Date Night(LEMON)

(You read the title right, I changed my mind about Lemons. The chapter contains swearing, sex with a lot of biting,'s pretty much BDSM, and lewd pictures of Spinel.)

~~~1 Day Later In Pink's Room

[Third Person Pov]
Ruby: That was such an amazing fight Painite!
Spinel: Yeah, you did well.
Painite: Thanks. I still feel rusty though.
Ruby: Oh, I can't wait to see you fight again!
Painite nodded and looked at Spinel.
Painite: Hey Spinel?
Spinel: Hmm?
Painite: We haven't really been hanging out with each other lately, I wanna take you out on a date.
Spinel: Yeah, I feel like we haven't been as close as we were.
Painite: Ok, well then, I was thinking we could just walk around and talk to each other.
Spinel: Nice and simple, I like it.
Painite: Ok, let's go.
The three of them headed out.

~~~Little Homeworld

Peridot: Lapis?
Lapis: For the last time, no.
Peridot: Oh come on, if you don't talk about these things, your emotions will get the better of you, like how angry you got in the fight.
Lapis looked at Peridot, and sighed.
Lapis: You can't tell anyone, ANYONE!
Peridot: You can trust me.
Lapis: Ok...get comfortable.

~~~Outside On Actual Homeworld

Painite and Spinel were walking around, Ruby followed at a distance as to not feel like a third wheel.
Painite: Hey Spinel?
Spinel: Hmm?
Painite: Did you ever think we would be like this? Like, when you first saw me, did you really think we would wind up together?
Spinel: No, not really *giggles*. You know, I've always wondered, why did you fall in love with me?
Painite raised his eyebrow in thought.
Painite: There's a lot really. You're cute, fun to be around, and you help me a lot.
Spinel: Daww.
Painite: But the main reasons why I fell in love with you is beacuse of our talk.
Spinel: ...You mean when you told me that-
Painite: Yeah....
*Awkward Silence*
Painite: When I told you about my past, you actually listened. I felt for the first time, someone genuinely cared about me. And when you kept playing with me...I slowly started to get feelings for you. The thought that someone staying with me forever, someone who actually gave a damn? I would want to be with her forever.
He smiled warmly at here.
Painite: And even when I was at my worst, you stayed with me, always.
Spinel smiled as did Ruby.
Painite: Ok, how about I you? I mean, I'm the most likeable guy.
Spinel thought for a moment.
Spinel: I'll be honest, when I first saw you, I was kinda scared of you.
Painite: Understandable.
Spinel: And after our...fight, I still kinda am.
Painite: I don't blame you, not exactly the most rational thinker.
Spinel: ...But the thing that scared me most....
She stopped walking as did Painite and Ruby.
Spinel: Was the thought of you shattering yourself.
Painite heard Ruby gasp.
Spinel: I don't know what it is about it, but the thought of a gem, thinking their life isn't worth it anymore, and just...just....
She started to tear up.
Spinel: I thought were feeling better, and I stopped worrying. I thought you didn't really have those thoughts anymore.
She turned to face him.
Spinel: Do you remember when that pillar fell on us?
Painite: hurt.
Spinel looked down.
Spinel: You knew it was gonna fall....
Painite: ...What?
Spinel looked up at him, tears flowing.
Spinel: Painites can sense danger, you knew that pillar was gonna fall! And you didn't do anything about it! ...You tried to shatter yourself then...didn't you?
Painite looked down, and slowly nodded.
Spinel: And you wanted to take me with you, because you were too scared to die alone.
It was slient for a long time, than Spinel took his hands.
Spinel: When I look at you Painite, do you know what I see?
Painite: W-what do you see?
Spinel: I see a person, who's lost, who's scared, who's soul has been broken, and put back together only to ne broken again. Someone who the universe made sure his life was horrible, and he doesn't even know why. And you know what I say to that?
She turned to the sky and pointed to it.
She sounded way more emotional than usual.
Spinel: I don't know what Painite did, but he doesn't deserve this!
She tightly clenched her fist.
Spinel: He's one of the most kindest, selfless, most handsome gem I've ever met!
Painite just started at her in amazement.
Spinel: He's a little unstable sure, but I know he wants to do better, you just don't give him the chance!
Ruby: Who is she talking to?
Painite: Shh.
Spinel: And if you want to treat him like garbage then fine! But I refuse to stand by and let you treat him like this, I'll stand by his side, ALWAYS!!!
She loosened up a bit.
Spinel: ...Always......
Painite lifted her chin so she can look at her. Painite gave her a long kiss.
Painite: I love you Spinel.
Spinel: I love you too.
The two hugged and smiled. After a while, the two stopped hugging.
Spinel: [Flirty] Let's go back to the room.
She lightly pulled Painite's arm and led him back to the room.
Painite: (Is this going where I think it's going?)

~~~Pink's Room


Spinel: Can you guard the door Ruby? Make sure nobody comes in.
Ruby: Ok!
She walked out the door and closed it. Spinel looked at Painite, giving him the bedroom eyes.
Painite: ...Ok why are you looking at me like that, you're starting to freak me out.
Spinel: ..........I need a bed.
A bed appeared in the room.
Painite: ..................Oh...Spinel-
Spinel: I want to have sex.
Painite: *cough* *choking* I'm sorry what?!
Spinel: Oh, you're so cute when you're nervous.
Painite: Look, Spinel, I appreciate the gesture, but this is going kinda fast. And, uh, you might not like my style-
Spinel: You know that all gems can shapeshift right?
Painite: ...Yeah? What does that have to do with-
Spinel: It means I can be your style. You seem like the type who likes...
Her body started glowing, her voice sounding more innocent.
Spinel: A good girl.
(Well I had a images but apparently they're "unsafe" and I had to remove it. Even though my story has a mature rating and they've been for on for a whole 5 days. *sigh* I'll just link them.)

Painite: Uuuuuuhhhhhh....( She's, uh, bigger than before.)
Spinel: *giggles* Did you just shapeshift or are you just happy to see me?
Painite looked down.
Painite: ...Oh right, male anatomy.
Spinel wrapped her arms around Painite's neck and squished her breast against him.
Spinel: Come on Crackle.
She took his hands and put them on her ass.
Spinel: You want me.
Painite: 😓....
Spinel: ...*sigh* Look, if don't want to-
Painite squeezed her ass and planted a deep kiss on her. Spinel kissed him back, letting him guide her to the bed. Painite pushed her on the bed, took of her leg warmers and head band, and went right back to kissing her. Painite stopped and took off his top. He then pulled on Spinel's yellow shirt. Spinel held her arms up so that Painite can pull it off. After that, Painite grabbed her wrist and pinned her down. Spinel bit her bottom lip while Painite smiled.
Spinel+Painite: (Oh I'm gonna enjoy this.)
Painite kissed her again, Spinel just closed her eyes and let him do his thing. He kissed her cheek and started to kiss her neck causing Spinel to let out submissive moans. He started to nibble on her neck making Spinel moan louder. Spinel felt Painite stop and opened her eyes. Painite was above her with a much more menacing smile.
Spinel: (He's gonna have his way with me and he knows it...I don't mind.)
He licked her face making her close her eyes again. Painite kissed her forehead, then her nose, then her cheek, then her lips, then her neck, then her gem, before finally he started kissing her breast, still pinning her down. Spinel moaned again, she was enjoying this, and then.
Spinel: OW! HEY!
Painite bit Spinel's breast, leaving a bite mark on it.
Spinel opened her eyes and looked at Painite with and annoyed face.
Spinel: That hurt!
Painite: ...Good.
Spinel looked at Painite worryingly, before he gave her other breast a few kisses before biting it. This time, he started chewing on it. He even started to tug on it. Spinel gritted her teeth and moaned in pain.
Spinel: Painite...that-that hurts!
Painite didn't listen, Spinel knew he was gonna be rough, but not this rough, it's like the crazy side of him took over. After a while, Spinel's moans of pain turned to moans of pleasure.
Spinel: It's..starting to feel good.
Painite: I knew you'd like it.
Painite gave her a huge bite making her moan loudly. He stopped and grabbed the headband with a smile. Spinel knew exactly what he was going to do.
Spinel: (This is rapidly turning into a BDSM session.)
Painite grabbed Spinel by her chin, squishing Spinel's face.
Painite: Ready?
Spinel: Y-yes...sir.
Painite blindfolded Spinel with the headband.
Spinel: (Didn't think I'd be into this.)
He tugged at her sports bra and Spinel raised her arms so he can pull it off. He pinned her down again and started to bite and tug her nipple and playing with the other making her moan again. He started biting her all over, leaving multiple bite marks on her body. Spinel didn't know why she was enjoying this, she was feeling pain, but a good pain if that makes sense.
Spinel: (He's biting so hard, but it feels so good.)
Spinel felt Painite stop and heard him take off his bottom. She then felt something between her breast.
Spinel: that-
Painite: Wanna see it?
Spinel: Yes sir...please.
Painite lifted her blindfold, letting Spinel see his "rock".
Spinel: Wow-wee! That thing sure is big!
Painite: That's what she said *pft*, that's a callback readers.
He put the blindfold back on her and started moving. Painite stopped pinning down Spinel and started to fondle her breast. Spinel grabbed his wrist and bit her bottom lip.
Painite: You have really soft breast Spinel.
Spinel: Th-thank you sir.
Painite let go and stopped moving. Spinel let go of his wrist put her arms above her head. She heard Painite tapping his finger as if he's waiting.
Spinel: (Does...does he want me to do-)
Painite: You gonna rub it or not?
Spinel: O-oh, sorry sir.
Spinel put her hands on her breast and used them to rub Painite's "rock".
Spinel: Does-does it feel good sir?
Painite: You have no idea.
Spinel started to go faster, squishing her breast tighter. Painite sighed in pleasure, and Spinel was wetter than ever.
Painite: Stop.
Spinel: Yes sir.
She stopped and felt Painite move.
Painite: Say, "ah".
Spinel: ...Aaaaah-mmph?!
Painite shoved his "rock" into Spinel's mouth. He started to slowly thrust and Spinel started sucking.
Painite: Your lips are amazing Spinel.
Spinel: Mm, mamf moo mir.( Thank you sir.)
Spinel did appreciate that he was going slower, but she expected him to get rough again...which he did by grabbing Spinel's pigtails and going faster. Spinel moaned loudly.
Painite: Are you enjoying this as much as I am?
Spinel: *nods* Mm-hmm.
Painite went a little faster and deeper. Spinel moaning louder with every thrust.
Painite: Hang on.

Painite pulled his "rock" out with a *pop* sound. He then turned around and shoved it all the way in her throat. They were in a 69 position with Painite on top.
Painite: Raise your legs.

pinel raised her legs and Painite pulled off her pink booty shorts leaving her in just her black shorts. He shoved her finger into Spinel's cilt through her shorts making her moan. Her legs reflexively closed.
Painite: Keep your legs open!
Spinel spread her legs wide and Painite rubbed it. Spinel's legs kept twitching as she had to forcefully keep them open.
Painite: There you go.
Painite started to rub slightly faster. Spinel started to suckle on his "rock".
Spinel: (This feels so good.)
Painite: Legs up.
Spinel raised her legs and Painite pulled off her shorts. They were both now completely naked.
Painite: You want me to go?
Spinel: Mes mees.(Yes please.)
Painite: Hope your ready.
Painite just went to town on her, thrusting his "rock" aggressively down her throat while shoving his tounge into her cilt. Painite giggled his evil giggle and went faster.
Spinel: Mm-mph?!
Spinel clinched her fist.
Spinel: (He must be close.)
She was right, because after a few more thrust, Painite let his load right into Spinel's mouth. He pulled out her mouth and rolled over. Spinel swallowed the load he dumped.
Spinel: That was...ama-huh?!
Spinel was suddenly rolled onto her stomach and her ass was lifted up.
Spinel: (Is he still hard?!)
Spinel gripped the bed, bit her bottom lip, and waited...and waited...and waited. It was uncomfortably quiet.
Spinel: ...Painite?
No response.
Spinel: ...Are...are you still there?
No response.
Spinel: ...Are you gonna make me beg for it?
Painite: I mean I thought about it.
Painite shoved his "rock" into her cilt making Spinel yell loudly.

~~~Outside The Room

Ruby: What was that? ...Dah, it's probably nothing.
She went back to patrolling.

~~~Back To The Action

Painite was just going to town on Spinel. She moaned and yelped loudly with every thrust. Painite gave her ass a smack.
Spinel: that...again.
He did just that.
Spinel: Harder!
Painite gave her one more harder.
Spinel: Ah...yes...ah...ahaha....
Painite sped up.
Painite: Who's a good girl?
Spinel: I'm...I'm a good girl....
Painite: Who's a good girl?
Spinel: I'm a good girl!
Painite: Who's a good girl?!
Painite went full speed.
Spinel: I'M! A! GOOD! GIRL!!!!!!
They both orgasmed at the same time. Painite rolled over as Spinel laid flat and shapeshifted back to normal.

(LEMON OVER!!!!!!)

Painite: That was...intense.
He looked at Spinel and saw the bite marks and her quivering body, still blindfolded.
Painite: Holy-are you ok?!
He took the blindfold, her eyes had hearts in them.
Spinel: I'm............fine......
Painite: Oh man I'm so sorry I just went autopilot.
Spinel: That's.......ok......I....enjoyed it.....
Painite: ...Really?
Spinel got some sense back.
Spinel: Yeah, I knew you gonna be rough but, biting and blindfolding?
Painite: Yeah...didn't think you'd like that. And you know you didn't need to shapeshift.
Spinel: Yeah, just thought you'd like me better if I had a..."body"
Painite: Spinel, you are perfect just the way you are.
Spinel: Aww, thank you. Now then.
Spinel wrapped her arms around Painite multiple times.
Painite: What the?! Spinel?!
Spinel shapeshifted again, her voice sounding more seductive.
(Lewd picture)

Spinel: My bad girl side needs some love, so what so you say?
She held up the blindfold.
Spinel: Ready for round two?
Painite: ...Yes ma'am.

~~~279 Rounds Later, Outside

Ruby was patrolling outside.
Ruby: Hup hup hup hup hup, hm?
Blue and Yellow Pearl arrived.
Ruby: Halt! No one is allowed in, please leave!
Yellow Pearl: We just came to inform Painite-
Painite and Spinel came out, FULLY CLOTHED! Spinel was clinging on to Painite's arm with a happy face while Painite had a nonchalant expression.
Painite: Oh hey Pearls. *holds up watch* I got the Diamonds' message, I'm going there now. Come on Ruby.
Ruby: Yes Painite.
Spinel: Bye🎶😊.
The three of them left.
Blue Pearl: .........They fucked.
Yellow Pearl: Yep.

[A/n Pov]
Yeah, I was kinda nervous to publish this. I tried to make a lemon that fits Painite's crazy personality. I know that kinda thing isn't for most people. Sorry if you didn't like this. But if you liked the, ahem, use of pictures, I'll do that more often. The next chapter will involve someone made by ImHeteroForSpinel so look forward to that. And if it feels like I'm taking forever to publish a chapter for this book or my Ruby harem book, it's because I'm working on my A Hat, Bow, And Hood in Time book that I just abandoned like Pink Abandoned Spinel and Painite.
Pink Diamond: ONE TIME!
It's not actually.
Pink Diamond: Wait what?
Kay, lataaaaaaaaaa!

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