(I apologise in advance if this chapter feels dull. Also wattpad has been glitching out on me so there might be some problems.)
[Third Person Pov]
Steven: I need to go find Amethyst. Can you watch Garnet?
Bismuth: Yeah, sure. But it looks like she's doing a pretty good job watching herself.
Garnet exploring the environment and touching herself all over.
Steven: Thanks.
He began to run but Spinel grabbed his hand.
Spinel: Don't forget your best friend Spinel!
Painite walked next to her.
Painite: I'll come to I guess.
Steven: Oh...Spinel. You stay here with Painite-
He slowly took his hand away.
Steven: -and I'll be right back.
Spinel stared at her hand.
Painite: *sigh* Fine, guess I'll-
Spinel got angry.
Spinel: NO!
Steven and Painite jumped.
Steven: Ok...we'll...go together?
Spinel: .................
She smiled.
Spinel: Yay!
Painite: (I think I should come just to make sure she doesn't go psycho on him.)
They jumped on Lion's back, Spinel wrapped her arms around Painite's waist. They went through a portal to Beach City Walk Fries.
Steven: Amethyst?
Then they warped to Beach City Funland.
Steven: Amethyst?
They were now on a rollercoaster with Spinel screaming with glee while Painite held his head to keep it from falling off.
Steven: Amethyst?
They then warped inside the Big Donut.
Steven: Amethyst?
They went back into the portal, only for Steven to poke his head out from another portal behind the counter.
Steven: Wait, can I get a couple to go?
They were now in a neighborhood with Steven holding up a donut.
Steven: Amethyst? I have tasty donuts! Come and get 'em!
Spinel offered Painite a donut which he declined.
Steven: Worth a try. Ugh, were can she be?
Painite instinctively pulled his chain out.
Spinel: What was that?
Steven turned to see Onion's house and the garage.
Steven: Amethyst?
They went to the garage and peeked through the curtains.
Spinel: What is this place?
They all went in, Painite held his arm in front of Spinel to keep her behind him.
Steven: It's an art studio. Amethyst used to come here all the time.
Steven looks at a painting of Amethyst, its eyes look back at him.
Steven: Ah!
Spinel hid behind Painite a bit.
Amethyst: Ah!
She shape shifted back to her original self.
Steven: Amethyst! Thank goodness you're ok!
Amethyst: Thank goodness you're ok!
Steven sighed and smiled.
Steven: I'm very not okay, but I've got a plan. I'm gonna get us all back piece by piece. I just have to figure out your pieces. These paintings. Do you remember being painted?
Amethyst: Being painted?
Steven made finger guns.
Steven: Pew pew, you remember that?
Amethyst: Pew pew, you remember that?
Steven: Singing and dancing, that's gotta be a piece.
Steven turned on a light.
Steven: Do you remember singing and dancing with me?
Amethyst raised her eyebrow in confusion.
Steven: In the light of the day. In the dark of the night. When you're raring to go. When you're tired from the fight. When you're losing your mind. Let me give you a thought. I'm gonna be right by your side no matter what. In the dark of the night.
Amethyst: In the dark of the night.
Steven: In the light of the day.
Amethyst: In the light of the day.
Steven: When you rise and shine.
Amethyst: When you rise and shine.
Steven: When you're hitting the hay.
Amethyst: When you're hitting the hay.
Steven: I'll be hanging around.
Amethyst: I'll be hanging around.
Steven: Whether you like it or not.
Amethyst: Whether you like it or not.
Steven: I'm gonna-
Steven+Amethyst: -be right by your side no matter what.
Steven: No matter what.
Amethyst: No matter what.
Steven: No matter what.
Amethyst: No matter what.
Steven: No matter what.
Steven+Amethyst: No matter what. No matter what.
Amethyst: No matter what.
Steven: Oh I'm gonna be.
Amethyst: Oh I'm gonna be.
Steven: Right by you're side.
Amethyst: Right by you're side.
Steven: I'm gonna be-
Steven+Amethyst: -right by your side no matter what.
Amethyst: In the dark of the night. In the light if the day. When you rise and shine. When you're hitting the hay.
Steven: Just remember this song.
Amethyst: How's it go I forgot.
Steven: I'm gonna be-
Steven+Amethyst: -right by your side no matter what.
Steven: Through whoever you've been.
Amethyst: Through whoever you've been.
Steven: Through whoever you'll be.
Amethyst: Through whoever you'll be.
Steven: Through whatever you'll lose.
Amethyst: Through whatever you'll lose.
Steven: You will always have me.
Amethyst: You will always have me.
Steven: At the end of your rope.
Amethyst: At the end of your rope.
Steven: I'll keep you top.
Amethyst: I'll keep you top.
Steven: I'm gonna be-
Steven+Amethyst: -right by your side no matter what. I'm gonna be right by your side. Be right your side. Be right your side no matter what.
Steven and Amethyst smiled at each other. In the background, Spinel was smiling widely. Painite was...kinda bored.
Painite: Is it just me, or does feel like we're just here?
Spinel: What do mean?
Painite: And for a guy whose your, "best friend", he doesn't seem that interested in you.
Spinel: What are you talking about silly?
Painite: ...You seriously don't see it?
Spinel: See what?
Painite opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by a bright light. He and Spinel turned to see Amethyst brought back to her new self.
Steven: Amethyst! It worked! You're back!
Steven and Amethyst gave each other a big hug. Spinel hugged them both happily. She then stretched her arm and pulled Painite into the hug.
Painite: Oh-guess I'm here too now.
Amethyst opened her eyes and saw Spinel and Painite.
Amethyst: ...YOU!
She jumped away amd pulled out her whip.
Amethyst: Wha-w-what are you two doing here?
Spinel: ...?
Painite: Uh....
Steven: So I-let me explain.
Amethyst grabbed Steven with her whip and pulled him back.
Amethyst: Get away from him you MONSTERS! ...Huh?
Painite was still there, but Spinel was nowhere to be seen.
Spinel: Monsters?
Steven and Amethyst turned around to see Spinel behind them. She was looking out into the horizon.
Spinel: ...Where are they? No, I don't see them.
Amethyst: Aah! You two!
She pointed at Spinel and Painite.
Amethyst: You're it!
Spinel: ...Oh!
She flipped Steven and Amethyst.
Spinel: Ready or not, here I come.
She pats Amethyst' head.
Spinel: Boop.
She ran away giggling. She turned to see no one chasing her.
Spinel: Oh! I forgot to say, "you're it"!
She stretched her arm and tapped Amethyst.
Spinel: Ok, tag you're it!
She ran again. Amethyst looked at Painite, he's still standing there with a blank expression.
Amethyst: ...What the heck is this about?
Steven: They don't remember attacking us. They don't even remember that thing.
He points to the injector and gasps.
Amethyst: What the?
The area around the injector has gotten worse. The clouds have gotten denser, and the ground had cracks with a pink substance in them. Spinel appeared behind them.
Spinel: Mm, do you guys not know how to play tag?
Steven: C'mon, we have to go check this out.
Steven ran and Spinel and Amethyst followed, then he stopped when he saw Painite still standing there.
Steven: ...Painite?
No response.
He went up to him and waved his hamd in his face.
Steven: Painite?
Painite: Monster....
Steven: What?
Steven: Painite?
Painite: What?!
Steven jumped and Painite blinked back into reality.
Painite: ...What? What happened?
Steven: Uh, nothing. We're just going to the injector.
Painite: Ok, I'm coming.
Steven nodded, and started running again. Painite began to follow until Spinel stopped him. She had a worried look on her face.
Spinel: Are you ok? You seem upset about something.
Painite: *sigh* I'm fine.
Spinel gave him a hug.
Spinel: Are you sure?
Painite: I'm sure Spinel, don't worry.
Spinel: If you need to talk.
Painite: I'm...ok...I'm fine.
Spinel: Ok, if you say so.
She let go, and they both caught up with Steven and Amethyst in the city.
Nanafua: Steven, what is going on here?
Steven: I'm not sure. But I'll find out. Lets open up the shelters. We might need to evacuate.
The four of them ran to the injector. The plant life in the area were dying, and it was slowly spreading.
Steven: Lapis, Bismuth, Peridot!
Amethyst: What's the damage?
Peridot: Amethyst?!
She waved her hand and looked away.
Peridot: Get away from me. I can't stand to see you all vacant and bereft of personality.
Amethyst: ...Yo I'm back you dip.
Peridot: ...Oh! Well you're just in time for the end of the world!
Painite: That doesn't sound fun.
Peridot: It isn't. This is no ordinary injector. Whatever it's leaking into the ground is toxic.
Bismuth came running over with a bubbled soil sample.
Peridot: Let's get a scan going and see what we're dealing with.
She places the sample in the microwave, and presses the popcorn button. After a moment, some paper printed out.
Peridot: Just as I thought.
She pulled out her tablet.
Peridot: Bio-poison. Pure and uncut. As of this moment, the ampoule has drained 15.4% of its contents, meaning the poison is releasing at a destruction rate of 5 cubic meters per hour, giving us, hmm... 41 hours until the destruction of all organic life on Earth.
Steven: All organic life?
Peridot: Yeah like the plant, the animals, you know...people.
Spinel: Painite, is that bad?
Painite: I don't know, it sounds like it is.
Steven: Oh, no. This is what Spinel meant. "Your human half won't stand a chance against my Injector." She-she brought this thing here to kill me, and now-now it's gonna kill everything else on Earth, too? I've gotta do something!
Steven ran over to the injector, and Painite's danger senses immediately went off. Spinel noticed Painite pulling his chain out and hid behind him.
Bismuth: No Steven!
Peridot: Steven stop!
Steven grabs the injector and attempts to lift it.
Steven: Super Steven strength!
He slowly pulls the injector out, however he was struggling.
Bismuth: Steven!
Amethyst: Careful!
Peridot: What is that clod doing?!
Spinel: Yeah! Lift with your legs!
Painite: Don't encourage him!
Steven begins to struggle with lifting as his gem fades, and he drops the injector back into the ground, causing him to fall back from the impact. Some of the poison splashes onto him and lands on his arm.
Steven: AAH!
Steven looked at his arm to see his jacket torn and bloody cuts.
Steven: Woah!
The ground beneath him cracked open, and he nearly fell in.
Spinel: Painite, save him!
Painite: That's my job!
Painite used his chain to pull Steven to safety.
Peridot: Steven!
Amethyst: Are you ok?
Steven: My organic jacket.
Painite: [Mimicking Steven] "Hey Painite, thank you for saving my life." [Normal] You're welcome Steven, I'm glad your ok-a thank you would be nice you know.
Spinel hugged Painite.
Spinel: Thank you!
Painite: Le sigh.
Steven looked at his gem.
Steven: I can't do anything with my powers like this. Bismuth, Lapis, can't you lift that thing? Peridot, what about your metal powers?
Lapis: You don't think we tried that?
Peridot looked at her tablet for a moment, then showed everyone.
Peridot: Disturbing the injector accelerates the poison's rate of release. Also, it might explode.
Painite: Well ain't this just the best day ever?
Peridot: We have to find a way to move it, without touching it, before it's too late.
Steven: Spinel and Painite! They-they activated it, they must know how to deactivate it. But they don't even remember what it is.
Steven looked at Spinel.
Then he looked at Painite, who just playing around with his chain with a bored look.
Steven: Let alone how to control it.
Bismuth: Then you gotta change them back.
Steven: No way! Spinel is cute and harmless, and Painite is helpful and sane, but if we bring them back they'll kill us all!
Peridot: You're going to die anyway if you don't get them to deactivate that thing.
Amethyst: She's right Steven. You got me back. Whatever you did for me just do it for them.
Steven: That's different. I know you! I don't know anything about them. None of us know anything-
Steven had a realization.
Steven: Pearl! Pearl knew Spinel!
Amethyst: What about Painite?
Steven: Oh right! No one knows him, I remember him getting really mad when we didn't.
Peridot: Maybe Spinel can bring him back.
Steven: *gasp* Right! If we get Spinel back, she can get Painite back!
Amethyst: Sounds like a plan.
Steven: Ok, let's get Pearl to help us!
~~~At Greg's storage unit
Pearl: I'm afraid I can't help. I'm currently in the service of my Um Greg Universe preparing for tonight's concert showcasing a promising ensemble in the "rrrockinrrroll" genre.
Amethyst snickered.
Greg: You're evacuating people to the warehouse?
Greg came out, he was talking on the phone.
Greg: I'll-I'll cancel the rock You're right. Sadie Killer always draws a crowd. You got it, Mayor. I'll drop the cover charge and, heck, 30% off merch.
He hung up the phone.
Steven: Dad.
Greg: Steven! You found Amethyst!
Amethyst spoke in a robotic tone and moved like one.
Amethyst: Who is Amethyst?
Greg: Oh no, she's even worst.
Amethyst: *Laughter* Nah, I'm just goofing.
Greg: Ugh, too soon Amethyst.
They turn to the storage unit to see Spinel looking over Garnet who fell on Painite.
Greg: Garnet, are you ok?
Garnet: Did you want the red cable, or the blue cable?
Greg: It doesn't matter, they're the same!
Painite: [Muffled] Get off me.
Greg turned to see Pearl storing a guitar in her gem.
Greg: Pearl what are you doing? We need those for the show!
Steven: Who cares about the rock show? We have to stop Spinel's and Painite's injector, or everyone on Earth is going to die! To stop it, we need Painite back, and to that, we need Spinel back, and to do that, we need Pearl back, and to do that, we need her missing pieces. Pearl and Mom rebelled together, so she's gotta rebel with you. We've gotta stage some big, dramatic event....something to jog her memory,
Amethyst: Like a rock show!
Steven: Like a rock show!
Greg: Like a rock show?
Steven+Amethyst: Yes!
Painite: [Muffled] Get off!
~~~At the rock show
Nanefua: Right this way citizens. Ticket holder or evacuee?
Inside, people were gathered her chatting.
Painite: There are more people here than I thought.
Spinel: That just makes it more fun.
Painite: Gee, are never not in a good mood huh?
Spinel: Yep! You should try it! Turn that frown upside down!
Painite: If you give me a reason I will.
Garnet: Painite, is something bothering you?
Painite: *sigh* I'm ok.
Garnet: C'mon, this is a music show, try and have a little fun.
Spinel: Yeah! We can, sing along, just have some fun.
Painite: You girls are really insistent on me having fun.
Spinel: Well I just....
She squirmed a bit.
Spinel: Want what's best for you.
Garnet: I'm not sure what's happening with you right now, but you need to loosen up a little.
Painite was stumped on something, why is this girl, who he only met today, care so much about him? She was constantly worried about his well being. And why did he care do much about her? She was the first one he made sure was safe.
Painite: ...*sigh* Alright, alright, you win ladies.
Spinel: Yay!
She him a hug.
Sadie: Who's here for the show?!
Sadie: Who's here because it's the end if the world?!
Sadie: This song's a special request from Steven Universe!
Spinel: Wooooo!
Steven: This is gotta bring Pearl's memories back. It's all about quitting some crummy service job.
Sadie started to sing and everyone cheered.
Painite: (What are these lyrics?)
He looked over at Garnet and Spinel.
Painite: ...What are they doing.
Garnet and Spinel were dancing their hearts out. Spinel noticed Painite looking at them, and motioned for him to join in.
Painite: Uh...I-I don't know how.
Spinel: That's ok. Let me show you!
Spinel pulled Painite next to her.
Spinel: First off, you need to find that rhythm.
Painite: The what now?
Spinel started the clap her hands to the beat.
Spinel: You know, the rhythm.
She then lightly bumped into Painite.
Spinel: C'mon, It's not that hard.
Painite: Look Spinel, I appreciate you trying to cheer me up but I-what is my foot doing?
Painite's foot was tapping to the beat seemingly on it's own.
Spinel: See? I told you it isn't hard!
She started to dance again.
Spinel: Now just let it control 'ya!
Painite just sort of stared at Spinel for a moment, then he tried to copy her. Spinel took noticed to dance, and started dancing for "simply".
Spinel: You can do it! Try your best!
Painite started to smile a bit, doing his best to copy Spinel. After a while, Painite started to do his own thing.
Spinel: See! Isn't this fun?
Painite: I feel like a clod, and probably look like one, but yeah!
Spinel giggled as she danced with Painite.
Spinel: This is fun! Hehehehe-woah!
Spinel tripped over her own feet, and Painite caught her.
Painite: You ok?
Spinel: Yeah, tha-
She looked up into Painite's, their faces were inches apart. They stared at each other, before they slowly started to close the gap between them, but they were interrupted by a bright light. Amethyst had turned into Rose Quartz. She began to sing to Pearl, and Painite let Spinel go.
Spinel: T-thank you.
Painite: Don't mention it...seriously, don't.
The song finished, and everyone started clapping, but Greg.
Pearl: Don't worry, I can clap for you! *CLAPPING INTENSIFIES*
Greg: Ah! What will make you stop serving me?!
Pearl: As long as you exist, I will always serve you!
Amethyst shape shifted back to normal.
Steven+Amethyst: "As long as you exist".
Steven: That's the final piece. Mom disappeared.
Steven rushed over to Greg and whispered in his ear.
Greg: ...Are you sure? Aren't your powers messed up?
Steven: I can at least try.
Greg: Well what about me? I've never-
Steven: Come on dad. Let's duet.
Spinel: So the only way you poof is if your head is destroyed?
Painite: Yeah, it's kind of a sweet ability.
Spinel: Doesn't it hurt when your body breaks?
Painite: I still feel the pain-
Painite winced at the sound of feedback, and turned to the stage to see Greg and Steven. The two nod at each other before beginning to play. As the stage effects flare to life, the two approach each other and stand back-to-back, shredding on their guitars and looking at each other as a brief glow engulfs them, followed by a huge cloud of smoke. The crowd cheers.
Pearl: Greg?!
Spinel: Steven?!
There was a figure in the smoke.
Painite: ...Who the-
???: It's a big, old universe out there. And when you're gettin' crushed under the weight of them stars...
The figure threw his jacket at Garnet, who caught it. The smoke began to clear and the figure was revealed, a fusion, Steg.
Pearl: Wha-where-
Steg: ...Well, sometimes, you need that special someone to remind you that you're so much more.
Steg pointed and winked at Pearl.
Pearl: Wha-?
Steg started to strum his guitar.
Steven and Greg defused, and Steven was struggling to keep it together.
Greg: You did it! ...Steven?!
Steven collapsed on the ground with his ears ringing. He looked at Spinel and Painite, Spinel looked heartbroken. She felt rejected by her "best friend".
Painite: Spinel, what's wrong.
Spinel ran away without saying a word.
Painite: Wait Spinel, come back!
Painite ran after her. Opal came down and defused back into Pearl and Amethyst.
Pearl: Steven, are you ok?!
Steven: D-don't worry about me. It's Spinel and Painite. We need them to remember how to stop the injector, ugh! Pearl, what do you know about Spinel?
Pearl: Spinel? She was Pink Diamond's little playmate. They used to spend ages together in Pink's garden-
Steven: Garden?
Pearl: That's where they used to play.
Steven: Was Painite there too?
Pearl: I don't know, if he was, I've never saw him.
Amethyst: So what's their problem with us?
Pearl: I don't know. I haven't seen Spinel in 6,000 years and I've never seen Painite in my life. Something must have happened to them since then.
Steven: Then that's what I need to find out.
~~~In the streets
Painite: Spinel come back!
Painite had been chasing Spinel since she ran from the show.
Painite: Let's talk!
Spinel: Go away!
Painite pulled out his chain, wrapped it around Spinel, and pulled her back.
Painite: Why are you running?
Spinel: Let me go!
Painite: Not until you tell me what's wrong.
Spinel: ...My best friend.
Painite: ...Steven?
Spinel: When he left me there hurt, I-I felt rejected. I just want my friend.
Painite let Spinel go.
Painite: got me.
Spinel gave Painite a half mad, half sad face.
Spinel: I don't want you!!!
Painite's face dropped.
Painite: ...........What?
Spinel: You are a good friend, but you're not my best friend.
Spinel ran again, but Painite didn't chase her this time.
Painite: She...doesn't want me. But, why would....I don't.
Painite's head started to hurt.
Painite: Gah! What the? Why would she say that? Wha...?
Painite had a moment of realization, everything came back to him. He remembered how nobody wanted him, how everyone made fun of him. He put his hands on his head.
Painite: Why does this hurt so much?!
Painite ran off screaming.
~~~At the beach house
Steven peeked inside the warp room in the house. He saw Spinel on her knees in a warp pad.
Steven: Spinel? What's wrong?
Spinel turned to Steven and he flinched when he saw her face.
Spinel: I just started getting these feelings flooding back to me.
Steven: That's...that's good! I need you to remember. If you don't, something really bad will happen to me and my home. Please, think! Do you remember the garden?
Spinel: ...The garden?
Steven: Is anything coming back to you?
Spinel briefly smiles remembering the past, but it quickly fades and she angrily pounds the warp pad with her fists activating it.
Spinel: NO!
Steven: Spinel, where are we going?
Spinel: where I never left.
~~~Pink Diamond's garden
Spinel and Steven have warped into Pink Diamond's garden, now overgrown and destroyed. Spinel gasped and ran to something. Steven followed her.
Steven: Spinel!
Spinel: This was our garden. A special world built just for Pink and I.
Spinel had a flashback of her and Pink playing hide and seek.
Spinel: On Homeworld, Pink was lonely and sad. But not here, not in the garden. And one day, she brought Painite with her.
Spinel had another flashback of her Painite playing tag.
Spinel: We played so much together, or at least just talked with each other. He taught me how to defend myself if need be, and I taught him how to dance. And we even...even kissed. Everyday we all played with each other, it was so much fun! ...At least, that's what Painite and I thought....
Steven: Did something happen?
Spinel: Pink wanted a colony more than anything.
Spinel had another flashback of Blue and Yellow Diamond giving her the good news.
Spinel: One day, her wish came true! Blue and Yellow gave Pink her very own planet, Earth! I was so excited! A brand new place to play! And Painite might've been able to some with us too!
Steven: ...So why didn't you two go with her?
Spinel looked down at the ground sadly, and had a flashback on how beautiful the garden used to be.
(Pink Diamond): Here in the garden, let's play a game, I'll show how it's done. Here in the garden, stand very still.
Spinel: This will be so much fun. And then she smiled, that's what I'm after. The smile in her eyes, the sound of her laughter. Happy to listen. Happy to stay. Happily watching her drift away. Happily waiting, all on my own, under the endless sky. Counting the seconds, standing alone, as thousands of years go by.
(Painite): You've been waiting, for thousands of nights.
Spinel: It's how this works, maybe I'm not doing it right. Happy to listen. Happy to stay. Happily watching her drift away. He said I'm turning pages for someone who doesn't care, someone who doesn't care about me. Yet still through all those ages that no one was there, no one was there, no one was there, no one was there, no one was there, he stood right beside me. Finally something. Finally news. About how this story ends. She doesn't exist now, survived by her son, and all of her brand new friends....isn't that lovely? Isn't that cool? And isn't that cruel? And aren't we just fools to have, happily listened. Happily stayed. Happily watching her drift. Drift. Driftft. Away.
Spinel turned to Steven with sad look.
Steven: S-Spinel, you''ve got your memories back! I can't believe mom did that to you two.........actually I can totally believe it.
He slowly reached for her.
Steven: You're not the only ones she hurt.
Spinel shoved Steven back causing him to fall in his back.
Spinel: Rraah! Yeah, you must know all about her life without us.
She grew her hand into a giant fist.
Spinel: Rub it in why don't ya?!
Steven tried to summon his shield but he couldn't.
Steven: No! It's not like that! You deserve a better friend.
Spinel shook her fist, and closed her eyes.
Spinel: Grrr.....RAAAAH.
Spinel swung her fist to hit the communication device. She sighed and "deflated".
Steven: Spinel, come back to Earth with me. We can find Painite and you two can help me save the Earth. You two can start over, make new friends.
Steven held his hand out for her, she looked at it, then looked away.
~~~Inside the beach house
Pearl and Amethyst were nervously waiting for Steven while Garnet picks up a spork, touching it curiously.
Amethyst: If he finds her, he'll come here right?
Steven appeared on the stairs.
Steven: Hey guys, guess who's back!
Steven turned to Spinel who was at the top of the stairs.
Steven: Come on down.
Spinel: Won't they all be...not exactly thrilled, to see this?
Steven gave Spinel a warm smile.
Steven: We just have to talk to them.
Spinel smiled back and Steven. He took her hands and helped her down the stairs.
Steven: Ta-da!
Pearl: W-w-w-w-w-what!
Pearl and Amethyst pulled out their weapons.
Garnet: Oh, Spinel! Did you change your hair?
Spinel hid behind Steven a bit.
Steven: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Spinel got her memories back, but she's not gonna hurt us. Everything's chill.
Lion's portal suddenly opened, with Connie riding on his back through, unsheathing her sword and he lands on the ground.
Connie: I'm here! Where's the fight?!
Steven: Don't fight! Everything's chill!
A sound of a toilet flushing is heard from Steven' bathroom. Greg exits, and Amethyst, Pearl, and Connie all automatically point their weapons at him.
Greg: Ah! Alright, alright, I'll wash my hands!
Steven: Whew. Spinel, can I ask you a favor?
Spinel: Are you kidding? Anything.
Steven: Can you turn off your injector?
Spinel: .......I can't so that.
Steven: What why?
Spinel: I can't do it without Painite.
Steven: That's...that's ok, we just have to find him, and bring him back. Do you know what his pieces are?
Spinel: Well, he used to get made fun of at Homeworld a lot. He said how he hated being unwanted by-
Spinel had a realization.
Spinel: I told I didn't want him. When he chased me when I ran I told I didn't want him! Spinel I-I didn't mean it! I-
Steven: Calm down Spinel. That might've been a good thing, it could've brought him back. Any idea where he might be?
Spinel shook her head.
Steven: Ok, then better start looking now.
~~~In the streets
Spinel: Painite?!
The six of them where in the streets looking for Painite.
Steven: Painite?! Where are you?!
Amethyst: Yo, where at?!
Spinel remembered when Painite told him he tried to shatter himself because of all the abuse he got.
Spinel: (What if he tried to after I told him I didn't want him? What he actually managed to..?)
She shuddered at the thought.
Pearl: At this rate we're never gonna-
???: I don't want you.
Steven: What did you say Spinel?
Spinel: ...I didn't say anything.
???: I don't want you.
Spinel: ...That sounds like me.
Steven: Painite! He can copy voices.
Spinel, hearing that the voice could be Painite, immediately ran to it.
Steven: Spinel, wait up!
Spinel ignored Steven, she just kept running. She eventually found him sitting in between buildings rocking back and forth with his back to her.
Spinel: Painite!
Painite started to silently laugh to himself.
Spinel: ...Painite? Are you ok?
Painite held his hand with his gem out, his laughter getting more psychotic. In his other hand was a sharp pipe.
Spinel: W-what are you doing?
Painite laugh went full psycho, and he raised the pipe above his hand.
Painite: No more pain.
Spinel's eyes went wide, she realized what he's trying to do.
Spinel: NO!
Spinel stretched her arm and grabbed Painite's just before he reached his gem, his back still to her.
Spinel: Don't you dare!
Painite: Let go.
Spinel: No!
Painite: Let me go. I thought you didn't want me anyway.
Spinel: You know I didn't mean that.
Painite: Why is it such a big deal anyway? One less Painite in the universe, big woop.
Spinel: You promised....
Painite: What?
Painite turned to Spinel, she. Was looking down at the ground.
Spinel: You promised you wouldn't do this again. Back in the garden, you said you won't do this again.
She looked up at him with teary eyes.
Spinel: You broke your promise.
Painite: I...I....
Painite dropped the pipe, just as the others found Spinel. Steven put his hand up stopping the others.
Painite: I'm sorry, it's just with what you said and these memories, it was just so overwhelming.
Spinel: Painite, we can start over.
Painite: What do mean?
Spinel: We can start a new life here on this planet.
Painite: And how are we gonna do that?
Spinel pulled Painite into a hug.
Spinel: I don't care how, as long as we do it together.
She moved the hair out of his eye, revealing a completely white eye.
Spinel: I don't want to leave you, ever.
Painite smiled at her.
Painite: I'm not going anywhere. You're the only person who cares about me, I'm not leaving you.
Painite started to tear up.
Painite: I love you.
Spinel: I love you too.
The two of them kissed each other.
Steven: Aww.
Painite broke the kiss and looked at Steven.
Painite: ....
Steven: ....
Pearl: ....
Amethyst: ....
Spinel: ....
Connie: ....
Garnet: Hello Painite! Was your skin always that dark?
Painite: ...Gah!
Painite pulled his chain out.
Painite: Spinel get behind me!
Pearl, Amethyst, and Connie got there weapons out.
Steven: Woah, hang on! Everything's chill.
Painite: Likely story.
Spinel put her hand in Painite's shoulder.
Spinel: It's true.
She put Painite's hands in hers.
Spinel: Like I said, we can start over.
Painite looked at Steven, then back to Spinel,
Painite: Are you sure?
She nodded.
Steven: Ok, Painite, can I ask you a favor?
Painite looked at Spinel, sho just smiled at him. He smiled back and looked at Steven.
Painite: If you're good with her, you're good with me. What is it?
~~~At the Injector
A lighting bolt flashes across the sky as Bismuth, Lapis, and Peridot observe the injector. Peridot zooms in on the injector with her tablet, which shows them a dire development, the fluid is now reaching critical mass.
Lapis: That sounds bad.
Bismuth: That looks bad.
Peridot: That is bad! We're hitting critical mass!
Steven: Then I guess we're just in time.
Steven and the others approach.
Peridot: Steven! What's the status on Spinel and Painite?!
Steven: They're back, and they're her to help.
Spinel and Painite approach the injector. Spinel made her hand into a horn and blew while Painite let out a loud scream. The injector removed itself from the Earth, and everyone cheered.
Connie: Okay. Can someone fill me in?
Steven: *sigh* Thanks guys.
Painite: No problem.
Spinel: What are friends for right-
Steven walked away.
Steven: Okay. We've almost cleaned up this mess. Now, all we need are Garnet's memories and my powers, and we can all get back to living happily ever after. What could work for Garnet? Something about fusion... something about love...
Spinel: What about us?
Steven: Huh?
Spinel: Was that all you need us for? To turn off the injector?
Steven: No. Well...sort of, but-
Spinel: Well what now? We-we-we did want you wanted. That's it?
Steven: Well yeah. We can just...forget this while thing ever happened.
Painite's temper took over.
Painit: How you gonna forget with us around huh? We're the source of all your problems. Don't pretend you want us here. What's your plan for us, huh? You gonna put us somewhere? You gonna leave us somewhere? You gonna leave us alone?!
Steven: Spinel, Painite-
Painite shoved Steven knocking him back and causing the rejuvenator to fall out his pocket. Everyone jumped back while Garnet picked it up.
Garnet: Oh what's this?
Steven: Ga-Garnet! Do-don't touch that!
Just as Garnet turned it on, Steven grabbed it. Spinel, seeing the rejuvenator turn on, hid behind Painite.
Spinel: Wh-why do you have that?
Steven: I-I was just carrying it. I-I didn't have anywhere else to put it.
A wise smile spreaded across Painite's face.
Painite: [Mimicking Steven] "We can just forget this ever happened." [Normal] You mean, WE'LL forget this ever happened. HAHAHAHAHA! Wow, amazing plan, ten out of bloody ten! We turn off the injector, and then the moment out backs are turned, Slash! Bam! Presto! Change-o! Problem solved! Well think again. You're not getting rid of us that easy! Not in my watch.
Steven: Painite, please calm down!
Painite turned to Spinel.
Painite: [Mimicking Spinel] "We can start a new life here Painite."
Spinel looked away sadly.
Spinel: I...I thought-
Painite: Well you thought wrong!
Spinel flinched at his yelling.
Spinel: I thought we could....
Painite: You know what we need to do now right?
Spinel weakly nodded, and turned her hand into a horn. Painite flashed Steven a smile.
Steven: Wait!
Spinel blew while Painite screamed, ordering the injector to break the Earth's crust.
Peridot: RUN FOR IT!
The injector smashed into the Earth's crust, splashing it's toxin everywhere and Knocking Everyone back.
Painite: Hehehehe, HEHEHEHE, HAHAHAHAHA!
Spinel felt something she never thought she would feel. She was afraid of Painite.
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