Rescue Mission

(Find the references)
[Third Person Pov]
Ruby: What's he doing?
Painite laid on the floor snoring.
Spinel: I...don't know.
Painite: No...I don' those.
Spinel: ...What?
Ruby walked up to Painite.
Ruby: My Painite.
Painite still snored.
Ruby: My Painite?
She poked him causing him to squirm a bit. She slapped him across the face.
Ruby: My Painite!
Painite: Wha, huh? I'm up, I'm up.
Spinel: What were you doing?
Painite: Sleeping.
Spinel: Sleeping? What's that?
Painite: It's something from Earth.
Spinel: ...So...about that Painite.
Painite: Yeah, she's my worst nightmare.
Spinel: How so?
Before Painite could talk, both Yellow and Blue Pearl came in.
Yellow Pearl: Greetings Painite.
Blue Pearl: White Diamond wishes to speak to you.
Ruby: This must have to do with our encounter. Grr, I'll get her.
Painite started walking and Spinel and Ruby followed.
Yellow Pearl: Alone.
That made Painite go wide eyed.
Spinel: Uh-oh.
Painite: I'll...I-I'll be fine.
Painite left the room.
Ruby: ...Is he gonna be ok?
Spinel: I hope.

~~~Diamond Throne Room

Painite: My Di-*cough*. My Diamond.
White Diamond: Hello Painite. I've heard about your encounter.
Painite: My Diamond I-
She held her hand up and Painite shut his mouth.
White Diamond: We told you, if you ever caused trouble, you'll be punished serverly.
Painite looked down sadly.
White Diamond: However.
He looked up at her with an raised eyebrow.
White Diamond: You can redeem yourself. There are several Rubies who have gone missing, we believe to know where they are. Do you see where this is going?
Painite: You want me to find them, or rescue them.
White Diamond: Precisely. If you do this, we'll give you another chance.
Painite gave her a look of determination.
Painite: Don't worry, I won't let you down.
White Diamond smiled.
White Diamond: You are dismissed. Be careful sweetie.
Painite nodded and left the room.
Painite: ......Did she call me sweetie?
Inside the room, White Diamond covered her mouth.
White Diamond: .....Did I just call him sweetie?

~~~Pink's Room

Spinel paced back and forth while the area around Ruby for more hot. Painite came in.
Painite: Girls!
They looked at him.
Painite: I can stay!
Spinel: Really?
Painite: ...If.
Ruby: Oh! A catch!
Painite: I have to find the missing Rubies.
Ruby: I've heard about them, Rubies who dissapeard into thin air. Makes me kinda scared.
Painite: If I don't find them I...I don't know actually.
Spinel: Well let's not find out.
Yellow Pearl came in.
Yellow Pearl: Here, take this.
She handed Painite a watch.
Painite: What is it?
Yellow Pearl: It's a communication device, The Diamonds contact information is already on it. It also has many other functions, would you like me to tell you what they are?
Painite: I'll figure it out, thank you.
Yellow Pearl left. Painite put the watch on and an holographic map of Homeworld came up.
Ruby: Woah.
Painite: That red dot must be the location. We should head there now.
They all went out.

~~~Diamond Throne Room

Blue Diamond: How long will we have to hide this?
White Diamond: Long enough.
Yellow Diamond: Do you intend to speak the truth?
White Diamond: I...I can't.
Yellow Diamond: I suggest you do soon. It's better you say it before he finds out on his own.
Blue Diamond: And who knows what might happen if he does.
White Diamond: *sigh* I know.
What they didn't know, is that they were being spied on.
Ruby: Interesting.

~~~A Broken Building

Painite: This is the place.
Spinel: It looks abandoned.
Ruby: My Painite, allow me to enter first.
Before he could protest, she ran inside.
Ruby: Ok the coast is-
The floor opened under her.
Painite: Ruby!
Before he could get to her, the floor closed back. Spinel came in.
Spinel: What was-
The floor opened under her.
She tried to stretch her arm through the hole but it closed before she could.
Painite: Spinel? Spinel!
Painite noticed the trend, and jumped to the side just as the floor underneath him opened.
Painite: HA!
...The floor underneath him opened.
Painite: ...Oh-AAAAAAAAAA-
He hit the ground hard.
Painite: OW!
He rubbed his head.
Painite: Spinel? Ruby?
Once his hearing came too, he heard what sounded like cheering.
???: Punch her in the face!
???: Hit her harder!
A window suddenly opened in front of him. He shielded his eyes from the light.
Painite: ...Holy frag.
There was a fighting ring with two Rubies fighting inside and a bunch of others cheering.
Painite: A Ruby fight club...wait, that's illegal. *gasp* The missing Rubies!
A door to his left opened, and Spinel was tossed in.
Ruby3: Not a Ruby.
Spinel: Why I outta-
The gem closed the door.
Painite: Spinel?
Spinel: Painite!
The two hugged.
Painite: Do you know where Ruby is?
Spinel: I was hoping you would.
Crowd: Shatter! Shatter! Shatter!
Painite and Spinel looked at the ring. One of the Rubies was on the ground with her hand up while the other slowly approached her.
Ruby1: No...please....
The other Ruby summoned her gauntlet.
Ruby1: Please...mercy....
She raised her fist.
Ruby1: PLEASE!
Painite: NO!
The Ruby brought her fist down in the other's gem, shattering her. She yelled in victory. Spinel covered her mouth in shock.
Spinel: Oh...oh my stars.
Painite: They fight to the death.
Spinel: Painite, we have to find your Ruby and stop this.
Painite: You're right.
Painite punched the glass.
Painite: .....AAAHA OW!
He clutched his hand.
Painite: thick glass.
???: Let me go!
The two looked to see a Ruby with her gem in her eye being carried by two other Rubies.
Painite: Oh I hope that isn't-
Ruby: Once my Painite gets here, your all dead, you hear me? DEAD!
Spinel: Oh no.
She was tossed into the ring. Another Ruby entered the ring. This one had her gem on her eye aswell.
Ruby: Hey, what's going on?!
The other Ruby pulled her chisel out.
Ruby2: ...We fight to the death.
Ruby: D-death?
*ding* *ding* *ding*
Ruby2: DEATH!
She lunged at Ruby who dodged her and pulled her chisel out.
Ruby: Why?
Ruby2: So I can live!
She swiped at her and she blocked it with her own.
Painite: Oh man, this is bad! We need to get out!
Spinel started banging in the door.
Spinel: Let us out you clods!
Painite: *gasp* You used my insult.
Spinel: Not the time!
Ruby shoved her back and went to punch her. She nailed her on the cheek causing her to stumble back. She retaliated by tackling her and held her chisel high.
Ruby2: But I'm a survivor.
She brought the chisel down and Ruby moved her head at the last second. She sat up and headbutted her. An Ruby opened the door slightly.
Ruby3: Keep it down!
Painite kicked the door down.
Ruby3: Hey!
Painite: Bye.
She pulled his chain out and used it to cut her in half, poofing her.
Spinel: Come on.
The two made their way around the facility. Ruby got punched in the face.
Ruby2: They said if I win this.
She kicked her side.
Ruby2: I can be free!
She headbutted her and stomped her gut when she fell causing her to lose a bit of consciousness. She then raised her chisel over her gem. She held her down to ensure she couldn't get up.
Ruby2: I'll finally be free!
She brought it down, and the crowd gasped. Ruby jad closed her eyes, but when she felt no pain she slowly opened them. Painite had grabbed the other Ruby's hand.
Spinel: Phew, just in time.
Ruby: My Painite!
Painite: Don't touch my Ruby.
He shoved the other Ruby back.
Ruby2: It''s you.
An Ruby jumped into the ring and charged at Painite. Spinel grabbed her and threw her back into the Crowd.
Spinel: Sorry, he's taken.
Two more jumped in and Painite grabbed there heads and bashed them together.
Painite: Just charge straight at me, good plan.
He tossed them back into the crowd.
Painite: Who runs this place?!
The place fell silent.
???: ...Me.
Everyone turned to the sound. All the Rubies stepped aside for the gem, and she got to the front, Painite could tell it was a Jasper. She had orange skin, black hair, and a red jumpsuit. Her gem on her nose.
Jasper: Well well well. So you've found my little club?
Painite: You're forcing Rubies to fight to the death!
Jasper: So? It's entertainment, nothing wrong with that.
Painite: You're kidnapping them! Do you know how much punishment you'll get? A fight club alone is illegal!
Jasper: ...I don't really care. And since your here now, why don't we have a little battle? You win, I set them all free. I win, you get shattered.
Ruby: My Painite, don't do this. As much as I adore you, you simply don't stand a chance against a Jasper!
Painite: ........You're on.
Jasper: Your friends can join the crowd.
Painite nodded at them and they joined the crowd.
Jasper: You've made a big mistake.
She climbed into the ring and summoned her helmet. Painite pulled out his chain.
Spinel: You got this Crackle!
Painite gave her a thumbs up.
*ding* *ding* *ding*
Painite: ...Wait are there ru-
Jasper punched him in the face causing his head to spin.
Painite: No rules, ok, say no more.
Painite retaliated by putting on his chain gauntlet and punching did nothing.
Painite: Oh-
She headbutted him sending back. Painite got up with a pissed look.
Painite: Ok....
He tightened the grip on his chain.
Painite: Ok.
He wrapped his chain around her.
Painite: Get over here!
He pulled her with is chain knee'd her face. She bounced back like it was nothing.
Jasper: Not bad, but you still don't stand a chance.
Painite: I'm made to break, what about you?
Spinel: Kick her butt Crackle!
Jasper lunged at him.
Painite: Why do people think this'll work?
He sidestepped her and kicked her back. She turned around and chuckled.
Ruby: You're not even hurting her!
Painite: Thank you captain obvious!
She grabbed him and spun him around.
Jasper: Heh, I was expecting a challenge! Guess I overestimated you.
She threw him up high, he hit the ceiling and came crashing down. Pieces of he's body came off.
Spinel: Painite!
She ran to the ringside.
Spinel: Are you ok?
Painite put his body parts back on.
Painite: I'm fine, this is part of my plan.
Jasper pulled him back.
Spinel: THANK YOU!
Jasper put Painite in a bear hug.
Jasper: Tell you what, I'll make you deal.
She tightened her grip.
Jasper: If you join me, I won't shatter you. Sound good?
Painite: How bout no!
He spat in her face causing her to drop him.
Jasper: Why you.
She grabbed him the collar.
Painite: Mistakes were made!
Jasper: I shouldn't have wasted my time with a DEFECT!
She headbutted him sending him flying into a wall with a loud crash. When the dust cleared, there was a massive hole.
Spinel: Painite!
Ruby: No!
Jasper dusted herself off.
Jasper: Now then, which one of you-
Painite: Hehehehe.
Jasper: What in the?
Everyone looked at the hole.
Painite: Hahahahaha.
Spinel: ...Uh...oh....
Painite jumped out the hole and back into the ring.
Painite: Hehehe...........
He looked at Jasper with a creepy smile.
Painite: Hi!
Jasper: What the-
Painite shot his chain out his hand, Jasper barley dodged it and kicked him back. All that did was make him giggle. Painite started to swing his chain wildly, Jasper tried her best to dodge it.
Jasper: Where did this come from?! ...Huh?
Painite was not were he was.
Jasper: Where-
Painite jumped on her back and wrapped his chain around her arm. He made her punch herself.
Painite: Stop hitting yourself. Stop hitting yourself! STOP HITTING YOURSELF! HAHAHA!
He gave her in more punch before she fell to one knee.
Painite: Time for the grand finale!
Painite made his chain into a sharp shape. He used the ropes to propell him forward, spun like a drill, and held his blade forward. Jasper recovered and saw Painite coming straight at him.
Jasper: Oh-
He went right through her, poofing her. Everyone fell silent. Painite slowly walked to Jasper's gem.
Painite: ...Hehe.
He held his foot over it.
He brought his foot down, and everyone gasped. Painite stopped just before he crushed it, and shook some sense into himself.
Painite: ......Gotta learn to control myself. Ruby, bubble her gem.
Ruby: Y-yes my Painite.
Ruby climbed into the ring followed by Spinel. Ruby put Jasper's gem in a red bubble.
Spinel: Are you ok?
Painite: I don't know what came over me. It was like her calling a defect was a trigger word.
Ruby: What now my Painite?
Painite looked at all the Rubies who were staring at him.
Ruby4: What...what are you gonna do with us?
Painite: Isn't it obvious? I'm getting you out of here.
Everyone: Really?
Painite: Yeah! You're free!
It was silent for a moment, then everyone cheered.
Ruby5: We're free!
They all got in the ring and lifted Painite up.
Painite: Woah ok.
They all chanted his name. The Ruby from before walked up to Painite's Ruby.
Ruby2: Hey, sorry for trying to shatter you.
Ruby: Oh...uh...don't worry about it. You're free now right?
She smiled.
Ruby2: Yeah.
Spinel: We aren't bringing them home with us right?
Painite: ...Where are we putting them?

~~~Diamond Throne Room

The Diamonds were chatting amongst themselves. Blue and Yellow Pearl came running in.
Blue Pearl: My Diamonds!
Yellow Pearl: You might want to see this!
Diamonds: Oh?

~~~A White Room Somewhere

Black Pearl: My Painite! You might want to see this!
Painite: Oh?


The Diamonds came out to see a bunch of Rubies chanting Painite. Some going to sapphires and hugging.
Painite: Oh, hello My Diamonds!
White Diamond: saved them!
Painite: I said I wouldn't let you down.
He nodded at Ruby who let Jasper out her bubble. She reformed and growled.
Jasper: When I find that- *sees Diamonds* ...uh....
Painite: She's responsible for all this. She kidnapped Rubies and made them fight to the death.
Blue Diamond: *gasp* That's horrible!
Spinel: Yeah, so many Rubies lost their friends...some by their own hand.
Yellow Diamond glared at Jasper.
Yellow Diamond: You will be dealt with.
That made her gulp.
White Diamond: Painite, you have proven your worth. Not only did you find the Rubies, you stopped their kidnapper.
Painite: Does that mean?
White Diamond: Yes. You may stay. Pearl, bring up the feed.
Yellow Pearl pulled a device out and turned it on.
White Diamond: Attention everyone! The missing Rubies have been found! There rescuer? Why, none other than Painite!
The camera panned down to Painite, and everyone watching cheered. Gems gathered around him and chanted his name.
Spinel: Wow! They really like you!
Painite: Yeah...I remeber it being way worse when I lived here.
Ruby: Like I said, people changed.
Painite waved and smiled. Then he heard more slow clapping. He turned to the source of the sound, Painite was in the front slowly clapping with a raised eyebrow and a pout. Once she saw Painite look at her, she smirked and left.
Spinel: Painite, are you ok?
Painite: ...Yeah...I'm fine.
White Diamond: I am very impressed Painite, we've have been looking for these Rubies for years! I will see it that you get a Pearl.
Painite: My own Pearl!
White Diamond nodded.
Ruby: Wow, only the most highest if status gems get a Pearl! You're very lucky my Painite!
Painite: ...This is going to well for me.
Spinel: Who cares? Live in the moment!
She gave Painite a kiss on the cheek. Painite smiled.
Painite: Yeah, ok.

~~~A White Room Somewhere

Painite: Peridot.
Peridot: Y-yes my Painite?
Painite: My Ruby has given me new information, search the database for any files on...him.
Peridot: Y-yes my Painite.
She got a computer and started to look through the files.
Peridot: ...My Painite...look at this.
Painite looked at the file and smirked.
Peridot: Wha-what do you plan to do with this knowledge?
Painite: Like I said before, I'm going to break him. Once he goes back to being insane he'll be gone for good. *clap* *clap* Ruby!
Ruby came running in.
Ruby: Yes my Painite?
Painite: Good job today, see if you can find more information.
Ruby nodded and ran back out.
Painite: Find more files.
Peridot: Yes my Painite.
She got right back to work as Painite left the room.

~~~Pink's Room

Painite: No!
Spinel: Oh come on!
Painite: No no no!
Ruby: I think it's a good idea.
Painite: I don't!
Spinel: Well I think that-
Painite:  I said no!-Sorry.
Spinel sighed and sat down.
Painite: ...What are you doing?
Spinel: Making you feel it working?
Painite: Psh, no it''s not-NO! Do not let her win! .............Ok you win.
Spinel stood up and smiled.
Spinel: Ok, let's go visit Steven.
Painite: Frag.

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