[Third Person Pov]
Steven stared at Painite with complete disbelief.
Steven: (I thought he'd would want to kill me)
Spinel went over to Painite.
Spinel: Hi!
Painite: you my need help with something?
Spinel: No, I just wanted to know if you wanted to play with me and my best friend.
Painite: ...I-I guess?
Spinel: Yay!
Spinel saw the others.
Spinel: Oh look, more gems!
Painite: [Sarcastic] Did you also notice that the floor here is made out floor?
Spinel: I'm gonna go ask them to play.
Steven: Wait, you two seriously don't remember?
Painite and Spinel looked at each other, then back to Steven.
Painite+Spinel: Remember what?
~~~At the Injector
Everyone stared at the drill.
Spinel: Wow-wee! That thing sure is big!
Painite: That's what she said *pft*.
Spinel: You wanna climb it or something?
Painite: I can fall from that height and be fine, what about you?
Steven: Wait wait, are you serious right now? What about all that stuff you said about my human half not standing a chance against your injector?
Spinel scratched her head.
Spinel: I say what now?
Steven: ...You...gah!
He turned to Painite.
Steven: What about you? You were the crazy one, calling me weak and speaking with that creepy voice.
Painite put his finger on his chin.
Painite: Hmmmmmmmmmm. *inhale* I have absolutely no idea what your talking about.
Steven stared at them in disbelief.
Steven: ...You two really don't remember huh?
Lion came next to Steven.
Steven: What about you Lion, cam you make sense of this?
Lion: *soft roar*
Steven: Ugh, you're no help either!
Steven took out Spinel's scythe.
Steven: At least I can store this thing in your mane.
Steven tried to put the scythe in Lion's mane but it just fell.
Steven: What?! I can't store things in Lion's mane now?! That's like the easiest thing I do!
Painite: That's just sad.
Steven picked up the scythe and looked at the injector.
Steven: What do I do? I have to friends to help me expect...
He looked at Little Homeworld.
Steven: Bismuth, Lapis and Peridot! Come on guys!
He pocketed the scythe.
Steven: Let's go figure out how to fix this!
Steven ran as Spinel followed behind giggling.
Painite: You do realize that no one is following you two right?
Steven: Wait what?
Steven turned around to see that Painite was telling the truth, no one was following them.
Steven: G-guys?
Pearl: My Um Greg, allow me.
Pearl pulled an umbrella out her gem and held it over Greg. Amethyst shape shifted into Greg, causing Pearl to try and decided who to hold the umbrella for, constantly holding the umbrella over both.
Steven: Ruby? Sapphire?
Ruby: She's not going anywhere with you!
Sapphire: I do see us following him to the countryside.
Ruby: Oh...never mind! We're going!
Painite: Guess I'll come to advance the plot.
Painite, Ruby, and Sapphire went to Steven's side, leaving just Pearl, Greg and Amethyst, who has shape shifted into Pearl copying her.
Greg: Wait! Don't leave me with these two!
Steven: Just keep an eye on them. I'll be back.
The five of them set off to Little Homeworld.
~~~At Little Homeworld
Peridot looked through a telescope.
Peridot: She in rode on that?
Steven: Yeah, she said my human half wouldn't stand a chance against her injector.
Bismuth splits off from the group to think, accidentally overstepping her boundaries and coming a little too close to Sapphire, enough to trigger a growling Ruby.
Lapis: What does the mean?
Peridot: Why don't we just ask her?
Steven: Well here's the thing-
Steven felt a poke on his shoulder, and then his other.
Steven: Hmm? What? Where she-
Spinel came from behind Steven and wrapped her arms around him.
Spinel: Surprise! *giggling*
Steven: *sigh* Here she is, my new best friend Spinel.
Spinel bows dramatically and spoke in a faux-posh accent.
Spinel: A pleasure to meet you all.
Bismuth: I thought you said she was trying to kill you.
Lapis: Wow, quick turn around.
Peridot: No kidding. It me months to stop trying to kill Steven.
Bismuth: I say it took me a day, day and a half?
Lapis: I'm still on the fence.
They all share a laugh.
*crack* *crack*
Peridot: What was that?
They all turned to see Painite. He walked close to Sapphire causing Ruby to growl at him. Painite let out a deeper growl, causing Ruby to jump a bit.
Ruby: Eep!
Painite: Hehe, clod.
Bismuth: Who's this?
Steven: Oh yeah, he was with Spinel, and was...less than stable.
Lapis: Wait, he?
Steven: Uhh...yeah?
Peridot: A male gem?
Bismuth: There hasn't been a male gem sense...he might be the first.
Steven: I think his name is Painite.
Peridot: He's a male, and the rarest gem?! Wow.
Lapis: You said he was with her?
Steven: Yeah, he was helping her and kissing her. He held us in place with a chain while she hit us with that scythe. And he spoke with a weird creepy voice.
Peridot: Ah yes! A Painite is capable of changing their voice, whether it be to a different tone, or to sound like someone.
Steven: Really? That explains that I guess.
Painite: (Get on with the plot already.)
Peridot: Alright, let's she that thing she hit you with.
Steven: Uhh, right.
Steven took out the scythe and handed it to Peridot, who inspected in least safe ways possible.
Peridot: Woah. Was there, like, a laser or-
Bismuth snatches the weapon away.
Bismuth: Be careful with that! It's a rejuvenator.
She reluctantly turned it on.
Bismuth: Homeworld used these on gems who stepped out of line. One hit with this...
Bismuth turned it off and looked at Ruby and Sapphire sadly.
Bismuth: Your back to how they made you.
Ruby took a defensive stance in front of Sapphire.
Ruby: What are you looking at?
Peridot: Oh my stars I touched it! I could've lost all my character development!
Painite: (Did she break the fourth wall or is that how she talks?)
Peridot: Wait, how did you survive getting hit by that thing Steven?
Steven got a look of realization on his face.
Steven: I-I think I didn't. My human half kept me from poofing, but...but my Gem took the hit. She sent me back. It's like I'm a kid again. I can barely control my powers. How do we reverse this? Oh no. Do I need to get the Diamonds?
Bismuth handed the rejuvenator back to Steven.
Lapis: You're the one with healing powers. if anyone can fix this, it's you.
Steven: I can't believe this. For the first time in years, everyone's in danger. Everybody needs me, and I'm useless. Bismuth, what do we do?
Bismuth: In sorry Steven. *sigh* I don't know....
Steven looked at Sapphire and Ruby, and started to tear up.
Steven: Garnet would know what to do...Garnet always knows what to do.
Spinel wrapped her arm around Steven.
Spinel: Hey! Don't be sad. You're new best friend. You're new best friend! Your new best friend!!
Spinel wrapped her body around Steven multiple times.
Spinel cartwheeled around Steven multiple times, ending it off with her signature handstand.
Painite: ...*pft* Hahahahaha! That's, heh, that's adorable.
Steven just stared at Ruby and Sapphire.
Spinel: Here we are in the future! Here we are in the future and it's wrooooonng!
Steven: Woah Spinel, it's were-
Painite came in doing an electric guitar slide.
Painite: We are in the future baby!-I'm sorry I was not in that song at all, I-I just want to be included.
Steven: ...*sigh*.
Ruby was patrolling in front of Sapphire while the others were thinking.
Steven: So, when Ruby and Sapphire first became Garnet, Ruby rushed in to save Sapphire from danger, and bam, they fused. So, maybe we've gotta create some sort of dangerous situation.
Lapis: Well, what do we have that's dangerous lying around?
Peridot: I think we can dig something up! Peridot chuckled and ran to a dumpster. Steven turned to Painite, and noticed that his chain slowly came out his gem, and he got a tight grip on it. Steven got nervous.
Peridot: Don't worry, Painites have a sense for danger, he's just preparing.
Steven: ...For what?
Peridot started to throw items out the dumpster.
Peridot: Danger, danger, danger. What have we got? Hmm. No. *gasp* Aha!
Peridot pulled out a massive circular saw.
Steven: A pizza cutter?
Peridot: That is one of it's functions, yes.
While they were talking, Spinel went over to Painite.
Spinel: Hi again!
Painite: Hey.
Painite wasn't really paying attention to Spinel, he was keeping a close eye on Steven.
Spinel: Do you remember when you laughed at my handstand?
Painite: Mhm-hm.
Spinel: Did you really like it.
Painite: [Sarcastic] No I was faking so you don't feel bad.
Spinel frowned.
Spinel: ...Oh.
Painite: Woah hey I joking!
Spinel smiled again.
Spinel: ...Oh!
She have Painite a big hug.
Spinel: Thank you so much!
Painite: Ok, calm down before-
Spinel hugged Painite so tight that his body split in half.
Painite: ...That happens.
Spinel: Oop!
Spinel let go of Painite's body, and he put himself back together.
Spinel: Woah! Cool trick.
Painite: Thanks I guess.
Painite saw Peridot push a button on the blade causing it to spin at high speeds. He grabbed Spinel's hand and moved her behind him.
Painite: Stay behind me.
Spinel: Ok!
Steven walked over to Ruby and Sapphire.
Spinel: Good luck!
When Steven got close, Ruby stopped him.
Ruby: Halt! I cannot allow you to approach my Sapphire with such a threatening device.
Steven: That's to bad, cause I'm gonna get you!
Bismuth: Will this work?
Spinel giggled, and Painite tightened the grip on his chain.
Ruby: Permission to dispatch the curly-haired one, my sapphire?
Sapphire: No need, I predict he won't be able to go through with it.
Steven: She's right. Ugh, I can't.
Steven turned the saw off and put it on the ground.
Steven: Even of we are just pretending.
He walked away.
Ruby: My Sapphire, you were right! What do you predict will happen next?
Sapphire: Well, the Spinel will pick up the device out of curiosity.
Spinel went to the device and picked it up out of curiosity.
Spinel: Hmmm.
Sapphire: Hijinks will ensue.
Bismuth: Wonder if we should try-
Steven: Spinel! No no no, don't touch that!
Spinel pressed the on button, causing the blade to turn on. Spinel started shaking, she held the device down to try and stabilize it, instead, it drag her with it.
Spinel: Aaaahh, woah woah, ahhhhh!
She crashed into something.
Bismuth: Hey, we just built that!
She crashed into some more things. She then stared to go through the crowd, she almost hit Sapphire, who Ruby protected with her body, but she swerved past.
Peridot: Woah, here she comes!
Bismuth grabbed Peridot while Lapis and Steven dodged out the way.
Steven: Spinel! Let go!
Spinel: O-o-o-ok!
Spinel let go and tumbled on the ground for a while, the saw came back at her.
Spinel: HELP!
Sapphire: Just before the Spinel is cut in half, the Painite will pull her to safety, resulting in them being in an awkward position.
Spinel: AAAAHHHHH!!!!
Painite wrapped his chain around Spinel and pulled her, causing her to fall on him.
Spinel: Ugh, wha?
Spinel looked down to see that she was on Painite. They both looked at each other and blushed. Spinel got off quickly.
Spinel: S-sorry!
Painite: It's no-woah!
Painite yanked Spinel's arm pulling her out the way of the saw. Spinel had her face buried into Painite's chest.
Painite: ...
Spinel: ...
He let go of Spinel, and they both nervously laughed. The saw went through planks and scaffolding.
Bismuth: My scaffolding! MY PRECIOUS SCAFFOLDING!
Ruby: Wow! What happens next?
Sapphire: In just a moment, the scaffolding will start falling all around you.
Ruby: What?
The scaffolding started to fall in Ruby, she dogded all of it.
Ruby: Wow! You're amazing!
Sapphire smiled and blushed.
Next, the Peridot and Painite will hold back the debris. Three large barrels will fall. The Bismuth will catch two of them.
Spinel looked up to see the debris slowly fall on them. Painite used his chain to swing up and wrapped it around the debris holding it back.
Peridot: I got this Biz!
Peridot used her metal powers to hold up the debris. Bismuth runs over.
Bismuth: Nice work Perido-oh shhhucks!
The barrels fell, Bismuth caught two of them but the third one rolled away.
Bismuth: Oh no-hoo! The Heaven and Earth Beetles are out for their afternoon constitutional!
Sapphire: The Lapis will rush in and save them at the last second.
Lapis files and dives quickly at the beetles, grabbing them with her hand just before there crushed by the barrel.
Lapis: Whew, you guys ok?
The beetles gave her a thumbs up. Painite noticed a sharp piece of debris heading straight for Spinel. He jumped down, and pushed her out the way, causing the debris to hit him instead.
Painite: Urk! Ow.
Spinel covered her mouth and gasped.
Spinel: Are you ok?
Painite slowly pulled the debris out of him.
Painite: ...Just...perfect...ow.
The debris stopped falling, but a massive piece of the building was missing.
Spinel: ...Is it...over?
Sapphire: [Panicked] The saw! The saw will continue to cut. The anvil will fall. And will be shattered!
The saw cut up the building and cut the handle holding the anvil up, causing to fall.
Ruby: Huh?
She looked up to see the anvil.
Ruby: AAHH!!
Steven throws his shield over Ruby in time, just before the anvil falls on her. However, he begins to struggle holding it and the shield begins to crack.
Ruby: Huh?
Sapphire: The curly-haired one's powers are fading! Ruby! I'm sorry! I told you, you wouldn't last a day!
Ruby: ...Well...I'm glad fate allowed me to
Ruby closed her eyes and accepted her fate.
Steven: NO!
Garnet: Huh?
Everyone gasped.
Steven: Garnet!
Steven ran to Garnet and fell when she dodged his attempt to hug her.
Garnet: W-w-what's going on?
Steven: Everyone's memories are wiped, and my powers are all messed up. We need your help! What should we do, Garnet?
Garnet: I'm sorry, do you know me?
Painite: Welp, we all almost died for nothing.
Steven: Her memories still aren't back. I guess fusion was only the first piece.
Everyone turns as they hear the sound of Greg's van beeping. It makes its way into Little Homeworld. Pearl appears from the driver's seat, holding a small red carpet and stepstool, setting them down at the back doors. She summons a small trumpet and plays a small fanfare.
Pearl: Attention everyone, Um Greg Universe, has arrived.
Pearl bows and Greg comes running out.
Greg: Steven! Have you seen Amethyst?
Steven: What? I told you to watch her!
While they were talking, Spinel walked over to Painite.
Spinel: Hey.
Painite: Hey.
Spinel: I just want to thank you for saving me a bunch back there.
Painite smiled at her.
Painite: It was nothing.
Spinel: It was everything to me.
Painite: Just doing my-
He was cut off when Spinel gave her a kiss on the cheek. She then walked away with a small smile on her face. Painite put his hand on his cheek.
Painite: ...This feels like a good place to stop this chapter.
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