Part 6

Alex pacing as he drank the glass of scotch in his hand stealing glances at Henry in his room once in a while before he was interrupted by his door bell rang. He rushed to the door and opened them wide revealing Nora with Alex's doctor's bag in her arm.

"Thank you so much." Alex says and Nora handed him the bag and he didn't even bother to explain but went straight into his bag. "Next time stop leaving your stuff in my car would you?" Nora told him and he didn't even respond to her and it caught her attention.

"Alex? What is it? Where's Henry?" Nora asks as she looked around the apartment and couldn't find him anywhere. "I think Henry is sick." Alex says as he took out his stethoscope and his blood pressure machine in his hand and went immediately to Henry's room with Nora followed behind him.

The room was slightly dim and Alex didn't want to bother Henry asleep so he works his way in the dark but it wasn't an issue anyway for him. He placed the blood pressure cuff around Henry's arm and he winced. Nora noticed how Henry winced when Alex struggled to raise his arm up and placed the cuff around his upper arm but she didn't want to say anything.

He pressed on the button before waiting for it to give some reading and few minutes later after it pumps and released, the monitor beeps and displayed the number on screen. "Shit." He mutter and Nora could see the reading, 88/50 and it got her worry.

Alex placed the stethoscope on his ear and placed them on Henry's chest listening attentively before he moves around his other chest and Nora waited.

"Can you take my thermometer inside the bag." Alex orders and Nora went to grab it before she handed to him. Alex put the thermometer tip in Henry's ears and waited for it to beep before he saw the number on display, 102F. "Fuck!" Alex cursed again and Nora didn't waste time, she went into Henry's bathroom grabbing the hand towel by the side and run them under the running water and her eyes caught something on the floor by the toilet bowl.

A few drops of blood and it was dried when she tried to touch them. She ignored it for a while before she runs back into the room and saw Alex already putting on IV for Henry and the moment he did, he hooked him on a drip and he hold them in his hand acting like he's the drip stand.

Nora came back still not uttering words to Alex about the blood in the bathroom and placed the cold towel over Henry's neck and he gasped. "C-Cold." He says and Nora apologized before she took it off and placed them over his forehead. He shivers when it touches his forehead and soon sleep overcome him again.

Alex paced around the living room talking over the phone with someone while Nora stayed beside Henry on his bed. She could see Henry slowly flutters his eyes open trying to adjust to his surrounding and he could hear Alex's voice coming from the living room since his bedroom door is open wide and when he look to his side, Nora is sitting besides him with her hand over Henry's newly cut forearm and his sleeves is raised.

He pulled his arm away from her and she sighs rubbing her temple as Henry pulled his sleeves back down. "Did you tell Alex?" He asks and Nora shook her head. "He would be devastated to know that you still doing this behind his back." Henry raised himself up and felt the giddiness of his head and regretted to be sitting up. "What's happening to me?" He asks as he fell back on the pillow behind him.

"Easy, Alex is figuring it out." She says and Henry turned his gaze towards the door and sighed again. "Please don't tell him." He begs and Nora shook her head running her tongue over her lower lips. "Fine but you need to do something for me." She says and Henry is contemplating whether or not to say yes to her but he had too seeing Alex almost stepped in to the room. "Anything." He whispered and saw Alex walked in with his phone in his hand.

"You're awake?" He says and went to Henry side and Henry smile. "What happened?" Henry asks and Alex exhaled, "My impression without all the details labs or radiology is either a viral or bacterial infection. My bet is on viral." He said placing his phone down as he stares at Henry's weak face. "Does he need to go to hospital?" Nora asks and Alex shook his head.

"Sofia said I could just monitored him here or if I worried, I am welcomed to bring him to the ER and waited till tomorrow morning." He says and Nora chuckled but Henry didn't. "That bad huh?" She says as she climbed down Henry's bed and Alex followed.

"I'll see you soon." Nora said to Henry and he nodded weakly earning Alex a confused look. He showed her to the door and before she left, Alex asks her, "Are you okay?" He asks and Nora smiled nodding. "Yeah, just glad that Henry is better." She lied and Alex nods agreeing with her.

He closed the door after seeing Nora walks in the elevator and went back to Henry's room finding him had fallen back asleep. Alex sighs as he climbed the bed next to Henry and laid his head on the pillow with his palm under his cheek. He eyed Henry's pale face in the dark room with only window and balcony light shines inside.

"Why do I care?" He whispers feeling the knot in his stomach grew and slowly his eyes drifted to sleep.

Luckily for Alex, Sofia gave him a day off for the next day considering he is up all night watching over Henry. Alex was woken up to the sound of New York traffic and car honking before he could finally opened his eyes towards the natural light in the room.

The first thing he saw was Henry laid beside him with his hand over Alex's arm and Alex freezes not wanting to wake him up just yet. Alex laid his head back on the pillow with his eyes sets at Henry's blonde hair that ruffles in his sleeps. His eyes that hides all the things he sees in this world are still close but Alex could see the sunken and dark circles around it making his heart aches for him.

Henry lips that he used to admire when he was at the hospital is now dried and more pale then it used too. Alex raised the back of his palm and touches Henry's cheek feeling the usual warm he used to have and exhaled in relief. He didn't removed his hands away and let it rested on Henry's cheek and absentmindedly he stroke his pale cheek feeling the smoothness of his skin.

it's always something about Henry that fascinates him since the moment they met, he noticed Henry couldn't grow a beard much like he did except around his mustache line and his chin and once he saw Henry's changing in his room by accident, he saw his pale body was actually not as slender as he thought. Henry had muscles and abs and it was pretty fascinating that it made Alex gawked.

The fact that he knows nothing about Henry and decides to let this guy entered his life and does everything for him made him wonder, what Henry had done to made him being this careless. Before this he usually the one who had control over his own life but having Henry living with him for almost three weeks now made him turned into a reckless and confused person ever.

Henry made him questioned everything in his life. His family, his job and his own personal doing. He never would actually just go have a random hook up with someone but seeing Miguel yesterday was the biggest regret he ever had. Something about Henry that made him turned to Miguel for pleasure instead of confronting the guy for the truth.

He was deep in his thought when Henry slowly flutters his eyes opened and he set his gaze at Alex next to him on the bed. He felt the warmth of Alex's palm over his cheek and Alex immediately retorted in hurry. "Sorry, just checking your temperature." He says and Henry kept his gaze towards Alex's face.

"Are you feeling better?" Alex asks and Henry couldn't answer. He felt tired for sure, weak and he barely could lift his head but he didn't want Alex to worry so he nodded. "Thank you, again." He says and Alex frowned at the word. "I mean it. I owe you my life Alexander." Henry says and the moment Alex heard him said his full name like that it send butterflies all over his stomach.

He cleared his throat before he turned his gaze back at Henry with a soft smile. "Can I ask you something?" Alex asks and Henry was betting he wanted to ask him about his arm, Henry sured he probably sees his newly cut arm or Nora might have told him about it.

He nodded before Alex took a deep breath and continued. "Where are you from exactly?" He asks and Henry stares into Alex's brown eyes and pressed his lips before he answered him.

"Isn't it obvious? London of course." Henry replied and Alex turned his body to face him this time. "Then what are you doing in New York?" He asks and Henry sighed longly before he answered. "I was disowned." Henry didn't realized he was actually telling Alex the truth and usually he would lie to people but Alex is not anyone else.

Out of all the people that had abandoned Henry in his life before, Alex was the one who actually stayed and helped him when he needed it.

"What did you do?" Alex asks and Henry could see his eyebrow furrowed into a worry, Henry wonders if he thought of something bad about him. "I didn't kill anyone if that's what you had in mind. I refused to be betrothed with some girl and came out as gay instead."

Henry remembers that night Phillip told him that if he didn't marry to a girl, he won't possess any inheritance that their father had left him. That was the night he told Phillip to fuck off some dogs and shoved the money up his ass. Henry wished he could see what his life would be like if he just agreed to Phillip's plan and how his life would have turned the other way.

"That's awful. Having to live in a lie. I'm glad you stand up for your own." He says and Henry swallowed his throat feeling a lump stuck in them. "I wish I didn't." He simply said and it made Alex turned. "Why did you say that?" Alex could see how it was upsetting Henry that it made him turn his gaze towards the ceiling instead and his throat kept bobbing up and down as he tried to swallow his dry throat.

"Cause I won't be living on the streets if I just do what I was ask. I was so stupid." Henry slurred and Alex noticed. He raised his head to see him clearly and Henry turned his face towards Alex. "One thing I have been meaning to ask you about." Alex says propping himself up on the elbow closing their gap and Henry turned his eyes towards Alex by his side.

"What happened that night? How did you got hit by a car?" He asks and Henry inhaled and exhaled sharply before he answered. "I was buying something from a dealer by the street near Square Park. It got heated between us and he pushed me to the street." Henry explained and Alex felt anger rising in him.

"Were you buying drugs?" He asks and Henry stares at his face, "No Alex." Henry turned his body to the side facing Alex and they are practically inches closer to each other. "Maybe I should show you my side of the world so you would understand." Henry says and Alex smiled nodding. "Let's go then." He said and Henry could only smile at his eagerness.

They didn't realized when they both stares into each other's face and Alex was practically leaning closer towards Henry and felt the knots in their stomach grew tighter. It wasn't until Henry's stomach growled that made Alex snorted in laughter and then followed by him getting up from the bed.

"I'll get started on breakfast, you go and take a shower." He says and Henry nodded. "Then you show me your world Henry Fox." Alex says peaking his head from behind the door and Henry could feel his heart racing feared for what Alex might thought of him.

Henry stepped into shower feeling the coldness of his bathroom tile under his feet and saw the blood he had left yesterday. He immediately grabbed the tissue and soaked them with water before he wiped it harder to erase his own mistake.

"Stupid Henry! Fucking stupid!" He says as he wiped his floor cleaned from the blood he had spilled and hoping that no one actually see this.

After shower Henry put on one of Alex's grey jumper with his black pants on before he walked out of his bedroom after fixing his hair and found Alex stacking up pancake like tower on the table with his bluetooth speaker on and the song in Spanish echoed all around the house.

Alex swayed to the music as he tossed the pancake and stopped immediately when he saw Henry walked into the kitchen wearing his jumper.

"I swear I had more clothes in that closet for you, why did you keep wearing that one?" He asks as Henry took a seat right across from him with a smile on his face. "I like this one." He says and took a sniff on the shirt he wore and it made Alex smiled too but quickly adverted his gaze away and placed the plate right in front of Henry.

Henry took half of the stack Alex had put a side for him leaving only one behind on his plate before he placed them on Alex's plate. "Henry, I told you, you need to eat more." He says and took two pancake and placed them on Henry's plate.

"It's too much, I won't finish anyway." Henry says and Alex sighed before Henry could see his face had turned into anger. "Okay. Then are we going to talk about your Bulimic behavior now?" Alex asked tossing the spatula over the sink and it clanged in a loud noise before he turned off the stove. He crossed his arm over his chest as he kept his gaze sharply at Henry.

"I don't have Bulimic behavior." Henry defend and Alex shook his head running his tongue over his lips. "Making yourself vomit after every meal is a sign you are Bulimic Henry. I'm a doctor. I know how you feel." Henry clenched his jaw tight and shook his head before he returned the gaze towards Alex. "You don't know how I feel Alex. I don't vomit every after meal. I don't know where you getting it."

Alex tossed the towel that he had in his hand before he leaned against the counter top and pushed the syrup bottle towards Henry. "Fine, then show me later so I would understand." He says and Henry nodded. "You're in for a shock Dr Claremont-Diaz." He says and cuts a piece of pancake before putting it into his mouth. 

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