Part 15

Henry felt the warmth of his body started to press him more into his chest and made him finally awake. He flickered his eyes opened and adjusted to the room finding him in bed underneath the blanket and the monitor beeps next to him in slow regular rhythm. He looked around the room finding someone particular but failed.

He raised himself on his elbow pulling on the oxygen tube away from his face cause it was hurting his ears and below his neck and he breaths normally into the room air. His eyes sets on the curling body right below his bed on his side and he felt relieve.

He reached down to his side and shook Alex to wake, "Alex." He called stroking his curly hair with his fingers and soon he opened his eyes wide in shock thinking Henry was in troubled and he immediately sat up on the floor. "What? What is it? Are you in pain?" He asks confused to the surrounding when he opened his eyes.

He could see the look on Henry's face dropped when he shot up like that, and soon relaxed seeing him fine on the bed. "I'm fine, can you please get off the floor and lay down here with me?" He asks and Alex exhaled before he stood and climbed on the bed under Henry's blanket and Henry gives way so he could fit in together by his side.

Henry laid on his chest as Alex wrapped his arm around Henry's shoulder and they both exhaled in relieve. "Why didn't you go home and rest?" Henry finally asks and he could feel Alex is staring at the ceiling above them circling his fingers over Henry's arm.

"I couldn't leave you. I was worried that-" he stopped and Henry looks up to meet his gaze and he could see the redness in Alex's eyes glistened. Henry leaned to kiss him on his cheek and he smiled turning his gaze towards him. "I'm fine. I'm safe." He said and Alex nodded before he leaned to kiss him on his forehead.

Henry felt Alex finger running through his hair trying to feel the bump that Miguel had caused and he sighed, "It's coming down now. How's your headache?" He asks and Henry silent, he nodded softly but Alex know better, "Don't lie Henry." He said and Henry looked up to meet his eyes again, "It's better, I think the medication helps cause I don't feel my head shaking and I don't feel like vomiting."

Alex nodded hugging him closer and kissed the top of his head, "How's your stomach?" He asks and Henry tugs the shirt on his abdomen and nodded, "Better but the heat, I can still feel it." He said and Alex nodded again, "I think they're gonna let you starts on liquids today if you're feeling better and we will see." Henry nodded, "Can I drink some now? My throat hurts so bad." He says and his hands went to touch his neck feeling the pricking pain on the inside.

Alex sighed again before he sat up and get off the bed only to circle around Henry's bed and went to his other bedside. He poured some water from the jug mixed with some hot water and Henry sat up watching him. He sat on the bed next to Henry and handed him the glass and Henry gulped it down in seconds. "Not so much, your stomach is empty, I don't want you to vomit." He says and Henry nodded before he gave him back the glass and laid on the bed followed by Alex after. They returned to their old position only Alex was on the other side and Henry circled his arm around Alex torso pressing his cheek on Alex's chest.

"I swear I saw your parents yesterday? Was it a dream?" He asks and Alex lightly laughs at him, "They're here, for you." He said and Henry looked up confused. "Why?" He asks and Alex returned the gaze, "Because they care about you. We all are. Especially me." Alex whispered the last word and Henry smiled pressing his cheek deeper.

"Thank you." He said and he could see Alex's face dropped, "Don't. I don't deserved it." He said and Henry can hear the break in his voice. "Stop blaming yourself Alex. All my life I know how people look at me. But I know you and I know how much you care. You don't look at me that way. Not like anyone else." Henry cupped his cheek and he could see a single tear fell on Alex's temple when he blinks.

"I love you Hen." He says and he could see Henry's eyes widen and his mouth gaped a little. "I never love anyone like I love you. I never thought about this before but seeing you almost die, I could feel part of me dies too. I was so scared of losing you and now I know how much you mean to me. I don't care if you don't feel the same and I'm not putting pressure on you or anything but-" Alex was interrupted when Henry crashed their lips together and their teeth collided but soon he melted into their kiss and he let Henry kissed him harder.

"I love you too." Henry finally says after their lips detached and he leaned his forehead against Alex's cheek. "I owe you my life but I know that I love you more than that." Henry could feel his tears coming down on his cheek as he looked into Alex's eyes.

"From the moment I saw you, after I woke up in the ICU, I wanted to know you. I wanted to touch you but I was to fixed on the idea of ending my own life. But you give me hope, you give me courage, strength and you give me all you have to help me survived this. I know I might not be the best person for you, I know you can actually find someone better than me but I don't care. I settled by being your friend, they boy you helped or someone that you knew cause I was grateful enough to be part of your life for now."

Alex pressed his lips over Henry's again but this time he went softly and deeply in one breath. Henry exhaled in relief still had his eyes closed.

"I don't want anyone else, I want you. You are all that matters to me now." He says and Henry opened his eyes to meet Alex's deep brown, Henry raised his hand to stroke Alex's cheek and Alex kissed the inside of his palm in returned. He kissed lower into Henry's faint scar line and over his healed scar that he had previously cut recently and Henry shudders but for the first time in his life, he didn't pull away, he let him kiss all of his imperfection to make it better.

"Promise me something." Alex asks, Henry stared at his eyes again and waited for him to continue, "Promise you don't give up on us. That when the day is too difficult for you, you leaned on me as I will do the same to you. That the first thing you would try to find is me not the blades. Promise me Henry." Alex gripped on Henry's wrist harder and his eyes sets straight into Henry's hazel one and he saw him slowly nodded.

"I promise. But you have to promise me something else." He asks and Alex slowly released his gripped over Henry's wrist waited for him to continue, "That you don't believe anyone else before it came from my own lips. That you trust me enough to listen to both side of the story." Alex clenched his jaw tight and Henry could see his him nodded in apologetic way.

"I promised Henry." They both leaned to give one final kiss to each other before they were interrupted by someone knocking on the door.

Alex looked to his side finding Santos standing by the door holding his coat in his hand and a smile plastered all over his face. "Good morning." He said before he walked further into the room. Alex smiled climbed off the bed and gave him a firm handshake before the older guy pulled him into his hug. Henry was confused at what was going one but waited patiently for an introduction.

"I'll be damned, your mother's right, he is handsome. I would be gay too if I saw him." Alex snorted before he breaks into a laughed and pulled him closer to Henry.

"Hen, I want you to meet someone that has been helping my family over the years." Alex says as he pulled Santos closer and Alex sat on Henry's bed after Henry sat up and reached Santos hand in a handshake.

"This is Detective Luis Santos, NYPD." Santos reached Henry's hand giving him a soft handshake seeing him still recovering in bed. "Nice to meet you but why you said that he helped your family before?" Henry asks and saw Santos sitting on the chair next to him with his coat over his lap.

"He's the one that found June." Alex says not moving his gaze towards the older guy and Alex hand still tangled with Henry's. It was a shock to Henry and he gripped it harder and Alex smiled. "He is also here to help me finding Miguel for what he did to you." Henry shook his head in despair and Alex furrowed his eyebrow.

"I don't care about him. He can hurt me all he wants but I'm ready to move on now." Henry says and leaned against his bed. "And let him get away after what he did to you? Aren't you mad Henry? He almost killed you, he hurt you cause he was jealous and you think he could get away with it? I vote NO!" Alex raised his voice in anger and Henry couldn't argue with him.

"He's not the first one who tried and succeeded in hurting me, Alex." Henry said and Alex stared at him confused, "Phillip." Santos says breaking the silence between them. Henry shot him a look surprised at Santos knowing about his past.

"I did a background check on you." He said and Henry exhaled shaking in his bed. "What he did to you, it was beyond human to me. Throwing his own brother into a life he didn't deserve just because he is different." He said and Henry could feel the shakiness starts spreading towards his fingers and Alex noticed. He gripped them in between his and Henry turned his gaze at him.

"But because you didn't do anything, Phillip has total control over your life. He made you live like a rat while he enjoys caviar in the morning. That is not fair Henry, not to you, not to your family. I actually spoken to your family lawyer over phone the other day. He was beyond relieve after he heard you still alive and he gave me this." He said and took out an envelop from his coat and handed it to Henry.

"What is it?" He asks and he tear the envelop open to find his dad will and testament with his name and a letter for him from his father.

Dear Henry,

I know I left too soon for you and your siblings and especially your dear mother. But if you found this letter, it means my prediction is true. That your brother is a waste of my name. I knew you right after you were born that your heart is pure and different than anyone else. If my lawyer had found you and gave you this, I assumed the worst had happened and I am sorry my dear boy. I'm so sorry that life got into you my son, I assure you everything will get better after this. I promised you that life will get better for you and I hope you found someone to share it with in love, compassion and patience just like  what you are made of. I love you Henry, I miss you and I hope you are well. I love you guys always and forever.


Henry tears starts pouring down on his cheek and he hugged it close to his heart. Alex gripped his hand harder and he looked up to meet his eyes, he handed him to read and he turned to Santos next to him with a smile on his face. "Thank you." He said and Santos smiled patting his shoulder as he stood.

"JESUS HENRY! You fucking RICHER than me!" Henry smiled and laughs shaking his head but Santos already ahead of him, he smacked Alex's head with the back of his palm and he growled in pain. "Behave." He said and Alex rubs his head feeling the smack hurt him a little but Henry pulled him by his neck and kissed him. "I love you." He said and Alex smiled leaning into his kiss more. "I love you more." 

Henry stared into the letter in his hand with his father testament written with his name and his signature, Arthur Fox. Henry smiled missing the way his father used to write his name and the ink on the paper had reminded Henry of his life back in London. How his father used to sit by his desk writing and typing, signing documents while he and Bea played by his table and Phillip was screaming at them to stop.

His tears fell again on his cheek as he stroke his thumb over his father's name and saw the asset he had kept under Henry's name, none of it Phillip had any idea of and how it would kill him if he found out. "Thank you dad." He whispered and folded the letter back into the envelop and kept it close to him.

"We think we might have lead on Miguel." Santos said after and saw Alex turned his head sharply at him. "That's good news, are you going to arrest him." He asks and Henry waited for Santos to reply. "Only if Henry signed this." He said handing him another paper. Henry took it from his hand and saw it was the written report made by Santos from what Alex had told him and he was supposed to sign right under so it can be made official as an assault.

Henry gripped the paper harder reading on the words typed on the report, the flashes of memories from that night had come flooded into his mind and his shakiness returned. Alex noticed how hard for him to accept the fact he is still alive after what he did and his hand went back to Henry's shaking one and they both stared into each other's eyes.

"It's okay Henry. Everything will get better soon, I promised. You just need to sign it and let them do the rest." He said and Henry licked his lips feeling the dryness in his throat as he swallowed.

"Then what?" He asks and Alex looked deeper into Henry's eyes, "Then we move on with our lives, putting all of these behind us, start a new chapter for you and me both." Henry felt the gripped on his hand tighter and he nodded. He took the pen from Santos and signed right on the dotted line where the complaint name should be and handed back to Santos.

"Well this investigation is now officially active." Santos stood again and grabbed his phone from his pocket and speed dial the number and it took only seconds for them to answer, "He signed it, get him." He gives the order and ended the call right after.

Henry exhaled in exhaustion before he leaned back on the pillow feeling the tiredness overcome him. His dizziness is back now and he felt worn. "You okay?" Alex asks and noticed the paleness returned to Henry's face, "Just tired." He slurs and he could barely opened his eyes. He kept swallowing his throat and Alex noticed his heart just dropped deeper from the machine.

"Call for help." He said to Santos and he rushed out to get the nurse. "Hen, Henry opened your eyes and listened to me." He tapped Henry's cheek and he was drifting in his half wake and his eyes is too weak to open. "I'm floating." He whispered leaning his head back on to the pillow and Alex got worried.

The nurse finally came into the room and checked on Henry's sugar and noticed it was slightly low. He hasn't eaten and they had him on drips but it wasn't enough from all of the blood loss. So they shot him with a glucose shot and he can see his heart returned back to normal. But Henry had fallen asleep from what happened and Alex let him rest. 

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