Part 16
"Is he alright?" Ellen asks concerned after she handed Alex his coffee and he took it willingly. "Yeah, he just need some rest, today has been a day for him." Alex says as he took a sip. He told his parents how Henry found his footing back in life and he is never been prouder of him. Finally Henry can start somewhere new hopefully they both would.
Henry finally stirs hours later finding Alex by his side talking to his parents and he can't help smiling at him. "Hey." Alex finally realized he is awake when he felt Henry's fingers stroking his and he finally looked towards him. "How you feel?" He asks and Henry nodded smiling at him, "Content." He says and it made Alex smile. "I'm glad. Now I am officially introducing you to my parents." He said and turned his gaze back at his parents and they both now standing by Henry bedside and Henry raised himself up.
"It's okay Henry, you need to rest." Ellen tried to push him back but Henry denied, he sat up and opened his arm for Ellen and she sat by his bed to return the hug. "Thank God you are alright." She whispered into his ears and Henry broke. It felt nice to have someone else other than Alex to finally said those words, he misses how motherly Ellen was since his mother is no longer in the picture for Henry.
She finally pulled Henry from their hugs and cupped both of his cheek in her hand staring at Henry's tired face. "I'm glad you both found each other." She said and behind her Oscar, he had his hand over her shoulders and he smiled at Henry too. "We have you to thank for Alex and I know how you don't have much family left but we are happy to be yours Henry. Always."
They can see Henry eyes flooded with tears after he heard Oscar said those words and Henry nodded before he grabbed Alex's hand in his. "Thank you." He whispered as Alex leaned to kiss him on his cheek.
"The doctor said you can start to eat. What you have in mind?" Alex asks and Henry who was now leaning against the bed with his back propped to 45 degree thinking hard on the first food he wants after hours he was kept fasting, almost 48 hours he counted.
"I -I don't know." Henry said still had his hand tangled with Alex next to him and he could see Alex sighs, "Come on Henry you must be hungry, starving even." Alex added and it made Henry quiet and his silent made Alex regret saying the words earlier.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean too." He said whispered into Henry's tangled hand and Henry half smile at him. "Wait, why are you sorry? I'm curious." Ellen asks after he saw how apologetic Alex were towards Henry after. They both were clueless and Henry turned his gaze to his side to face them both.
"I was homeless before I met Alex." Henry said and Ellen gasped. "Being hungry on the street had become my mundane life. I learned much more when I have no food in my stomach more than when I am. Drugs had made me stronger cause I won't care for anything other than surviving." He said and Ellen face broke into sadness. She gripped Henry's hand with hers and Alex had his on the other hand.
"I guess the accident changed mine entirely." He turned his gaze towards Alex on his side and he kissed Henry's knuckles with soft kisses. "You know what, me and your father is going to buy you both the best Mexican food in town for Henry." Ellen says as she stood and Oscar joined her.
"Mum, no." Alex shook his head at her, "What why?" She protest.
"His stomach is practically bleeding and tell me one Mexican food that has no spices." Alex added and it made her stopped and Henry chuckled. "Ah, I forgot." She said placing her handbag down on the chair and she took a sit on the arm rest.
"How about some porridge from Kwan's?" Oscar asks and Henry groaned in disgusts. "Yeah no, we both had our bad share of food poisoning at that place." Alex commented and Henry smiled. "That was horrible night." He added and Alex smiled remembering both him and Henry was literally on the floor having the worst food poisoning of their lives. But to Henry this is worst than any food poisoning ever.
"Well you both are the one who stayed in New York, you tell us then. Or have you guys already been to literally every restaurant here." Henry chuckled laughing at her and Alex joined him. "You guys go ahead eat whatever you want. I'm fine, they will sent the hospital food soon I think." Henry says not wanting them to burst their mind in thinking of food and Ellen can see why Alex loves Henry that much. He never think of himself but always others.
"We'll think of something. Hospital food can be your plan B," She said before she went and kiss Henry's temple and left the room followed by Oscar.
Henry recovered remarkably well for the next few days and he was finally offed with the blood thinner and his last brain scan had improved, no new bleeding and his stomach has lessen in pain as he recalled. He never did rely on the medication and he doesn't feel like using at all which made Alex proud.
He was allowed to be discharged and since Alex's parents are still in town, they wanted to make a small welcoming home party for Henry. But as soon as Henry exited the elevator his mind wander towards the memories of that night. He stopped and Alex noticed, "Hen?" He called when Henry's gaze set towards Miguel's apartment.
"He is caught, he's not here to hurt you." Alex says and returns Henry gaze back to him. He can see how Henry shook in fear of seeing Miguel every time the elevator door open.
"I still don't believe he was capable of doing something like that." Henry says and his hands are still wrapped around Alex's letting him dragged Henry towards their door. "Me too but I don't care anymore. He deserves it." He says and the moment Alex opened the door with his card, Henry was greeted with multiple balloons and welcome home signed and inside the apartment stood Alex's parents and Nora screaming in happiness.
Henry smiled widely at them before he entered and Alex guided him towards the couch. "I'm so glad you are alright." Nora says after Henry took a seat on the couch and Alex disappeared into his room. Henry saw Ellen and Oscar had cook them food and it looks and smell absolutely delicious.
There was tortellini soup with chicken enchiladas but it was different than the one Alex had made him. Oscar's one is more authentic and the smell is bringing hunger in Henry's stomach. Alex returned back into the room finding Henry is talking with his father so he joined his mother in the kitchen.
She was cutting the vegetables to make the salad bowl and Alex grabbed the olive oil from the cabinet and he can't believe his apartment kitchen has this much of food. The last time he had this much food was actually Christmas party probably five years ago but all of it was leftover.
He handed her the olive oil and he saw his mother is smiling at him and he smiled back confused at her. "I miss this." She says and Alex can see why she feels that. Alex loves helping his parents in the kitchen while June sat and tried everything on the table but she won't help.
"I miss this too ma." Alex says and kissed her on her cheek before he went to the living room with a glass of champagne in his hand. He sat down the glass on the table and seated beside Henry on the couch bringing his arm around Henry's shoulder and he leaned into his chest.
The all sat and ate till their stomachs are full and Henry couldn't feel anymore happier. He is home, right here in his heart, he is home and it is a lot better than what he had before. He wonder sometimes if his parents aren't dead, would he still meet Alex in his lifetime. Would they be a couple or would Alex still falls in love with him even when he isn't helpless.
He didn't realized he was staring into spaces and Alex was talking to him but he didn't realized and they all sat in silence. It was only when Alex's hand cupped Henry's cheek that made him gasped in shocked and his eyes turned to him surprised.
"What?" He asks and Alex sighed, "You're home Henry, you're safe. Don't think so hard." Alex told him and he smiled nodding in his palm. But he couldn't stop thinking about it. His mind thought about Alex, how they are going to be a couple from now on, then his mind goes to his father's will and testament, what should he do now that he is more stable. Should he get a new place? Would Alex be pleased? But if he left then Alex would might think that Henry wanted to leave him.
His mind wanders more and he noticed when all of them had gone leaving him both and Alex alone in the apartment that it starts to be more real than he ever felt.
"Babe. Come on. What's on your mind?" He asks as soon as he plopped down on the couch next to Henry. Henry finally looked up and take a look around the apartment noticing everyone had left and the apartment is quieter than earlier.
His eyes sets to the door and he knows Alex locked it every time they are inside. Alex noticed Henry's silent and was rather worried about him. "Babe." He called again cupping Henry's cheek and Henry gasped. "Come back to me." He whispered and Henry leaned into his chest and he exhaled in relief.
"I'm scared Alex." He says and Alex had his eyebrow furrowed at his words, "Of what baby? Miguel?" He asks and Henry shook his head. "Of life." He said and Alex could understand what he meant by that. "Listen Hen." Alex pushed him up and stared into his eyes making sure Henry would listen to what he had to say.
"It is scary knowing now you had more responsibilities but no one is asking you to starts immediately. You can take your time, think of what is your next step. Take a vacation if you want." He suggested but Henry shook his head. "It's not that." He said and Alex had his eyebrow crooked further not understanding what Henry meant.
"All my years, the one thing I know for sure is that I'm going to die alone. Either I OD'ed somewhere or die in coldness of the winter I was never afraid to embrace the death that is coming. Because I know I won't disappoint anyone. No one will miss me when I'm gone." Alex can see Henry's eyes filled with tears and when he blinks it fell right on his cheek.
"But now. I have you. I have Nora and I can't disappoint you both. I'm scared that one day I would. That I would start to feel cutting again or using again because that feeling will come either way. No one would save me from that Alex. Not even you." Henry broke in more tears and Alex held his cheek with his palm.
"I can't disappoint you Alex. Not after what you have done to save me from myself. I can't look at you in the eyes when all I'm thinking about is hurting my own. That guilt I had, I won't be able to hide it from you." Alex can see why it's so hard for Henry to stop hurting. All his life, people had disappoint him over and over. He had no prospect of relying on someone but himself. He had literally no one to tell him to stop and in times, there will be the darkest days for Henry and Alex knew he can't be there all the time for him.
"Are you tired?" He asks and Henry still sniffing his cries had his eyebrow crooked confused. "What? Why?" He asks and Alex smiled, "Cause I want to show you something." He said and Alex immediately stood and went into their room grabbing Henry and his coat with couple of beanies for their head. It's cold and it's snowing outside so he had to make sure Henry is not cold.
Henry was putting on his socks when Alex noticed how he is struggling with his hand pain from the injection areas for his IV so he helped him. He crouched down to Henry's ankle level and helped putting on his fluffy socks that Alex bought and tied his boots before he grabbed the scarf from the wall and wrapped them around Henry's neck.
They both walked for about ten minutes and Alex stops by the entrance of a wooden door and waited for Henry. He smiled seeing his noses are red and his pale skin are almost yellow because of his blood loss and he knows Henry should be resting by now but he need Henry to see it. He needed Henry in his life longer than he expects it. He needs Henry to survive his demon for the sake of their relationship.
"Ready?" He asks and Henry still frowning at the cold waited for Alex to open the door and inside it was warmer. They both walked in to hear the soft choir singing and only then Henry noticed it was a church group for people to volunteer but the more Henry walked inside only he noticed, it was an orphanage and a homeless shelter combined under one roof.
"ALEX!" The girls screamed when they saw him and Alex smiled happily to see them. He took out his coat and took Henry's with him to hang by the wall and Henry took out his beanies staring at them cooking, setting plates and by the corner, the choir practicing a song that Henry might have heard once or twice in his life.
"Where have you been? It's been a while since you came here to help us." One of the girl said and Alex went to give her a hug. "I'm so sorry, work is super busy this time of years and I kind of - met someone." Alex said and they both turned to Henry by the door still holding on to his beanie feared of stepping further.
"Everyone, that's Henry, love of my life." Henry smiled after he heard Alex said who he was and the girls cooed at him and Henry had to hide away his shy but Alex pulled him closer. "I want you to see it Henry. I want you to feel the love from this place." He whispered into his ear as they walked around the area and Henry's eyes set on the kids running around the gathering space. They look happy even they had nothing in this world.
Henry heard them calling him to join the church practice and Henry smiled shyly to decline but ended up being dragged to the old and worn out piano and sat down. His fingers finding the rusted key and he trailed it side to side.
"I'm sorry but I'm a bit rusty." He said and they all smiled at him. His fingers found the right key and slowly his hands starts playing the softest melody he remembered and his voice followed after. Alex never heard him singing before, probably in the shower or the kitchen but not really singing more to humming.
This time he heard him, voice soft like an angel it made people there cried in tears when they heard him. Henry's was so deep into his song and his fingers felt like it had his own memories in them as he let it take control. It was later when he realized he was lost in his song when the whole group cheered and whistled at him and he smiled shyly at them thanking them.
"I never know you had such a beautiful voice." Alex says after Henry finally joined him. "There a lot more you don't know about me, Mr Claremont-Diaz." He says and Alex smirked at him before they both leaned into a deep kiss. Some awed but they can hear some of the kids section eww them and Henry laughs.
Alex was right for bringing Henry here tonight. He can see his purpose now, helping others that was in the same journey as him. Having nothing left in the world and barely survives. He knows what it feels like, being left with nothing and have nothing to survive, no family, no partner, no money and no food to survive, Henry could see where his future is heading.
He can see from the corner Alex is not just here to help but he is also helping checking on the elderly who had no insurance or money to get helped. Those who had injuries and barely had enough money to pay for food, Alex helped them. He felt complete, happy and contented by being here with Alex and he can't help but feeling sorry for how overwhelming it is for Alex to help them all.
It was late when they got home and both stumbling into their dark apartment and Henry was pulled into Alex's room instead of going into his. "From now on, you sleeps here." He said as he took Henry's clothes off. "Is that so?" Henry asks and Alex nodded grinning in happiness as he kneeled down and unbuckled Henry's pants.
Henry exhaled when Alex kissed him on the line of his torso down to his lower abdomen and his body shudders upon his lips touching his skin. "Alex." He whispered and Alex hummed before he stood and pulled Henry by his neck to seal them into a kiss.
It wasn't anything sexual and there were no penetration to show how much they love each other. They both settled into each other's embrace and fell asleep as soon as they hit the pillow. It was an exhausting day, for both of them especially Alex.
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