bring him the nerds'll eat us alive.

JAKE: Captain, I never thought I'd say this, but welcome to team sexy geniuses.

TERRY: I still doesn't like that name.

HOLT: We'll complete this quest for Whispery Dan!


HOLT: The Elf-Dorian God of Justice.

Jake turns to Terry, suddenly nervous.

JAKE: Am I dead?

(with growing excitement)

JAKE: Because this feels like heaven!


Rosa and Amy approach an apartment, Amy checks the number.

AMY: This is it.

ROSA: How'd you find the place?


ROSA: You have a confidential informant?

GINA: Is his name Google?

Gina approaches from the other side of the hall.

ROSA: Hey Gina.

AMY: No, his name isn't google. I used a Bing search.

GINA: Bing? Oh girl, no.

ROSA: I bet you use Microsoft Edge, don't you.

AMY: They wouldn't make it the default program if it wasn't the best!

GINA: Enough. We have work to do.

Gina opens the door and walks in.

AMY: Wait!


Inside the apartment a MAN and WOMAN in their 30's stand in shock.

MAN: Who are you?

GINA: You can call me Goddess Gina, and those are "the others".

AMY: Sorry, we're police officers.

WOMAN: (enraged) Of course!

ROSA: This isn't official business. We're here for soup.

MAN: Really?!

GINA: Are you the Witch Doctor?

MAN: No. The Witch Doctor's our grandmother, and she was just arrested for murder!

Dramatic music swells.

GINA: So, like, do you guys have soup in the freezer we could take?


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