
(Sorry for the long wait! We just got settled in the new house.)

[Third Person Pov]

~~~Pink's Room

Spinel was pacing back and forth.

Spinel: Let me get this straight...you're going to fight a robot, that even The Diamonds fear? And said robot, doesn't have any known weaknesses?

Painite: Yeah that's...pretty much the long and short of it.

Ash: But, how are you gonna survive something like that?

Noname: I agree with Ash, this mission seems impossible, even for you.

Ash: Yeah! And you're like....the best ever!

Spinel: Painite, I don't know about this. Can't someone else do this?

Painite: Well, we are getting an army.

Noname: They need a whole army?

Spinel: Painite-

Painite: Ladies, I know you're all really concerned for my well being, but I've made up my mind.

Painite stood up and stretched.

Painite: Besides, I have plot armor.

Ash: What?

Painite: Look, this robot can end all of gemkind as we know it, if I don't stop it, we'll all probably die. You know, no pressure or anything.

Ash: But...but....

Painite knelt down to Ash's level.

Painite: Yeah, I know, but you know what? I'm gonna take this thing down, cause I'm fucking Painite, and you're gonna help me.

Ash's eyes sparkled a bit.

Ash: M-Me?

Painite: Yeah, Noname and Spinel too.

Noname: What? P-Painite, outside of defense, I have no combat training.

Painite: I know, I'm gonna train you.

Noname: W-What?

Ash: Oh, oh! Train me too! Train me too!

Painite: *chuckles* Alright, alright.

Spinel: Wait, you're bringing us with you?

Painite: As much as I hate bringing you on dangerous missions, but I need all the help I can get.

Spinel: Geez, you're really serious.

Painite: "All of gemkind".

Ash: EEEEEEE! This is so exciting!

Noname: W-Well...if you say so.

Painite: Good, now then, I need you to go start without me for now, I need some thinking time.

Ash: Ok! Come on Noname!

Ash took Noname's hand and practically dragged her.

Ash: Training with Painite is gonna be so much fun!

Noname: My, you are very hyper.

The two of them left, and when they did.

Painite: I'm gonna be real with you Spinel, I have no fucking idea how I'm gonna do this, I was just pretending.

Spinel couldn't help but laugh a bit.

Spinel: Yeah, I know. This is a pretty big mission. I need a bench.

A bench appeared and she sat in it. She patted the spot next to her and Painite sat down.

Painite: What am I gonna do?

Spinel: ...I'm sorry Painite, *sigh* I don't know.

Painite: God, why can't my life just be simple?

Spinel scooted closer to him.

Spinel: I really can't change your mind?

Painite: Even if you did, I don't have a choice. There aren't that many gems up to the task.

Spinel: I just don't like all these missions you've getting, we haven't had to just...relax and hang out. Except for, y'know, that night~

She have him a flirty smile.

Painite: Like I can forget heh....*sigh* I wanna just live my life, but I guess I gotta sit, roll over and jump though flaming hoops to get there.

Spinel rested her head on Painite's shoulder.

Spinel: Well, if....when that comes, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Just...please don't die.

Painite: Hey, I was gonna say that!

They both chuckled a bit and shared a kiss.

Painite: Can I uh...have some time alone.

Spinel: Yeah, you've got a lot on your mind. I'll be Ash and Noname.

She stood up, gave Painite a kiss on the cheek, and left. Painite sighed and shook his head.

Painite: I'm going to die.

???: Wow, you're so positive.

Painite jumped and turned around.

Painite: Oh come on, I thought you were a one off!

Reset Painite: Nah, you're stuck with me for the rest of the chapter! Maybe the for the rest of book!

Painite: Oh my...what even are you?

Reset Painite: Does it really matter?

Painite: ...Yes, so tell me.

Reset Painite: No, I don't I will. Besides, at least you uave someone to talk about this to.

Painite: ...I'm having a conversation with myself.

Reset Painite: Yes, yes you are. So, how are you gonna deal with this?

Painite: That's what I'm trying to think about, this is much bigger than a fight club or a facility that experiments on male gems, this is colossal.

Reset Painite: ...You're scared. Scared to lose her.

Painite: ...Why are you taking like that?

Reset Painite: You're scared to lose Spinel, but is it because of love? Or something more...selfish.

Painite: What are-

Reset Painite: You're not scared to lose Spinel, Ash, and Noname because care about them. No no no, you're scared to lose them because you'll have nobody left to care about you...aren't you?

Painite: ........Be quiet.

Reset Painite: Poor little Painite will be all alone....

Painite: I said stop talking!

Reset Painite: Then what will you do? Shatter yourself?

Painite: I SAID SHUT UP! .......Huh?

Reset Painite was just...gone.

Painite: What....where.....*groan* keep it together Painite, don't mess up your mind more than it already is. Don't worry I'll be fi-....I'm talking to myself.

Painite shook his head and walked out the room.

~~~A White Room Somewhere

Peridot: Is...is this really necessary?

Painite: Yes, how many time must I tell you?

Ruby: You are on our side, correct?

Black Pearl: Your reluctance to help is very suspicious.

Painite: Is there something you'd like to tell me...Peridot?

Peridot: N-N-N-N-No! I'm-I'm sorry my Painite! *bows* For-Forgive my ignorance!

Painite: Hmph. Very well.

Peridot: ...Should we have a back-up plan?

Ruby: Why? Our Painite's plans have a low chance of failing.

Peridot: ...But not zero....

Black Pearl: Are you saying our Painite's plan is bad.

Peridot: T-That's not what I'm saying at all!

Painite: At ease. I already have a back-up plan, if the robot can't get it done, I'll do it myself. ...And to have the numbers advantage, I have recruited someone. Someone you can keep that Spinel in line so she can't interfere.

Peridot: W-Who?

???: Me.

Peridot turned around and was shocked at who she saw.

Red Spinel: Hiya! I'm your new best friend Spinel!

Peridot: M-My Painite! This is the Spinel that was in the facility!

Painite: Yes, I am aware...that's why I choose her. She has the skills, and the motives.

Red Spinel: I'm gonna make that disgusting male pay for what he did to my facility, and that traitorous Pink Spinel too.

Painite: Good, now then, you all get ready...we have a Painite to break.

Everyone left the room.

Peridot: (...Is this the right thing to do?)

~~~1 Hour Later Outside

Painite: Come on, I know you're better than that!

Noname and Ash were taking on Painite two on one, and somehow still losing.

Painite: How are you gonna take down a robot if you can't take me down?

Spinel: Too much.

Painite: Oh, sorry.

Ash: Got'cha!

Ash dove at Painite who grabbed her out the air.

Painite: If your trying to sneak attack me, don't announce your attacks.

He tossed her into Noname who caught her.

Noname: Let me handle this.

Noname lunged forward.

Ash: Yeah! Get him Noname!

Noname went to kick Painite, but she hesitated, leaving her wide open. Painite grabbed het leg.

Painite: You hesitated again Noname.

Painite threw her into Ash who didn't catch her.

Spinel: *claps* Wooo! That's my Crackle!

Painite winked at Spinel making her smirk and blush.

Noname: I advise paying attention.

Painite turned to see Noname coming full speed with a kick, she was NOT hesitating. Painite blocked it at the last possible second.

Painite: Not bad, but not good enough.

He shoved her back and she landed on her feet. She tried to hit Painite several times, he either dodged or blocked it. Just as he was about to counter attack, he was hit in the leg by something, bringing him to a knee.

Ash: HA! I was quiet this time!

Noname roundhouse kicked Painite right in the face, causing him to roll. But he popped up like nothing happened.

Ash: What?

Painite: Knocking me down is easy, keeping me down is the hard part.

Spinel: Not bad, but can you do well in a fair fight?

Spinel stretched her leg and stood next to Painite.

Painite: Now we're talking.

Ash: This is so fun!

Noname: Now then, shall we?

Just as they were about to begin.

Yellow Diamond: Painite? Are you there?

Ash: Aw! We were getting to the good part!

Painite held up his watch.

Painite: Yes my Diamond.

Yellow Diamond: The army is ready, are you?

Painite: ......As ready as I'll ever be.

Yellow Diamond: Remember, the fate of all gemkind rest in your hands.

Painite: Thank you, that's really comforting.

Yellow Diamond: I-I'm sorry, it's just....

Painite: Yeah, I know.

Yellow Diamond: We'll wait for you to arrive.

Painite nodded and shut the watch off.

Painite: Well.....time to save day.

He gestured the others to follow him. As they all left, he saw something in the corner of his eye. His reset self, casually leaning against the wall. He pointed at him, then did the cutthroat motion.

Spinel: What are you looking at?

Painite: .....Nothing.

~~~Some Ships

Painite: Now that's an army.

There were tons of gems, Lapis, Jaspers, Rubies, and Peridots.

Blue Diamond: This is a very dangerous mission after all.

Painite: Pardon my timing.

Painite and her posse walked up.

Painite: But I had some business to attend to.

Red Spinel came up from behind her.

Red Spinel: Hiya!

Spinel: W-W-What is she doing here?!

Painite: Yeah! She help run that facility!

White Diamond: Do you have an explanation?

Red Spinel: Oh, I'm so sorry Mistah P, I was just doing what I was told. I neva ment to hurt yus. I'm just trying to redeem myself!

Painite: I smell bullshit.

Noname: Why shoud we trust you?

Red Spinel: Tell ya what, if I do mess this up somehow, I'll go really really really really reaaaaaaaly fa away.

Yellow Diamond: She's willing to give up her home for this.

Noname: Well, that is extreme.

Ash: I think that's a good reason.

Painite: Feh.....alright then, but if you even try, I will personally kick your red flat ass to the next galaxy!

Red Spinel: Woah, woah! Ok Mistah P!

Painite sighed and turned around, when he did, Red Spinel gave him a death glare.

Painite: Alright, everyone get on a ship!

Everyone boarded a ship as gems waved and wished them good luck. Painite took on last look at Homeworld. They were all counting on him, whether they hated him or not. The ships slowly began to rise and took off.

~~~Diamond Throne Room

White Diamond: Turn on the feed.

Yellow and Blue Pearl activated the feed. White Diamond took a deep breath.

White Diamond: Hello gems everywhere, this may be a little surprising to you, but this an emergency message. Some of you may remember a long time ago, I would send gems to place with a robot inside, and it would shatter them. Well...that robot has been reactivated by unknown means. But don't fear, you may also remember the first male gem, Painite. He and an army are going to take it down now. Our very lives may rest in his hands.

White Diamond held back tears.

White Diamond: I am sorry...truly I am. Wish them all good luck.

The feed cut off and White wiped the tears away.

White Diamond: ...Please survive Sweetie....

~~~Little Homeworld

Peridot: Did you hear?!

Bismuth: Y-Yeah, I-I thought that thing was gone for good.

Peridot: As much as I may dislike him now, Painite is the literal fate of gemkind! That thing doesn't separate friend from foe! It'll shatter everyone!

Bismuth: Hm...why do you dislike him all of a sudden?

Peridot: Huh? What do you mean?

Bismuth: I mean, you were really eager to learn more about him, but after you talked to Lapis, you've stared to hate him......did Lapis tell you "what he did"? What did he do?

Peridot: I-I-uh...I-erm...

Bismuth: Gee...it must've been something terrible.

Lapis: It was.

Lapis came flying down.

Peridot: L-Lapis! I was just uh....

Lapis: It's ok......I want to tell her.

~~~The ships

Spinel: Kinda cramped, don't cha think?

Indeed the ship was cramped, tons of gems were on-board.

Noname: I-It makes me so nervous. If we need this much...how strong is this thing?

Ash: Even though it might super strong, we're still gonna take it down! Right Painite?


Ash: Uh, Painite?

They all looked at him to see that he was mumbling to himself.

Spinel: Painite, you're talking to yourself.

Painite: [low whisper] When the crazy's running wild, like a mother to her child, I'll be there...right by your side....

Noname: Wait...is he singing?

Painite shook his rapidly.

Painite: ....I'm sorry, did you say something?

Spinel: That song...what was it?

Painite: Uh...what song?

Spinel pulled Painite close.

Spinel: Are you scared?

Painite: Yeah.......terrified.

Spinel: Don't worry, we can do this, you can do this.

Ash: We're gonna kick that robot's butt!

Noname: Indeed, we will.

Spinel: And we'll do it together.

Painite smiled and nodded.

Painite: Hell yeah.

~~~A Few Hours Later

Painite: We're here.

The ships landed on the planet.

Peridot1: I have sent you all a map of the building, making traversal easier.

Painite looked at his watch, the map was big to say the least.

Painite: We all must be prepared at all times. If you see that thing, tell us, and we'll attack it.

Painite: If we find any survivors, which is a big if, we're gonna need at least 3 gems to escort them to the ships. Other than that, no one is allowed to stray, understood?

Gems: Yes my Painites.

The doors to the ship opened, and everyone stepped out. The Peridots stayed on the ships.

Painite: Forget the Avengers, we're in the endgame now.

Spinel: Ok...let's do this.

Ash: C-Can I hold your hand Noname?

Noname: Of course you can.

She held her hand out and Ash took it. Spinel put a hand on Painite's shoulder and nodded.

Painite: *sigh* Ok.....

~~~A Bit Of Walking

Painite and Painite opened the door to tge facility, it was pitch black inside. A light came out of Painite's gem. She used it to look around. Painite took one step in and suddenly all the lights came on. Painite shielded his eyes.

Spinel: ...Oh my.....

The floor was covered in shattered gems. Noname covered Ash's eye and other gems got worried.

Reset Painite: Yeah dude, you're fucked.

Painite looked at his reset self who had a smug smile on his face. He just ignored him. The building started to rumble.


Noname: W-W-Where is it?

Painite looked at the map, no way of telling where it is.

Painite: Don't worry, I'm sure we'll hear it coming.

Painite began walking.

Painite: Come on in, walk on your dead comrades.

Spinel: Painite, not the time.

Everyone reluctantly came inside. They started walking around.

Red Spinel: Gee, this place really gives ya the heeby-jeebies!

Ruby: Yes, I am a little frightened.

The building rumbled more and Spinel clung to Painite.

Painite: Don't worry, I'll protect you.

Spinel: Oh man...this place is horrifying. I can't even imagine being sent here.

Painite: Yeah....but....it feels like I've been here be-

More rumbling.

Painite: Jesus, how big is this thing?

Noname: More importantly, how are we gonna take it down?

Painite: We'll cross that bridge when we get there.

Black Pearl: Do you even have a plan?

Painite: I don't think any of us do.

Spinel: I'm...sure we'll be fine.

As they all continued walking, they passed a window. Painite looked outside it and saw that it had started storming.

Noname: Painite, I believe I saw something at the end of the hall!

Painite: Ok, stay back a bit, I'll yell if something goes wrong.

Painite took his chain out and quickened his pace. As he got closer to the end, he heard what sounded like crying. He turned the corner, and saw a Pearl trying to comfort a Ruby.

Painite: ...It's ok, they're gems.

Spienl: What kind?

Painite: Uh...a Pearl, and a Ruby.

Spinel: Ok! We're coming over!

Pearl: Thank goodness, we heard a ship land, we didn't now I if you friendly.

Painite: How long have you been here?

Ruby: T-Too long.

Painite: Don't worry, it'll be ok.

Painite: You three, take them to a ship.

Three gems escorted the Pearl and Ruby. The Ruby looked back at Painite as they left.

Noname: Do you think there are more survivors?

The building rumbled again.

Painite: If there are, we better get them out quick.

Painite: For once, you're right about-

Painite: Will you just your mouth bitchyite? We have bigger problems than our hatred. We can rip eachother's heads of later.

Ash looked at Painite with a smug smile.

Spinel: You're really focused huh?

Painite just nodded. They all continued walking, and surprisingly rescued more survivors. They had been here for 10 minutes now. Painite pressed a button on his watch.

Painite: Uh, My Diamonds? Just how big is this place?

Yellow Diamond: The facility takes up a quarter of the planet.

Painite: Man, finding this damn thing is gonna take-


The whole ground shook.

Painite: ......Nevermind.....


Blue Diamond: Oh no, it's close.


Painite: Ok, way too close!

Everyone got their weapons out. Lapis flew up and multiple Ruby Giants formed.

White Diamond: Be careful sweetie.

Everyone: Sweetie?

Painite: Bigger things to worry about!

Painite turned off the watch.


Everyone was on edge.


The robot appeared from around the corner, and everyone's eyes went wide. The robot was massive, as big as Yellow Diamond.

Lapis1: Oh my stars.

Lapis2: It's massive!

Ash: We're suppose to fight that?!

Noname: I-I-I don't think we can....

Painite: I mean, it could be worse...it could be as big as White Diamond....


Spinel: Uh-oh.

The robot suddenly rushed forward at surprising speeds.


Painite grabbed Spinel, Ash and Noname and used his chain to pull up to the ceiling. Some gems dodged others got knocked away.

Ash: Painite, what do we do?!

Painite: Uh...we hold it off...until I come up with a plan.

Lapis took water from the rain outside and bright it through the window.

Noname: T-That isn't a very well thought out idea....

Painite: Any if you got a better one?

The robot picked up a Ruby Giant and crushed it in it's hand.

Painite: Beacuse we can really use it!

Spinel: What if we destroy it from the inside?

Painite: What?

Spinel: Well, it may be big and tough, but it's still a robot. It has to running on some sort of power source.

Painite: Spinel, not only are you beautiful, you're smart.

Spinel: *blushes* Oh, stop.

Noname: LOOK OUT!

The robot reached for them. Painite let go of the chain and they all fell down.

Painite: Wait, how are we gonna be able to get inside of it?

Painite: Inside of what?

Painite and her posse came up.

Painite: We gotta destroy it from the inside.

Black Pearl: And how do we do that?

The robot turned it's attention to them.

Ruby: It's on us.

They all got ready, then Red Spinel stepped forward. She took out three balls from her gems and started juggling them. Everyone looked at her with confusion, even the robot tilted it's head. Then, she suddenly threw one at it's head, and it exploded.

Red Spinel: Ta-da!

Painite: Exploding juggling balls, now I've seen everything.

The robot reached for them and they all dodged out the way.

Black Pearl: How hard do we have to hit it?

The Robot took a massive water fist a Lapis made.

Painite: Oh............ok pretty hard.

Painite: Hm, how could we damage it?

Painite pressed the button on his watch again.

Painite: Uh, My Diamonds?

Blue Diamond: Painite, is everything going ok?

A Jasper flew by Painite screaming.

Painite: [sarcastic] ......Perfectly.

Yellow Diamond: What do you need?

Painite: Are you sure there isn't any weaknesses on this thing?

White Diamond: No, it was designed to be stronger than any gem, even us.

Painite: Well that just seems like a really dumb design flaw....

White Diamond: It was a long time ago.

Painite: .....How long?

Blue Diamond: If I remember correctly, 10,000 years ago?

Painite: 10,000? ...Painites didn't exist yet! It has no idea how to deal with us!

Yellow Diamond: But what will you do?

Painite: Hmm, it's made to resist every weapon, but since we won't made yet, it can't resist a Painite's chain. We're still gonna have to hit it pretty hard.

He looked at Painite.

Painite: Just how big can we make our shapes?

Painite: The biggest I've ever made it was Yellow Diamond's size.

Painite: We're gonna need much bigger than-oh! We don't have to hit it at all!

Ruby: What? How will you destroy it?

Painite: It was made before we were, it can't break an Amethyst whip, but not a Painite's chain.

Spinel: Oh! So you can't hold it down!

Noname: But the chain is strong, not you!

Ash: So we'll help him hold it, duh.



Painite: Y-You can just call me Painite!

Painite took two chains out.

Painite: Ready?

Painite: (How strange, he's so confident, I thought for sure he would break under the pressure. Hm, I may have to resort to plan B.)

She took out two chains as well.

Painite: Yes.

Painite: Ok, one....two....go!

They both shot their chains at the robot, slowly wrapping around it. Spinel turned her body into a spring and jumped up.

Spinel: Hey tin can, up here!

The robot looked up and reached for her. She shrunk her body down just enough to dodge the grab. She kept bouncing around avoiding the grabs. The chains managed to wrap around the robot's legs, holding it in place.

Painite: Hey, it's working!

Painite: You sound surprised.

Several other gems distracted the robot as the chains wrapped around.

Ash: *gasp* Look!

She pointed to the robots legs, the chains were slowly but surely crushing them.

Painite: Woah!

Painite: Of course, like you said, it wasn't made to face our weapons!


Ash: Come on Noname!

Noname: Spinel, we must help!

Spinel: I'm coming!

Spinel bounced next to Painite, enlarged her hands and grabbed Painite's chain. Red Spinel did the same with Painite's chain. Each of their Pearls and Rubies grabbed on too. The chains wrapped around the robots arms by now. Everyone came to help pull.

Painite: Ok everyone, PULL!!!!!

Everyone did as told, and the chains squeezed the robot. The sound of metal crushing echoed through the building.

Red Spinel: Pst.

Painite looked at Red Spinel, who had a finger off the chain. She knew what she was saying, or gesturing. She looked back at all the gems holding. Was she really willing to risk all their lives for this? The plan is working. Then she look at Painite, and her hatred for him took over. She made her chain disappear, letting the robot's arms free.

Painite: What the?

The robot loosened Painite's chain around it's legs, and then turned it's attention to him.

Painite: Uh.....oh.....


Painite crashed out a window.


He hit the ground hard.

Painite: Gah! Oh man....oh god. I feel like I just drop kicked by White Diamond.

Painite stood up and rubbed his neck. He looked down at his watch and saw that it was messed up. He took it off and angrily threw it down.

Painite: Ugh, dammit!

Spinel: Painite! Are you ok?

Spinel, Ash, and Noname jumped out the window Painite just crashed through.

Painite: Yes, I am perfectly fine after getting back handed by a giant robot.

Noname: I don't understand, why would she make her chain dissapear?

Ash: It doesn't make any sense! None!

Painite and her posse jumped down.

Painite: ...Let's find out.

Stood up and marched to Painite. Her Ruby and Pearl bloccked him from her.

Ruby: I must ask you to step back!

Painite: Move.

He picked them both up and threw them away.

Painite: Hey! Don't touch-

Painite: What is wrong with you! Why did you get rid of the chain?! You trying to sabatoge me or something?!

Painite: I just lost concentration ok?

Painite: Lost concen-BULLSHIT!

Painite: Oh, are you saying that I'm purposely messing up?

Painite: Well you can't mess up on accident, your "perfect" remember?! Or are just a flawed waste of space?

Painite: *scoff* How dare you?! I am the most perfect gen to ever exist!

Painite: Are you sure? Cause I think your just an megalomaniac.

Painite slapped him.


He slapped her back.


They both got ready to punch each other before their danger senses went off. Before they could do anything, the robot busted through the wall of the building. Other gems came running out as well, all with horrified faces.

Painite: This robot is really starting to piss me off!

The robot reached for him and Spinel pulled him to safety.

Spinel: What do we do now?!

Painite: I....I don't know! We've tried everything at this point!

Spinel: There has to be something we can do!

Painite: I don't know! If my chain plan didn't work, what will?!

Noname: There is...one thing you haven't tried....

Painite: What is it?

Noname: I-I-I believe you might have morw of a chance if...you fused.

Painite: Tanzanite might not be enough.

Noname: No....not with Spinel....

She looked back at Painite.

Painite: ....No.

Ash: You might not have a choice!

Painite: I'd rather die than fuse with her!

Spinel: Painite, more people will doe of you don't!

Black Pearl: HELP ME!

Painite looked up to see the robot had her in it's hand.

Painite: PEARL!

Red Spinel jumped onto it's hand and attempted to hold it open. All she did was slow the crushing.

Spinel: Painite!

Painite: Ok, ok! YOU!

He pointed at Painite.

Painite: Everyone here is going to die if we don't do this!

Painite: What on Earth are you talking about?

Painite: We have to fuse!

Painite got a look of disgust on her face.

Painite: Even of I wanted to, how would we? We can't get along, how would we fuse?

Painite: Think about all these gems! Your Pearl that's about to be crushed right now! There's something we can both agree on, we have to save them all!

Red Spinel: Can't....hold it....

Painite looked at Black Pearl, her face full of fear. ...What was she doing? She wanted to get rid if Painite yes, but this is too far. She was willing to let gems die just to make him snap back into madness. She mentally scolded herself for being so blinded by hatred. Red Spinel was slowly losing her grip. Painite offered his hand to Painite.

Painite: You in...."luv"?

Painite looked at him, then back at the robot, then back at him. Then, Red Spinel lost her grip and Black Pearl let out a scream. Painite's eyes widened, and she took Painite's hand. Their bodies began to glow.

Ash: *gasp*! A Painite fusion?! A mega Painite?!?!

The robot stopped squeezing.


The light went away, and everyone gasped. The fusion was the same size as Pink Diamond. She wore black and white proper yet somehow messed up clothing. Her two red eyes shot open, and she pulled out a red chain and used it to hit the robot's hand, making it release Black Pearl.

Black Pearl: Ugh....my-my Painite?

Spinel: It made it let her go!

Noname: That chain must be strong!

Fusion: Stay here.

She spoke on a calm yet intimidating tone. She rushed forward and swung her wildly.

Yellow Diamond: Hel....Pain...there?

Ash looked at Painite's watch and picked it up. She saw that it was glitched and shook it a bit.

Ash: My Diamonds?

Blue Diamond: Ruby? Where is Painite? Why do you have his watch?

Ash: He fused with the other Painite!

White Diamond: What?

She pressed a button and a video feed of The Diamonds came up.

Ash: Look!

She turned the watch around and showed them the fusion swinging around the robot.

Yellow Diamond: A Painite fusion?


Back with the fusion, she shaped her chain into a mallet and hit the robot in the chest, making it stumble back. It had a dent in it's chest.

Blue Diamond: Oh my, that chain is powerful!


The robot turned it's attention to Ash.

Ash: Uh-oh.

It quickly reached for her, Ash was too scared to moved. The fusion came out of nowhere and pushed her put the way, and the robot grabbed her instead.

Ash: Oh no!

The fusion struggled to break free.

Spinel: NOOO!

Fusion: Don't...get...involved!

The robot squeezed harder and harder. The fusion grunted in agony the tighter it did. Then, with a loud scream, she was crushed and everyone fell silent.

Ash: They're.....they're gone....

Noname: Just...just like that?

Spinel fell to her knees and began to cry.

White Diamond: ......No......

The robot's hands started to shake.

Fusion: Sorry pal.

The fusion held the robot's hand open.


She jumped out it's hand, shaped her chains into gauntlets and punched the robot right in the face.

Spinel: Whaaaaaaa?

Noname: Wow, not a bit if damage.

Ash: Unbreakable? *gasp*! That's what we'll the fusion! Unbreakable Painite!

Unbreakable Painite landed on the ground, and smiled widely. She swung her chain wildly, and shaped it into a big sword.

Unbreakable Painite: Let's end this shall we? You read our mind.

She dashed forward, breaking the ground beneath her. She jumped up and spun like a drill. The robot rushed forward shaking the planet. The robot doved at her, and everyone's eyes widened. Unbreakable Painite began to drill into the robots chest, and went inside. After a short pause, she came out the other end. She landed on the ground and looked at the chained sword. The robot's power source was on the tip. She smirked and turned around. The robot swayed a bit.


The robot stopped swaying, and fell over hard. There was a long moment of silence, before Unbreakable Painite defused. Painite and Painite looked at the power source. Painite walked over to the robot, looked at it for about 10 seconds, then kicked it as hard as he could.

Painite: Hunk of junk.

Spinel: PAINITE!!!!

Spinel practically tackled him.

Spinel: I-I thought I lost you! I-I.....

Painite gave her a kiss.

Painite: I'm not going anywhere.

Everyone started cheering.

Ash: That was so cool!

Noname: You truly are something else Painite!

Ash gave a Painite a big hug making him chuckle.

Painite: Ahem.

Painite looked at her, and stood up.

Painite: ...Uh...thanks for the help.

Painite: .....I'm sorry.

Painite: Huh?

Painite: I did make my chain dissapear on purpose. I...wanted to see you fail, but, I nearly lost someone I cared about.

She looked at Black Pearl, then back at him.

Painite: I can't believe it took me this long to get over my hatred. I put lives endanger, all beacuse I didn't like you. I know this may sound fake, but, I am truly sorry.

Painite: ........It's alright.

Spinel: What?!

Painite: I mean, it's really not but, when I fused with you, I felt something.

He looked at Spinel nervously.

Painite: NOT LOVE!

He chuckled and looked back at Painite.

Painite: While we were fused, I put the past behind me for a while, and I felt...relieved. Like a weight got lifted of my shoulders and I realized something. I want to change, but if I'm gonna do that, I can't let the past hold me down. I already, kinda, patched things up with The Diamonds, and I still gotta deal with Lapis and whatever she's talking about, but right now, I wanna put our past behind us. We don't have to be freinds but....

He held his hand out.

Painite: We can at least not hate each other.

Painite stared at his hand. She thought to herself, why did she suddenly feel bad for him. Then she remembered what Peridot told her once. "Put yourself in his shoes, how do you think he feels?" She almost lost so many gems, and it was her fault. That moment of fear, self hatred and regret she felt when she heard Black Pearl scream was the worst moment of her life, and she was about to make him feel that. She wouldn't want to make anyone feel that, not now at least. Her self pride and hatred for him was overshadowed by that feeling. She reached out and shook his hand. Red Spinel's jaw dropped.

Painite: I am willing to let bygones be bygones.

Painite smiled lightly. They let go of each others hands.

Painite: Everyone on a ship.

Evryone began to board a ship. Red Spinel just smiled, but it was forced.

When they boarded the ship, Painite went over to Peridot.

Painite: We won't have go use the file, and...I'm sorry for how I treated you.

Peridot's eyes widened in shock, and a smile appeared on her face.

Peridot: Thank you...my Painite.

Red Spinel sat in the corner, staring at them with anger.

Red Spinel: (...File huh?)

White Diamond: Painite?

Ash: Oh, your watch!

She gave him the watch.

Painite: Yes?

White Diamond: You did it! You took it it out! I'm proud!

Painite: Thanks! If it's ok with you, I'm gonna rest.

White Diamond: Of course, please see me when you can, I have...something to tell you....

Painite: Yes my Diamond.

Red Spinel: (Hm...what's this file?)

~~~A White Room Somewhere

Peridot did some work on her tablet.

Painite: Peridot, come here.

Peridot: On my way!

She set down the tablet and went to go meet her Painite. Red Spinel poked her head out and went to her tablet. She picked it up and started scrolling.

Red Spinel: File, file, file...oh? Whadda we got heeya?

She looked at the file.

Red Spinel: Oh! How interesting...send!

She started laughing maniacally. Ruby came in.

Ruby: Uh, why are laughing?

Red Spinel: Huh? O-Oh, uh...just thought of a joke, heh....

Ruby: If it was so funny, why not tell me?

Red Spinel: .....You wouldn't get it.

~~~Pink's Room

Painite laid down in a bed with Spinel by his side. Ash was still giddy about the Painite fusion and Noname tried her best to calm her down. The Painite got a,notification on his watch and looked at it.

Painite: ...A file?

He opened it, it was an audio file.

???: Day 1. The Diamonds, except Pink, has ask me to start on this project.

Everyone gathered around him.

???: They thought they could use a new gem species.

Noname: New gem species?

???: So, this is the first day....of project Painite.

[A/n Pov]

Sorry this took so long! Made it longer to make up for it. Also here have this comic I found.

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