Flee The Facility
(Can you find the references?)
[??? Pov]
~~~A Dark Building Somewhere
...How long.....how long have I been in here? I don't even know what I did wrong. They just...threw me in here. My cell door opened, I looked up to see a Jasper.
Jasper: ...We're going again.
???: ...We...we just-
Jasper: Get up.
I slowly stood up and made my way to the door. Then I remembered how long I was here. 3,000 years. 3,000, fucking, years.
[Third Person Pov]
Painite, Spinel and Ruby made it to the Diamond throne room.
Painite: My Diamonds...can I have my arm back?
Spinel: Oh, sorry.
She let go of Painite's arm with a happy smile.
White Diamond: Painite, I'm glad your here, First of, we have your Pearl ready!
Yellow Diamond: We made sure she was made with the some of the best minerals!
Blue Diamond: We hope you like her.
Blue Pearl set down a pillow with a purple Pearl gem on it. Then it started rising and a purple clam formed around it.
Clam: Please confirm identity.
Painite: Uh...Painite?
Clam: Uh Painite is not the correct name.
Painite: ...Painite?
Clam: Name recognized. Adjusting settings.
After a few seconds, light came from the gem.
Spinel: This is so exciting!
The light went away and out came a Pearl.
Purple Pearl: Hello my Painite, thank you for bringing me into the world. Welcome to your new Pearl.
Painite: My own Pearl...nice.
White Diamond: I'm glad you like her sweet-er, Painite.
Purple Pearl: I am glad to be at your service.
Painite: I'm glad to see you.
She nervously smiled and blushed.
Painite: (Ah, she's the shy type.)
Blue Diamond: Now then, for the second thing. Press the green button on your watch, the big one.
Painite did just that and a voice video showed.
Blue Diamond: Please, play it.
Painite did that and a distorted voice played.
???: Help, please, they've kept me here. They kept us here! We need someone, ANYONE to save us! They're torturing us, doing experimenting on us! There are so few left. Please! I-
Painite: .....It just cut off?
Yellow Diamond: That was an S.O.S signal, and we managed to find out were it came from. Pearl?
Yellow Pearl pulled up a map of the galaxy on a tablet. She then zoomed in on a planet.
Yellow Pearl: A planet colonized long ago, that is now abandoned. That is where the signal came from.
Blue Diamond: Your mission is to fly to this planet and save any kidnapped. Which is why we gave your Pearl the knowledge of flying a ship.
Purple Pearl: I will happily assist you my Painite.
Painite: Great, let's go.
Then, the doors opened and Painite and her posse walked in.
Painite: My Diamonds, I came as soon as-
Painite and Painite stared at each other.
White Diamond: ...Painite, you all will go on this mission...together.
They both looked at The Diamonds.
Blue Diamond: ...Just this o-
Painite+Painite: NO GOD! NO GOD PLEASE NO! NO!...NO! ....NOOOOOO-
~~~A Ship
Purple and Black Pearl were flying a small ship.
Peridot: So, you have your own Pearl now?
Painite: Yep, and I think she's shy. And apparently The Diamonds customized her just for me.
Ruby: I highly doubt you need that privilege.
Painite: Let alone a Pearl in the first place.
Black Pearl: Is she even well made?
Painite: ( I swear I'm gonna kill A/n in his sleep for making these characters.)
A/n: Try it!
Spinel: So uh, do we have a plan or...?
Painite looked at Spinel with a raised eyebrow.
Painite: Do I look like a guy with a plan?
Spinel: ...Fair enough.
Painite: What about you Pearl?
Painite: Pearl?
Purple Pearl: Y-you have not given me permission to speak freely my Painite.
Painite: ...You need permission?
Ruby: Pearls need permission to do pretty much everything.
Painite: ...Okay. You may speak freely from now on Pearl.
Purple Pearl: Thank you. There is only one entrance, and the building is highly guarded. I believe the best way to do this is with stealth. We take out the guards, take their access items, and rescue the kidnapped.
Spinel: Wow, that's a great idea!
Black Pearl: Well what about the facility? Surely we can't leave that standing?
Peridot: We aren't.
See pulled out explosive and a button.
Peridot: We are going to plant explosives all around the building, once were out, well, you know what happens.
Ruby: Get in, plant explosives, save the kidnapped, get out, blow it up! Sounds easy enough.
Painite: Then the plan is settled, a simple "get in and out".
Black Pearl: We're here.
The Pearls landed the ship. Painite and her posse left the ship first but Painite pulled his team aside.
Painite: Ok, first off, Pearl, you don't need my permission to do anything.
Purple Pearl: Huh? But-but my Painite I only exist to serve you.
Painite: And that's just it, I don't want a slave. I want a partner! Same goes for you Ruby. And second, I'm giving you both names. I feel like your both more unique than the others. Ruby, I'm calling you.....Ash.
Ruby: Ash? I...kinda like it.
Spinel: It sounds badass.
Painite: Pearl, I'll call you...uh...oh! Noname.
(Pronounced No-Nah-May. It means no name.)
Purple Pearl: I...well, if you insist my Painite.
Painite: Good, now, let's catch up to them.
A giant Ruby guard stood at the entrance.
Painite: On three. One, two.
Painite and Painite dashed out and swung their chains at the giant Ruby, poofing her. Their gems got bubbled and sent away. They took there key cards and opened the door. They all went inside and the mood immediately turned gloomy. The only lighting they had were flickering green lights.
Spinel: It's...kinda dark in here.
Peridot seemed the most scared.
Painite: We should split into two teams. You take your team, I'll take mine.
Painite: Any excuse to get away from you.
They all got some explosives, and the two teams went their separate ways.
Peridot: M...my Painite?
Painite: Yes?
Peridot: I was thinking, maybe you could perhaps...be friends with Painite.
They all stopped, and Painite slowly looked at Peridot.
Peridot: I-I mean, you two are one of the most powerful gems in the universe! Maybe even more than the diamonds! And....
Painite slowly approached her.
Peridot: And...and I mean...why do you even hate each other? Surely you two can...put your differences aside and, uh... *mumble*...*mumble*.
Painite backhanded her knocking her down.
Painite: If you ever say something like that again, I will end you pebble!
Peridot stood up.
Peridot: Y-yes my Painite...it was foolish of me. Please...forgive me.
The went back to their mission, Peridot trying her best not to cry.
Back with Painite's team, the four of them were wandering the halls.
Spinel: Painite, I don't like this place.
Painite: Look, everyone just stay behind me.
The four of them went inside of what looked like a control room. It had glass that had an operating table on the other side.
Ash: What is this place?
Noname: I...don't think I want to no.
Spinel saw a big red button,
Spinel: A big red shiny button? I must press it!
Painite: Don't.
Spinel stretched her arm and pressed the button, and a loud noise played. Upon hearing it, Painite yelled and clutched his head.
Noname: My Painite, are you ok?!
Painite didn't respond. He was getting flashes, he didn't know of what, but they kept coming. Spinel pressed the button again and the noise stopped. Painite wobbled a bit.
Painite: What...the fuck...was that?
Noname: Are you ok? It looked like you had a panic attack.
Painite: I don't know, be we should keep-
Ash: Painite look out!
Painite: Huh?
Ash pushed Painite out the way of a bolt which hit and poofed her.
Spinel: What's happen-
Before she could finish, she was stabbed in the back.
Painite: What the frag?!
Before he could do anything, Painite felt something go through the back of his head.
Painite: ...Oh-
~~~Several Minutes Later
Painite finally reformed, and fell face first.
Painite: Ow! Are you serious?! Every time!
He stood up and realized he was in a cell with a barrier.
Painite: Dammit! I have to get out if here!
He tried summoning his chain...it didn't work.
Painite: The fuck?
He looked at his gem, it's lost some of it's color.
Painite: Don't get angry, stay calm.
He looked around the cell, and saw a shadowy figure.
Painite: ...Hey?
No response.
Painite: Hey!
The figure jumped a bit.
Painite: ...Who are you?
???: ........I.......
Painite: Hey, don't worry, I'm not your enemy.
???: ....I'm...I'm Taaffeite. My friends call me Taaf...they did at least.
Painite: Did?
Taaf: They're...all gone.
Painite: Oh...I'm sorry.
Painite: Never heard of a Taaffeite.
Taaf: We're pretty rare.
Painite: So...mind telling what this place is?
Taaf: Isn't it obvious? A research facility.
Painite: ...For?
Taaf: Artificially making male gems.
Painite: ...Artificially?
Taaf: I think that I'm the only organic male gem left.
Painite had to do a double take.
Painite: ...You're a male gem? I thought I was the only one!
Taaf: What? No. Male gems are rare yes, but there are lot.
Painite: ...Come into the light.
Taaf did just that, and when Painite got a good look at him, he could tell he wasn't lying.
Painite: ...Holy shit.
~~~A Massive Garden In The Building
Spinel had just reformed, and she was trying to figure out why she was in a garden full of Spinels playing with each other. She saw a red Spinel stand on a rock.
Red Spinel: Hiya everybody, welcome to another day in Spinelville!
All the Spinels yelled "yay" and went back to playing.
Spinel: ...Uh, hello?
All the Spinels turned to her and gasped.
Spinel1: Wow wee!
All the Spinels ran to and surrounded her.
Spinel: Uh....
Spinel2: Her cut is perfect and she's pink!
Red Spinel stretched her arm and put a flower crown on Spinel's head.
Red Spinel: All hail Pink Spinel!
They all started chanting " All hail Pink Spinel" and lifted her up.
Spinel: ...Guess I'm royalty now.
~~~In The Cell
Painite was pacing back and forth. He tried a lot to get out with no luck. He was starting to get frustrated.
Painite: Why couldn't my life just be simple? I thought you didn't like simple. Well yeah but...I'm talking to myself.
The loud noise from before played and both Painite and Taaf yelled. Painite started to laugh maniacally.
Taaf: Why...are you laughing?
Painite ran to the force field and started to tear it.
Painite: G-g-g-go!
Taaf stared in shock for a moment, then went through the hole Painite made and Painite went through as well. The sound stopped playing. Painite noticed there was a lot of overgrown plant life around.
Painite: Go to the entrance, the guards are taken care of. Wait by the ship. Run as fast as you can.
Taaf: Ok.
Taaf saw a big ol' flower and picked it up. He smiled and put it in his hair.
Taaf: Thanks Painite.
Painite: No problem Taaf.
The two shook hands and Taaf ran off.
Painite: Alright, off to find...I still don't have a nickname for Spinel. Any suggestions readers?
He ran off looking for her. As he turned a corner, he saw another operating room. He stopped for a moment and looked inside.
Painite: What the...?
He saw his reset self, sitting on the operating table.
Reset Painite: This place is kinda creepy.
His voice sounded distorted.
Reset Painite: Jog any memories?
Painite cluchted his gem and got more flashes.
Painite: No...nonono! I'm organic, I'm not artificial...I'm, organic.
He shook it off and went back to searching.
~~~The Garden
All the Spinles stared at...Spinel.
Spinel: (...Do they want me to do something?)
Spinel did her signature handstand and all the Spinels went crazy.
Red Spinel: Amazing! Truly amazing!
All the Spinels tried copying her. Some succeeding, others failing miserably.
Red Spinel: Do something else! Do something else!
Spinel did a little dance with the same result.
Spinel: (Is this how Painite felt when he first met me?)
Painite: Spinel?!
Spinel: Crackle?
She looked around. Painite came running through the crowd of Spinels.
Painite: Spinel, we need to leave-this is a much nicer cell than mine-this place is dangerous!
Spinel hugged Painite.
Spinel: I'm so glad you're ok!
Painite smiled, but it immediately went away.
Painite: ...You know that thing you do were your eyes turn all pink and you get sharp teeth when you're mad?
Spinel: ...Yeah?
Painite: Yeah all the Spinels are doing that.
Spinel: Wait what?
She broke the hug and saw all the Spinels with angry faces.
Spinel: ...Why are you all-
Red Spinel pointed at Painite.
Painite: Now this is just sexist.
Spinel: Woah hey, calm down. He's my boyfriend.
All the Spinels gasped.
The Spinels started to close in on them.
Painite: Aren't Spinels suppose to be happy and loving?
Spinel: Apparently these ones aren't.
Eventually they were back into a wall.
???: Halt!
A figure jumped over all the Spinels and landed in front of Painite and Spinel.
Painite: ...Noname?
Noname had her weapon out, an axe.
Noname: My purpose is to serve and protect my Painite, and that is exactly what I'll do.
Spinel pulled out a rejuvenator from her gem and turned it on.
Painite: Oh so you just have that, ok!
Spinel: Back off!
She swung wildly and all the Spinels backed off in fear.
Spinel: I'm taking my man, and his Pearl, and we're leaving. And if you come close?
She slammed the rejuvenator down.
The Spinels gave them room to leave. The three of them slowly made their way through the crowd, then booked it to the exit. Red Spinel pulled out a walkie talkie.
Red Spinel: This is Hot Pepper...a male has escaped.
Alarms started to go off.
Painite: Oh frag.
As they were running, they ran into Painite and her team.
Painite: We have already evacuated the kidnapped and planted the explosives. All we have do so is leave.
Painite: Have you seen Ash?
Ruby: ...Who?
Noname: His Ruby.
Black Pearl: She's not worth it, we have to leave now!
Painite: You all leave, I'm looking for her.
Noname: Painite, I strongly advice against that!
Painite: Too late, made up my mind.
Painite ran off looking for Ash.
Painite: He better be back in 2 minutes, that's when we'll blow the place.
Painite and her team left.
Noname: We should go after him.
Spinel: No, if we all get trapped, were all getting blown up. Besides, he's fucking Painite, he'll be fine! I hope.
Noname seemed hesitant, but her commands from Painite allowing her to speak freely took over and she agreed. The two ran to the exit. Painite meanwhile, was still looking for Ash.
Painite: Ash?! A-
He stopped in front of a cell, Ash was inside. She was curled up in a ball crying.
(Pause the music)
Painite: ...Ash?
He walked up to her. When he got close, she turned to him and he stopped.
Ash: The...the other Rubies they.... When I said I wanted to save you they....
She lifted her shirt to reveal a massive burn mark.
Painite: Oh my God....
Ash: Why do Rubies hate me? ....I...I wanna shatter myself....
The world slowed down for Painite. This happened before with the Sapphire he tried to save. It's like the world slows down just for him.
Reset Painite: Hehe.
Painite looked at his reset self.
Reset Painite: Remind you of anyone?
Painite looked at Ash, and knelt down next to her.
Painite: Look, I had my fair share of bullying, and yeah, it sucks. But that's not the answer. I know that feeling, that feeling that nobody cares about you.
Ash: How could you know?
Painite: I tried to shatter myself.
Ash looked at him with shock.
Painite: But see, you what made me change my mind? The feeling that things will get better.
Ash: ...Better?
Painite: At the time, I thought it was a dumb feeling. But look! I got a Pearl, a Ruby, recognition from The Diamonds, and even a girlfriend! ...Ok, granted I'm still a little crazy but still.
Ash: ...So I just have to, *sniff*, wait for things to get better?
Painite: Yeah, just hang in there ok?
Ash wiped her tears away and stood up.
Ash: Ok...I'll try.
Painite took her hand and the two started running.
(Resume the music)
They turned the corner and saw several Spinels with Red Spinel.
Red Spinel: FUSION!
Painite: Wait what?
All the Spinels took each others hands and fused into a giant Rainbow Spinel.
Painite: And I thought Ruby fusions where big.
Ash: You can deal with them right?
Painite: My gem is still messed up, I can't do shit!
Giant Spinel slowly walked to the two, before she was stabbed by a katana in the back. All the Spinels poofed except Red Spinel. She looked around to see all the Spinels poofed.
Red Spinel: ...Uh.........bye.
She tried to run but was lifted up by something.
Taaf: Where are you going?
Painite: Taaf!
Ash: Telekinesis, cool!
He got his katana and cut her in half, poofing her. All the gems were bubbled and sent away.
Painite: We need to move, now!
The three began running.
(Stop the song)
Spinel nervously twiddles her fingers while Noname paced back and forth.
Black Pearl: He isn't coming, blow it up.
Spinel: Wait!
Painite and others came out.
Painite: Blow it up!
Spinel: Nevermind.
They all went into the ship, and once they were far enough, Peridot blew the place up.
Spinel: ...There was no one else in there right?
Black Pearl: We got everyone out.
Painite looked around at all the saved gems, and his jaw dropped.
Spinel: What are you...wow.
There were more male gems. A male Pearl, a male Sapphire, a male Peridot, Painite couldn't believe it.
Spinel: I thought you were the only one!
Painite just stared in amazement.
Painite: ...But some are artificial.
Spinel: Huh?
Painite: The Facility, it made artificial male gems....
He looked at his own gem which appeared to be back to normal. He stared at it for a while.
Spinel: ...Are you ok? ...Oh, no.
Spinel took his hand.
Spinel: You are organic, you came out the ground just like me. Don't think for second you're artificial, ok?
Spinel hugged Painite and he hugged her back.
Reset Painite: She cares about you a lot you know?
Painite looked at his reset self leaning against a wall.
Reset Painite: And you depend on her.
Painite just stared him.
All the gems were set free. Taaf gave Painite a fist bump before walking off to...God knows where.
White Diamond: You all did a wonderful job!
Painite: ...Huh? Oh, thanks. Sorry, still coming to terms with the fact I'm not the only male gems in existence.
Blue Diamond: I felt like we were forgetting to tell you something!
Yellow Diamond: Apologies Painite.
Painite: It's fi-
A Ruby bumped into Painite. Painite looked down to see he was a male.
Defect: Sorry! Eyeball, Navy, Army, Leggy, Doc, where are you?!
He zoomed off.
Painite: .......Ok.
Painite: Now then, are we done here?
Yellow Diamond: Well yes but-
Painite and her posse left before she could finish.
White Diamond: Get some rest Painite, you've earned it.
Painite: Oh thank the stars!
~~~Pink's Room
Painite was teaching Spinel, Noname and Ash how to sleep.
Painite: Just keep your eyes closed and think of nothing. It may take you a while to-
They all fell asleep.
Painite: ...Or not.
Painite laid down next to Spinel.
Painite: Time for some well deserved rest.
Painite yawned and went to sleep.
Reset Painite: Sweet dreams. He he he....
[A/n Pov]
Sorry it took so long. Taaffeite/Taaf belongs to ImHeteroForSpinel so go read their stories. And yes my Ruby male reader book is in the same universe. So, two questions.
1. Who do you wanna see Painite fuse with?
2. What do you think a corrupt version of Painite would look like?
In case I do these down the line. Kay, lataaaaaaaaa!
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