Emily's pov
*Beep beep beep*
Ugh that damn alram never fails to disrupt my sleep.
I open my eyes and find my book laying open next to me, my heart skips a beat and I fear I wrinkled some of the pages in my sleep, but relief washes over me when I realize I haven't.
I should stop falling asleep while reading and risk damaging them.
They're my prized possessions, any wrinkle or tear on them would break my heart.
I look over at the clock and realize I have 25mins to get ready and catch the bus.
I get out of bed and open my curtains, the rays of the bright morning sun slightly sting my eyes but I ignore it and focus my attention on what's happening across my house.
Mrs. Andrews plain spare bedroom that used to greet me everytime I opened my curtains is now replaced by what seems to be Axel's room.
Posters of rock bands and fancy motorcycles litter the once empty baby blue walls.
However that isn't what caught my attention...
What caught my attention is the half-naked god standing in the middle of the room, in front of his open window, pulling a black shirt over his head.
No matter how hard I try, I can't look away, the dips and angles of his chiseled chest makes me blush.
I shouldn't be looking... stop it Emily!
Just as gathered my composure and grabbed my curtains to close them, Axel's eyes shoot up and stare directly at mine.
Even from where I'm standing his eyes still manage to pierce into mine and look at my soul.
My chocolate colored brown eyes could never compare to his beautiful emerald ones.
"What are you looking at creep?" He shouts from his window.
In my somewhat drunken haze, I didn't notice him approach the window and poke his head out.
I shut my curtains as quickly as my hands can allow, and dash for the bathroom to take a shower and scrub the embarrassment off me.
I can't believe I got caught ogling a shirtless Axel, his already inflated ego most definitely got bigger.
Once I get out of the shower, I get dressed, grab a bite to eat and head for the bus stop.
When I get there the bus isn't there.
Hmm... I must be early. I check my phone and notice it's 7:25 a.m
"Crap, I'm late!" I say out loud and start running.
My house is about 30mins away from school on foot. I'm definitely going to get a slip.
My legs seem to get heavier the longer I run, but I can't stop, I have to get the before first period ends.
Sweat is running down my forehead and to my luck, some droplets get into my eyes.
But I ignore it, come on Emily, you can do this! I encourage myself and run faster, one hand holding my backpack up, and the other wiping my sweat.
A loud motorcycle zooms past me, the person riding it is wearing all black with a black helmet, I can't make out who it is. It slows down a couple feet away.
I ignore it and keep running. The motorcycle matches my pace and rides along side me.
Alarms blare in my head and I'm on high alert. Is this the day I get kidnapped?
I speed up my pace and try to outrun the motorcycle, but who am I kidding? Of course it's still next to me.
"Hop on creep, I'll take you to school!" The person on the motorcycle yells.
I look at him, I recognize that accent anywhere. It's Axel.
"No thank you, I can get there on my own." I reply and continue running.
"If you keep running you will run out of breath and collapse." he says, still riding next to me.
"I would much rather take you to school than carry your unconscious body to your house and worry poor Mrs. Brown." He continues.
I draw to a halt and he does the same.
He removes his helmet and shakes his head, he looks like he belongs on a magazine cover with the title "Sexist Motorcyclist Alive."
I just don't get it, why does someone who is so rude, get to be blessed with the best genes I have ever seen?
I ignore the unwanted thoughts in my head and focus my attention on him.
I huff, "I don't want to go with you." I pant, barely getting my sentence out in between my huffs.
"You look like you're dying." he comments and has the audacity to laugh!
"Stop annoying me and just leave! You're making my life worse." I snap.
"Leave? Fine with me." he shrugs and starts his engine. He gets a couple feet away and looks back at me with his infamous smirk.
I know I'm going to regret the words I say next before they even leave my lips...
"Wait! Don't go..." I say defeated.
He continues and yells "Don't what?" I hear his laughter mixing with the sound of the engine.
"Don't go, damn it! I'm already late, just take me to school." I say.
He stops, gets off, opens the seat and hands me a helmet similar to his.
Did I mention I was afraid of motorcycles? Deathly afraid, but I won't allow anyone or anything get in the way of my perfect attendance record.
I gulp and take the helmet from him with shaky fingers.
"Th-thanks." I stupidly stutter. I brace myself for the mocking that is sure to come.
"You're afraid of motorcycles aren't you?" He asks, surprising me with his soft tone.
"Yeah... kinda." I reply and look away.
"Hey look at me." he hooks his fingers under my chin and gently raises it for me to face him. "I'll go slow, don't worry." He continues.
I look at his eyes to see if he's lying but the only thing I find is sincerity.
He gets on the motorcycle and gestures for me to do the same.
I nod, put the helmet on and get behind him.
As I sit down, I am immediately hit with his aromatic scent, it's amazing.
"You ready?" He asks as he starts the engine.
"Yes." I squeak, wrap my arms around his waist, and he speeds off.
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