Part 1

"Look man, it's all I got." Henry says handing the guy a roll of dollars in his hand as he wrapped his one arm around his body. This year has been colder than his previous years and he is afraid that he might not be strong enough to stay in this weather.

"Listen, I told you, it's twenty or nothing." The guy in black hoodie with dark colored pants standing by the sidewalk says as his eyes lurked looking for potential red and blue for trouble.

"It's all I had, I promised I give the rest once I got my money." Henry tried to plead to this person's mercy knowing he wasn't standing in the street passing pity to people. "Beat it." He shoved Henry hard and it triggered him. Henry eyed him with anger and unknowingly shoved him back and the guy body hits against the wall. "You son of a -"

The guy grabbed Henry by his shirt and pushed him hard one more time before shoving him back and he accidentally tripped his ankle by the curb corner and stepped onto the street. But before he could actually realized he was in the vehicle lanes,  the next thing he knew is couple of bright lights coming from his side and he was met with darkness.


It was typical November night for Alex when he started his shifts at the New York county Emergency Room for the last three years now. He had his blue scrubs on and a stethoscope well placed on his shoulder as he fast walked towards his patients room with metal folders in his hand. He pulled the curtain revealing the guy sitting on the bed waiting for him.

"Look Frank, like I told you, we need the bed and you are ready to be discharged. Please, don't make me call the security." He says as he signed the papers and handed it to him. The guy, Frank is a frequent visitor in their ER for the past decades and this time around the year is where they would fake any sort of injuries to seek warmth inside their hospital.

But unfortunately for him, tonight they are over crowding and Alex had direct orders from his leader to discharged whoever is able. "It's cold man, where would I go?" The guy says as he took the paper from Alex and crumpled them in his hand before shoving into his coat pocket. He looks dirty with his pepper hair and his mustache not groom but Alex couldn't care less.  

"I don't know man, the shelter." Alex suggests and Frank clicked his tongue. "Shelter is full, plus with this cold, I bet it was full since 2002." Alex snorted before he helped Frank from his seat and headed out from the room.

"Listen, I know a place, it's downtown but I think they would help." Alex says as he scribbled some words over the paper and passed it to him. "This is way too far Alex, I don't have any bus money. I can't walk in this cold that far." He says and Alex sighed.

He took out couple of dollars from his pocket before handed it to him but before he could grabbed it Alex pulled back and shifted a warning look towards him, "No booze or drugs. This is for bus money and I expect you to use it accordingly." He warned and the guy sighed before taking the money from Alex's finger.

"Thanks Alex." He mutters and Alex smiled patting him on his back before seeing him leaving the hospital ground alone like he always did. He remembers the first time he saw Frank here when he was doing his residency and it was hard seeing him like this. Every couple of months he would come in complaining of pain over his foot or maybe his chest or sometimes his head but Alex knew, it was actually the company he wanted, not treatment. He was lonely. After losing his wife and his daughter in a house fire, he was homeless and the state had put him in bankruptcy after claiming he burn down their house for insurance purposes.

Little did they know, if he had a better lawyer or at least some money to fight, they would know he was an innocent man and the reason for his wife and his family died was actually the landlord failed to restore battery in the fire alarm and no one noticed the fire until it was too late. He was at work and he literally ran home when he heard the news but ended up losing everything he owned.

Alex sighed thinking how bad life treated some people and wonder if he wasn't born into a well family, he might ended up the same.

His thoughts were rather interrupted when he saw an ambulance parked outside the entrance and the guy literally jumped to open the door before revealing the paramedics performing CPR on a guy on their stretcher before he wheeled it into the entrance.

"Trauma team!" The EMS screamed and Alex exhaled before they reached him and he yelled, "RESUS INCOMING!" He guided them towards their red zone area where they used it to resuscitate patients and in this case, critical one.

"What do we got?" Alex's Head of Emergency Department, Dr Sofia who happens to be in the area and loves helping her team whenever they are in need. She grabbed the gloves from the compartment and saw them bringing in the stretcher closer to theirs with the guy still on top of the patient pumping his chest back to life.

"Male, caucasian, probably mid or late twenties, hit and run. Not responsive on scene, no pulse, no breathing, CPR initiated. Possible femur fractured and multiple ribs with positive internal hemorrhage." The paramedics continued and they started to move him to the next bed.

"Hold CPR." Dr Sofia said and she pressed on the guy's neck while Alex waited on the other side of the bed for them to move. He could barely see him with the tube on his face and the blood coming out of his nose. "There's pulse." She says and they transferred him within seconds by her command.

Alex took a shear cutter from his pants pocket and starts to cut the guy shirts and he could see what the EMT mentioned earlier. They were bruises on his abdomen and his chest looks slightly asymmetrical in one glanced. But the shirt he's wearing, Alex wonder who wears something like this out in the cold. 

"What are we looking for Dr Diaz?" Dr Sofia asked as she took control of bagging the air into the guy's throat while they set up a respirator for him. "Uhm- possible hepatic injury on the right side of the abdomen." He says still placing the monitors on the guy's chest.

"And?" Sofia asks and Alex knew she is not here to humiliate him but rather keeping him focus and teaches him in a process. "We need a FAST scan right here!" Alex yelled and she smiled softly nodding her head. "What else?" She asks and Alex hesitated to answer her but after he took a few breaths, he continued.

"Possible pneumothorax based on the flail chest, multiple ribs fractured considering it might have punctured the guy's lungs." Alex starts, "How do you confirm?" She asks and Alex stood for a second before grabbing his stethoscope from his neck and listened to the guy's lung.

"Nothing on the right side, we need portable too." He yelled and the nurse calling from behind him getting his orders. "We need O neg down here." Alex yelled again and the nurse asked him how much he need and he just raised his four finger while he listened more on the guy abdomen.

"Alex, you don't have your resources right now, what you need to do?" She asks and Alex stops and stares at the guy which he found quite attractive for a kid. "Chest tubes." He mutters and she nods before letting someone else took over her placed and proceed to help Alex inserting the chest tube into the guy's chest.

Alex could feel his whole body shakes when he was prepped into the procedure right in the middle of their mess and the moment he put on his sterile gloves, he could feel how shaky his hands were. Sofia noticed how he tried to hide his trembled and diverted his eyes towards her. "Focus, everything will be alright, I'm right here." She says and she knew how bad his anxiety is especially in this kind of situation.

She grabbed a chair for him to sit and he did reluctantly and they handed him the trolley next to his with instruments on top. He took a gauze soaked it with iodine before he cleaned the guy's broad chest and finished it to the side. He had to admit, the guy is quite thin not too busty but quite muscular enough and his skin is soft and pale.

Alex swallowed his throat holding on to the scalpel as he hold the guy's chest in his hand and can't help hiding his shakiness. "Breathe." Sofia whispered next to him and he did before exhaling into his mask.

"You got this. I know you can. You can do this in your sleep." She says and Alex took another breath before he pressed the cold blade into the pale skin. It bleed a little from the half inch cut he made and Sofia wiped it with a gauze letting Alex continued spreading the wound with his finger.

The procedure is not that hard for Alex but Sofia knows his anxiety is making him hard to work sometimes but she knows Alex is one of the best doctor here.

Few minutes later, he placed the tubed and sutured into the guy's skin, surprised at the blood coming out from the inside of the tube. "So it's not pneumo, it's haemothorax. Luckily you placed them lower." She says and Alex smiled nodding taking proud of his work.

"He's a junkie." One of the nurses said and it brought Alex attention. She was on the other side before he stood up from the stool and went to her side. He could see marks on the guy's left hand from the needle he used an it seems fresh and slightly lower, a multiple faint white lines on the guy's forearm.

"Too cute to be a druggie." Sofia says cleaning up the blood on the guy's arm and chest. "Maybe he's a twink?" The nurse says and Alex hated how she can be so forward sometimes. "Not our place to talk about someone. Any ID?" He asks and truthfully, that is what Sofia loves about Alex, he never bad mouth about his patients, doesn't matter how bad they are or how poor they are.

"Only this." The other nurse handed him a wallet which appears to be empty only a photo of family of five he assumed this guy's family photos. He saw there are people he assumed are the parent with their children, two boys and one girl, all shared the same hair colored and although the photo is a bit wrinkled and almost torn, the father is quite a good looking man, which explains why the guy is attractive. Alex assumed this guy is the last in his family seeing the elder son is nothing like him and he probably almost two or three in this picture.

He flipped the picture and saw the writing on the back, 

"London, 1994. Fox family. Arthur, Catherine, Phillip, Beatrice, little Henry." 

He mumbles and saw Sofia next to him eyeing the picture together. "Henry Fox, we got a name." She says and told one of the clerks for his record if any.

"Poor guy." He mumbles and placed his belonging into the plastic bag before they pushed him into the radiology for CT Trauma protocol and Alex decides, he would follow him until the very end. 

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