The Grand Finale
[Third Person Pov]
Steven groaned in pain. The injector caused a massive crater in the Earth.
Painite: I'm not letting you get one over us, Steven Universe.
Steven: I wasn't going to wipe your memories!
Painite: You expect me to believe you want us like this?!
Painite pulled his chain out.
Garnet: Steven?
Spinel looked up to Garnet.
Garnet: Why are you all fighting? Aren't we all friends?
Painite turned his head to Garnet.
Painite: Oh! An audience! Spinel, be a dear and give her a front row seat.
Spinel pulled Garnet down and wrapped her arms around her, holding her hostage.
Steven: Garnet!
Painite: You know, as twisted as this is, I'm kinda flattered you like the old us. So, innocent. So loving. So caring. So.....stupid.
Painite put his arm around Garnet.
Painite: If that's really the case, why don't you leave her like this?
Steven held out the rejuvenator.
Steven: Get away from her!
Painite: Oh, you're relly protective of you're friends huh? But when it comes to your fake friends, you get careless. Stupid!
Spinel flinched when he yelled.
Steven: Stop it.
Painite: HAHAHAHA! Then stop me! You wanna attack me, admit it! ....No, DO IT.
Spinel looked at Painite with a mixture of shock and worry.
Steven: .......No....
Painite: WHY NOT?!
Steven broke the rejuvenator in half, much to the surprise of Painite and Spinel.
Garnet: ...The truth....
Garnet broke out of Spinel's hold.
Painite: ...Well that's not good.
Garnet: I've known hardships and confusion, but love can live through it all, if you face the truth, together!
Garnet's body started to glow.
Painite: No! Nonono!
Painite threw a boulder at her, which she broke in one punch.
Painite: ...Oh.
Garnet: Oh. When a difficult day goes by, keeping it together is hard but that's why, you've got to try, you've got to try. And when, there's a thundering storm outside, underneath the covers you huddle and hide, open your eyes, open your eyes. It's the true, it's the true, it's the true, kinda love. It's the true, it's the true, it's the true, kinda love. Stuck. In the middle of fear and shame, everybody's looking for someone to blame, like it's a game, like it's a game. And now, I am better than win or lose, there's a new direction that I like to choose, it's called the truth. It's called the truth.
Spinel: I can't.
Garnet: We have to stop those two.
Steven: Wait. You guys have your powers. You've gotta go save everybody. I'll deal with them.
Amethyst: They'll crush you dude!
Pearl: You can't fight them.
Steven: But I can still talk to them. Please, hurry.
Garnet: Right, move out!
The gems formed Alexandrite and went to save the people of Beach City while Steven jumped to the injector.
Steven: Hey you, show me that solvable problem. We can get through this, I'll do the, hardest, part with you.
Garnet: It's the true, it's the true, it's the true, kinda love. It's the true, it's the true, it's the true, kinda love. It's the true, it's the true, it's the true, kinda love. It's the true, it's the true, it's the true, kinda love.
Steven made it to the top of the injector. Painite had his arm around a very uncomfortable looking Spinel. Before Steven could speak, Spinel started talking.
Spinel: Painite?
Painite: Hm?
Spinel: ...Are we doing the right thing?
Steven took this time to regroup.
Painite: Hey, it's your plan, your injector.
Spinel: *sigh* I know that we're here.
Spinel moved in front of Painite.
Spinel: Garnet's made me feel something. Something I can't really describe-
Painite: Would you get to the point already?
Spinel: And that, that right there. You've gotten so aggressive, I don't like this side of you. scare me.
Painite: I'm a psychopath with cracks all over my body.
Spinel: Painite...the world. It's dying because of us and you're, you're ok with that?
Painite: The world never cared about me, why should I care about it?
Spinel: Painite listen, we have to turn it off.
Painite: Ok, let me think-no.
Spinel grew frustrated.
Spinel: PAINITE!- *inhale* *exhale* Painite, what happened to you? What happened to the Painite who wanted to help people. Who would not shut up about having the perfect life with me?
Painite: He got realistic.
Spinel: Realistic? Painite! They're people suffering, children could be dying, the Earth can't just bounce back from this! This!
She pointed at the destruction.
Spinel: This suffering and destruction, we did that! We ruined the world! This is our fault!
Painite: .........So?
Spinel looked at Painite with a shocked face.
Spinel: .........Who are you?
Painite: ...What did you say?
Spinel realized what she just done, she knows how much Painite hates being forgotten.
Spinel: I-I didn't mean-
Painite grabbed Spinel by her pigtail and pulled her close causing her to yelp.
Spinel: What are you-
Painite: Shut up! You think I care if people die? No one cared when I tried to shatter myself!
Spinel: I cared!
Painite: Oh that just changes everything!
Painite lifted her up a bit, she tried to pull herself off.
Spinel: P-put me down, you're-you're hurting me!
Painite: You think you know the real me? You don't. This is the real me!
Spinel: W-what?
Painite: I tried to shatter myself, you think I was right in the head? I tried so hard to hide it, I think I did a good job.
Spinel: Painite, this isn't-
Painite: BE QUITE!
Spinel shut her mouth.
Painite: ...You listening?
Spinel nodded rabidly.
Painite: Good.
Painite tightened his grip
Painite: You're the one who wanted to come here. "Let's go meet her other friends." And you wanna back out now? You're supposed to be on MY side! ...Maybe you aren't motivated anymore.
He dropped her causing her to fall on her hands and knees. She began to silently cry.
Painite: [Mimicking Pink Diamond] Spinel.
Spinel looked up at Painite, who had a twisted smile.
Spinel: ...No.
Painite: What's wrong? It's me, your best friend.
Spinel: Stop.
Painite: Oh come on, why don't we play a game?
Spinel turned away.
Spinel: Painite why are you doing this.
Painite: It's called the stand very still game.
Spinel reduced her voice to a whisper.
Spinel: ...Please stop. Stop it....
Steven: Painite!
Spinel looked at Steven.
Spinel: Steven?!
Steven had trouble standing.
Steven: C-c'mon man, l-let's talk about this.
Painite didn't move or say a word.
Steven: Do you see what you're doing? You're torturing her! I thought you loved her!
Painite still didn't move.
Steven: Are you even listening?
Painite still didn't move.
Steven: SAY SOMETHING!!!!!
Painite slowly turned to Steven, and walked up to him.
Painite: [Normal] ................Something.
Painite punched Steven right in the nose.
Spinel: Steven!
Steven put his finger on his nose, a small drop of blood was on it.
Steven: Huh?
He realized that Painite had given him a nosebleed. Painite then kicked him back.
Spinel: Painite stop!
Painite: You know kid, I came here to take out my anger on some strangers.
Painite grabbed Steven by his collar, lifted him up and started walking to the edge.
Painite: But now that I know you.
He held Steven over the edge.
Painite: I want to kill you even more.
Spinel's eyes widened.
Spinel: (He...he won't, will he?)
Painite gave Steven an evil smile.
Steven: I DON'T GET IT!!!!!
Painite: ...Huh?
Steven: Why aren't my powers back? Aren't I reliving every horrible thing that's ever happened to me? A Gem I barely know is trying to kill me. I'm paying for stuff my Mom did that had nothing to do with me. I'm struggling with my powers. The world's about to end! ...What piece could I be missing? This is the story of my life!
Painite: ...*pft* HAAAAAAHAHAHA! I knew the rejuvenator would send you back but this, is how you started? The legend, Steven Universe. It almost makes me feel bad for making you go splat hahahaha.
Painite's face got serious.
Painite: Almost.
He tossed Steven back, letting him fall to his death. Time seemed to slow down.
Spinel: (He...he's gonna kill him. Why am I just sitting here? It''s because he scares me. I can't let Steven die...I...I have to do something!)
Spinel got a look of determination.
Spinel: NO!
Spinel stretched her arms and grabbed Steven.
Painite: Wha?
Spinel pulled Steven to her side.
Spinel: Steven! Are you ok?
Painite: Spinel! What are you doing?
Spinel looked at Painite angrily.
Spinel: This isn't right! I get it, your life was horrible, my world was destroyed, but that doesn't mean we can just hurt people!
Painite: Spinel, I don't care about morals, I don't care about-
He was cut off by Spinel punching him in the face.
Painite: ...Did you just....
Spinel: I...I did.
Painite growled, and pulled his chain out. Spinel realized what a huge mistake she made, and got in a fighting stance.
Spinel: Painite please, I don't want to fight you.
Painite: Too bad.
Painite swung his chain at her, she dodged the attack.
Spinel: I understand Painite. Your after everything you've been through your entire life, you're in a lot of pain.
Spinel shrunk her body to duck under Painite's punches.
Painite: No. You don't understand! You can't change the way I feel!
He went went to tackle her and she caught him by his hands, resulting in a power struggle.
Spinel: You're right, I can't. Only you can.
Painite started to overpower Spinel.
Painite: You expect me to just stop.
He forced her down to one knee.
Painite: I won't just be good again.
Then he forced her down to both knees.
Painite: This is who I am!
He picked her up and shoved her on her back.
Spinel: Painite-
Painite: I! Won't! CHANGE!
That last word echoed through Steven's mind.
Steven: ...Change....
Painite: What?
Steven: I changed. That's the final piece. All those struggles...I learned from them, and I grew. Oh, my gosh. It's not just my Gem powers I've forgotten. All of this happily ever after stuff has made me forget the first power I ever had, the power to change.
Painite: ...Ok I'm gonna kill you now.
Painite made his chain into a sharp shape.
Spinel: Painite don't!
Before he can swing, Steven's powers returned and he held up his sheild to block it. Steven then pushed him back.
Painite: Are you kidding?
Steven started to float cycle trough all of his bubbles.
Spinel: Steven, you've got you're powers back!
Steven landed and knelt next to Spinel.
Spinel: Look, Steven, don't hurt him. I-I'm sure I can convince him to stop. If he would just calm down.
Steven smiled at her.
Steven: Don't worry. We'll help him, together.
Painite: And what makes you say that?
Steven glared at Painite.
Steven: Because....
Steven stood up.
Steven: I can make promise. I can make a plan. I make a difference. I can take a stand. I can make an effort, if I only understand. That I. I can make a change!
Painite: You claim to understand, what you, can, not, know. The gall to lecture me, as if you can relate to me. So just go back to your family precious sweet little family, this has gone too long. Change is only for the strong. For the strong.
Spinel: You can make it different. You can make it right. You make it better. No one has to fight! You can make an effort, starting with tonight. Cause you, you can make a change.
Painite: Would you shut up already?!
Painite cocked the giant fist and aimed it at Spinel.
Painite: You can't just make everything better by singing some STUPID SONG!
Spinel: ...But you were sing-
Painite launched the fist, sending Spinel crashing down to the injector. The impact shook the Earth, and caused a massive hole in the injector. Painite landed and saw Spinel in a bubble.
Steven: You ok?
Spinel: Ugh, no.
Painite: All that stuff is easy for you to say.
He started to walk towards Spinel and Steven.
Painite: When you change, you change for the better. But see clearly, when I change, I change for the worse!
He attempted to punch Spinel, but Steven got in front of her and blocked him with his shield. He started to pound aggressively.
Painite: I'm not good enough! [Mimicking Spinel] I'm not good enough for Spinel! [Mimicking The Diamonds] I'm not good enough for the diamonds!
Painite raised both fist over his head.
Painite brought his fist down causing a massive shockwave and the injector losing a layer. He continued pounding.
His punches got weaker.
Painite: I'm not good enough, hehe. I'm not good enough, hehehehe.
His punches were more like slaps at this point.
Painite: I'm not good enough, HAHAHAHAHAHA! The more I think about it, the-the funnier it gets! Haha.
Spinel: ...His temper's dying down.
Painite: Look at me, complaining how I'm not good enough for someone, and I have two people right here you wants me here hehe.
Painite got in his hands and knees.
Painite: You two about me...right? Hehe....
Painite put his hands on his head.
Painite: Wha-what am I doing? Why do I want to hurt you so bad?
Painite looked at Spinel.
Painite: I'm sorry. I hurt you-I'M NOT SUPPOSE TO DO THAT! I CAN'T DO THAT! I...I...........I....
Painite started to cry.
Painite: I just want my own happily ever after.
Spinel nodded at Steven, and he put his shield away. Spinel walked up to Painite, and lifted his chin so that he can look at her.
Spinel: Hey, hey you, stop crying.
She moved the hair out of his eye.
Spinel: You were just angry, I'm not mad at you.
Painite: But..but I....
Painite continued to cry, and Spinel started to as well.
Spinel: Stop crying. Please stop crying.
Painite: I'm sorry.
Spinel pulled him into a hug.
Spinel: I know, I know.
Spinel broke the hug and put her hands on his face.
Spinel: I forgive you. I love you.
Painite: ...I...I love you too.
Spinel smiled, and the two kissed.
Steven: Aww.
Painite broke the kiss.
Painite: Will you be quiet?! We're having a moment!
Spinel: *chuckle* We really need to work on your temper.
Suddenly, the injector started shaking.
Steven: That doesn't sound good.
The shaking caused Spinel and Painite to lose balance and stumble away from each other.
Spinel: W-what's happening?
The vibration got worse, and Painite realized what was happening.
Painite: Steven! Shield her!
Steven: Wait, about you?
Painite: I'm made to break, I'll live...i think.
Steven put himself and Spinel in a bubble.
Spinel: Painite?!
The injector exploded as the people of Beach City watched from Little Homeworld.
Greg: Steven?!
Gems: Steven!
Debris fell from the sky as Steven lowered him and Spinel to the ground.
Steven: Well that's one way to get rid of your injector.
The moment Steven opened the bubble, Spinel ran to some rubble and started digging through it.
Spinel: Please please please please please please please please-*gasp*.
She found Painite's gem, and inspected it for cracks. Steven walked up to her.
Steven: Is everything ok?
Spinel: *sigh* He just poofed, and his gem is fine.
Spinel looked at all the damage.
Spinel: Oh geez. Steven I'm so sorry for this! We ruined your town, your planet, your happily ever after!
Steven: ...There is no happily ever after. I'll always have work to do.
Spinel looked at Painite's gem, and frowned.
Spinel: Guess I have work to do to.
Connie: Steven?!
Steven: Connie?!
Connie approached on Lion from a distance.
Connie: Steven! Where are you?!
Steven: Connie! Spinel, I'll be back. Really.
Steven ran to Connie, and Spinel smiled.
Spinel: Heh, so happy.
She looked down at Painite's gem.
Spinel: Hey, I don't know if you can hear me or not, but, I want you to know that things will be better. I know your mental health is all wonky, and I wanna help you get better. We'll take care each other, just like in the garden.
Spinel looked at Steven who was...uh, kissing the ground.
Spinel: I know that if you stay here, you'll never get better. You'll get reminded to much of what happened, what you became. And I'll be reminded too. I'm gonna take you somewhere we can start over, for real. And I promise everything will be better.
She stretched her waist, "pocketed" Painite's gem, and started walking away.
Steven: Wait Spinel!
Steven ran over to her.
Steven: I really was going to come back.
Spinel: I know.
Steven: Then where are you goimg?
Spinel: *sigh* It's gonna be hard for Painite to trust people and fit in. And friendship's gonna be hard for me. I need to help Painite, and he needs to help me. We can't stay here, Painite might lash out at you, or be reminded of what he became. And I can't leave him. Just wish there was someone we can start from scratch with.
Steven: Spinel I-
A strong wind suddenly blew, the two of them looked up to see the Diamond mech.
Spinel: Wha-a-a?!
Blue Diamond: Knock knock, Steven.
Yellow Diamond: It's us!
White Diamond: The Diamonds! Are we interrupting something?
Steven: Uh...yeah?
Spinel hid behind a large piece of debris as the Diamonds came down from their ship.
Steven: Yellow, Blue, White, what are y'all doing here?
Yellow Diamond: Well Steven we were all talking and...*sniff*...I'm sorry what is that smell?
Steven: I don't smell anything.
Yellow Diamond: Ugh. That's because you live here.
Blue Diamond: Anyway, we were talking and we decided-
White Diamond: This is taking too long! Steven, we've come to live I'm Earth with you-u-u!
She points her finger at him.
Steven: What?! My house isn't big enough for all of you.
White Diamond: Well I'm sure we can make due
White Diamond looked at all the destruction the injector caused.
White Diamond: .......Has your planet always been this ...*waves arm* destroyed?
Blue Diamond: Not that we're judging.
White Diamond: Goodness no! Because judging anything based on appearance is wrong!
Steven had a look on his face that read, "I'm done with this junk."
Steven: Yeah, I don't know about this.
White Diamond: But, Steven, it's been soooooo boring since you've left! *fakes crying* I guess we'll just waaaait for you to viiisit us wheneeeever youuuuu'rre reeeaaaaaaaaadyyyyyy.
White slowly stomped back to the ship, feigning sadness in order to guilt Steven into giving her attention. The ground shook with each colossal footstep.
Steven: Aw, come on. Don't be like that. I-It's just, I'm right in the middle of saying goodbye to *Ding* do you guys remember Spinel?
White Diamond: I'm sorry who?
Steven: Spinel, you've met the Diamonds before right?
Spinel: Y-yeah but, they've never seen me like this!
She hid her face and reluctantly walked out.
Steven: Blue, Yellow, White, this is Spinel.
Spinel did the diamond salute.
Spinel: My Diamon...*zig zags arms* nnds?
The Diamonds gasped in surprise.
Yellow Diamond: Pink's little playmate?
Blue Diamond: One of Pink's lost treasures.
Steven: Mom left her on a floating rock in space.
Blue Diamond: Oh you poor thing!
Spinel: Hah, it was only 6,000 years. I can do that, standing on my head!
She did her signature handstand.
Yellow Diamond: ...UuAAAHAHAHA! Only 6,000 years! It's true, that's no-o-thing! And that goofy handstand. *wipes tear of joy* ...I like this gem.
Blue Diamond: She's adorable, and so much like Pink.
White Diamond: Spinel, I...*clears throat* Steven, since the Earth is so disgusting, we'll just take Spinel back to Homeworld with us, and you can stay here.
Steven: Really?!
Spinel: Huh?!
[Spinel Pov]
Spinel: This is a very empty room.
The Diamonds brought me here. If my memory is right, this is Pink's room. I took Painite's gem out my "pocket" and looked at it.
Spinel: That you'd reform by now.
I looked around the empty room.
Spinel: I need a table.
A table formed in front if me. I stretched my neck into the hole, the pebbles were inside.
Spinel: Thank you.
Pebbles: You're welcome!
I retracted my neck and gently put Painite's gem on the table.
Spinel: Well, guess I should find something to do while-
Then Painite's gem started to glow.
Spinel: Nevermind.
Light started to come out the gem, and that light slowly built a body. And then Painite came out...and fell face first.
Painite: Ow! Again?!
Painite stood up, and dusted himself off. He had a whole new look. His clothing looked more...formal? Is that the word? His skin was a much lighter gray than before. His hair still covered his eye though.
Painite: I'm really surprised I lived that. I mean, I know I'm tough-this isn't Earth.
Spinel: It's Homeworld.
Painite: BAH!
Painite went to pull out his chain but stop once he saw who I was.
Painite: ...Spinel?
I smiled and nodded.
Painite: ...You look different.
Oh yeah. I let my hair down, lightened my skin a bit and got rid of those dumb tear marks.
Spinel: D-do you like it?
Painite: ...Wow.
Spinel: Wow...what?
Painite: Wow as in you
I giggled a bit.
Painite: You have the cutest lau...did you say this is Homeworld?
Spinel: ...Don't get mad.
Painite: We're on Homeworld?!
Spinel: Pink Diamond's room.
Painite blinked about 20 times.
Painite: ...You know I was banished right?
Spinel: I know but, we had nowhere else to go. And the Diamonds they really wanted me to-
Painite: The Diamonds wanted you? And they gave you she who shall not be named because I don't wanna be put in a bad mood's room?
Spinel: *sigh* Look, I was gonna ask them if you could stay.
Painite: Banish, definition, to send someone away from a country or place as an official punishment. I can't stay here!
Spinel: Maybe the Diamonds won't mind?
Painite: What about the citizens? They weren't exactly my biggest fans.
Spinel: Look, we'll talk to them, together.
Painite: What...what if they kick me out again?
I put his hands in mine.
Spinel: I'll be with you.
I gave him a warm smile.
Painite: ........Curse your adorable smile.
~~~Diamond throne room
Yellow Diamond: What is it Spinel?
Spinel: I came to ask you a favor.
White Diamond: Of course anything for you.
Spinel: Come on in.
Painite walked into the throne room.
Painite: My diamonds.
He covered his mouth his mouth and nervously laughed.
Painite: Just like old times huh?
Spinel: Stop.
Painite: Ok.
Blue Diamond: that the Painite we banished?
Painite: *gulp* Diamond.
White Diamond: What is he doing here?
Spinel: Well, Pinky and I hid him in the garden-
The Diamonds: WHAT?!
Painite: Welp, I'm dead.
White Diamond: Pink went behind our backs and hid you?
Painite: ..........Yes?
The Diamonds looked at each other.
White Diamond: Um...Spinel-
Spinel: My Diamonds please!
I got on my knees.
Spinel: I know Painite's done bad things in the past, but he's changed.
Yellow Diamond: He's attacked innocent civilians.
Spinel: He may still have some mental problems, but he just needs help.
Blue Diamond: He didn't really do his job well.
Spinel: I've seen him work, he's gotten much better, he stopped a building from falling!
White Diamond: Spinel, you do know what he is right?
This made everyone jump.
Spinel: Please I...I love him.
That made the Diamonds gasp.
Spinel: Painite and I, we've always been together. We danced, we kissed, we even fused. In the garden, we always played with each other. I can't just leave him. I love you all, don't get me wrong, but....
I looked at Painite and smiled.
Spinel: I'll pick him any day.
Painite smiled at me.
Painite: I love you.
Spinel: Me too.
The Diamonds sat in silence for a moment, then they whispered to each other. I feel like yelling at the Diamonds was a bad idea. They all nodded at each other, then looked at me.
White Diamond: ....He can stay.
Spinel: Really?
Painite: Oh my stars!
Yellow Diamond: However, if he even causes the smallest of trouble.
Blue Diamond: He will be punished serverly.
Painite: got it.
Spinel: Wait, what if someone provokes him?
White Diamond: He may defend himself, but to prevent such a scenario from happening, we'll give Painite his own ruby guard.
Painite: T-thank you my Diamonds, you won't regret this!
Yellow Diamond: We better not.
Painite and I did the diamond salute and left.
Spinel: Told you I-
Painite cut me off with a kiss.
Painite: Thank you. For everything. Everything you've done for me. From just making me smile, to stopping me from killing that planet. You've done so much for-
I put my finger on his lips.
Spinel: I care about you, just as much as you care about me. We'll look after each other.
Painite: Yeah, forever.
Spinel: Well, now what do we do?
Painite: I don't know about you, but I'm ready for this chapter to end.
Spinel: Eh, I can wait till the next.
Painite smiled and hugged me. I smiled knowing our life will be better now.
[A/n Pov]
Stupid school, delaying my publish. That's the end for the movie story, everything else will be oringal or from your ideas. Also, quick note, I'm changing Tanzanite to only having 2 arms. And I can't remember EVERYTHING from Steven Universe, so if I get anything major wrong let me know. Ok, I gotta go work on my other story that I just neglected. Kay, lataaaaaaa.
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