New Beginning, Old Enemy

(I own none of the art except Tanzanite...if you can even call it art.)
[Third Person Pov]
Spinel and Painite were waiting in Pink's room. Painite isn't allowed to leave until his Ruby guard arrives.
Spinel: So whatcha you gonna do when you go out crackle?
Painite: Try and survive the angry mob or........crackle?
Spinel:'s your nickname.
Painite: .......Why?
Spinel: If we're gonna be a cute couple, we gotta have cute couple nicknames.
Painite: ..........But why crackle?
Spinel: Because of your cracks.......I thought that was obvious.
Painite: .................................Ok? Anyway, the gems aren't going to be happy to see me. Even if they forgot my "little" outburst, they might not welcome a male gem.
Spinel: Like I said, I'll be right by your side.
Painite: What if I snap? Crazy just doesn't go away.
Spinel: Don't worry, if anyone tries to get on your bad side, I'll deal with them, or your Ruby guard will.
Painite: Right, where is she?
As if on cue, a Ruby guard came in.

Spinel: Someone's in a bad mood.
Painite: Uh....hi?
Ruby: ..................Hi.
Painite:'re my Ruby guard.
Ruby: Yes. I've heard a lot of stories about you.
Painite: What stories?
Ruby: Stories of how you would have outburst of rage.
Painite: ....Oh.
Ruby: That's why I like you.
Spinel: What?! ...No offense.
Painite: No I'm with you.
Ruby: That's why when news got out that "he" needed a Ruby guard, I was eager to volunteer. You're like me.
Spinel: Really? How so?
Ruby: I have anger problems too. I get made fun of a lot for being smaller than other Rubies. Just makes me want to shatter them!
Painite: ......K yeah I see it.
Ruby: Anyway, now that you have a guard, you're allowed to leave whenever you want.
Spinel: Finally! I've been wanting to go out since...well since we got here!
Painite: Well alright, let's get this over with.

~~~A White Room Somewhere

???: Do I really have to tell her?

Black Pearl: You're clearly her favorite.
???: I know I am.

Ruby: I just wanted to here you say it.
The Black Pearl rolled her eyes. The Ruby walked up to a gem in a chair.
Ruby: Did you hear the news?
The gem in the chair spoke in a British accent.
???: No, inform me.
Ruby: Well, how can I say this? .....He's back.
???: ........Where is he now?


Painite: ......Huh.
Spinel: Not what I expected.
Spinel, Painite and his Ruby guard have been walking around Homeworld for a while, and while they expected the worst, the gems here didn't show that much aggression to him. The worst they got were annoyed looks. In fact, some even greeted them happily.
Ruby: A lot has changed over the years. I used to think you were a monster at first, then I thought about it from your perspective. I guess most of the gems here did to.
Painite: Well, at least I'm not getting chased down or anything. feels nice being wanted, or at least not....not wanted.
Spinel: This is great! We can finally have our happily ever after!
Painite: Don't jinx it.
Spinel: What? Don't you see how good this-
They all heard a British accent from behind.
???: Well well well, the news is true.
They all turned around.
Painite: .....You.
The Ruby and Pearl from before were standing next to a female Painite gem. She had long white hair and pink eyes. She had light grey skin with cracks all over her body with her gem on her chest. She wore a white dress. And to top it all off, she's a perfect cut. For simplicity reasons, her and her posses' names will be in italics.
Painite: Yes, It's me.
Painite: Your still alive.
Painite: As are you, unfortunately.
She looked at Spinel.
Painite: And you are?
Spinel: I'm Spinel, Painite's partner.
Painite: Partner? You really need to raise your standards luv.
Spinel: Well I-
Painite: Shut up, I'm done talking to you.
Spinel: I-
Painite: Your a Spinel dear, you only exist to entertain, nothing more. I'm surprised a Pearl doesn't out rank you.
Spinel looked down ashamed. Painite started walking towards Painite.
Painite: You don't talk to her like that.
Painite's Ruby blocked his path.
Ruby: I would advise you not to come closer, or I will use force.
Painite's Ruby got in front of him.
Ruby: And I advice YOU back off.
Ruby: Aren't you the hot head?
Ruby: You wanna find out?
Ruby: Hmph, the giant always crushes the worm.
Ruby: You calling me small?
Ruby: And dumb.
Ruby pulled her chisel out her eye while the other got in a karate like stance.
Rubies: Permission to engage my Painite?
Painite raised an eyebrow, while Painite gritted his teeth. They both stared at each other, their Rubies awaiting their command.
Spinel: Remember what the Diamonds said.
Painite growled while Painite looked him with curiosity.
Spinel: I don't want you gone.
Painite: .........Denied.
Painite: Stand down.
Their Rubies followed their commands.
Painite: She's very aggressive, it suits you.
Painite: Yours is very annoying, it suits you.
Painite noticed the Pearl.
Painite: You've got a Pearl?
Painite: Jealous?
Painite: What do you want?
Painite: You know exactly what I want, you, gone.
Painite: The feelings mutual. The only holding back is my..."living requirements."
Black Pearl: Perhaps if you weren't such a mo-
Painite: If you value your life you won't finish that sentence.
Black Pearl: Or what? You'll shatter me?
Spinel: Just can it wont'cha?
Spinel got in front of Painite.
Spinel: I see what you're trying to do, I suggest you leave.
Painite: Hahaha. Is that a threat?
She poked Spinel with her finger.
Painite: What are you going to do?
Spinel spoke though gritted teeth.
Spinel: Don't......touch me.
Painite: Oh? Like this-
Spinel punched her right in the face, causing onlookers to gasp.
Black Pearl: My Painite!
Spinel: I said, back off!
Painite rubbed her cheek.
Painite: You pebble!
She pulled out her chain.
Painite: Daw frag.
Painite pulled his out.
Black Pearl: Allow me to teach you some respect clown!
She pulled out her weapon, a white sword, and pointed it at Spinel.
Spinel: Oh hoho! Come on, I dare ya!
She got in a fighting stance.
Ruby: Ugh, barbarians.
She got in a karate style stance.
Ruby: Oh I'm gonna enjoy this.
She pulled her chisel out. Everyone stared at the scene that was unfolding.
Watcher: That escalated quickly.
They all stared at each other, silently daring the other to make a move.
???: My Painite!
They all looked to see a Peridot.

Peridot: Your service is required immediately! A Sapphire is in a dire I interrupting something?
Painite: .......No.
She put her chain away.
Painite: You aren't.
Painite raised an eyebrow and put his chain away. One by one, they all stopped their aggression.
Painite: We'll continue this some other time.
Painite: Go die clod.
Painite: You first pebble.
The two stared at each other until Painite smiled.
Painite: Good day.
She snapped her fingers and they all left.
Painite: 6,000 years and she still hasn't changed.
Ruby: I hate her.
Spinel: Who is she?
Painite: Let's just say she's a huge reason why I'm crazy.
Spinel: You mind telling me more?
Painite: Later, let's go back inside.
The three of them made their way back to Pink's room.

~~~Pink's Room

Painite: I need a chair.
A chair appeared and he sat in it.
Painite: Aaaaaannnnd I'm in a bad mood.
Spinel: ......You know, I bet Tanzanite wouldn't be in a bad mood.
Painite: Wait what?
Ruby: Who's Tanzanite?
Spinel: It's our fusion.
Ruby's eyes lit up.
Ruby: Fusion?! Oh let me see! Let me see!
Painite: You really like fusion huh?
Ruby: I think they're so cool! Please let me see!
Spinel: What do you say Painite?
Painite: Well...I'm a little rusty.
Spinel: We don't need to dance, we just need to be in sync, and I'm pretty sure we already are, come on.
Painite: Oh....alright.
Ruby sequeled.
Spinel: Ready?
Spinel wrapped her arms around Painite.
Painite: No but let's do this anyway.
Painite pulled her in for a kiss. There bodies started to glow.
Ruby: Ooooohoho!
There bodies came together, and out cane Tanzanite.
(I made this in an app, I did my best.)

Tanzanite: Woooooooo yeah baby!
Ruby: *gasp* Oh my stars!
Tanzanite: Oh man, it is great to be back. Oh hey honey, how ya doin?
Ruby: Oooooooooo, I'm doing great!
Tanzanite: Oh that's great darling! Say....
She stretched her neck down to her.
Tanzanite: Ya wanna see something cool?
Ruby nodded rabidly. Tanzanite smiled and retracted her neck.
Tanzanite: Check this out!
Her hair suddenly stretched out, grabbed Ruby, and tossed her up. She caught her as she fell.
Ruby: Woah! Your hair is cool.
Tanzanite: Oh stop, no, keep going.
She put Ruby down.
Ruby: Do something else.
She smiled, and pulled out a chain whip from the gem on her belly.
Ruby: That's Painite's whip.
Tanzanite: *gasp* But wait! There's more.
She started to shape it like it was an animal ball on. When she was done, it looked like Ruby.
Ruby: Woah!
Then she set it down, and it walked on it's own.
Ruby: It's like looking in a mirror.
The chain mimicked her movements. The chain disappeared.
Tanzanite: Now then, I gotta go.
Ruby: What?!
Tanzanite: Sorry honey, mama's getting tired. Oh wait.
She pulled out a camera from nowhere. Tanzanite pulled in Ruby.
Tanzanite: Selfie!
She took a picture.
Tanzanite: You can keep that.
Ruby: Thank you.
She waved, and glew. Painite and Spinel came out.
Spinel: *giggle* That was fun!
Painite: Yeah it was....took a lot out me though.
He fell to a knee.
Spinel: Are you ok?
Painite: Just need to get used to it.
Spinel: Well take a break if you need it.
Painite: Yeah I'll, I'll do that.
He fell down face first.
Painite: Yeah.

~~~A White Room Somewhere

Black Pearl: Those good for nothing pebbles.
Ruby: Yes, they aren't going to be easy to deal with.
Peridot: Um, my Painite?
Painite: Yes?
Peridot: Um.....what is your plan?
She smile to herself.
Painite: Exactly what I did before. Break him.
Peridot: ....But he's made to break.
Painite: What-no like break in a metaphorical sense. Like how he went crazy and.......oh nevermind.

[A/n Pov]
Okay then, now that that's done, you guys get to tell me your ideas for the story. All ideas are welcome....don't take it to far please. And no lemons, I don't make lemons.

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