Part 41

A/N: This is another loooooong chapter considering I have too much to put in finishing this story.  We are almost there, I hope and I will miss every single words and reaction from you guys. Love you. Enjoy the chapter, warning ~ I don't hold responsible for anyone happiness and smiles over reading this chapter. 

Henry went back to Paris as scheduled although his body might be there but his mind and his heart is left back in New York. They texted, they called, everyday for the past weeks and Alex knew Henry is busy with his work. Sometimes the only time they had to talk was when Henry is in the car headed to his meetings and it was brief and Alex can hear the tiredness in his voice.

"I miss you in my arms Hen." Alex whispered into his phone as they both in one of their calls. Henry sighed with a smile on his face before he replied to Alex. "I miss you more baby. I wish you were here with me." Henry says and Alex was silenced. "I-I didn't mean- I mean, I'm not asking or anything but, it was just a thought." He says and Alex kept his silenced further making Henry worried of what he is thinking right now.

"I wish I was there too." He finally says and Henry sighed in relief. Henry was currently at his office when he called Alex cause he was missing him especially to hear his voice. He saw Shan walked in and he nods at him. "Alex, I have work to do, I'll talk to you when I got home?" It was horrible for them with their time difference being six hours away. Like right now, Henry is at his office around two in the afternoon while Alex just woke up and was about to go to work when he had the call. "Of course babe. Take care of yourself, I love you." He says and Henry smiled, "I love you more." He replied and Shan pressed his lips trying his best to suppress his smile.

"Don't you dare say anything. I will have you work till midnight." Henry says not even lifting up his head towards him. "I'm glad you happy sir." He says and Henry sighed before he smiled his half smile. "Why are you here?" He asks him and Shan handed him an iPad over his table and his eyebrow furrowed in confusion. "I think I found a place for you." He scrolled the screen with his finger showing it to Henry and he stares at it.

"Brownstone? As in New York?" He looked up to meet Shan's eyes and he nods at him. "I think we both knew where your heart is sir." Henry sighed returning the iPad back to him and his face clearly confused at the gesture. "Sir?" He asked and Henry continued signing of papers over his table. "We're not there yet Shan, it's too early." Henry states and Shan sighed.

"Sir, I- I need to tell you something." Henry hummed in response not bother to lift his eyes from the papers. "I'm resigning soon." He says and it caught Henry's attention. "Wait, what?" He asks placing his pen down on the table and his eyes caught Shan's face. "Why? A-Are you tired of me?" He asks concerned and Shan felt his heart dropped in his stomach.

He shook his head at him, "Sir, it was an honor to take care of you. But I'm getting married soon. I can't stay in Paris anymore. I'd definitely can't stayed 24 hours with you anymore after I got married." Shan says and Henry lowered his gaze over the table and nodded before he smiled looking up to Shan's face. "Congratulations." He stood up and went around the table before he hugged Shan. He was caught off guard seeing Henry suddenly wrapped his arms around him and he returned the favor.

"You bastard! How on earth did you find time to meet a girl? When's the wedding?" He asks after they both pulled away from the hug. "Few months I hope. She's my high school girlfriend." He says and Henry nodded at him and went back to his table pulling out his cheque book and scribbled on the small piece of paper before he tore it and gave it to him. "A little wedding gift." He says and Shan almost reluctant to take it from him but Henry is persuasive when he grabbed Shan's hand and placed the paper in his palm. "My gift to both of you. May you have a long happy life with her." He wished and Shan could feel his heart drops further seeing the pain over Henry's face.

But it didn't beat the feeling he had when he looked down on the paper and saw the number Henry wrote on the cheque and he coughs feeling something caught his throat. "Henry! NO! It's too much." He handed back the cheque to Henry and he declined waving his palm over him. "Nonsense." He says and Shan had sworn he never expects Henry would do this for him. "Sir, I'm not leaving until I know that you are alright." He continued and Henry was already by his chair again nodding at him. "Thank you but I am, for now." He says and Shan was gonna say something else but Henry cuts him off.

"I'll considered Brownstone if you take that cheque." Shan sighed folding the piece of paper in his hand and nods at Henry, "I'll grabbed your lunches then." He says and Henry hummed continued on with his work for the rest of the day.


"Sir, car's here." Shan came to his office later that day and Henry looks up to his face seeing standing by the door and only then he noticed the clock is already showed nine in the evening. He sighed rubbing his eyes feeling the headache coming in and decides to close his laptop and grabbed his phone before he stood to join Shan to his car.

He felt the world is fuzzy when he walked and he can see Shan's figures doubled as he walk towards him and soon felt his knees weaken before he almost lost his balance and fell on the floor before him. But Shan was quicker, he held Henry by his arm to support him and concerned clearly shown over his face seeing Henry pale face and swayed to fall. "Henry? Hey, hey, you okay?" He asks and Henry held him before he pinched his nose bridge feeling the headache rising from behind his eyes.

"I think the migraines back." He says and it concerned Shan to death. "Let's get you to the hospital, come on." He pulled Henry by his elbow but he pulls back shaking his head, "Don't be ridiculous, I just wanna go home and rest. It's been a day." He says and walked passed Shan but forgets that he still had imbalance when he tried to walk so Shan sighed next to him before he grabbed Henry's arm and placed them on his shoulder and helped him to his car.

"What would I do without you Shan?" Henry asks after they both get inside the car and Shan could only stares at Henry's face besides him. "You can hired a new one. Or better yet, go back to New York, away from all the stress." Shan says and Henry scoffed, "New York is stress for me. I could never find anyone like you. You've been a great friend in helping me." Henry told him and he smiled considering Henry, out of all the wealthiest people that he had worked with, he called himself his friend without even a blink. "And don't think I don't know about you lying to me by telling me that our plane had problems."

Shan pressed his lips with his eyes widen before he turned his gaze towards Henry by his side and Henry returned the gaze with a smile. "Thank you. If it wasn't for you, I might have come back here all alone without Alex in my life again. Plus I know my plane is in perfect condition considering I bought it." Henry told him and he laughs next to him. "I just want you to be happy. You deserve all happiness sir." Henry smiled nodding at him before his gaze turned to the world outside.

As soon as Henry reached his loft, he changed his clothes and went straight to bed. He pulled his phone from the bedside and saw the clock is almost eleven considering he showered and changed. He contemplated to call Alex considering it was late and his headache doesn't agree with him. Another reason why he didn't want to call Alex and to worry him more. He sighed before his eyes slowly drifted and he fell asleep with his phone in his palm. The idea of texting Alex brief before he went to bed is long forgotten.

Henry woken up the next morning with a killing headache and he groaned hearing the buzzing noise in his loft causing his headache worsen. He couldn't get up, half of his face is numb and his vision blurred. Usually after he fell asleep he would wake up better but this time it's worst. He reached for his phone thinking it was the source of the buzzing but ended up it wasn't. It wasn't even on considering he forgot to charge it yesterday.

Only then he noticed it was his loft bell buzzing and he groaned before he got up. He wobbled feeling his headache has taken his balance and he stumbled trying to hold on to something before he would fall. He reached the door and pulled it open only to reveal the person he never thought of seeing in a million years, "Alex?" He called thinking that all of this was just a dream and Alex's face is filled with worried, "Surprise?" He says and Henry couldn't say anything else when he felt the headache worsen his vision and he fell forward in Alex's arm.


Henry promised Alex he would call him back yesterday and he never broke his promise. The whole night Alex waited and when he tried to call him, it didn't go through. He took his chances seeing he didn't tell Henry what his plans were exactly and decides to see him in such short notice. He woke up that morning knowing well what he wanted to do and he decides to check his air miles before buying a ticket to Paris. He always wanted to go to Paris but now he has all the reason to do so. He put on his requests days ago and it's approved thinking it would be a surprise for Henry considering he was so down the last time they spoke.

He called Shan after he arrives and it caught him by surprised considering it was seven in the morning when his plane landed. He sent Alex a car to fetch him and drove him straight to Henry's loft and even gave him the passcode for his door but he couldn't gave him the key considering he didn't have extra for him but it was more than enough for Alex.

He stood by the door of Henry's loft and pressed on the buzzer few times almost standing for a good ten minutes before he heard tumbling from behind the door and it finally opened. He saw Henry stood before him with his messy blonde hair and his swollen eyes barely holding on to his grip by the door and his face is different, "Surprise?" He wanted to yell, he wanted to scream at his face for not answering his phone but seeing him like this made Alex think back on his action.

"Hen?" He called seeing Henry swayed and before he knew it, Henry fell in his arm and luckily he caught him just in time. "Henry? Henry wake up baby." He called tapping on his face but Henry didn't. He lifted Henry off the floor and carried him inside and found his unmade bed right in the corner of the loft and placed Henry on it. "Babe, wake up. Come on don't scare me like this." Alex tapped his cheek softly but Henry didn't budge.

Alex went to the bathroom and grabbed the small towel by the sink and run it under water before he returned to Henry still unconscious in bed. The towel was soaked with cold water and Alex hoped it would wake Henry up. The moment he placed the towel by his forehead, Henry stirs and his eyes flutters opened. He looked around the room before his gaze finally landed on Alex by his side with his hand over his face and he was confused. "Alex?" He called and Alex smiled at him. "Hi baby."

"Is this a dream?" He asks and Alex shook his head at him, "No baby, I'm here. I took a red eye. I thought I would surprised you but you scared me back." He says stroking his arm up and down and Henry groaned feeling the pain over his head grown. "This is not a good time." Henry words seethed through his teeth and Alex can see how he fight his pain from showing. Alex pulled out his phone to call Shan again and he can hear him answered in three rings.

"Did you arrived at the loft safely?" He asks and Alex is frantic. "Shan, something is wrong with Henry. I don't know what to do." Alex frantic voice made Shan jumped, "I'll be right there." He says before he ended the call.

Not long after Alex heard the clicked from the door and Shan entered using his own key. Shan can't believe to see Alex is actually here. "Where is he?" He asks as soon as he saw Alex stood in the middle of the living room, "Bedroom. He collapse and now he's barely waking up." He says and Shan ran to Henry side. "Henry?" He called and pressed his palm over Henry's forehead seeing it wasn't a fever or anything.

"Is it the migraine?" He asks and Henry nods weakly. He went to Henry's bathroom to get his painkiller before he pulls out his phone to call someone. Alex witnessed everything he did silently next to Henry and heard Shan spoke to someone in French and he didn't understand any word. Seconds later he ended the call and gave Henry his pills before he grabbed the water by his bedside and helped Henry to take a sip.

"The doctor is on the way, that is just something to hold the pain for now. I should have brought him to hospital yesterday." He told Alex and he can see how concerned Alex got for this. "Not what you expect when you surprised someone huh?" Shan asks seeing Alex couldn't even utter any reply. "What happened?" He asks and Shan sighed before he signed for Alex to follow him letting Henry falls back asleep.

"After the fall, his brain is not the same. He had this constant migraines if he's under a lot of stress or lack of rest." He told him and Alex crossed his arms over his chest, "Don't we all?" He asks and Shan nods, "Yeah, for a normal brain, it would gone off within hours or days, for Henry, it would turned into a seizure." He can see the word had made Alex's face dropped and his eyes widen, "I assumed by your reaction, you knew what happened if Henry got another seizure right?"

Alex nodded at him and he couldn't get that image out of his mind. Henry might never wake up. The thought itself haunts him every minute of his day. They both heard Henry coughs from inside the bedroom and Alex's feet found his way back to him urgently. He feels like an impulse when he heard someone coughs like that and the gurgled sound he created, he knew Henry would choke. Immediately he grabbed the trash can by the side of the table and pulled Henry to his side and he vomits everything into the trash can in split seconds.

"That was fast reflexes." Shan told him and he nods stroking Henry's back with his palm and Henry vomits more into the trash can. "Years in emergency you would know it by now. Not a vacation I had in mind but I'm just glad I'm here." Alex says and Shan nodded at him.

Henry groaned into more pain considering the vomit he had is purely nothing but water and it made his head growing more pain than earlier. He wrapped his arm over his own body and turned to his side hiding his face in the pillows. "Make it stop." He groaned into the pillow with his voice muffled. Alex was helpless by this considering Henry is in pain and he is not able to help him at the moment. The only thing he can do is giving Henry a reassuring stroke over his arm and he wrapped his fingers over Alex's hand and pulled them towards his chest.

The doctor came and examined Henry before she gave him some injection over his arm after she took his vitals. She went to Shan and Alex can see this isn't her first time here. She is literally the French version of Sophia as Alex can see probably better, blonde, prettier, Sophia would kill him if she knew she was compared like this. Shan pulls her towards Alex and told her to speak in English so Alex would understand and she did.

"His fine for now. But if the headache continue, he needs another scan." She suggest and Alex eyebrow furrowed. "Henry did a scan few weeks back in New York, it was clear." He told her and she nods, "Then it would probably due to his stress and lack of sleep then." She told them and Shan nods at her. "Probably." He agrees.

"Wait, Henry hasn't been sleeping? Why am I not aware about this?" He asks and Shan sighed rubbing his temple. "I think I should go and leave you two to talk, just watch out for his blood pressure. I assumed you are the doctor he is in love with?" She asks and Alex's eyebrow crooked further. "How did you know?" He asks her and she smiled.

"Henry never stops talk about you. I heard your story for over few years now. Happy to see you guys found your way back to each other." She says as she walks towards the door. "Thank you for your help." Shan told her and she nods at him before she waved goodbye to them both. Shan turned to see a smile formed on Alex's face and he shook his head, "Stop that! We both got more work to do." He says and Alex followed Shan towards Henry's bedroom and he pulls him to his bathroom.

"Once Henry is awake, you need to make sure he took this medication." Shan handed him the bottle of pills in his hand and he read the labels. "It's for his seizure?" Alex asks and he nods and he can see Alex sighed right after. "I assumed Nora told you about my plan?" He asks and Alex returned his gaze towards Shan and he nod weakly. "Are you really not going to work with Henry anymore?" He asks and Shan contemplate to answer. He closed the cupboard and walked out of the bathroom followed by Alex and headed towards the door.

"Henry gave me a cheque for my wedding. I couldn't have a heart to accept it because it was too much. But he promised me that he would consider New York if I took it. Please don't waste this chance. I can't move on with my life if Henry didn't. I know you love him. I know you didn't come here just for wasting time. Make the last five years accounted for, you both deserved it."

Alex stares at Shan leaving the loft with that last word and he couldn't figure out whether he is impressed or afraid that Shan can read his mind.

He went back to Henry's bedroom still holding on to his bottle of pills and sighed. This is what he had waited for five years, seeing Henry asleep right in their bed, with a loft or a house somewhere, that has a tall bay window. They both snuggled in the blanket with a fresh coffee by the kitchen. That everything is perfect in the world by then, Henry and Alex would be alright for once in their life.

But right now, Henry isn't. He is not well and the clock is almost like a time bomb for him. Every seconds, every minute counts as precious in between him and Henry. He thought hard about their future like and didn't realized that his tear pooling right in his eyes and as he blinks, the tear fell on his cheek and he wiped them.

"Enough." Alex whispered to himself. Enough cry, enough sorrow and sadness. Live in the moment. He thought. Make every moment counts. That words lingers over his mind over and over again and the next thing he knew, he was at Henry's kitchen making him some food to eat while he waits for him to wake up.

It took him hours later and when Henry did wake up, it was almost two in the afternoon and Alex is by the living room on his laptop doing his work. He had some paperwork he can finished while he waits for Henry after he cooked and it was time consuming. By the time he realized Henry is already awake and stood by the door of his bedroom with his messy hair and staring at Alex on the couch under his fluffy throw with a laptop on his lap.

"Good morning sunshine!" Alex greeted him and he still had this confused expression on his face. He had his normal plain shirt with his shorts on and it was not reflected a certain billionaire in his mind. Usually Alex would thought a billionaire would wear silky pajamas that has their own initials on their chest as big as their face and it would be embroidered with gold thread or something.

"I gotta ask, where on earth did you find this couch cause it was comforting as hell and I refused to get up." He asks stroking the leather black couch under his palm and Henry smiled. "Careful love, you might have to stay here for good." He replies and Alex smiled. "Not a bad idea tho." Alex can see how Henry's face dropped as he leaned by the door frame. "Come here." Alex patted the couch to sign Henry to join him and it took him a while before he finally moves his feet dragging it over the floor towards Alex.

He plopped down on top of Alex right in between his legs wrapped his arm over Alex's torso. "I miss you." Henry whispered letting Alex kiss the top of his head and Alex replied back, "I miss you more." Henry looked up to meet his eyes pressing his lips together before rested his chin over Alex's chest. "Why didn't you tell me you're coming? I could have picked you up, take you sightseeing." He says and Alex smiled before he stretched his arm over the side to grab something from the table.

"But before that, you need to take this." He says and Henry pulls the bottle away from him. "Don't ruin the moment, please." Henry asks and Alex shook his head pulling himself up. "We need to talk." Alex told him and they both seated on the couch no longer cuddling each other and Henry can see Alex is thinking hard about what he's gonna say next.

"I know about Shan resigning." He starts and Henry sighed pressing his body back against the couch. "So?" He asks and Alex turned his head towards Henry on the couch next to him. "So I can't let you live here all alone without anyone to takes care of you Hen." Henry sighed further in annoyance, "Look, I'm not a child. I can take care of myself. I can hired a new assistant. Why are you guys making a big deal about this?" Alex can see the irritation in his voice and he looked at hi sharply.

"Because I can't live thousand miles away from you not knowing what could have happen." He told him and Henry clicked his tongue. "Then don't." He says.

"Don't what Henry? Don't live thousand miles away or don't care about what happened to you." He can see Henry choose to stay in silence before he sighed and answer Alex's questions. "Five years I tried to live without you Alex. What's five years more?" He replied and Alex shook his head in disbelief.

"This is it! This is the Henry I knew five years back. You pushed people away and hoped that they would love you from far enough not to break you." Alex stood abruptly and Henry couldn't help looking up to meet his gaze and he can see the anger in him flaring up.

"Oh yeah? Tell me how are we going to live in the future? I am here and you are in New York. Plus you haven't even told your parents yet about you breaking up with Gideon, BECAUSE OF ME! If you can't starts with small, how do you expect we moved on to the bigger one?" Henry is now standing right in front of Alex and he can see Alex's was shocked by that gesture. Henry was right, he forgot to tell his parents about his breakups and considering all the years they helped him forgetting Henry, now he is back in his arm and his parents must have not agree with his life choice right now.

"I'm sorry." Henry says after he sees Alex sat back down on the couch with his hand over his curls and Henry sat besides him. "I'm sorry." Henry whispered and Alex turned to look at him on his side and Henry can see the redness in Alex's eyes.

"Marry me?" He says and Henry's eyes widen at the sudden question. "What?" He asks and Alex turned to face him better. His hand found Henry's trembling one and he holds it tight in his grip. "Marry me. I don't want to waste anymore time I had with you knowing I can't be strong enough to make you mine." Henry pulls away from Alex's grip and stares at his face.

"Alex, we can't. It's -" Henry couldn't find a word to tell him why he didn't want to marry the love of his life right now. He wanted this, he wanted this more than anything in the world right now. But Henry couldn't be selfish enough to let Alex jeopardize his own life and career for him.

"Come to New York and marry me. We can live our lives like we planned before. Henry I love you. I love you more than my own life. I can't bear a second not being with you and not having you for the rest of my life. However short it may be." Henry can feel the tears pooling in his eyes as Alex pulled out something from his work bag on the side.

As he turned and face Henry again, he held something in his palm and it was Henry's small box that he left in New York that Alex supposed gave him back but he left it. Henry sighed before he stood and went to his bedroom leaving Alex on the couch alone confused at his sudden abandoned. But Henry did came back into the living room with his hand on his back and he stares at Alex on the couch.

"There is no going back Alex. You know that. There is no dwelling in the past and you accept me the way I am." He says and Alex stood to walk closer to Henry and they both stood right before each other matching their heights.

"But I promise you, I will do my best to fight everything that stands in our way. Whether it's my illness or my demons, I will fight them all so I could have you. I don't want to lose you anymore." He says and Alex smiled at him with tears in his eyes. "And I will stand right by your side Henry, helping you all the way."

Slowly he saw Henry kneeled down before him with his one knee by the floor and his hand move forward revealing his palm holding on to the square velvet black box the size of his palm. He opens them revealing the two sets of rings almost the same size and Alex gasped. "I can't let you proposed to me again. So. I bought this a year ago thinking I would hold on to it until I have you back in my life forever." Alex can see the platinum ring with a black line splitting the two silver in between them holds the small diamonds surrounding the ring and he knew it must have cost Henry a fortune.

"Henry?" He calls and Henry pulled out one ring before he grabbed Alex's left hand in his and looked up to meet his eyes, "Alexander Gabriel Claremont-Diaz, would you please, do me the honor, marry me?" He asks and Alex fell on his knees to meet Henry's gaze and smiled. "I would be a fool not to marry you Hen." He says and Henry smiled putting on the ring right on his ring finger and he grabbed Henry's face in his hand and crashed their lips together. 

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