Part 9
Few weeks passed and Henry and Alex relationship had grew more intimate with each other. It wasn't just kissing anymore, sometimes constant teasing and flirting and Alex didn't think he would be the one who settles for more domestic carnal relationship.
Few months ago his life was either work, home and the bar for hook ups and that is how he ended up meeting Miguel and they happens to be living in the same building. But to Alex, Miguel is just a hook up and Henry is much more different. Henry is not like his other relationship before. Even though his last relationship was two years ago and it was a total mess, Alex had to admit, being with Henry is a lot different than being with other people.
He never met such person that challenges him and also supports him everyday by just being themselves. Usually people would do things to impress other but for Henry, he didn't even bothered to impress Alex, he was already impressive himself.
Just last week Alex paid him and Nora a visit at the clinic during his day off and he brought lunches with him for them. Henry didn't even know Alex is there and Alex was caught in the moment seeing Henry with kids.
It wasn't just the troubled one but also the good one. From the most chaotic and feral, to the most quiet and insecure child he met, none of them had issue of being friend with him. Even the parents love him and he has his way of calming them without any medications required.
Nora caught him sneaking around the play room to see Henry interacts with the children and taking assessment for Nora before he report back to her. The play room had mirrored that works two ways and he didn't know Alex was standing behind that mirror observing him.
It pained Alex when he sees Henry tried to use his own personal trauma so he could make more sense to the children especially those teens age that was sent there against their own will. It fails Alex to see how such person with a big heart and filled with kindness and softness was abandoned by his own family just because of the sake of his sexuality.
"Creep." Nora called behind him and it startled Alex causing him to jump and he palmed his chest after seeing it was his best friend. "He's amazing." Nora says and Alex nodded with a half smile. "We need to talk." Alex says and pulled Nora towards her office and he shuts the door not wanting any interruption.
"I found a way to make Henry legal in this state." He says and Nora's eyes widen by the word. "That's great news! Tell me!" She said as she took a seat by her couch in her office and Alex paced in front of her.
"Sofia is willing to file the paperwork with the help of her old immigration officer. She said they could help filling all the gap holes since he was here. New passport, new papers, everything." Nora eyed Alex feeling there's something else behind his excitement.
"But..?" She asks and Alex stop pacing and he stood facing her, he had his hand cupped his waist as he took a deep breath. "But Henry has to go back to London and reapplied before coming back here." Nora sighs slumping her body against the couch.
"Are you worried he's not coming back?" She asks and Alex slammed himself on the couch next to Nora, exhaling his breath longly. "I'm worried I'm not gonna see him again. If his brother knows he is back in London, God knows what he would do to him." Nora stroke Alex's arm up and down trying to comfort him before she said further. "Why didn't you asks your dad for help?" Alex shot his head sharply towards her and his face is filled with anger.
"Are you fucking with me? So he would accept the fact that I need his help after everything that he did? No! It would be the last thing I needed from him." Alex huffed in anger and crossed his arm over his chest.
"Alex, you need to forgive them for what happened to June. It's not their fault, it's the choices that they made towards June and I know it haunts them till today knowing they can't do anything to make it right. But they can make it right by you, if only you would let them." She whispered and she could see Alex's eyes are red in anger and sadness.
"I will never forgive them for June. She needed them, she needed them and they abandoned her. Letting her being homeless when they could just let her come home. They could forgive her then why should I forgive them now?" A single tear fell on Alex's temple and he wiped them immediately not wanting to look vulnerable.
"Maybe I could give them a call for Henry." Alex shot her another surprised look and his eyebrows furrowed further almost forming into a one line. "Have you been talking to them behind my back?" He asks and he sat further up to face her. She sighs before she continued.
"They have been asking about you, they misses you." Alex huffed again and he stood abruptly shaking his head in disbelief. "I thought you were my friend Nora! Why didn't you tell me?! I told you everything and you hide this from me?!" Alex raised his voice and Nora still stood by the couch crossing her arm over her chest not wanting to aggravate Alex anger.
It wasn't until Henry abruptly interrupted them by opening the door in a rush after hearing Alex's raised voice and he saw Alex pacing inside Nora's room. "What's going on?" Henry asks and Nora stood before she went to his side, "Tell your boyfriend to calm down before talk to me again." She says and she grabbed the door from besides Henry, "Not my boyfriend but are you guys okay?" He asks and Nora shook her head before she left to see her patient.
"Alex?" He asks and he could see Alex is pacing in anger gripping his finger into his curls. "Hey, hey look at me, talk to me." Henry grabbed Alex by his shoulder to stop him and he could see tears starts to form on his cheek. Alex stops pacing and went for Henry's hug instead. He wrapped his arm around Henry's waist and Henry was caught in surprised but soon wrapped his arm around Alex's body feeling him sobbing in a mess.
"Hey, it's okay. Whatever it is, it will pass." Henry coaxed and Alex slowly pushed him away and Henry wiped his tears with his thumb. Their eyes met and Alex leaned his forehead against Henry, "I can't lose you." He said and it caught Henry by surprise.
"I'm not going anywhere, I'm tied to you remember? For life?" He jokes and it didn't made Alex laughed only it made him stares into Henry's eyes deeper. "Let's get married." Alex says and it startled Henry to his core and it made him laughs instead. "Are you mental?" Henry asks scoffing at his idea and Alex still had his hand tangled in Henry's.
"Think about it, that way you can be legally stayed in America." Alex says and Henry had to pull away from him feeling his heart racing in his chest. "No, Alex. That is not the right thing to do. I won't do that to you." He says and took a seat on the couch leaving Alex standing alone in the middle of the office.
"Why not? We like each other, marriage is just a piece of paper and as soon as we sign it, you would be legally allowed to stay and if you don't want to stay married, we can file a divorce a year later." Henry didn't know why Alex had all of these figure out. Moments ago he was crying like he had received bad news and now he is excited to propose to Henry and it made him wonder whether he should take the offer. He stared into Alex's face and shook his head instead. He stood from his seat to face Alex again.
"That would be wrong Alex. it's not right to you. I c-can't do that to you." He says and Alex protest. "Why not? We both got what we want. You get to stay and pissed Phillip off, I get to pissed my parents and helped you. So tell me why won't you marry me?!"
"Because if I would marry you it's for love! Not for this! We would be marry for love, and we would stay till we are old and gray surrounded by people who loves us. Not like this. I won't marry someone just for this." Henry raised his voice trying to make Alex sees that he wasn't actually denying the fact that he wanted to marry him but it wasn't how he had plan it.
"I'll go back to London if I had too. But I won't ruined your life like this." Henry said and Alex could see he is at verge of crying. "But if you go back, would I see you again?" Alex asks and Henry exhaled shrugging his shoulder, "I don't know what would happened if I go back. So I can't promise you that." He said and before Alex could say any further, Henry left the office trying to hide his tears.
It was a week since Alex talked to Henry about it and even though they lived in a same house, Henry barely sees Alex around anymore. When he went out for work. Alex is either left or still asleep and when he comes back, Alex is never home. He tried to wait for him but sometimes, Alex is doing night shift and if he wasn't, he was out and he would be back late and drunk.
Henry didn't realized he was spacing out again in the middle of the playroom when Nora taps him on his shoulder. He jumps in fright almost fell by the small table next to his legs and Nora grabbed him not wanting him to fall. "I'm sorry to startle you like that but is everything alright? You seems distant." She said and Henry who finally had calm down a little shook his head with a fake smile.
"Don't lie Henry, I know it's Alex. He's out drunk again?" She asks and Henry nodded. "He asked me to marry him so I would stay here legally." Nora's eyes widen gripping Henry's arm tight in her grip, "Shut up! He did not! Did you say yes?" She asks and Henry shot her an annoying look. "You think I would be spacing out like this if I'd say yes?" She groaned rolling her eyes at him.
Henry sighs unable to focus on what he was doing and Nora pulls him towards the chair by the corner. "Alex can be an asshole sometimes but he means well. He told me that he wanted to get Sofia to help you stayed legally and the only thing you need to do is-"
"Go back to London and reapply." Henry interrupts her and surprisingly for her that Henry actually knows this. "Why didn't you?" She asks and Henry run his tongue over his lower lips before he continued. "Because back then I don't have enough money to go back. Right now if I did, I won't know how long it takes for me to come back here. By the time I did comes back, Alex probably moved on by then." Nora could see his face dropped as he imagined what would be like to leave Alex.
"I should have say yes when he ask me to marry him. At least we would stay together. even though he didn't love me as much as I did." Henry says jokingly and Nora could see how hard he hides his pain.
Henry came home that evening dreading on the empty apartment and the moment the elevator door opened, he dragged his long legs and his tired body over Alex's apartment. He tapped on the key and it unlocks so he enters knowing the house is empty like always.
The moment he stepped in he was shocked to see two people standing in the middle of the living room and Henry swore he didn't scream when he saw them. "Who are you?" The lady asks and behind her stood a guy slightly older and shorter than her.
Henry stares into their faces and studied them, they look rather familiar and Henry swore he had seen them before but he can't put his mind to it. "Hey, she asks you a questioned, who the hell are you and what are you doing in our son's house?" Then it hits Henry, it was Alex's parents and how the hell did they managed to get inside the apartment, Alex would be furious to know.
"I-I'm Henry. Henry Fox." He said and handed his hand out to them and they both stares at him like he grew two heads. Not until the lady stared at his face longly before she realized who he is. "You're Henry? Nora told me about you." Of course Nora did, she spoke to them more than their own son does to them.
"I'm Ellen, this is my husband Oscar." She said and Henry nodded knowing the handshake is pointless now but instead, she wrapped her arm around Henry's and it caught him by surprised. "Nora told me so much about you. I'm glad you're okay." She said and Henry didn't know what she meant by that.
"Can I offer you a drink?" He asks as he placed his bag down. Alex bought one for him to put some papers in and his personal thing so he won't have to carry it all in his hand. "Sure, a beer would be nice." Oscar said and they both sat by the couch in the living room while Henry took the beer from the fridge.
Henry came back with two beers in his hand and they thanked him but before she took a sip, she eyed Henry empty hand as he took a seat next to their couch. "You don't want one?" She asks and Henry shook his head, "I'm not drinking." He said and Oscar raised his beer at him, "Good for you." He said and Henry didn't know whether he should be proud of that or offended by it.
Ellen stares at Henry's face while he runs his finger over his blonde hair and feeling awkward by her stares. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude and staring at you but you are so handsome. You would fit Alex perfectly." Henry laughs in discomfort scratching the back of his neck before he ask them questions.
"How did you guys get inside the apartment?" He asks and they both looked at each other. "This was our apartment before Alex stay here. It was our first home. We moved to Austin when Ju-" she stopped herself and took a sip of her beer and Henry could hear her voice chokes.
"When June was born?" He asked and Henry could see the sigh of relieve on her face when he mentioned her. "I know you would be perfect for him, he never tells anyone about her." She says and Henry could see how she teared up at her daughter's name.
"I'm sorry about June." Henry says and Oscar nodded holding his wife hand in his. "Did he tell you what happened?" She asks him and he nodded, "June killed herself after found out about her pregnancy rape." She shook her head and pressed her lips together before she continued.
"June was troubled. She won't listened when we told her about the drugs and the guy she's been hanging out with. Alex is too young to know the real story. He judged us for letting her go but it wasn't that. We told her that we would take her to a place where they can help her but she refused help and she ran away from home. Alex blamed us for letting her go."
Henry stood from his seat shaking his head, "It's really not my place to say anything, this is your family and I don't think my opinion matter in this." He says and before he could leave them Oscar stood and called him stopping him from leaving.
"We need you to make sure Alex knows that we are not at fault. I can help you. I can help with your situation." Henry turned his head around to face them again and it caught his attention.
"Wait what?" Henry asks and Oscar stepped around the couch to face him, "I have friends that can help with your documents, legally and it's not fake. It's the real deal. You help us reconnect with our son, I will help you stay in this country." He says and Henry shook his head in disbelief.
"You're using me to get your son's trust? On second thought, if you can barged in unannounced, why the hell didn't you do that before? Why waited all these years to finally come and stood here just to tell me that you're not at fault? That Alex misunderstood you? Why didn't you faced him on your own?" Henry can't help feeling infuriated by them and he swore if he didn't respect them as Alex's parents and the owner of the house he lived in, he would chased them out.
"Because Alex won't let us. We love him and he is the only child we had left. We already lost one child, we can't lose another. Please talk to him." Ellen begs and it broke Henry. He wished he would be able to talk to his mother one last time and here is Alex's mother tried to talk to her own living son that lives few miles away from her and still unable to talk to each other.
"I am not a middle guy here! Alex is his own person and if you guys wants to talk to him, you tell him yourself! If he didn't want to talk to you, best to leave it at that. I don't need you to help me getting situated here, I couldn't care less if they send me back. All I care about is Alex is safe and happy with whoever he ended up with."
Just on cue the door slammed opened and revealed Alex in his scrubs with his hair ruffled in a mess but still looking hot as hell. His face is tired and his eyes had dark circles around them. Henry knew he wasn't sleeping most nights for going out most of the time.
The moment he saw Alex barged in and stared at his parent with no sign of shocked, he knew Alex probably heard them. "What the fuck you guys doing here? I thought you promised me not to come here anymore." He says and Henry could see Ellen tear up seeing her son for God knows since when she saw him last.
"Alex, baby." She wanted to hug him but he stopped her. "Don't! Get out!" He says and she shook her head. "Alex please, let mummy explained." She says and Henry could see how it was upsetting for Alex that he slammed the door shut and it made Henry jumped.
"You want to explain? Fine! Talk!" He said crossing his arm across his chest. Oscar came beside her and hugged her by her side before she could find the courage to tell him. "TALK!" Alex screamed at her and she jumps afraid of Alex. Henry was afraid of him too and he never seen this side of Alex before.
"June was a mess. She won't let us in. She won't let us helped her. She ran away from us, leaving you all alone in that house and left." She starts and Alex shook his head in disbelief.
"She took care of me when you failed mum. When you are out there helping other people's child with dad, she was there to feed me! Clothed me! Helped me with my homework, not you! HER!"
"Mijo, we already been apologizing to you over the years and we offered her help! We offered her to go to rehab but she refused. She came home and stole everything including your mother's jewelry and you might not know this but she took everything in this family." Oscar had enough of Alex kept blaming them and Henry saw how Alex broke in tears shaking his head before he continued.
"She came back to you and asked for your help when she knew she was pregnant, you threw her out!" Alex says and Ellen shook her head disagreeing with him.
"We didn't! We told her that we would find help for her, that if she didn't want the baby, we would raised he or she like our own. She just wanted to come back for more money and we didn't want to give her because-" Ellen broke and palmed her mouth holding on to her cry unable to continue her words.
"What? What did she want?" Alex asks and Ellen practically sobs in tears by now. "She wanted to abort and she had to do it in Mexico. She wanted to borrow some more money. I told her I won't give her any because is not that child's fault. It didn't deserved to be killed." Oscar continued and Henry could see Alex leaned against the wall behind him for support and Henry wanted to hold him. He wanted to hug him and let him cry in his embrace but he was too afraid to touch Alex knowing the last time they spoke was a week ago and it wasn't on good terms.
"So instead you helped her, you killed both of them." Alex says, tears running down his face as he does and Ellen shaking her head with her palm over her lips.
"We tried to help her but she refused to listen to us. She refused to reconsider the options and instead she left. I can't do anything to help her Alex, I tried." Ellen swore by her own daughter and Alex breaks down slowly sliding his body against the wall and sat on the floor.
Henry thinks he had enough for now and saw how everyone is so upset by this. "I think you better leave. You wanted to talk, you had your chance, please let him heal on his own terms, I beg of you to respect his decision." Ellen nodded her head at Henry and so does Oscar. Henry glad that neither one of them would delay this argument further cause there won't be enough strength left in him to be the middle person.
"I'm sorry baby. I really am." Ellen says as she passed Alex and headed to the door that was now wide opened by Henry. Alex still on the floor of his apartment hiding his face in his arm as he sobs in tears. Henry shuts the door closed and went to his side and he thought Alex would pushed him away but instead, he pulls Henry into a hug.
"I hate them! I hate them so much!" Alex says in his sobs banging his head back on the wall and Henry saw how Alex gripped his chest with his hand knowing exactly what it feels to cry his heart out and the pain it never settles. It stays and linger in between the chest and the abdomen pulling you deeper.
Henry hushed him stroking his back in soft circles as he cried and Henry didn't think twice, he carried Alex in his arm and brought him to his bedroom and laid him on the bed.
Alex pulled his arm not wanting Henry to leave him alone and Henry turned with a smile. "Stay with me tonight." He said and Henry nodded before he climbed next to him. Alex wrapped his arm around Henry's torso and rested his head over Henry's chest listening to his heart beats calmly under his touch and soon had fallen to a deep sleep.
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